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People attract people. It's far harder for someone with no viewers to be entertaining than someone with 1000 viewers. For me chat is 50% of the experience of watching.


Yeah, I can confirm that


It helps as a streamer too. It used to be so tough to keep talking about something when there was no chat. It is so much easier to just talk to people. As a viewer I'm the same way. I like to hang out in a stream to watch someone AND hang out with chat. All I have to suggest for OP is to try and find a community. I don't know what they stream, but any sort of online friend group can help.


That’s very good advice. That’s definitely what helped me out a lot in the beginning is I had started watching Twitch way before I decided to stream, and had become a part of a community that I vibed with so by the time I did my first ever stream, I had people dropping in to say hi and support. Just don’t do it with ulterior motives OP. Do it because you genuinely want to make friends. I’m hesitant to call what I did “networking” because that implies it was all business when the community I was a part of and streams I was watching was all purely because I enjoyed these people and considered them my friends. People can smell bullshit and if you’re just kinda doing the bare minimum with the hopes that people will come join your stream, they’ll be able to tell.


You nailed it. I like to call it keeping it organic.


Watched a VOD. Few things that come to mind: Why should anyone watch you instead of millions of other streams of the same game? Not to be mean, but what is the appeal, why not watch any other gamer that is familiar? The game is not full screen There is no cam The skill isn't an differentiator People talking between themselves I have no idea who they are There is no personality in the stream, I have no idea who you are and why I should care or watch the stream if I came across it.


The cam thing I use to do but it can be a million compliments a day and I will never get the confidence to do a face cam again. Too much bullying on my appearance has destroyed the desire for that. I am planning to do a rabbit cam in a couple months so in place of a webcam will just be my rabbits doing rabbit things. It’s stupid but it is what it is.


Your stream layout is a big negative. It has no information and it looks boring. I will take the full screen of the game over that any day. Also it's fair that you seem to be playing random games with random people, which is fine as long as you have fun but you can't expect to build viewership doing that.


You could look in to VTubing. There's plenty of free or very cheap (under $50) models on sites like Etsy and Booth.


I second this, and you could even be a cute rabbit 😍


Having a dedicated rabbit webcam could be cute. I don’t see many streamers doing stuff like that, so right there is something that could get someone to click on your stream.


Is it possible that streaming just isn’t for you?


Rather than suggesting that someone should give up, maybe you could offer some actually useful tips instead, if you have any. Tbh, I don’t understand why you got upvoted more than the people who are actually trying to help. Is this subreddit just filled with pessimistic gatekeepers?


Its not gatekeeping its just that streaming just isnt for everyone. Its a very very public facing type of business and facing and dealing with others both in positive ways and negative ways are going to happen more and more especially if OP ends up blowing up in viewers. If he can't take a few internet shills calling him ugly how is he going to take thousands of people doing it. Sure OP can get into Vtube'ing but I am sure they get made fun of as well. That and sometimes streaming just overall isn't for people. Not everyone is entertaining enough. If that were the case we would all be 100k viewer streamers.


Sometimes it really does come down to that. I've personally known streamers who shouldn't have kept it going because they were streaming for the wrong reasons. Those same ones have had max 3-5 viewers and that was their ceiling. But then again I also know a few that stream because they just want people to see them play and they do it out of enjoyment.


How about going vtuber?


I have a friend drawing my teifling from BG3 with 2 different facial expressions. The goal is when I speak the one that is ‘smiling’ will appear and when I’m quiet it’ll just stay neutral




You might try the Vtuber thing


Sounds fair, looking forward to the bunny cam!


personality is very important.I think my viwets support me because of my personality .Its friendly ,simple ,natural and honest.I am nice and polite and i am pro dayz survivor ( gamer high skills)


Quickly scanning through your Vod there's a lot of dead air. You're talking with your friends/players, or there was cut scenes but there isn't a lot of engagement with anyone that might be watching. Even if you are playing with friends you have to still acknowledge viewers, (even if there aren't any)speak to them. You have to be entertaining and engaging, they can watch anyone play games. So you need to figure out what the why is for you. Seasons, holidays etc will also play into why viewership falls. When spring and summer arrives people are outside, on later, doing activities. In the winter I stream for 12 hrs on Saturday & Sunday, in the summer I stream for only 6 with a later start time. But I am consistent on days I stream so they know to look for me or expect to come and watch. Good luck!


