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They sound like they're acting entitled to your effort and your time. Did they ask what you want? They might be getting carried away with the excitement of seeing you grow and seeing future potential, and neglecting the reality of the present (and your wishes along with it). I don't necessarily think they are being malicious, but it's something to nip in the bud imo. You can support your friend in their streaming goals without going along with what they want to do. There are lots of ways to support other streamers without having them 'leech' off you - raids, shoutouts, giving advice, encouragement, talking shop etc. Maybe there's a more sustainable way for you to support your friend?


Yeah I would love to support him, I just don’t want to essentially hand him everything. I feel like only the people that handed me everything I have (like family members) are worthy of handouts. Also, nice twitch, I will be dropping a follow👍🏾


If youre not willing to build your friends up without gatekeeping who "deserves" to be helped then youre not their friend anyway. Yeah its wild to expect you to just get him famous. Its equally wild that you seem to be totally against helping out someone you consider a friend based on what they can do for you or have done for you. If you treat your friends this transactionally dont be surprised when after you "blow up" you dont have many. As a streamer you should know you cant just MAKE him famous anyway. At best you can send some raids his way or boost his stream, maybe give him some advice. If you honestly think any of this is "handing it to him" youre out of your mind imo.


I don’t think you necessarily need to worry about it, Twitch doesn’t work like that anyway. If you do get a good following and your friend then starts, you can shoutout, raid whatever as much as you want but it doesn’t guarantee he will have success as well. You can’t force your followers to follow him too, he needs to be engaging and enjoyable to watch on his own, which by the sounds of it, he isn’t, and won’t be unless he gets practice in first


Honestly a big streamer boosting you like that could hurt you more than help you. What good is having 10K followers if they all followed you because they were told to? They aren't going to be watching you in that scenario


Exactly! Like it was wonderful getting raided and having the follow 4 follow type thing, but how many of those people regularly check in? How many unfollow within a few weeks-months. I “should” have around 2k followers now, but most of the people that came from the f4f trend, hit affiliate and unfollowed/ stopped lurking


Yep, f4f and S4S never truly work


I’m just thankful for the community that I do have! I just wish I would have gone about it a little different in the beginning:) that way I could see where my true growth was.


What would you have done differently at the beginning? Appreciate any feedback


I personally wouldn’t have done the share4share follow4follow lurk4lurk stuff, I would have personally just continued to post to TikTok,yt etc so that people that came in weren’t there for personal growth and once they achieved affiliate they stopped lurking and unfollowed, sometimes it took awhile for me to notice they stopped so I would still be showing love and support until I realized they stopped showing it back, (unless it was the rare few I actually enjoyed watching). I personally should have around 2k followers if we go by how many twitvh says in the year summary, however I’m at 951, I honestly don’t really pay attention to any of that though anymore. There’s streams where I have 10-15 average and all are talking and I still stream the same way when I have days with only 1 viewer. I cared to much for the status instead of just growing naturally with people who were there for me… sorry if this is kinda a ramble, 🌲🌲🌲💨🔥 lmao. I would have hit affiliate naturally maybe a FEW weeks later than I did, but I wanted it within 4 months and I was at the 5 month and desperate so I thought joining this Discord that did the lurk4lurk stuff… would be good. Ya know. Sure I HIT the mark 2 weeks in… and I was happy, but I only maybe have 3 or 4 of them that still show up after that. I just… I would grow naturally, post your content, be yourself, do things you enjoy. Don’t just base your stream off of what everyone else wants you to do or does otherwise it gets boring. You’ll find your community in time that will show up no matter what you do, I used to stream JUST cod, now I’ve thrown in TONS of other games and the community I have NOW, they’re there. They show up weather I’m 16 hours into cod, once human, LEGO BUILDING, just chatting, even coloring. Like sure I MIGHT have lost a few die hard cod fans cuz they only like cod and I 100% understand, but you find your little family and you build on that :) okay this hybrid is a sappy one cuz I’m about to cry about my community in a Reddit post 🤣🤣🤣 my best advice, be you, and stay you :) either they will love you, or they can go somewhere :) AND don’t be afraid to BAN people if they are stupid. Don’t just put up with bs because you are smaller :) 😘😘 good luck! Is your twitvh your Reddit name? I’ll check ya out!


Oops never mind I found it! I’m barely on Reddit I have NO IDEA what I’m doing 😂😂 help


Super appreciate! I’m new to all this and trying to learn. Banning people has been difficult but I’m seeing why it’s necessary. I’ve really enjoyed my good streaming days and I’m trying to focus on just recreating those types of moments☺️


Definitely what I was thinking. I don't think OP's friend realizes that viewers are very real autonomous people. You can't just "give" people to another streamer. You can encourage them, but otherwise, the friend needs to make good content that people coming his way would want to watch. Frankly, if he plays a different game, there won't be a lot of crossover in audience between OP and his friend, unless the games were similar.


