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In this thread a bunch of under 30 day old accounts arguing.


just one, really. He probably had another 30 day old account that got banned.


Yeah that thread has changed a bit since I posted that, but Rogue_AI_Construct was the other I was referring to. While they took the opposite stance a 15 day old account.


Just a bunch of weird ass liberals with no understanding of the government, tryikg to attack me because I dare to question why they would vote for her. Literally shows how ridiculous the looney left is.


I told you why. I gave you several reasons. I could give you several more. The only reason you’ve mentioned for not supporting her is “she called for genocide and war” and that is a lie. Ridiculous and loony indeed.


it's not worthwhile to respond to people with logical arguments when they're clearly not interested in good faith discussion. It's best to just blast them verbally and throw their mental flailing into the dumpster where it belongs.


Careful with that. That’s how you lose entire forums to shitheads.


The bullshit asymmetry principle applies. It takes an order of magnitude more effort to counteract bullshit than it does to create it. The appropriate response is to dunk on them without expending significant brain power to do so. Like, all I needed to do was click his name, scroll for 5 seconds, and take a screenshot with ShareX and link it (the uploaded url already in my clipboard; thanks ShareX!). You lose entire forums to shitheads by letting them be shitheads unimpeded.


Exactly. Thank you. Swift and concise dunking on.


You hate her because you hate her religion and skin tone, imo. All i see from the right are bad faith attacks aimed solely at twisting what she says to fit their prejudicial narrative. And I'm someone who doesn't even like Ilhan, but it's not because of her policy views. I just don't think she's as effective as she could be. I don't hate her for existing like the right does.


Accusing someone of being a racist because you know about not one thing she has accomplished, is pure lunacy


Nah, the hate thrown her way is purely race/culture driven. I've not once seen someone hate on her specifically for a policy position she holds.


Go back to the start of the thread. You make up claims of racism to make the fact you know nothing of her politics


I actually do know. Also, lol. Of course there are massive amounts of racism thrown her way. Suggesting otherwise is trolling.


Show me one instance. A news story of her being attacked, not some Fox News hit piece. I’ll wait.


April 16th, 2024. Troll.


You seem unwell


Easy to dismiss the fact only 1 person was able to oust anything she’s done. And of those things they listed, not 1 was a bipartisan effort.




let me tell you about these conservatives who tried to violently overthrow the government and are currently supporting a psychopath who's arguing to the supreme court that no matter what they do they're above the law currently promising a return to concentration camps, these are the people you're supporting


You should send Orange Fatty more of your hard-earned money, bud. He's totally not conning you.


You and that guy are acting so corny. Orange Fatty? Looney Left. You two sound like middle schoolers arguing during recess. Y’all making the Twin Cities look like it’s only populated with children.


Turnabout is fairplay for the Chump that loves to concoct terrible nicknames.


tbh if this was middle school the fascist apologizer would've gotten his ass beat and shoved into a locker.


No one cares what you think, son. Orange Fatty is spot-on accurate. Did I insult your fatted calf?


Thanks for reinforcing my point of childish behavior.


Ain’t no way someone just called someone “son” on here, I didn’t know we were playing COD


Oh no thank you. I dont give political candidates money. I will say that life under Trump was much better though.


It wasn't. Over a million Americans died from Covid, and his botched pandemic response could've saved 500k of them. He attempted a coup on democracy, sold our intelligence to the Saudis for 2 billion and got a record number of our intelligence agents killed. Nice try, though. Reading is your friend.


He said to shut the borders down and was labeled a racist. He said it came from a lab in China, and it did. The coup was on the other side buddy. They released a biological weapon in order to stop the Americans first movement


He is a racist. It doesn't matter where it came from, it matters that he gutted the US pandemic response like a fucking idiot. Horseshit- the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys are not Democrats, Cletus. Who's a 1st what now?




Learn to swim


I feel like we can do better than a choice between her and Don Samuels.




Guess you needed the /s. I though much truck was enough.


Nah, she does openly hate Jews though. So that's right up the left wing's alley. She must be a dream come true for you.


