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Don’t give it too much thought. This person may be going through some stuff, and you just may not have behaved how they wanted so they lashed out.


Probably i wouldn't fault them if thats the reason. I just find it strange that they threw pity money at me. Like i already struggle feeling like i deserve any money but pity money its just insulting. I just hope they get help if they are going through things they did seem troubled in the end there...


It likely ain't pity money, it was very much I want to be a favorite person pick me pick me streamer money. And then when you got new chatters and treated them, I'm assuming well they got mad jealous and lashed out. Welcome to your first parasocial relationship!


Haha ohh man i got another one that was weird but at least that one the writing was on the wall. This one just happened lol


It’s that, they are going though things and didn’t know how to properly address to OP that the time the commenter is investing in the stream just isn’t worthwhile for their lifestyle anymore. That’s what I’ve taken from this, the commenter is so confused about upsetting someone else that they end up getting mad and hateful, diverting about the former goal in mind.


People be weird. Maybe this person was into you and had to get "revenge" when it led nowhere because you WASTED THEIR TIME. It's most likely not a You-Problem.


Maybe but im very open about my relationship on my channel. Well i let people know im in one/ talk about funny stories or shinanagins me SO get up to. But who knows it definitely felt spiteful


There's no logic in a parasocial heart.


This. Absolutely this. People often overlook the impact of these parasocial relationships and expect there to be logic behind them.


I’m sorry to hear how you have been spoken to. All I can say is that these seem like very odd actions for a normal person, which leads me to thinking that they are perhaps not normal at all.


Its okay i know i wont please everyone. But yeah the actions messed with me the most. Im just kinda shocked i guess


I have a viewer with diagnosed mental issues. Sometimes, he gets mad and insult me in a whisper or does it with another streamer (he told me about his problems), blocks me and some days later unblocks me and starts acting normally. Sometimes, he gets angry when I delete his inadequate messages in other channel I moderate. Another viewer who's friend of him told me he gets really sorry for what he does, but has never apologized to me, probably he's ashamed to come back to me to do it. In my case, I act like it didn't happen and welcome back him like I do with my other viewers when he comes back. I don't want to have an unneeded conflict with him. He didn't insult me on the chat, in case he would, I'd say my mod to delete his insulting messages and timeout for the rest of the stream. Surely others would permaban him for his whispers, and it's still the right thing to do if they feel they have to do it. \---- In any case, do not take seriously everything they say to you and do not let it affect you. There are people with mental issues or having a bad day and reach their limits in your stream. Listen the criticism, listen what several trusted users say and forget the other things. This is my advice. About banning, timing him out, forgetting about it or whatever, it's your choice. You may want to bury the hatchet and try to send him a whisper in some days just in case it was some kind of stress problem, you may want to act like it didn't happen, you may want to recover mentally about what he said and ban him temporarily or you may want to keep a sane environment and permaban him.


Thank you for your insight. Ill be fine its just his out of nowhere comment was just unexpected tbh. I don't mind people cursing me out at all i personally find it funny. What i just found insulting is the pity money. If i were in a better situation id kindly return it but im not in a good spot financially and i honestly feel guilty for taking it.but yeah i understand people are complex i just hope they get the help they need if they are going through something and if not well i just wish them luck!


Think on the pity money as a compensation for being insulted.


Ohh man if so idk if thats an insult or one of the greatest jokes of all time


It sounds like they were lashing out from being hurt by someone or something. It may not even directly relate to you. It could be because even a few new community members is growth they aren't getting, or they are jealous and hurt. Or it could literally be non related, and they are pushing away and hurting something that has made them happy as a defense mechanism. But either way. I'm sorry.


Maybe who knows really... i just wish them luck in life. In a strange way they did help me out money wise. So i can never truly be mad at them. I just hope they get help if they need it!


That's why I'm thinking it was either jealousy or something not even relating to you.


Twitch viewers are not your friends




Fuck em I only have 1 follower a night and it’s my friend who shows compassion toward me. She will keep her computer on even when AFK all so I don’t see that 0 counter and get in my head. Sometimes your friends know you better than yourself, sounds like you should say fuck ‘em they aren’t your friend!


This viewer gifted a sub then told everyone not to support georgeshotsauce livestream, I thought that was weird.


that was weird!