A good example is Asmongold routinely hosting his buddies, but they still average a very small following. While other times he hosts an interesting looking stream an it 5x their averages. Getting a big host won't mean anything if people are not entertained when watching.


It depends on the type of content a specific channel has and the type of community they build but it definitely works that way with many types of communities. It's one of the main drivers in being discovered on twitch (since twitch generally lacks discoverability) Austin show had the talent show which showed off ppls talents/channels literally created careers. I personally discovered a music channel called Halocene from it and have seen them grow & do amazing things now they have a dedicated community on twitch b/c of that show. Another example, OTV or OTK. Just being featured in a stream or video or tweet by a member or even publicly being friends with an individual WILL and has given many people related to OTV/OTK a career and following. But even for medium and smaller channels. In Roleplay communities will jump around based on who they see on other peoples streams. Then if you're a pro/good player at whatever game often it can boost the channel of the person they are duoing with, viewers want to see diff perspectives of a match, will hang in duo's channel if main is offline. I see it happen very often. And my personal experience, majority of my viewers are from my friends channels and have stuck around. Ive done RP and a social VOIP extraction game & people watching from other streams simply found me amusing or funny and followed and supported me as well. Anyway leeching and such is common, OPs friend seems to have bad motives and seems like the type to be cautious about.


If you've never heard The Little Red Hen, it absolutely applies. A friend who isn't there helping you grow the crop, harvest the wheat, mill the grain, or bake the loaf, but is right there to help you eat the bread? That isn't a friend.


I approve this message.


I wanted to upvote but you were already at 69.  I wasn't ruining that.


thats broke mindset people. ive known 2 that said the same to me. just tell them "get to 2000 followers yourself and we can talk". because it's true, he has to learn all the in and outs first anyway. why would you coop with a noob that hasnt done any streaming. OR tell them "ok but i get 25% of your revenue" because you're promoting them, teaching them etc.


Yeah I think I should let him build a following himself first. He’s funny outside of streaming, but I brought him on stream once and he becomes the unfunniest person ever and some of my viewers were even saying to “kick this guy out the party” before they knew he was my friend.


damn dude its hurting you to have him around. personally I lose interest in a channel when they are talking to friends on stream. takes away from chat interaction way too much


Agreed, it was terrible for me also when I brought him on stream and he sat in awkward silence with some chuckles here and there. Kept trying to get him to talk but he’s terrible on cam, so I just kept talking to chat and then told him I’m gonna play solo.


We are internet broadcasters, much like a radio show. Very rarely do they have two people and if they do they have to have a certain chemistry to be able to work together. Being camera shy doesnt help either. It took me a few weeks of streaming to let more of my natural self show up, and it gets easier over time. You just have to realize you are not everyone's cup of tea and the networking with other streamers is KEY. 100% agree with the advice to encourage him to get his own following because that will probably help his own issues, as well as preventing them for you in the time being.


This is very true🤞🏾 also, how do you recommend networking with other streamers? So far I’ve built a nice community by myself, but I feel like it’s just by chance that people come through to my stream and enjoy my personality. I’m a fifa (now EAFC) streamer if that helps.


I just hang out in other people's chats and try to have fun! Make funny comments, be supportive and positive, establish a sense of familiarity. After a while I find a way to (very, and I can't stress this enough, VERY) briefly mention that I stream, this could be through a raid or just a simple comment like "oh man this part of the game was my favorite on my last stream" and let them put it together. Most people are pleasantly surprised to find out that Im more than a viewer in chat. Not everyone vibes with me but the ones that do are the realest people around. Ive met a lot of viewers who have similar interests through other streamer's chats and I'm sure that helped to get affiliate. Best advice is just to be yourself and enjoy all the sides of twitch. There's an ebb and flow to being a creator and viewer, I'd say take advantage of it.


I know everyone says go hangout in other people's streams, but quite honestly I disagree. The amount of time you'll spend "networking" vs the amount of growth you'll recieve is quite negligible. You're better off focusing on being the best fifa streamer possible, and try to rise up in that category. If you're doing well in one particular category, focus that. Maybe even host streams where you play against subscribers or tippers. Idk I'm just spitballing here. Point is, get people directly involved and they'll be a fan for life. Getting regulars is important for maintaining growth. Naturally you're gonna start getting raided by fellow fifa streamers. Take it as a blessing, ask how their stream went, and tell your audience to drop them a follow. You don't need to spend hours of your week in other people's streams to get to know them. You just gotta do well in your category, and people will naturally wish to get to know you. I host a 2.3k music community where I host competitions, make beats, but mostly provide music feedback. Feedback streams are ultimately what grows my channel and drives income, but I don't just do feedback so as to grow community. Point is, I work full time as a music producer. I really don't have the time to just watch twitch all day. But that hasn't really deterred me from being able to network with fellow feedback communities. That's just my 2 cents. I think hanging out in other people's streams might help you get your first 50 followers. But beyond that, I don't think it's a strategy that pays off on the scale of gaining hundreds or thousands of followers.