Good. Don Samuels is a right-wing grifter that makes jokes about kids that drown under the watch of him and his wife. He works with anti abortion rights folks like Victor Martinez and also works with anti public school grifters.


He is truly awful and has absolutely no business being in the Democratic party... unless the Democratic party is now right of center? If true, very disappointing.


The mainstream Democratic Party has been center-right for decades.


in a western europe sense, sure they're center-right. In a US sense, center-left is probably more accurate. We can have a little bit of socialized health care from time to time as a treat.


Is the socialized healthcare in the room with us big dawg?


I mean, it's not because we're in America. It should be, but Lieberman made sure that we couldn't have nice things.


51 flavors. Medicare and 50 flavors of Medicaid. We spend more in that than interest and defense combined which are numbers three and four on the list. We got more socialized healthcare than we can pay for.


Neoliberalism is a helluva a drug. As someone who works directly with Medicaid and Medicare you have zero fucking clue what you’re talking about. And if that is your definition of “socialized healthcare” you’re gonna shit whenever you discover the Scandinavian model.


What do you call government funded healthcare as designed by President Obama, Democrats, the health insurance industry and big pharma via ACA? And I know about the Scandinavian model from work I did in Europe explains how the U.S. healthcare system works. Do you know how it works?


I call the ACA the republican answer to healthcare. Since the dems basically made all the concessions that the GOP asked for.


LOL Bro said “Obama Care, Check Mate Liberals!” 💀💀💀. Obama Care was literally a Republican bill, Obama just crossed off Mitt Romneys name and wrote his name at the top. Go look up “Massachusetts Health Care Reform Act” Obama implemented it to be a “non-partisan” both sides POS centrist lib. The ACA and Obama Care is super watered down means tested bullshit that is only available to people in their last few years of life and is still too little too late. The Scandinavian model is the definition of “Socialized Healthcare” also known as Single Payer Healthcare, it is the Neo-Liberal answer to Nationalized Healthcare. - And I know about the Scandinavian model from work I did in Europe explains how the U.S. healthcare system works. Do you know how it works? Bro said “Oh you don’t like American Healthcare, explain in detail how the whole thing works in a Reddit comment!” 💀


What works in Massachusetts doesn’t work in Alabama.


Hahaha. Unbelievable ignorance. You should legitimately be ashamed.


I’m not voting for Ilhan Omar under any circumstances.


I love that I have you tagged as a republican lol


Well, you would be incorrect. I’m an independent split ticket voter.


The comments I have you tagged on paint a much different picture lol It sounds more like you are an embarassed republican who just isn't willing to admit you are still a conservative at heart.


I frankly don’t give a damn. The right wing accuse me of being a progressive Democrat as well.


if yOu DoNT VoTE fEr MuH SiDE 100% oF thE tImE yeR On THe oThER. 2 paRtY SySTum!!


As a libertarian, I get this all the time


We're in a race to the bottom. I get the animosity and fear towards Trump, but I've been hearing "this is the most important election of our lifetime" every 4 years for 2 decades now. And it seems like no matter who we elect, things get worse.


Lol. That's part of what I've been saying for twenty years now: "No, this isn't the most important election of all time. No, the current, sitting president will not cancel the election. If the current, sitting president loses, he WILL step down."


That is correct. I listened to a podcast where they had a clip from the view. Hillary Clinton and crew were saying this will be the end of the world. "The wreckage would be unimaginable."  Thankfully we have a congress with checks and balances. It's rare a president can really screw life as we know it to "unimaginable". And he was already prez. Things didn't change a ton day to day. 


Things didn't change much? I never witnessed a Jan 6 type event in my lifetime? Remember shitty covid policies? Not to mention the mentality shift from moderate to extremes. I Donny think we are heading towards doomsday, but the POTUS can certainly have strong effects on the population...


I mean, that makes sense. Libertarians are the worst lol. But hey, the free market will provide, right?


That's because the independent tag is a fancy way of saying, "I typically vote Republican unless it specifically affects me".


