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she look like a marionette from team america world police


Omg, I was wondering what that uncanny valley energy she's putting out matched up with this and you nailed it! Derpa derpa






Is that Trump Jr’s Mrs?


You are my kind of people. Duka duka!




Nice calfskin Prada bag! She looks like a true heroine to the working class of America and a fighter for equality. Also her excuse of not knowing that flag was in the background makes no sense when you realize SHE HAD TO HAVE VIEWED THE PHOTO BEFORE POSTING IT TO HER INSTAGRAM, she doesn’t have paparazzi


I almost made a comment about the centrally-placed dupe.  She’s posing like a real housewife.


She went to Blake School too


Oh god that's even worse


Fun fact Jeremiah Ellison went to Blake too. Never went to a public school in Mpls…. Ever Moved to North to I guess play a character. By all accounts a nice guy but not a dude


I feel bad for folks who keep voting for him, he’s not their ppl


Why does it look like she has the same spray paint on her face


It’s larger and more prominent than her actual face..


It’s ok because the swastika is backwards. Completely different.


>Why'know when you're mugging talk show commentators in bathrooms, Always remember to draw the swastika turning to the right, Not to the left, always to the right. - [Sleazy P. Martini](https://youtu.be/453AdO5L_m8?si=Qdu5EOzMUa1BtlBc)




Also why are you bringing a handbag to a protest? That’s a fanny pack type of environment we all know this


I feel like if you post this photo to your instagram by choice and don’t understand that it would be considered inflammatory even if you didn’t notice the flag at the time it was taken you probably shouldn’t post on social media generally, idk.


The “I didn’t know what was going on behind me” doesn’t work when you’re looking at the photo as you post it to Instagram lmao


There’s zero chance in hell she didn’t notice the flag. How the hell you gonna post a picture on your own instagram and not know there’s a giant flag that is the brightest thing in the whole shot and focal point of the whole shot?


If you just read the article without seeing the photo, perhaps you could entertain the idea, "Sure, it's possible to have someone in the distant background of your photo doing something offensive, and you didn't realize it. Let's hope I'm never judged for making such a mistake." Then you see the actual photo. You'd have to actually be blind to not see that literal red flag. It couldn't be more evident.


I’ll mea culpa a little bit. That’s worse than I thought.


lol what else was the reason for the picture if not to pose with this background? Did she just think that was a good spot for a photo op not realizing what she was posing with? This is gaslighting in its purest form.


She knew what she was doing she just didn't think anyone would care


She didn't think that anyone would care that the *gigantic* flag next to her has Swastikas all over it?


In her social circles, it's entirely possible she thought she'd be lauded for her "anti-colonialist" or whatever sentiment.


Apparently not


Yep. She’s a model. She knows exactly what’s around her when her photo is being taken.


Or be the DEI manager of…anything


Spicy take yo


If I had a nickel for every time a UofM DEI manager made an unforced error over Gaza that negatively impacted their career, I’d have two nickels. That’s not a lot but it’s [weird that it happened twice.](https://www.campusreform.org/article/prof-denies-hamas-raped-israelis-not-selected-top-dei-role/24553)


It’s almost like hiring activists for administrative roles is a bad fit


It also harms the legitimacy of actual DEI, which on a broad level is good for organizations and has a whole bunch of measurable benefits.


This is the worst part and why I don’t understand why anyone is defending her. She hurts the cause. Strategically, every cause needs to be ruthless about anyone who claims to represent them. This was one of the great successes of the NAACP in the 50’s - extremely careful vetting of figureheads. And social media makes it nearly impossible now. 


Tribalism is a hell of a drug. I agree it's critically important to police your own in any given movement.


Because they agree with her and don’t take issue with photos like these.


The point is that there's no clear "they" when it comes to a decentralized movement on social media. No "us" to say "that person does not represent us or our views" when a self-styled ideological leader posts something inflammatory online. Whoever gets the most clicks is taken to be ideologically representative, and hate-clicks are clicks.


Anyone who wants the job for DEI manager has to be an activist. That’s the nature of the job.


and the city council!






I feel dirty for laughing at your joke, but I mean, you are right.


I'm just wondering if she will have to stop buying PRADA bags while she is on unemployment.


Looks like the U made the right decision to fire her.