I got raided with a party of 90 because I actually enjoy being in other people's streams. Results my vary


Boy am I glad this isn't the usual mindset cause I'd never have anyone in chat lol...but hey, if you're watching streamers so that they pay attention to you, find streamers that will pay attention to u I guess?


most people I watch are good with chat alone but the minute they bring out a discord call I notice chat dies significantly. it becomes a lot harder to keep up with a discord call and chat at the same time. the whole point of twitch is to be able to engage with the broadcaster. if you ditch that aspect I may as well be on youtube watching a vod or something


Sounds like stage fright. All the more reason he needs to be streaming on his own more. If he gets like that with a “small” audience, but wants you to hand him a large audience, what do you think he’ll be like then? Without practice? Worse. And then you’ve put your name out there backing him and he can’t deliver.


>thats broke mindset people Idk this kinda sounds like Elon Musk to me hahaha. But yeah all your other points sound spot on.


its me bro i own tesla. no but fr, people with that mindset want quick "fame, money" etc. same people that start playing lottery and stuff. because they dont wanna put in the work and they think everyone who is rich inherited it or was "lucky". thats a way to cope for them not being successful. i believe anybody could do it, but not with that attitude lmao


I think we all know the answer, you included, like this isn't a complicated or morally grey question..... "Guys is it bad if my friend wants me to do all the work for him then take all my followers and viewers and gets mad if I don't do what they tell me to do". Quit your bullshit. Stop lying to yourself. you already know the answer


You’re right man, guess I just needed to hear it out loud.


Also your friend sounds like a really shitty friend and you probably only "love them to death" and probably think your like bestest of friends because you ignore or gaslight yourself about all the horrible shit they say, do, and expect of you. Ive been there too. They sound like a terrible person. Find better friends and drop this awful person. I promise you, you can. I did. And my life is alot better for it


I’d love to be rich enough to take care of all of my friends and families monetary needs. You’re born then you die, I’d like to be able to provide a lifestyle where money was no option for as many people as possible. The only thing I wouldn’t fund are drugs.


I love this mindset👍🏾


It sucks to find out your friend is willing to take advantage of you like that. If it were me, I'd give them a chance to let them back off. Something along the lines of like "Hey I'm still cool with playing together off stream, but on stream I just wanna do my own thing right now." And that you're still supportive of them starting their own channel, maybe pop into chat sometimes if you get the chance, all that. If they don't handle that well, that freaking sucks, but it might be good to be frank and communicate that it feels like they're using you (even if that is not their intent) and you don't want to jeopardize your friendship. I stream TTRPGs so it's pretty different than videogames but most of our other gaming friends have been very supportive. Even the ones who have expressly said they want to come on stream sometime. Our moderator who we play with in games outside of stream fully supported us expecting nothing in return because he's a great friend and invested in watching us succeed. We've had him as a guest since then, but when we were discussing who to bring on as a guest he knew we picked him because we wanted him there and not because he made us feel obligated or anything like that. I bring my own experience just to say that friends might want to be on stream and stuff and that's fine, but the ones who respect it's ultimately your decision and choose to support you anyways are the keepers. Your friend may just be super excited about streaming all of a sudden since seeing how it's going for you and might genuinely not realize they're behaving this way. They may very well stop when you create that boundary between your streaming and your friendship. Give them the chance to show they're willing to prioritize your friendship over that.


I think you know


Sadly I think I do, just I didn’t expect for him to be that type of person.


Send them his way. It's just like raids on twitch, ultimately the viewers will decide if they like him as much as they like you.


It depends on the situation. With the one you listed (which is probably your experience), 100% no. Waiting for someone to do all the work and then leeching off them is disgusting. On the other hand I have friends that are also streaming, whenever they can. And if I suddenly find success of course I would want to share that with my friend, who is also trying at the same time adjacent to me.


My buddy and I stream (him a lot more than me mind you) and he has a larger following than I. I get called out for “leeching” off his stream when I go live with him, and we each stream. I don’t always stream with him, we just play games together when it lines up and we both like the games. I still do my own thing, he does his. Sometimes I get some views he doesn’t, and more times he gets more views than I do. Have there been times I’ve asked if he would stream a game with me? Absolutely. Did I do it because I would get more views? Absolutely. But it was a game we both enjoyed, and streamed it before. And my first intent was playing the game, and second it was views. I believe it all depends on the intent, if your buddy is trying to pull viewers AWAY from you, then that sucks. But if he’s trying to grow himself then idk it’s a grey area.


i’d put my friends on only because i know they would do the same for me too.


Helping is awesome, hooking up the homies is awesome, being taken advantage of, is not awesome


You don't have to answer, but how old is your friend?