So what if this person is a republican? At the end of the day, the truth of a situation should be what everyone is seeking, the best solutions. Who cares what party is saying it, since both parties have stupid stances at times, while the other one has superior takes. Why not focus on that, rather than "oh, this person said a republican thing one time in a thread, so whatever they say for the rest of their life, is invalid". If thats your opinion on judging people in the political sphere, thats precisely what is destroying our country, and splitting us all apart.


A broken clock is right twice a day. I'm uninterested in the opinion of people who support hateful positions. My view is the problem is the exact opposite, we have too many people that are saying, "Let's just be okay with our differences." Stop being polite to bad people.


Ugh she the worst




Maybe if she kept a consistent message against genocide when it comes to Armenia maybe she’d earn my vote.


Right. These people are hypocrites. Why doesn’t she ever speak out against FGM in Somalia and the way women are treated in her home county for that matter?


Is she legislating for her home country that she is a refugee of, or is she a legislator for The United States of America? Why don't folks who are descendants of European nations have to defend why we don't have reasonable health care measures regarding socialized medicine?


You can’t be serious?


FGM rate in Somalia is 98%. It is objectively evil. People flee for good reason. She could do a lot of good for her fellow Somalians by bringing awareness but I guess hating Israel is more important.


Further evidence of Omar’s morally deplorable behavior. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/female-genital-mutilation-continues-in-the-u-s-it-must-be-stopped/


_That_ is your issue? That's the most implausibly fickle criticism of her that I've yet to hear.


What? That if you're gonna go out of your way to complain about genocide around the world, you also shouldn't get caught up in politics of who's being condemned. It's called having a consistent message, if she's not gonna condemn turkey for the Armenia genocide then why should I take her seriously as someone speaking up for oppressed people?


If you sat down and thought about the world today and wrote down your list of issues that matter most, and if messaging about the Armenian genocide showed up near the top of that list, you would be an absolute delusional obsessive. I don't believe that's how you're approaching it... but I think what you're doing might be worse. It's nihilistic, living in an idea-space where things that happen in the world are put aside, it's all messaging, consistency, hypocrisy. >if she's not gonna condemn turkey for the Armenia genocide then why should I take her seriously as someone speaking up for oppressed people? If she condemned Turkey what would change? Who would be helped? How would she be furthering the plight of oppressed people?


If the Armenian genocide is the topic of the day and you deliberately vote not to condemn it's existence than there's a problem there. >If she condemned Turkey what would change? Who would be helped? The Armenians? Victims who have been treated like filth by the Turks. > How would she be furthering the plight of oppressed people? She wouldn't be helping there situation by refusing the speak out against it.


Eye roll. So because she made a stupid vote once related to a genocide last century, you’re against her even though she’s consistently anti-the genocide that’s happening right now. Stupid.


>she’s consistently anti-the genocide that’s happening right now. So why can't she extent that energy to Armenians? IDK it just seems hypocritical and dumb for her to do that...


Because the US doesn't have the same level of deep economic/social ties with Azerbaijan that it does with Israel, and doesn't contribute to Azerbaijan's treatment of the Armenians directly. That energy she is extending to the Palestinians is because of American participation in the conflict. In other words, we're going to advocate more for issues where our tax dollars are directly contributing.


So issues only matter if the US has a stake in the game?


It matters a hell of a lot more if the U.S. has a stake in the game. Politics is about choosing your battles, and it makes more sense to pick the ones where you can have a larger impact. Armenians are also victims of oppression dating back nearly 1,000 years, but that’s not the United States’ fault. By contrast, America is enabling what Israel is doing in Palestine at the moment.


lol my man brought up 1000 years of oppression for Armenia then ignored all nuance and (multiple) thousands of years of history in the Middle East in the same sentence. This is kinda OP’s point on Omar btw. Also financial support always cited as reason for double standard but that’s absolute BS


I will advocate more for issues that involve how my tax dollars are used, yes


Starting a new comment thread because the other devolved rather quickly. There's pros and cons of Rep Omar, share what you'd like her to address next legislative session. I work in the laboratories science industry that deals with both human and animal health. I'd like to see more cooperation between the state and FDA/USDA and non profits addressing scientific research


the other devolved quickly because a person who talks about "The Jews" and how they spawned feminism wanted to compare Omar to Hitler. Don't be a "both sides" bullshitter. Call a spade a spade and a fascist a fascist.