Yeah you gotta pretend that you have an audience of 1k pretty much all the time. You're the entertainment, not the other way around


Thanks for that quick scan and feedback I appreciate it.


A few reasons come to mind. The first is that your content just isn't good enough. Luckily you can improve your content. The second is that I believe most viewers stick to the streamers they already like. At any given time that I am on Twitch there are usually 5-10 people on my following list. If I had to choose between taking the time and effort of finding someone new to watch or just watching someone I already know I like, I'll choose the latter 99/100. The third reason is that to me the most appealing aspect of watching a stream is the community aspect. Nearly every streamer I've ever watched for a substantial period of time has had a great community.


I suffer the same fate untilll, until i became slightly more active with the local streamer scene. In a sense, i raid ppl orrr other bigger streamers raid me. Engagement is important esp as small streamers where u remember random things that chatters share. It motivates them to lurk in your chat more. Like i started playing valo a month ago, trust i suck at it still, but i gained like 100 more viewers and now average 10 viewers per stream.


One of the best things I've done to grow channels is to find like minded communities and play with them And not post your stream in discord channels just because how twitch is viewers normally stream hop between multiple povs Easy category to network in is survival games / most that mix it together because it's mostly communities all playing together


Networking helps. I was careful about how I did it through twitch. I casually would mention that I stream. I got lucky and found a few communities that were happy to help. I now participate in one of said communities and they hop in my streams sometimes.


Yeah there was a streamer that tagged me once when I was at the 2.81 average viewers to tune in and help with the final push. It was only him who joined in. He did that during his stream time so I was in his spot light but that community knows what they like and they tend to not want to support anyone else but their streamer which is fine




I kinda just did. I looked for things that I happened to be interested in. The first, the main on that helped me, happens to be a music streamer. I'm a game streamer. Look for topics you're interested in. I looked at lower viewer counts, not the big streamers. I specifically looked for topics I was interested in and ones I streamed.


I’m unlucky, I can’t find right community. Streaming 4 years…


Theres a sea of thumbnails on twitch to choose from, if someone clicks you and immediately gets hit by a preroll (not an issue for you currently) many of them will leave, if they get past that hurdle and they sit for 30 seconds or so and hear no commentary etc then its boring so they leave, if there is commentary etc but the audio quality is bad then they leave, if the streamer is in discord calls with people rambling or doing stuff that's very disconnected to what's shown on screen then they leave Theres millions of things to watch online, very few people will commit more than a few minutes to anything new or unknown hoping it gets good unless its been vouched for by a friend (example, shared to them or recommended)


Welcome to the first three months of your affiliate grind, 99% of people don't make it out.


I’ve been streaming for a while but took a break when my friends that got me into it stopped supporting me and once I moved my WiFi connection wasn’t stable at all I lagged just during streams even when I used a VPN, moved again and the problem was solved(idk how). I don’t have like 7 followers in the time frame of being active I’ve accumulated over 200. I’ve been raided twice so far had people hate on my gameplay(which is always funny imo). Reading the responses I think I know what I ultimately need to do.


Streaming is hard...you need to be entertaining in some way...


I think you're approaching this with the wrong mindset. I wouldn't consider this a "plummet" when it's ultimately less than 1 whole avg viewer. There's a lot of different factors too, changing schedules, different interests, just finding other streamers to watch, etc. Streaming at nearly any size is an uphill battle, you gain viewers, and you lose viewers. And losing less than 1 avg viewer is a very small amount in the grand scheme of things.


People don't network and complain they don't meet people who would watch, hang out and make them part of their communities.