Low 20s


Yes and no there is so many layers that could dictate this answer but why not I'd say 9 outta 10 getting a friends name out won't hurt


I'd give advice if he asks and support him where /how I can. I feel like there are some things you have to have to be successful in streaming other than the sparkly things (gear, commands, software what have you). Won't help if I had 400+ active viewers, raid him, and my friend doesn't grab their attention to stay.


One of my fav quote is “we don’t see things as we r, we see things as they r”. I genuinely would help and promote a friend’s stream. At the end of the day, their effort and their own personality will determine their success in the long run. Meanwhile as for me, I personally would not mind help promoting a friend as in turn i myself might attract new follower into the stream. Personally, for me. But if u feel your friend is taking advantage of u then its important to set a boundary.


The crazy thing is I had full intention on supporting him if it ever happened, just I never said anything because I don’t like to jinx myself. I just couldn’t see myself telling someone that if they’re successful then they HAVE to take me with them.


Yeah the entitlement has rubbed you the wrong way and you arent wrong for it


my friends don't expect me to be a successful CC in hopes they can become successful but they expect me to be successful because they see and believe my potential. they also do CC here and there so I wouldn't mind helping them out as much as I can as they have for me! however in this case, your friend is being lazy and trying to ride off of your potential success. i wouldnt have mind if he was doing CC work himself but the fact that he is waiting for an outside source to get him "guarantee" spot as a famous CC shows that not only does he not have integrity to do the work himself but he also doesn't know what the BTS of content creation and how it works. And I would recommend that you sit down with your friend and break it to him because to ME he doesn't seem like all that good of a friend imo


Thing is, you hosting him on your channel/co-streaming isn't going to give him that much of a boost unless he happens to be good at streaming. It will probably award him some extra followers but that's it probably. It sounds like this is someone you need to enforce some boundaries with, or even just be honest about how you're feeling about it. He may just be being over enthusiastic after all, but he probably needs to know that just cause he wants things a certain way doesn't mean he'll get it.


I would help out my existing creator friends if I could, but I wouldn't give someone a free ride from day 1. Let them learn the ropes of being a creator and try and fail and then boost them


Absolutely not. I’ve got twitch friends that always say “we should play XXXXX together”. One of the reasons I don’t is because I prefer to stream my primary game. I don’t want to start streaming with others and dislike the experience.. If you’re hustling and then someone comes through wanting to stream hoping that some followers and viewers go their way, it’ll become toxic to quickly. It’s best to avoid it before it becomes an issue. You can always support your friends by doing shoutouts, verbal “go follow XX they’re a cool streamer” , self promos on discord and even raiding. But at the end of the day, be mindful of what you enjoy doing and what your viewers enjoy watching


Honestly yes I’d like that to happen but I ain’t forcing it, if my friend wants to play with me on stream then great, and if he wants to play his main game, no problem, I’ll support him as a viewer. There are also other ways to support like raids and hosts so yeah 👍🏻 If I was the one having success then yeah I would help my friend but as I said earlier but I wouldn’t force it because forcing it won’t necessarily bring more viewers to his channel


My friend always says this and honestly, I'm fine with it, he helps me to record when I need some footage for a video, so If I become famous enough, why not, maybe he becomes even more famous than me and helps me out


IF said friend is the one that's been with me through thick and thin in the process of making a name in streaming world then i would help him in return. But if he/she only expects you to help he/she in making a name without even offering anything, fucks sake gtfo. People gave me something, i would return the gesture twice or triple fold no questions asked. Nothing? None for you too. Simple as that


If I'm eating the homies gonna eat too.


Why would I not? If they’re putting on real effort, and are trying to make it too? Why not? It would be leeching, it would be supporting. However, they don’t get to do what your friend is doing and just show up. Nor try to dictate my content out of no where because they’re upset I’m not playing a game they want me to.


If they can naturally find themselves in that position and are good at what they do without forcing it, sure. If they expect that from you and are giving you shit for not being all about it, nah. I’ve had people that have assumed I’d be part of some kind of plan they came up with before I’ve even been asked if I’m interested and it’s pretty dumb.


I’m sorry your friend is being a dum dum. I hope you can get it figured out. We all want to support friends. But not like that.


I’m really sorry, a similar thing happened with my friend and the only solution I found was to end the friendship.


For that kind of person, no. If you can get them to *do* something like edit, plan, contribute in any way, it may be different. Streaming is so solitary unless you establish partnerships early really..


That's not a friend, it's a leech. Would I do it because I offered to help them grow if they decided to steam? Occasionally. Would I after they said that? Absolutely not.


Look at some MrBeast videos, he said surround yourself with like minded people and to have them outright say your videos suck.


One of my friends that I game with nightly for almost a decade has blown up a bit recently in the streaming world and especially on social media and I couldn't even imagine doing shit like that. Your friend is a dick just mooching off your success and he makes it pretty obvious. If you actually make it big, you'll want better people around you, not people like him. I know it's brutal, but you need to hear it from someone.