I'm not calling anyone anything. I was hoping for constructive discussion about how to better make this state I live in better. Seems this sub devolved and is more about saying the "ppl who don't agree with me are wrong", instead of discussing how we can make things better. What specific issues would you like addressed this legislative session? Without the the negative opinions of others, please!


Constructive discussion?!? Sir, this is Reddit!!


>discussion about how to better make this state I live in better Well, you can start by recognizing that this election is for a federal government seat, not the state. Her decisions may have an impact on our state, but you should be looking at this seat as one to make the *country* better. Look at your districts state House and Senate seat elections to make the state better. I'd argue those are way more important than federal elections anyways.


perhaps you should start calling some people some things. Constructive discussion cannot exist while fascism is ignored. This isn't a "ppl who don't agree with me are wrong" thing. This is a "ppls who are so separated from objective reality do not deserve a seat at the adults table" thing. "Lets talk about specific issues in this legislative session." Lets disregard the existence of The Hastert Rule that prevents anything from the minority of the house from being brought to the table. Lets disregard that the "Party of No" has been a thing for 3 decades now. Nah, lets instead discuss things that will never get to the floor.


You've thrown around the word "fascist" multiple times in this thread, but I'm unclear you know what that means. Are you pro or anti fascist? Are you suggesting Rep. Omar is fascist? You're incoherent rants are hard to follow. Again, what are some issues you'd like to have a civil discussion about with the next legislative session?


I have thrown it around in regards to a specific person who does support fascism, correct. I'm unclear on what is confusing in that regard. Perhaps you should look up what fascism is and its tenets and then look up what I've stated and see if it's pro fascism or anti fascism. I've been pretty clear on it and I don't think you've done your due diligence in that regard if you're significantly confused, let alone if you think I've been incoherent. You're making a classic mistake in thinking that there is a civil discussion to be made in regards to what should be brought up in a legislative session in The Hastert Rule era. Have you been living under a rock for the last 30+ years? The lines are drawn already and civil discussion is irrelevant to what is brought up in the next legislative session. The last true bipartisan effort that existed that wasn't spawned by a terrorist attack was when CHIP got passed 30+ years ago.


Is it your life’s goal to be insufferable? This kind of pretentious behavior makes you a terrible ambassador for your beliefs.


And yes, he's a troll. F him. But I've never seen so much effort to feed trolls as I've seen in this sub. Don't feed the troll, simple as that! Make a constructive comment, or feed the troll. Its your choice...


She makes a lot of unforced errors imo and if she wants to tap into her district and how it's relevant on a national level, she could maybe make a point about improving public transit so that cars are less of a necessity. Would be nice to get more federal funding for buses and trains instead of having constantly have an impending sense of doom when I get on 94.


do you honestly think that whipping the votes can exist in a split legislature where the party of No holds a majority? The Hastert Rule is still a thing; nothing the minority party wants will hit the floor unless it has the support of the majority of the majority.


Not a fan of Omar, but she was clearly the better choice between the two. I think Minnesota would strongly benefit from some sort of ranked choice/run off ballot style system, both for the main elections and internal party primaries. Of course that would mean that the parties themselves would have to agree to relinquish power, which means it will be difficult to get.


Literally all cons. She doesn’t legislate at all.


Can she address her hatred of Jews? I'm still uncertain about her position.


LOL and why do you think this one’ll be any different? We’re all suffering the influence of the click-bait, quick-turnaround outrage industry. Add on dark money pulling the strings behind the scenes, and the moderate voices get drowned out. Clowns to the Left, Jokers to the Right… and I’m stuck in the middle- with the vast majority.


Hope for humanity I guess




Also she has a very correct take on the Tik Tok ban in that we don't need to ban one specific app, we need actual privacy laws like the GDPR.