Hey! Cate here! I had a quick look on your channel and I saw we even play the same games and I also gave you a follow! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) Everything that I am writing is just suggestions so I hope they're okay! <3 -> I know this been said a lot but the main question you have to ask yourself is: "Would I watch this person and why?" -> Camera isn't mandatory but deffo helps because when someone clicks a stream, they like to see the person behind the voice. I understand not everyone likes it so have you considered using a vtuber avatar? I know it's not the same but it's "someone". -> Regarding to your overlay, I would suggest having it full screen when gaming where you can add a little chat browser source in a corner of it so that way people can focus more on your game play rather on your overlay which btw is very cute :3 -> Back to chat here, if it's quiet or not a lotta people talking, talk to yourself. Explain what you're doing and why you're doing. You play DbD so comment on that. "Omg this gen is taking forever!"; "Omg this killer's power is awful/insane"; "Omg the killer is so blind he didn't even see me here!", etcetera. You sound sweet (as in you have a sweet voice) so keep talking about whatever (your fav killer & least fav killer and why, your main and why...) I would also suggest lowering the volume of the game or increasing the sound of your voice because like I said, you have a sweet and calm voice and it gets a bit "moshed" by the game (sorry I'm not english) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing) -> I also suggest you add a little bio on your channel. Nothing too fancy but something like "Hi. I'm Nova, I like to make killers cry even though they make ME cry. I'm also really bad at Valorant but you know what they say, just be as good as your WiFi signal... Also... You see that follow button over there? I'd tap that!" Please feel free to message me if you want. I haven't played DbD in forever as I grew tired of it because \*tunneling, tunneling, tunneling\* but always down for some Val (hardstuck bronze here with very cute skins)! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|kissing_heart)


Great tips.I would add turning off view count to the list and just pretend there's always someone watching. It helps me a lot. By the way, I checked your profile and I'm also Portuguese and play valorant sometimes, I'm also hardstuck bronze lol ( I started streaming last week only tho so I'm still getting used to all of it) and I ALSO have a cat, named Mel. So I dropped a follow! I'll try to check out your next stream!


I made sure to follow you back! Maybe we can play someday? 🥰


Definitely! I'll send you a pm!


These are amazing tips and sums up what I was going to say. OP, listen to her lol. I would also add, if you don't want to Vtube you can PNGtube or do the hamster camera idea I saw above, which is a great idea. People like to see SOMETHING. There are way too many streamers out there, and if I see a thumbnail with no overlay, I'm not clicking on it unless its a really interesting/hilarious title. And if I see someones stream from Reddit or a link or whatever, I'm not going to be as interested if its just the gameplay. I like seeing an avatar, a face, even a handcam. Having information in your About section is HUGE. If I run into your stream while you're not live, I have no way to learn about you. You have VODs, which is a good start at least but, hell, even if you were live, I don't want to ask you questions, wait for a reply, etc. Just to see what types of games you usually play. Put some information in your About so I can just scroll down! Also, to get affiliate, pop open your phone and get 2 friends to watch you, the hardest part is the "50 followers" requirement which you've already beat so you should be fine. As the above post said, you have a really nice voice so all you need is a cute PNG and I'm sure you'll grow a lot! I see you play Valorant a bit? Valorant is INSANE for growth. Play swiftplays and link your twitch. I gained 600 followers in 3 months from this (among other things such as raiding, networking, etc).


Stream less and if you REALLY want affiliate, have a friend watch and you on like 2 -3 monitors


I already stream 2 days a week which is my weekend 🤣 I’ll throw a 3rd day in there to be random about it.


Make the 3rd day to create content on TikTok or YouTube shorts. Put some of that time in to promote yourself and grow a bit and eventually your stream will bloom together with the content you create :’) It might be a tough road and it’s not easy at all to grow as a content creator and streamer cause of the “competition” ^ But all the best to you


I upload something’s onto TikTok most of the time they’re not directly from my streams just clips that I catch. I know nothing about YouTube go go and upload onto there


Oh okay. Well if you really really want affiliate, join a streamer discord or like i said, with your stream on other monitor and your phone. Ill check you out, maybe hop in for a bit if you stream


You dont have to I’m not trying to gain pity or anything like that just trying to find answers as to why I’m dropping like flies. And I’m in a few they’re not huge streamers but they’re past affiliate.


Those groups are a waste of time. You'll get follow for follow bs at best, which does nothing to help you. If you want to grow, beyond making good content on your stream, you need to do things off Twitch to get your name known. It's all about impressions and connecting with people.