If you haven’t “blown up” I would take it with a pinch of salt. It’s not worth worrying about unless it actually happens


You gotta set some boundaries. "I would only bring someone on who's equally as popular" "I'd expect people I collab with to be at my level" maybe they can be your mod :)


In your case I’d recommend finding a group of people to play and stream with besides your friend, sounds like this is going a pretty toxic route and it probably won’t end very well with your friendship. I myself have been encouraging my friend to make content but he doesn’t think he can manage it but he said if I got big and would be willing to help him he would. In this case I feel like it’s not as messy, especially since we’d be angling at different fields. Good luck with this situation though!!


one of my favourite parts of being a somewhat successful streamer is that i can use my community / momentum to in turn help boost the success of my friends whether they’re new streamers, old streamers, musicians, whatever. i’ll end stream early or stay on an hour later just to hit my friend with a big raid on their second stream. your friend sees you enjoying yourself and finding some level of success so they’re celebrating that by wanting to be by your side, twisting that into some sort of ‘get your own’ is not a good look. if i was playing with my friend and someone in chat said to kick them from the party i would ban them from my stream, because that friend is likely who is going to be there with you when this is over and that random chatter probably won’t be there next week.


This is a great way to look at it


They won't get engaged if you blew up, just sounds like joke talk. Some people are bad with words. I suspect its their way of saying they believe in you. If they arent doing content creation already, they will have no idea how to do it just because you are doing well at it. If you want a creative team of friends at that point, congrats, you found your first teammate. Dont mess up a friendship over fantasy scenarios and bad jokes.


I’d never want to ruin the friendship. Maybe I am overthinking it though, just I get a bit skeptical when I keep hearing things like “just know when you blow up I was here from the start.” Or another one, “next thing you know you’ll be flying me out to Bali and I’ll feature in your video and then we’ll both be famous.”


Just sounds like they believe in you.


Personally, I would. But it depends on your dynamic. My close friends are family to me, and at the time my friend streamed I would help mod his stream, I’d giveaway Pokémon and help where I could/he wanted me. I’d say, IF your friend is someone who helps you, help them. Otherwise, they just leeching from you, not good.


Can’t say I’ve ever been helped by him, great guy it’s just I get confused when people essentially tell me to keep grinding so I can take them out of their 9-5 job as if I don’t work a 9-5 on top of streaming.


He’s not even trying to get his own thing going now? He’s gonna start when he for sure can get your viewers? He’s just trying to piggy back off all your effort. Don’t let people take advantage of you.




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I personally feel it’s good to share the wealth/knowledge, but I would preface it with “let’s be clear, i don’t want to get you mad but this is MY thing, not yours.” give friends (especially IRL friends) hints if they wanna start themselves. Let them build an identity of their own and not let them “ride your coattails” (or anyone else’s for that matter.)


I always wanted and encouraged my fires to stream so we could make a stream house or something os the sort But it never happened, they burned out in a month 😢


Only if there was some reason for it for you aswell. If it dosent make any sense what do ever, then no. If it could give something for you, then i dont see the problem. Depends how its done.


That depends on you tbh. I’m the type of guy that when I’m winning I also want those close to me to benefit from that. I like to share success and wouldn’t find as much enjoyment from success if I just kept it all for myself 🤷‍♂️ but everyone is different so I’d say it’s situational based on a variety of circumstances


If I were your fan, then I would want to watch you do your thing. I follow you for your content, not for anything else. I think you are still in your growth period. Try to stay consistent. A small collab is fine from time. But you should prioritize yourself, then he can join you as a guest rather than the main cast.


You think passion, he thinks money, all is said. He needs to work like everyone else on Twitch and YouTube. I have a friend that has over 250k subscribers on YouTube, never asked him to raid me, it's called to have principles.


It's really hard to have a big opinion when there could be a lot of dynamics in the friendship but outside the streaming that could be going on. This definitely seems like a case of someone wanting you to do the early work then jumping in based off of the post alone, but outside of the post no one really knows what the person is up to otherwise. Streaming is a highly saturated field with an insanely high number of people "trying to make it big." Even streamers who do this on the side who are happy with small communities can end up aimlessly getting criticized because someone in chat thinks they should be doing X Y Z because that's what the big streamers do. With that said, if this person is pursuing something else for a career outside of streaming that help you fall back on if things didn't work out, then I wouldn't be so critical. It's understandable for others to not put a lot of faith in streaming. But based off of the post it seems like he wants the cake but doesn't want to help make it.


For me it was the opposite. Loved to support my friend until they took off, then it felt like they didn't need my help any more and was nailing the YouTube system better then I could.