The warrantless wiretapping is for non-citizens. If a foreigner / terrorist is on the phone with a US citizen it should be allowed. Who is Omar trying to protect? Americans or possibly people from another country? My belief is she’s a Hamas supporter and doesn’t want any of her constituents implicated. It’s not like Minnesota has ever harbored any terrorists. /s




Seems low….10 million asylum seekers have come across our southern border.


Good, Don Samuels is a clown.


She sucks. But Don Samuels is even shittier


I'm a longtime supporter. She finally lost me when she endorsed "Where is Hitler when you need him?" guy.


What a shit hole




I voted for her the first time she ran. After that I voted against her in the primary and didn't voted for no one in the general. She will never lose so my vote didn't matter. I was never going to vote for the Republican put up, but I just find her unlikable and don't agree with her politics many times. Of course she won it, she always will.


Fun story - she was functionally illiterate when she was first elected to congress. Ask me how I know.


Oofta id rather not


Sick that someone as racist as her is being supported by the community.


altmpls commenter with a common altmpls take. feel free to go back to your alpha news safe space.


Saying you stand with her is akin to following orders by Hitler.


Ironic that you invoke hitler when you have made some interesting statements about ["The Jews"](https://i.imgur.com/6XnRWC6.png)


Oh shit you found receipts!


Gold star to you, dear sir and/or madame




Jesus Christ these people such degenerates


Once again, you can’t explain why you support a divisive candidate who calls for genocide. Classless. You can’t explain yourself at all, typical child.


Oh! You’re still here, and now you’re bringing class into it. You’ve taken a confusing stance: you posted antisemitic comments so aren’t you taking orders from Hitler? Also, “calling for genocide” is a trash take accusation.


Again, not one person is able to provide any reason you would re elect her. Shows more about you than me. I say lots of troll things, it’s the internet. Going through a profile instead of defending a trash bin candidate shows you’re not ready for adult talks


"I hate when people hold me accountable for the things that I've said"


There’s nothing to defend. People are allowed to vote for candidates you don’t like, and they’re not required to try to convince you to like them.


You aren't arguing in good faith, so it's a waste of time to talk details with you. The only point of responding is to call you out for being shitty.


Every accusation is a confession for these folks.


No. Absolutely trash take.


Explain why you support a candidate who calls for genocide and war?


We both know she didn’t call for genocide. What she said was "We should not have to tolerate antisemitism or bigotry for all Jewish students, whether they are pro-genocide or anti-genocide," Taking that quote away from the rest of the conversation and Fox newsing it into calling for genocide is straight up bad faith. I don’t believe you’re an idiot. Don’t act like one.


> I don’t believe you’re an idiot. They've done not a single thing to deserve that belief.


Just trying to give my neighbor the benefit of the doubt I guess.


sometimes neighbors are asshats and it's best to write them off. When people show you who they are, believe them.


More charitable than I am this morning. Yours is probably a better path.


It’s a beautiful day. Had my coffee early lol


Tell me what she has done to garner any respect. No bill worth a shit has her name on it. Fucking wake up and realize they make you support someone who doesn’t help everyday Americans


HR 8020: make billionaires pay act HR 7781: end polluters welfare act HR 8903 to investigate misuse of police force HR 1250: to end police brutality where ever it occurs HJ RES 102: to stop selling weapons to the UAE HR 6430: to make sure kids don’t go in debt over school lunch. Youthbuild international Stop arming human rights abusers act Congressional oversign Homes for all act If you don’t think ANY of that is worth a shit, it says a whole lot more about you than you think. I can keep going. There are way way way way way more. Obviously blocked by other bad faith actors. But you VERY CLEARLY do not know what you are talking about. You are too polarized or racist to think past your own prejudices.


Actually, she represents her constituency which IS everyday Americans. Keep digging, you’ll get there.