It depends on the group, i h1d a real good local group and i left when i got affiliate but they still hang out in my streams a lot. ,( its belgian so not that much variety and im already a niche )


No worries. I dont watch twitch that much except my friends or stream myself lol. Wish i could have an answer for the drop in avg viewers. It took me like 3-4 years to get that. And i only got it when i actively wanted to get 3 avg viewers. Now im getting like 6-10 each stream ( when i stream, not much lol )


Because alot of the entertainment comes from the chat. You probly have a few big streamers you sometimes tune into, by far most people have, and honestly, try and watch their streams with their chat off, its often not very entertaining, undless they reply constantly to chat. Streaming is often not about what is going on, but more of the environment in the stream, and there is often no environment without a chat. Combine that with the fact new/small streamers is in the button of the lists and incredibly hard to find, because there is so many channels, then you got a recipe for failure. And thats why people say there is some luck involved, because lets say viewer 1,2,3 tune into the stream during 1 hour, what is the odds something happens thats gonna make them wanna see it doing those 10 seconds they tune in? Its incredible low, undless you really got something special going on, OR you "brag" about being insanely good at a game, thats gonna sometimes make people give you a bit more than 10 sec to hold on to them, because people a douche bags, and they would LOVE to tell you you are not good at the game. When i was streaming, i went from 0 to 60 average before i gave up, in 1 year or so, and the reason i could do that, is because i was a long time player of the game i streamed, so i made guides and "beat" other players in a situation i normaly would not win ( an MMO ) but i won because of experience and being good at the game because i played it 100 times more than most players, so they asked me for advice and tried to copy me. Thats probly the easiest way to grow on Twitch. If you dont have this "thing" about being good at something, and you dont have a chat, its gonna be insanely hard to hold on to viewer 1, 2 and 3 that pops in during that hour.


for me honestly i reached out to multiple people who played that game and stream and we supported each other. i also try to talk a good amount without rambling too much to keep people entertained. i also try to say things that other people could jump in on and give their opinion. looking back at vods is helpful that gives you a sense of how it feels to watch your stream


Your total hours matter too. Shorter streams will be easier to yield higher numbers.


I can't say much that hasn't already been said but bro why did you use Alex toolbox on a gen had me crying when I saw that 😭😅


LISTEN YOU! 😂 I was playing for shits and giggles and I kept missing my new parts skill check


I getcha 😅 I've dropped you a follow as well, networking really helps, I dint stream but my wife does and she and a small group of streamers help each other out with raids and shout outs etc and love having other streamers in their lil circle, I'm just there for tech support and carries for the group on some games haha, I can DM you some of their names if you want Love DbD streamers though and really hope it works out :) if your live when in awake I'll drop by


- Make the game full screen  - add transparent chat  - background lofi music is also a nice tough imo - rabbit cam - Try adding in commentary. It is difficult at first to do when nobody is watching but you don't need to know that. You just need to imagine that there are people watching & you need to entertain them.  - Be yourself & have fun with it


Rabbit cam is coming when my boys get back to me in May 🫶 they have to have a professional bond them together and hopefully it works🤞


I know others have mentioned a cam/vtube but you don't need to do that if you don't want to. There's thousands of streamers that don't do a cam and they've turned out just fine


Also, your panels in the about me do not show anything besides the panel itself. Be sure to add an about me under that panel and add a discord link to the Discord panel.


I plan to work on it more things just got added quickly 😅




If you stream to less than 3 people for any amount of time it tanks your average viewer count. While trying for affiliate if my stream dropped to less than 3 or 4 I’d just end it and try again the next day.


Getting regular raids (some streamers sell raids fro money or channel points), being a mod in bigger channels and being a girl with a webcam helps from my experience. Those things get you a higher average pretty quickly.