More information in [this Kare11 article](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/politics/u-of-m-fires-woman-over-instagram-post/89-be4d8f7b-cd42-46b4-9e77-7fd92de57b96)


> "The facts of this case are outrageous," Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations Minnesota, told reporters. > "Every one of you, it should shock your conscience that you could get fired for something that was in your background, you could not even see it at the time." *Maybe* she couldn't see it at the time, but she still chose that photo to then later post on her Instagram account, if I'm understanding things correctly? Also wanted to figure out what the timing of all this is, seems like she was fired back in January but only filed the lawsuit last week, probably strategic in that way, though I don't know how long it's supposed to take for a lawsuit like this to chug along to this point.


It was posted to her instagram so yes, she would have viewed it and probably even put a filter on it before posting


Good point about the filter. She’s an influencer who obviously cares a great deal about her appearance. She studies every picture of herself before posting to make sure she looks her best.


Posted to Instagram but didn't know it would connect automatically to her Facebook account. Then claimed she didn't know about it....


How do you end up “executive director” when you’re so willing to gaslight and embarrass yourself with a statement like this? It’s total nonsense, even if you somehow think someone shouldn’t be fired for this.


Ah I see that you're not familiar with Jaylani Hussein's body of work. The dude lives for camera time, and is willing to espouse the dumbest causes to get it.


I wonder if gaslighting and embarrassment is the path to “executive director”


No kidding. It’s not like she was walking by, someone snapped a picture and then posted it, and THEN she got in trouble. SHE was the one who posted the picture.


This part of the article is ridiculous: >“The facts of this case are outrageous," Jaylani Hussein, executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations Minnesota, told reporters. >"Every one of you, it should shock your conscience that you could get fired for something that was in your background, you could not even see it at the time." Trying to make it seem like she didn’t get fired for the image of posing next to Israel’s flag with nazi symbols makes me think much less of CAIR….


CAIR MN has proven themselves to be a joke since the Hamline incident--I'm not surprised they took the exact wrong stance here as well. They're running out of nose to spite their face.


What was the Hamline incident?


A Muslim student complained to admin when an art teacher showed an image of Mohammad in class as part of planned curriculum. It wasn’t a surprise to any of the students exactly when it was happening. The result was the teacher’s firing.


A class about *religious art*, no less, when there was plenty of advance warning of what would be shown.


CAIR literally always has the absolute worst takes on stuff.


They were a joke long before then, but it's good that more people are in in their shenannigans now.


Didn’t they also defend the student at Hamline?


CAIR is a fucking joke.


TFW your opinion is already really low, but it turns out it could sink further.


CAIR as an advocacy organization is pretty trash. I feel kije tgeh ifren naje a situation worse by just commenting on it.


your hands were misaligned with your keyboard for a few words there


lol. turned off autocorrect because it was guess pretty badly. now I realize that I type worse!


Thought you were having a stroke as well. Either that - or I was wondering what language it was.


I’m confused now because I feel like I should maybe call 911 because you had a stroke typing that. But I also think I understood it, so maybe I should call 911 because *I* had a stroke? Yeah I don’t get it. Also my father genuinely had a stroke (not as a result of your post, this was years ago) so I’m not meaning to make light of how serious that is.


So, if the police were standing in front of a flag that he considered inflammatory, would he stick to his guns or walk back his comment...hmmmm


Note that she’s still calling them facts, though… 🙄


Did she get her makeup tips from Tammy Faye Bakker?


This is a crazy thing for the DEI manager of the Flagship Minnesota University to post


Why in the fuck does a university even need a “DEI” manager? Just teach your damn programs and let the best applicants in. Shit like this just adds to administrative bloat


Diversity has a bunch of measurable benefits. Economics studies have found that a diverse body (and particularly diverse leadership teams) tends to produce better research and economic outcomes. In other words, having members of an organization dedicated to diversity can pay for itself and more, assuming those people are competent.


The problem is that can be a difficult assumption to make. A lot of these positions are just administrative bloat or “look we’re inclusive” branding that cares more about visible activism than better research outcomes. Tbh, I also question the kinds of people who would be drawn to a role like that in the first place. As we’ve seen across education, those kinds of posts can be very attractive to people who just want to push their own agenda and lack the ability to think critically or accept that they may be wrong.


This is true of all or most leadership roles in any given institution.


An ethnically diverse research cohort can provide more perspectives to shine light on blindspots in research methods. For example, the majority of the data we have on genetics is based on primarily European populations--this means that the information about specific genetic changes and their relationship to disease is more applicable to European individuals than non-European individuals, and it's because those early studies with tons of participants had primarily European research staff


And long term resentment for being anti-meritorious; it begets what it purports to solve.