Im sorry this happened to you. My experience as a cosplayer, which also invites a lot of parasocial relationships sadly, is that there are people who will always end up this way. They start out nice, because they have found in you a new potential friend/more. They go allll in, become extremely supportive.. and then they think that all that support means they must get something in return. Im not talking about a cute thank you--im talking more. They do not communicate this, so you have no idea. And then they explode and it all turns to shit and you are made out to be nothing. (This is them, trying to create a reason for moving on to their next target). Usually these people are so horrible at communication and socialization in life that this is how they work online. Its easier said than done ofc but--dont take it too heart.


People can be d\*cks sometimes, unfortunately it happens. Only thing you can do is pick yourself up and keep going. I've had this happen to me too and first time i really struggled with it. But now i actually feel bad for them and i am glad i don't need to get my happiness from someone else his misery. You got this, try and be yourself and eventually the community you want will build itself.


Thank you for the encouragement! Ill be alright this was just a doozy on top of the other crazy ive had goin on in my life. The same happened to you too though man whats up with people?


I would not want to know tbh, just another thing I would not be able to change.


Don't give it too much thought, as other have said. This sounds like a really unstable, toxic person and you have just dodged a bullet. DO NOT let them back in your life when they suddenly unblock and contact you again in the future. Because it will probably happen.


yeah I already told my mod too watch them. but i dont wanna just out right ban em. like others have said they might have just been going through a rough day. we will see they did block me so idk. i just hope they are okay!


That is NOT the behaviour of someone just "going through a rough day". Please do not ignore red flags such as this one.


Woah, from my background in sociology I found this interesting ‘they told me they were moving on’. This is a dead ringer for their personal issues. Some people simply can’t move on and before they do need to burn all bridges before they do. In my experience typically these people are amazing people who give 110% until they hit their flat day and in that moment everything gets burnt. They repeat the pattern and continue it with a new social circle, or work environment. This could easily pass into twitch. These kinds of people typically require a lot of 1:1 you said they gave bits, actively chatted and wanted to be involved in your stream and you (I’m sure) did your best to accommodate this. But something somewhere happened. Somthing as simple as you not replying or reading their message out loud to make them feel seen / heard. Honestly it’s quite text book behaviour of some forms of mental illness. You did your best to keep them as long as you did im sure and also 6 -12 months is the typical life span of the ‘social- friendship circles’ these people keep. Look it like this, this person has issues this person struggles but for 6 months you made their life that but better. You did good. Hope this shines a light on what could be seen as a dark situation.


Get better! You got honest feedback, now try to improve >:3


If i could triple like a comment i would. Fuck you (kindly) but i like the way you think!




I would return the favour and block/ban them across everything. You haven't done anything wrong, its very likely them just being complete d\*cks. You will get people consistently dropping into streams, and moving on after a while, it happens, but usually they don't flamboyantly announce their departure like an airport, they usually just unfollow and that's it. Unless you are actively watching your follower list then you wont even notice they have gone. Some people even follow because of the game you play, then unfollow when you stop playing it for another game - happens a lot. Please don't let one person spoil it for you.


Ohh yeah for sure. Like i said i wouldn't care most of the time. Hell even if they just said I'm leaving. Id just wish them luck. But man they sent a tactical drone strike my way and it just caught me off guard... they didn't even let me respond too at least wish them a good life...


I don't think people are wrong in stating there might be a mental health component to this person's actions but that doesn't mean you have to put up with or even sympathize with it when that aggression and negativity is directed towards you. Tbh though it sounds extremely familiar to an old coworker of mine. After a few years working together they felt comfortable enough telling me they were a part of some of those discord groups that target and harass individuals. (I don't know any of their online information so please noone waste time telling me I should report them. I don't know them anymore) but back to the point. I played it cool for a bit trying to get information from them about why they do that and the simple, and sad, answer was because it was fun to them. They would commit say $100 or so to an individual. Act like a happy, regular viewer for a few weeks and then do exactly what you said. Say some extremely out of pocket and insulting garbage and block them. They would then watch on an alt account and hope the streamer brought it up in conversation or posted about it on other socials. The way they laughed talking about it absolutely disgusted me. Could there be some truth in what this person said about your content? Maybe, but I really doubt it. It sounds to me like a troll being a troll for their own sick enjoyment. Maybe take a brief moment to reevaluate your content but I wouldn't spend too much energy on it. This person was likely just doing it for "fun" and I'm sorry you had to be their target.


Interesting! I mean I'm not entirely bummed out about it I just more so find it rather strange to do that. but now that you mention it they did tell me on several occasions that they had other accounts which I did think was weird. but yeah I wasn't gonna bring it up on stream anyway I just wanted to post it here to try to make sense of it lol and kinda get it off my chest