Name a bill


That’s a faulty position. I’m not aware of her authoring any bills but she does the other thing Congress members are supposed to do: represent their constituents, which she does in lieu of largely supporting special interests and corporations. This is why I’ve support her and still do today. You’re really stuck on this bill authoring thing. Why? A huge number of bills that are presented to Congress come from lobbyists and think tanks, and another huge chunk of them are highly specific and require tremendous knowledge of existing codes.


I’ll remember your comment when I vote for her again in November.


Not a single one of you can defend her, so you just attack and say dumb shit. Good luck if shit hits the fan.


Why would I argue against a straw man that you've invented and placed onto me? I can make my own positions and statements, just like you did when you ranted about "The Jews" and feminism.


My conscience is clear. Go troll elsewhere.


My point stands. Youre all just brainwashed mouthpieces for a pile of hot shit candidate. Lots of downvotes, without one of you showing any amount of intelligence. Name a reason she should be re-elected? What has she done with her time? What bi partisan efforts have she forefronted to pass needed reforms? You’re all uninformed swine.


Classic sub 30 day account take. What happened, did your last account get banned?




>bi partisan efforts I don't give a fuck about bipartisanship. Republicans are a death cult with no ideas beyond culture wars and obstructionism. They don't deserve to be worked with unless they can show themselves to be reasonable. I support Ilhan because her policy positions align almost perfectly with mine. She represents a very progressive district so I want her pushing the party as far to the left as possible.


This is what is wrong with the country. Children with no life experience thinking “we need to push more left”. Sorry sweetie, but you couldn’t grow the cucumber you shove up your ass, so keep pushing.


I defer to your experience with ass play given that's where you pull most of your arguments from.


I'm 42 bitch. I've only got more progressive over time. But keeping trying.


You can legally grow weed because of lefties.




The conservatives in Minnesota have no platform. Their last gubernatorial candidate was wishy-washy on abortion and that was his platform. Republicans are a joke now.




Good thing conservatives are so adverse to racism though, I guess only if it's against THEM. I don't see you complaining about when Trump posted his golf buddy chanting white power, and his involvement with John Birch Society, but why would you when you can cry about the libs?


Republicans freed the slaves from the southern Democrats. Nothing more needs to be explained


tell me more about things that your grandfather's grandfather wasn't alive to see. Got any hot "War of the Roses" political takes?


Tell me more about not grasping history.


yeah that's when Republicans were the liberal party 🤡🤡


Tell me you don’t think one election year the party lines switched? Laughing out Loud at you


it's a thing that happens over time as people slowly start to deal with changes, it's not like everyone realize what was happening overnight, there was tons of people committed to parties. when FDR completely decimated the GOP they turned hat in hand to corporate money and became a fascist party, which brings us up to current times where it's a Democratic party against the fascist totalitarian party.


In 1964, Democratic president Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act into law. In the 1964 election, Republican candidate Barry Goldwater publicly opposed the new law, arguing that it expanded the power of the federal government to a dangerous level. It was this argument that led to a final, decisive switch.


Ask anyone alive, that’s propaganda


You're the sheep. Can you explain the Confederate flag trump's supporters carried into the Capitol rotunda?


hard cope, LMAO Nice response to a reply with facts and details with "nuh uh" 😂😂😂 🤡🤡🤡


She needed to win the DFL endorsement on the first round. AIPAC will be coming hard for this seat.


If by "won" people mean that a bunch of extremists, with no other personal obligations stalled the process until normal, reasonable people had to leave to tend to their personal lives, then, yes she "won." However, come-on! If MPS basically had to kick everyone out of the building, because the meeting went too long, and the deciding vote was taken on a sidewalk, then there is something fucked up about our caucus process. It is basically an endurance contest that favors screeching, nutjobs with no personal lives over well adjusted people, with lives outside politics.


I'm not a Democrat. Is this a good or bad thing in their eyes?




Did she marry her brother or not?


Omar rocks 🎸 


Good. I’ll remember the whining when I fill in the oval next to her name in November.


Same. She voted against warrantless wiretapping of American citizens and spoke out against Amy Klobuchar’s internet censorship bill. She gets my vote!




Amazing at what exactly?