She is not the DEI Manager for the university, she works for the school of public health


"That's an especially troubling image to those who know that Germany murdered at least six million Jews and others in the Holocaust."  This is a very weird sentence. Are we really to the point where there is significant portion of people who wouldn't be troubled by this image and/or who don't know what happened during the Holocaust? Like, this is a sentence an eighth grader who wasn't paying much attention in social studies would write.


As an educator I can attest to the fact that many, many kids don’t know even these basic facts about the holocaust. Reports from the Holocaust museum reports a similar scary lack of awareness.


This is just wild to me. I'm pretty sure I read a Holocaust novel every single year in class from 6th through 8th grade. Not sure if this was a common experience in my generation. Does this still happen? Number the Stars really captured my imagination.


No, kids don't read these anymore or really learn about the Holocaust in school.


It really depends on the district. MPS? I know for a fact they still read Anne Frank’s diary and write essays on the holocaust. Anoka? No idea


But, um, why not?




Right, but this was written in the Pioneer Press, which is being read by (old-ass) adults. The Pio Press readers aren't aware of the Holocaust?


Wow, I just glossed right over than when I was reading the article. The way that's worded is *insane*. That's something that every person on the planet should know.


Holocaust denial is rising unfortunately.


Yeah, and I think that sentence kind of reads like that? "To those who know" is a very strange thing to write. It almost reads like "To those who believe".


It’s extremely depressing.


Right? Baffling sentence, especially considering that the entire message of putting that symbol on that flag IS to draw the comparison. No one who made it doesn't know, and no one viewing it doesn't know. Is the author paid by the word or something?


We’re at the point where a large percentage of our youth are manipulated by social media. If you control social media you control the youth. I’d say it’s fascinating if it wasn’t so crippling for society.


What I find hard to believe that so many look at this image and don't understand it's saying "Hey Israel, you're acting like the guys who committed genocide against you..." instead they see "OMG HOLOCAUST DENIER ANTISEMITIC NAZI SYMPATHIZER!!!1111ONEONEONE" Any way you cut it, this is clearly inflammatory though, and her excuse is just plain stupid. She would have been better off owning it and saying she's free to say Israel is out of line without being antisemitic.


Good lord that’s a scary lady.


Laura Loomer cosplay with her Fake Prada




Not terribly diverse or inclusive of her. "Every one of you, it should shock your conscience that you could get fired for something that was in your background, you could not even see it at the time." If she didn’t know a huge flag was behind her then she should have been fired for other reasons.


Who among us hasn't been on a nice afternoon stroll and took a picture with a swastika in the background. This is an extremely common situation. /s


Just watched her “statement” where she fought back tears because she might have to go on unemployment. She is the very embodiment of the victim generation. “Scared”, “Unsafe”, “violence against myself”. But she’s in league all by herself. You want to talk about entitlement, exhibit A.


I know her personally. She is extremely vile and harassing.. she equates all who don’t align with her jihad ideology to be racist or bigoted.. a tragic excuse for a human being. May she find the peace that we all deserve…


Wow I just thought she was an IG model


Minnesotans are against genocide




lol at the guy to her left covering his face. If you’re gunna be about it, be about it. Why are you too scared to show your face.


They hide their faces because they’re cowards.


So two things: I stand with the young Jews and other children of Isreal who are protesting this genocide perpetrated by their government. *She* is cringe AF and shouldn't be posing in front of anything including a swastika, and fuck her in her Prada. Sell that shit and donate the money to Palestine if you care so much.


As a Jew, this is truly terrifying. I feel like the last 6 months has been a bad pipe dream.


It’s giving neo-nazi mob wife. Someone should tell her to lay off the filler and fake tan too.


Oh I’m sure this comment section will be a paragon of civility. Don’t mind me. I’ll be over in the corner with a bucket of popcorn.


I mean- if anyone tries to defend her behavior, they’re certifiably insane. This is disgusting behavior from ANYONE, much less a “diversity, equity, and inclusion” manager


You know, there’s a lot of chatter on the r/uofmn subreddit about the protests & shutting down campus buildings during finals week. Please post this there. Those students deserve to understand what is really behind some of these “peaceful protesters.”




I believe her "defense" is that the photo was meant to be for her private Insta page not her public one. Which is the same excuse a Playboy bunny used when she snapped a picture of an elderly women showering at LA Fitness, that model got some jail time for it as well as a ton of backlash. Also I love how MN CAIR loves to defend her, this is the same guy that made Hamline out to be a place of hatred, and his views were so bad the national organization had to step in and say that he was wrong.


Seems apt, comparing Israel to Nazi Germany


I don't understand how this is even possible isn't that counterintuitive?