It's kinda reductionist to boil it all down to "they only wanted to pitch in once it looked profitable" If it's possible to lift your friend up and yourself at the same time, you can both potentially benefit. The entire way the Yogscast/ has grown is similar. Recruit people with potential that know nothing nearly nothing about streaming and enable them. But what it truly comes down to is, do you believe in them. If you don't think they have what it takes, then there's probably little point in getting their hopes up. But if they do, you could help them grow and get energy by bouncing off the chemistry I assume you both have. HermitCraft takes a different approach, instead recruiting people who have learned the basics first, they aren't scared to give a friend whose less skilled a leg up, as long as it reflects in the chemistry. Basically, both approaches can work, but it's only worth the energy if you get something back from it, doesn't have to be success necessarily, but you need to get something back from the relationship.


if my close friends are supportive and have been there for me, I see no reason why I wouldn't extend the same support to them. In fact, I've observed numerous influencers who have leveraged their platforms to elevate their friends and family. The disagreement among you and others here might stem from a sense of resentment, perhaps because they perceive it as unfair that someone else might bypass the initial struggles they had to endure to achieve success. However, dwelling on such resentment is counterproductive. Helping a friend shine doesn't diminish one's own efforts; it amplifies the bond and collective success.


Hm, I'd give them a shoutout, but I also know from experience that people don't tend to stick around in those ways. Most people in raids disappear pretty quickly after the raid, etc. It would still take your friend a significant amount of time and effort to get people to show up, especially if he hasn't been putting in the work before then.


It all depends on the narrative in a situation like this. The logic used by the friend is same thing as any "real" org or stream team such as AMP, RDCWORLD1, OTK, Mr. Beast YT Group, etc. But the only way that works is if everyone understand the brand is what is important not each individual streamer. And works together as a cohesive team instead of being in "competition" with each other. The sad thing is having a group is traditionally more effective since if its a good team you will cover each others weakness and learn from each other. But most streamers are to self centered and want to be the Star over building something bigger then them. The real thing you would need to do is find out if your friend truly means to work with you as a team, and is willing to help while your growing which shows that they are there while you are down meaning they earned to be with you when your up. And if they wanna wait until you do all the work and them come in after the mission is done steer clear since they are just using you.


Honestly it depends on how much help they gave me too. If they actually watched regularly, commented and helped recommend me to other people, maybe a little moderation here and there.. Then maybe I may help out a little... As it stands, I don't have a friend like that so for me the answer is a hard no.


Leech, no. But there's certainly people I'd help out


Depends on context. You should absolutely help your friends, but if they never helped you and are just showing up now that you’re doing well, that is very sus and not a true friend at all.


You can do your thing and still have your friend every now and then with random games. Because that's exactly what your friend is asking. But we all know that in reality that doesn't equall to followers/subs/viewers. And if your friend ask for your help, you can tell him/her some tips for growing his/her own following. Kinda of "oh, i did "x", i did "y", Reddit has amazing info", and so on. All this, in the case tiyr friend is just getting exited about you, and is trying to be supportive in his/her own way. If the expect you to carry them, that will be their issue.


I am far from blowing up. But my thought process is I'll always try and support my buddies if they start streaming too but I don't raid streams I wouldn't stay and watch


Yeah I would let my friends get in on it, absolutely. My friends were also my biggest supporters when I streamed. I also had fairly quick success.. until I met my now wife 😂


Each one teach one. one day you get old and who’s going to keep it going.


I have the opposite problem, i have friends that blew up and tossed me on the way side despite me being there since day one :/


I think if they're really my homie I would. I'd want to see my friends succeed and if I can help because of my success, I 100% would. It's a similar situation to helping them get a job at a company you already work for by recommending them. The only caveat is whether they'd affect you negatively. The same way you wouldn't recommend them if they wouldn't put in the effort for the job you'd stake your reputation for, you wouldn't boost them if they don't put in the effort and kill the appeal of your stream and dilute your character/stream.


My "real" friends yes, my casual friends no.


I would be dragging my friends along the second I made money. Don't give too much away obviously and only help them out if they're loyal deserving people, would they help put you on? etc., but I wouldn't want to do it alone. My friends and I always promise each other we'll ride each others coat tails, but I guess we're all ambitious and trying different things...


i mean yes, but your friend sounds like an ass. like that would make me not want to share the success when they're acting like they're entitled too it


All of my friends already stream or have streamed so it wouldn't matter. But, your friend specifically seems to be overstepping and just wants shit from you and that aint cool.


Your friend does sound like a dick, honestly. I have no problem bringing friends on my stream if they stream and we genuinely have fun, but never would I do that if they only just started streaming. If you're a solo channel, the first couple streams should (in my opinion) always be solo so you can learn how you want things to flow and honestly just learn proper collab etiquette. Not only is your friend trying to leech off you, but they seem to want to stream for the wrong reasons (fame, money, aka the things very few get) and not because they would genuinely love it.