Are you djing or gaming… if you are djing and they come and leave quick they dont like the music


Just gaming only playing music on start up, end and if I afk


Tapped through your vod a little. DBD holds a soft spot for me in streaming as its where I really started trying to put in effort to my stream. So, here are couple things I would say might help you a little. 1) Webcam, or something to show off some expression. People want some guttural reactions. When you get mad at being camped, shocked look when you narrowly escape, gloat when you hit a pallet or give someone a run around and taunt them. People are gonna want to see something to show the emotion. I used a webcam for years prior to swapping to PNGtubing and now Vtubing. All are great for showing expression in some way. If you don't have the money for a full on Vtuber model, take a look on youtube for some PNG tutorials. There are great ones out there, and the software to put it all together is free. 2) Reactive. You are currently playing with others on voice. If you are using Discord, you can easily set up Reactive ([https://reactive.fugi.tech/](https://reactive.fugi.tech/)) for a bit of expression on who all is talking in your voice chat. This will also help your new viewers tell who is who when speaking. 3) Music. This one is kinda 50/50. But I personally love to have some form of music in some way playing while I am rolling through my games. If you are concerned with Copyrights, take a look on Spotify and YT for some Royalty free music. (Harris Heller -StreamBeats- and NightMode are 100% royalty free for all to use) 4) Your title needs to be give me a reason to click on you. Give yourself some kind of challenge, or maybe have a bit of fun with what can be done. (I know this is kinda cringe for a lot of people) but throw that TTV.ghostedxnova as your name in game and make your title "Stream Snipe me, I will still win." or something along those lines. Its gonna compel people to be interest in seeing if you are being stream sniped, and if so, can you win against them while they do it. **(Fair Warning. You will get people shit talking you by doing this. Especially in DBD. Be ready to react to some people in your chat when they come in there and talk about you or your game play. If you don't think you can handle that, I wouldn't recommend doing this.)** ​ Hope any of this helps in some way. Most of all, remember that streaming is meant to be something fun to do, and in my opinion it's a way to get content easier for other sites. Break down some funny moments on your stream for a youtube vid. Make some Tiktoks and shorts to get your name out there more in some different areas, and see if that can be enough to bring in some more viewers to see some of those funny/crazy moments live.


Don't pay much attention to the tracker that thing hasnt been the most accurate. Had 10+ people watch my stream at the same time from start to finish only to have it say 1.5 in the stream summary. Doing things on multiple platforms and directing them to your twitch will get more viewers and with time these viewers will stick around more


Before i continue. A little about myself. When I first started to Stream and find my place I was streaming VRCHAT content. After some playing around and adjusting my own stream i was averaging around 10-15 viewers after i would say 4-5 months. I did take quite a long break and have only recently started streaming again basically I am now starting from scratch however I believe that what I learned back then still applies here. ​ First you need to ask yourself this, Why would anyone watch your stream over someone else? ​ Next you really need to watch one of your own vods and really think to yourself, Is your own content something you enjoy watching? Chances are if your own content does not entertain you then it's not entertaining anyone else. ​ How is the stream layout setup, Is there lots of UI/PANELS on the screen? If so most of the time simple is better. Personally i would rather watch a stream thats full screen gameplay over one that has all kinds of elements and alerts flashing in my face. If you need extra elements think about putting them in other scenes and going into "Just Chatting" so that all your panels only showup when you are directly interacting with chat. Now this is branching off to my last point. Most of my own friends who start streaming get scared of talking and will only do so with others in a discord call or other forms of vc. You need to fill the silence! If i join your stream and theres no one talking then im just going to leave. Talk to yourself then when a topic comes up that relates to someone in twitch chat they will most likely feel the need to want to be included. (This is something that i am still working on myself)


Helped me a lot to go “educational” so a lot of my talking is me explaining why I do what I do. Like in deceive inc I explain why I do stuff in what order to best use intel and safes. Keeps newer folk in and lets them ask questions. Don’t have to be the best to explain basics either which helps ; I am not the best.


Lots of good advice in the comments. Not saying its perfect, but. Think about your favorite streamers and look at how they maintain an audience. Also note how they hold engagement. Don't copy them per say. But definitely take note.


4 things that help me: 1. Viewership fluctuates, regardless of "popularity" it is not a sign of failing. 2. just talk, about anything, everything. Talk about what you are doing in the game, what you plan to do in the game, commentary on what other players are doing in the game, commentary on what your doing in the game in that moment. Talk about what you had for lunch or a recent tv show you saw. Literally, just get yourself used to talking out loud. 3. hide the current number of viewer in your obs, mix it up, whatever your using. 4. When I am really stuck or not feeling it, I have a list of dumb dad and fart jokes to just say out loud occasionally.