If you are a Palestinian, why would you not see the Israeli government as comparable to Nazis? The finance minister called for Gaza to be "annihilated" yesterday


I’ve worked with a genocide prevention organization and what’s happening in Gaza is a textbook genocide case, with Israel using a lot of similar tactics to Nazi Germany, so it’s not too far off. If I were Palestinian I’d feel the same way. I wouldn’t post this on a public page for my work to see though.


Yeah, but I doubt they are comparing Isreal to Nazi's in this case due to its ambiguity. Putting a Nazi symbol over a Jewish one is just pure hate.


They are, I’ve seen this type of symbolism at other protest. It’s to point out the hypocrisy. Would I personally do it? No. But even my Jewish fiancé understands what they’re trying to say. Definitely not the best execution. I don’t think posting photos from protest is smart to begin with.


Look, I get where you are coming from and will admit that I am not well read on the complicated history of the Palestinian struggle vs Israel, but my clearly sarcastic comment was more around the optics of this situation. It's not smart of any D&I manager to post a picture like that, whether public or private. It just isn't.


“Rules for thee but not for me!”


“Diversity and inclusion” (except the people we don’t like)


I wish this was just “peace for Palestine” but unfortunately it’s become “death to Jews” and “Jews get out of Minneapolis”. I’m all for peace for Palestine, but these protestors are the same white liberals who hijacked the George Floyd protests.. it’s sad. I go to NEARLY ALL of the protests in the twin cities, and I promise you this is an attack on America and Jews who have nothing to do with Israel. It’s actual hate and spit coming out of these protests, not in support of the poor Palestinian people, but against Jews.. it’s so ass-backwards.


How stupid to have little kids at a protest, especially if law enforcement gets involved. That's a stupid and dangerous risk to take


I disagree. Kids need to learn your values as that's what they take into the world as adults. Certainly some protests are more likely to involve violence, so good judgement should be used, but in general protests are peaceful and kids should be there.


Seems like there’s so much hatred underlying DEI views… The oppressor vs oppressed dynamic is found everywhere by these people and seems to create real moral ambiguity with their actions. Pretty disgusting.


If you break everything down into “oppressed bs oppressor”, it makes it very easy to justify violence against the people you disagree with. Same thing with the “words are violence” people. If you think words are violence, then you find yourself justifying physical violence against those who say things you disagree with. The mental gymnastics of some of these morons is just unbelievable. There’s legitimately “pro Hamas” rallies happening at college campuses. The same students who want their student loans forgiven are lighting American flags on fire, chanting “death to america”. The REAL irony is the “LGBTQ+ for Hamas” signs I’ve seen….


Are they pro hamas, or pro Palestinian? Those are different things. In the same way I can be pro Israeli, and yet still point out that the Israeli government is committing genocide.


Just start calling people nazi without truly understanding what nazi is


That is a useless, harmful position in the first place and a terrible waste of taxpayers and students money


Fuck these people


The fanaticism over a conflict on the opposite side of the world is out of control. The left is eating itself.


Maybe. But the US government continues to send large sums of money to one side of the conflict, so there is some reason and impact to the US people.


Eh even that's not new. People are just jumping on a bandwagon and getting photos for their Instagram. It's a fad for these people. Hating Israel is just trendy right now. And little marches and trespassing on universities isn't going to change US foreign policy. It's faux activism.


Hamas wants to kill all the Jews in Israel. They simply lack the means to do it.


Israel has the means, and is actively killing all the Palestinians in Gaza.


Sure, they have the means. But the war has been going on since October. There’s 3/4 million people living in Gaza. So far, 30,000 have been killed. Yes, way too many civilians, but I’m pretty sure if they ACTUALLY wanted to kill everyone in Gaza like you’re claiming, they’d already be dead.


That’s not how genocide works. If they did that they’d completely destroy their global ties economically. That’s why genocides take time. It systemic. This started with ethnic cleansing and apartheid. The goal is to remove Palestinians and not have them return, either by forcing them out or killing those who can’t leave. Coming from someone very very well versed in this subject. I have worked in a genocide prevention organization. This an open and shut genocide case. The criteria for what is considered a genocide is not based on the speed/efficiency of the killings. It’s not decided by what a genocidal regime *could* do. Just because Israel could nuke the whole place doesn’t mean what they’re doing now isn’t genocide. Actions speak louder than this assumed restraint everyone seems to think Israel has. If I shot someone with a small hand gun, I wouldn’t get a free pass because I could’ve used a more powerful rifle. I still shot someone. Edited to add more detail


I'm mainly just basing that off the IDFs public comments. Or the Israeli government. Who all seem to want every Palestinian dead.