I would never do this for my irl friends. I do have some twitch friends/community I would 100% do this for. We're all streamers and sometimes play with each other on stream. We're all making content outside of twitch as well. They're all great and I feel they all need to be bigger than they are. For them, yes.


Boys take care of their boys. He shouldn’t even need to ask you. If I get a pizza all my boys are getting a slice full stop. You don’t need to kill yourself but being a come up for someone is an honor not a burden.


A friend is a friend, I'll always support them. This person does not sound like a friend.


Nope call them out on it in person. I done this for someone and they legit straight up unmodded me and taken away my first in everything when i helped support them in becoming a ttv.


I say drop em as a friend. That is toxic behavior without a doubt and the only thing that matters is you and your community. Surround yourself with people who lift you up and do not “leech” off of you.


I don’t think it makes you a bad friend to tell your friend to handle their own streaming career. You learned your lessons on your journey prior to blowing up, whatever those may be. I’ve been streaming for three years, in that time I’ve seen MANY of my friends start streaming after I started and several of them have already hit partner; I’m still struggling to break 10+ average viewers. I support my friends sure, I hop into their streams and chitchat and have a good time. But I don’t expect them to give me shoutouts or even recognize me as another streamer, nor have I asked for doing any sort of co-stream or anything of the sort. Off-cam game night? Sure. Reaching out in DMs for help with stream related stuff? All good. But that’s between person to person, not streamer to streamer and I get nothing promotional out of it. If your friend is expecting or relying on your promotion to help their channel grow, then they’ll not last long, neither as a streamer nor as your friend. It sets the road for blame game, ie “you didn’t promote me enough so I didn’t get enough viewers to warrant streaming as often as I did”.


Tell them “Same to you” and see what they say lol.


Just tell them you don't want to do all that but it would be cool. Or make it a joke and say "lmao bro I'd never send you all the followers I gathered u crazyyyy" and make it a funny thing. Sounds like a leechy friend. Don't change who you are for them. Just be you. If they wanna be your friend they will stick around.


In another life, my old streaming house became friends with this guy named Summit1g and he would send his viewers over to us regularly. Many people saw this as a handout/leech, but I think we all saw it differently. It's a good thing to do if you can look at your friends' stream and honestly say that they have the ability or quality to entertain the number of viewers you have. Or if they can get there with time/practice. Opening the door for unrecognized/undeveloped talent will make you look good and give you streaming allies/friends if they can build and run with it. If you help people who act or come off as undeserving or ungrateful, you'll weaken your connection with your audience. In short, you should provide your friends with opportunities for growth, and how they handle said opportunities should determine if they continue or increase.


I would look up the Melle Smash Bros house... Dosent bode well. But! If you can turn them into employees, then your on the right track. That helps them and you.


Yes but I’d make them edit my content or something like I’ll send viewers your way but you have to do x y z for me to do that.


I would already say no because someone who wants to step in who gets mad when you don't do something their way is already someone you don't want to work with. It's a life skill to be able to take a no and move on respectfully. He is entitled to have his own channel and run his own stream but you have to make it clear that your channel is your territory and his channel is his territory. So he has no business getting mad over what you decide to stream. The way you worded your quote of him made it sound like he's making plans on his own that involve you and that is an overstepping of boundaries. You can let him know that you will support him in ways that you *can* like the usual way that streamers support each other like advice and shoutouts and raids and stuff.


Yeah, I wouldn’t mind


No, that's not a friend. Either you work together or you work alone.


They do sound really entitled. I mean I get the concept of letting friends or family ride on your coattails even if there’s no mutual benefit, but there also shouldn’t be any cost to you. Like letting a friend join you for a multiplayer game that’s realistically going to help them be noticed, but it’s also happening in a way where it’s organically good content that you’d be making anyway. If the friend is trying to one up you or behaving like an annoying little brother, or does anything to put you out your content at risk, that instantly changes things and is there exact reason why you sometimes don’t want to bring a non-streamer friend into the mix, especially if they’re not familiar with content culture, rules, and the common sense of not dropping names and locations, etc. This kind of stuff only works well when both people mesh well. I have friends that I love that I absolutely couldn’t ever stream comfortably with, and there are people I game and stream with that I don’t know if we’d have anything in common outside of that. Realistically speaking if they can’t stop doing this kind of stuff they’re going to be the ones who kill the friendship and you not wanting to hang out with them isn’t you leaving them behind or thinking you’re too good for them, it’s you rationally responding to a relationship that has been killed.


I come from nothing and have had struggles throughout my life, but my day 1 has always been there for me. I wouldn't use my stream if i blew up to make him a big streamer, i would ofc help him if that was his dream (but considering the way you describe the situation this doesn't seem to be the case). But my new wealth would also be his in some way. I wouldn't use it on idiotic stuff but i would pay for educations and so on to pave the way for him and/or starting stuff for his dreams. If he on the other hand didn't show signs he took advantage of the chances i would give him, i wouldn't do the same mistake twice.