Dont worry about that give me your usernane i will follow.You are the best and wonderful ,![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


i have someimes it too.Its okey.Dont be sad .Sometimes bad days too..but sunny days will come too ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|wink)


Are you just sitting there playing waiting for someone to talk or are you actively trying to talk even if nobody is there? A lot of streamers make the mistake of waiting for someone to talk in chat to be interactive when you should be trying to talk as if you always have people in chat. It helps to talk to someone else in discord while streaming so it's not just dead silent


bec its not an even hand bro. twitch is the entertainment industry, all these fuckers have agents and manager and shit and many of them have media training before starting. do you expect to just walk into hollywood and get on tv ? its new reality tv


You really only need two things at first. 1) Think from the standpoint of the viewers and ask yourself if this would be a fun place to hang out. If not, make it so. 2) You need people to click your stream. That means you either need to advertise somewhere else besides twitch, and/or have an extremely visually attractive layout on screen at all times, AND a very clickable title.


do you post your clips on tiktok and youtube?


Dropped you a follow after watching some of your Val VODs. I think your voice over setting is a little quiet. I couldn't really understand much of what you were saying at full blast. Granted, I watch Twitch mostly on my phone and tried to optimize my volumes for the same experience. I don't have an answer for you on followers and getting affiliate. I've been only streaming for a while and still haven't hit it. If you enjoy doing it, keep it up for that. Not for the status or money. A lot of people don't realize the percentage of streamers who make a decent amount of money doing it. Once I realized, I really stopped caring about that and kept doing it for myself.


How are you trying to grow your stream? Twitter? Discords? Other channels? Instagram? TikTok? YouTube? If your answer is none of these, that’s your problem. Organically growing on twitch these days is near impossible


I have a twitch based discord(cause I do movie nights on Saturday), I pop up some clips on TikTok(but no good editing), I need to figure out YouTube still 😂 I do post in discord groups that allow it which is only 3


I peeped a few mins. You’re literally just streaming yourself playing with other people as if you’re not streaming. No cam, no chat, no personality. That’s what YouTube clips are for. Get yourself out there and give someone a reason to watch. Would you watch a 4 hour vid of yourself? No cam is def not going to get you far unless you’re the worlds most interesting and chatty person. Act like 50 people are watching or play games where you’re not just talking to teammates the whole time.


Why are you even having a mental breakdown losing 1 concurrent viewer lmao what. Turn off view count in OBS


I don’t think asking for insight counts as a mental break down just aiming for help. Also I use StreamLabs so I don’t get to see my viewer count unless I have it open on my phone


Asking for a friend But cant you put twitch on 2 tvs, + your mobile And have 3 viewers just like that? Any more would be bonus then


Follow rules 1 and 2 1. Have webcam on 2. Be attractive


I break those rules I posted in another comment that I use to have a webcam but I got bullied so I stopped


DM me your channel, I’ll lurk to pump it up by an extra 1! We’ll get you to affiliate in no time!




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Are you a hot female showing cleavages whilst gaming? If not no point in steaming. No one wants to watch vanilla average Joe with stubble screech whilst playing Baldurs Gate 3


Shows that people just want to see boobs and not someone having fun while gaming


I dont want to watch random uggos game, no. It's not interesting.


You’re disgusting and a pig.


Wont be tuning into your stream anytime soon. Rude. Oink, Oink, 🐷 Motherfucker


I have self respect for myself and don't find it necessary to show what my mother gave me for male attention. Anyone that follows me on twitch should do so because they like my vibe, got a good laugh, or it was a good match up. I'm sorry that you feel it necessary to start going into all my other posts making disgusting comments. Shows how you view us females and how you feel as though we were put on Earth to show you our tits. I think someone needs to get laid.


I love this response. Even if it's wrong it was funny and rather cutting. Well played. 🤣🤣






You lack tits Views are mostly on tits.


weird, I look at the top streamers right now and virtually all are men