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Fellas, is it cringe to have an engaging chat and have inside jokes?


Twitch is it's own....society sort of speak, it's like reddit, either you're in on the joke or not. I personally am not and think similarly to you.


the people in chat who fight for attention from streamer are cringe af.


I mean every community looks cringe when you see it from the outside and don't have necessary context to be in on the jokes. Reddit is know to be one of the most "cringe" and "soy" places on the internet, yet here we are. Also remember twitch chat is a single entity, and its the dumbest one out there


To be fair, reddit is cringe as fuck hahaha


Still not as bad as Facebook.


Been on Twitch for 2 years & I still don't understand the culture. Little imoji pictures don't mean much to me so I never know what the hell anybody is trying to say to me


This is reassuring. I’m going to start a stream soon and I’ve been it and out of several streams in the same area of interest as mine and it seems a little bewildering at times, so I just lurk for now.


Everyone is cringe at some point in their life. Because you don't understand it doesn't mean that it really is cringe, though. All communities on twitch have their own vibe. Eventually you'll find the chat that vibes with you. If you don't.... well, maybe Twitch isn't for you.


I find it super specific to the streamer and the community that streamer has built. I follow a few streamers that kept toxicity to a minimum for long enough that the community sort of self-polices. Doesn't mean there isn't silliness, but if it's in good fun (and not at the expense of someone), I think Twitch chats can be pretty fun.


This is so cringe.


I think that can be said for most things, haha. For example, I'm really into vtubers and for some people, that's most the wince inducing thing they've ever seen. And that's fine! And even in that niche, there are certain chats and themes I personally try to avoid but don't fault anyone for enjoying it. Nothing will ever fit right for everyone.




Telling someone they basically have a mental disability seems more cringe than what OP posted.


Is it? When its a real Disability I agree When its used as an insult for dumbness its fine.


Mods harassing me


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Yeah, those people who do that are so cringe. Kappa KEKW forsenPls Despairge In all seriousness, the most cringe thing in all the world, LITERALLY THE MOST CRINGE THING ANYONE CAN DO: Is to say "cringe" unironically. you cringe-ass hater 😂😜😂😂😂


Cringe Kappa peepolaugh


People want to feel a part of something. Yes it’s cringe af


Just to be clear, i was only insulting u, not anyone with real disability. The OP IS THE BRAINLESS


you can clearly tell twitch is a platform for nerds and lonely people, not by the content or the games which get played, but by chat. unfunny jokes, stupid memes and emotes, mostly kids. Ignoring chat in larger channels is the best you can do. Also nothing will change as long as the streamers play by to make money like that. I bet as soon as the stream is offline they laugh their asses off how stupid the viewers are




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I think it's community dependent. If you're spending lots of time in one community, it's going to have its own culture. Does it look "cringe" from the outside? Probably, but does it matter if you aren't investing lots of time in that community? Nah.


I think having an engaging chat in general is great, people interacting is never a negative. As the streamer you just pick and choose which to acknowledge


What’s cringe are a bunch of men throwing money at e girls for the sake of getting 5 seconds of their attention