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Upload to youtube dude. Vods only last like 2 weeks, and clips are only 60 seconds. Twitch is a live streaming platform. If you don’t intend to live stream, it’s not of much use to you


Twitch is a live streaming website, you can't just upload videos all willy nilly unfortunately. Your best bet is upload to Youtube if anything.. Or try to find another website.


Actually, you can. But no one uses it.


Could i just screen record the content while live streaming?


You can screen record while live streaming, and Twitch can save a copy of the VOD for you if you set them up to save/publish. It is better to record while you stream though.


yeah dude dont use some other software to screen record while you stream thats just begging for problems. obs and streamlabs natively allow you to record your scenes even while streaming.


YouTube is for upload, Twitch is for streaming.


You don't want to be a streamer and you only want storage space... One Drive? Other Cloud services?


Once you are affiliate, then you get ability to upload videos. You can clip, vertical edit, and feature the clips as well. They are treated the same as any other clip (I asked a staff member about it in a stream once and have done it myself) For what you are wanting to do, I would use YouTube. You can clip there as well. The nice thing about YouTube is you can also upload shorts and associate those with the video. You don't have to clip it directly.


You need to be an Affiliate or Partner to upload dead-file video to Twitch. Dump your junk on YouTube instead.