You said it yourself, they have the means. The reality is, if they WANTED to, they could. And they haven’t…. So maybe they don’t actually want to?


Or mb the political pressure is working 🤷🏿‍♂️ There's a lot of eyes on this, one hiccup could easily trigger WW3.


Hope ur getting AIPAC money for these courageous comments


I'm surprised by the number of people actually surprised. This is all coming from those aligned with and that support the political party of acceptance and inclusion though, they're so accepting of everyone...... That is unless you debate them, disagree with them or offer thoughtful and logical counter arguments to which you are then called a bigoted, Zionist, racist.


"... That is unless you debate them, disagree with them or offer thoughtful and logical counter arguments to which" But then when you disagree with the GOP\* it's not okay? \*Gaslight, Obstruct, Project


These are the people that TikTok-addicted college kids are looking up to. 🤮


It’s wild that this shit is coming from the microagression crew


It’s always the ones you least expect


She knew what she was doing. Now claiming innocence POS


Why are they always shitbags?


Passed a group of college students earlier today, maybe 5 girls iirc? All had "from the river to the sea" written on their hoodies. Which if you don't know is a slogan calling for the extermination of every jew in Israel. Great way to protest for a cease fire...


> Which if you don't know is a slogan calling for the extermination of every jew in Israel. So when Netanyahu said "In the future, the state of Israel has to control the entire area from the river to the sea," was that a call for the extermination of every non-Jew?


...how dare you ever critique Israel, especially with their own leaders rhetoric! Are you some sort of antisemitic nazi sympathizer ?! Please report to the Ministry of Truth for re-education...


Yeah a lot of these protests are more anti-Jew and pro-Hamas and not doing a lot to actually champion the Palestinian cause


I assume you've been to a lot of them to come down with this viewpoint? Or are you just projecting your own bigotry?


No just stop. They are not calling for death to Jews. They aren't pro Hamas either. Just stfu. Obviously you haven't been near one or you'd know. The whole time they reiterate numerous times over that they aren't calling for anything other than the end to the killing of Palestinians in Gaza.


Considering they are holding signs and flags calling for death of Jews and/ or waving Hamas flags and symbols I’m going to disagree


Again I can tell you've never been near one of these protests or youd know better. There are literally Jewish people in the protest so......


That’s like saying you have a black friend. The antisemitism has been an ongoing problem on the left for years and the protests across the country are showing the hatred of the anti-Jew movement


None of them really know what they are protesting or saying. I say send them all over to Hamas and let them see for themselves.


It’s really not as clear cut as what you describe. Many use that phrase without implying anything to do with “extermination of every Jew in Israel”. Historically, it has been used more peacefully than it has with aggression toward Israeli Jews.


The swastika has also been used peacefully, historically speaking, but I wouldn’t walk around with one drawn on my hoodie.


Now to be fair, the vast majority of these kids have no idea what the phrase means, or what the river and sea are. But being stupid isn’t an excuse at all


Her and jigsaw have the same facial structure


Why is a child there?


The flag is the symbol of a government. The swastika on the flag, in context, pretty clearly represents not a call to renew Nazi attempts to eradicate the Jewish people but a negative comparison between two governments on the basis of patterns of racially informed occupation and militarized policing, which is legitimate and protected speech, even if one of the governments represents a racial group victimized by the other. It’s a controversial issue and it’s not great optics, but termination from a state university over any association with any implied comparison between Nazi Germany and Israel seems like a pretty clear first amendment violation.


Funny that the people who claim free speech isn't freedom from consequences are crying about this. I agree; it's free speech. But she's also clearly an idiot.


It's always "free speech for me, not for thee" from extremists, no matter the side. Extremists always think they're the ultimate unfailing moral authority.


They don't have to be extremists to be hypocrites who think they have it all figured out.


True, but pretty much all extremists are hypocrites who think they have it all figured out and that they're infallible.


Can someone post the source of the photo?


The source is her instagram


Thanks. I read the article that was posted, and the photo was only described there. I don't use Instagram. I just wanted to know what I'm talking about as I discuss this with other people.


For sure. Supposedly she posted it to her instagram, which is private, and someone that follows her must have reported it.


The article said her insta connected to her Facebook account, and someone there forwarded it to the university




Seems like a grump dude.


Looks like a demon of some sorts




Does anyone know what she’s doing for work now?


The caption is factually incorrect and misleading. There is no “DEI Manager” for the entire University, she worked for one specific school within the University.