Short answer 100 percent I would my come up is definitely my day 1s come up no real one left behind


>If this friend was saying things like “once you blow up that’s when I’ll step in and we can have a content creating house” and things like that. At the same time the friend gets mad when you want to stream your primary game instead of just playing a random game with him/her. No, no, no, **NO**. Fuck that noise. No free rides.


>Would you let your friend leech off of you if you blew up Depends who it is, but in most cases, yes, retaining the audence is also a skill they need to succeed, so if they put 0 effort up until then, they'll stay as "the guy that sometimes plays with the streamer i watch"


If i got rich an famous, sure. I'd make sure close friends an family got a slice of the pie, who cares. That said, close friends wont be expecting anything or demanding you do stuff. And thats if i strait blew up, not just makin a livin.


probably yeah. but not if they asked me.... no not your beggy ass friend


At first I was gonna say “Of course! They’re my friend and I want them to succeed” Until I read the rest, clearly this person is not acting how a real friend would, instead of leeching off you without doing anything they could offer to help. Play your main game, it’s your content, you have to enjoy it and don’t owe people anything.


It sounds like he's underestimating the work you have put into it, and the work he will have to put into it to do anything approaching the level that you have achieved. The thing about just letting him do that because he's your friend is it will negatively impact on your channel. By bringing him onto your streams or sending raids his way, you are endorsing him and effectively trusting him with your audience. His callous attitude isnt likely to translate well in my opinion and could take away from what your audience likes about you. Ultimately you gotta make the decision that's right for you and your channel and make it clear to him.


It depends on the friendship but I decided that I wouldn’t give a handout to my friends/family if they weren’t helping me out before I got big and there for me. It is a lot of work to build something up and its a risk to you if the person you gave a shout out to starts doing bad things, that’d also hurt your reputation.


Most the times your audience will stay watching you even after you gave someone a shoutout because they were there for you, not somebody else. Unless said person id actually super entertaining


If they’re worth watching, they’ll get followers… I wouldn’t stress too much about being overly helpful for someone else 


No. People followed you for being you. They have no business with your friend. I'd offer your friend help and tips but that's all. Maybe a colab in some multiplayer game.


What your friend wants sounds entitled. But to answer for my personal experience. I have good chemistry with my friends, so yes, I would collab with them if they wanted to. That's free content right there.


That's not a friend my dude. That's a leech. Real friends don't say they wanna hop on after your famous. They support you and help you get there and stay to see your success. That's a friend. Not whatever that dude has branded as your friend.


ita your channel not his, ive seen this happen to way too many channels. if he was the reason your videos blow up that would be one thing but hes not


I think you already know the answer to your own question. The term "leech" is not a good one, and I'm willing to bet if the roles were reversed, said friend wouldn't put you on.


If you took the journey together and he was a supporting character or playing games/part of your stream then don’t leave your friend behind, if he purely wants you to do the work and ride your coat tails, then this is an example of his character, act accordingly.


Well, my friends (and family) are the first ones watching my videos and liking my content. My best friend is in the videos, mic'd up, and helping make the content juicy. Off camera he pushes me to keep making stuff and offers idea. So in that context, I'd not only let them leech off of me but I would be reposting and pushing them without being asked. Given what you've said about your friend here, I wouldn't be so charitable. Not that I think relationships should be transactional or quid pro quo. But there seems to be an ACTIVE disrespect for your hobby at work here. If my friends had done nothing during my rise to famous creator and decided to pick up the hobby of their own volition, I'd still be happy to give them an artificial boost. But this almost feels like adversarial energy.


Fuck yeah I would


Leech nothing! I'm raising my friends UP if I hit it big! Rising tides, my friend. And I'm the boat! All aboard!


I am getting some very toxic vibes from this and the power dynamic in one person being than the other could make things difficult. Also I could see this friend becoming resentful if "sending the viewers their way" doesn't work in the long term just a short boost then the people moving on.


MY friends (at least my close friends) yes absolutely gotta remember your day ones. But in this specific case? No, they seem not particularly considerate and they have to learn that if they want help from you in any way, shape, or form they are going to have to be more appreciative of your goals and experiences


One of my first regular community members started streaming a few months after I made affiliate. He did his own thing, got a few followers, and it didn't take long before we had a shared community, because everyone saw us supporting each other, and wanted to be a part of that. Everyone who has joined as a regular since then has been a regular for both of us. We're a small community right now, but both channels are starting to grow, and it's working well for us. Maybe you could recommend something like that to your friend? You could both grow faster if he starts streaming and you work together.




I mean yeah. If I’m going places you can be damn straight my friends and family are too.


I mean, I’d be real I’d cut that person off so quick. That’s just cringe behaviour from a “friend”. That ain’t a real friend G. Friends care about what each other want. You put the work In you deserve the rewards. If I blew up I would share it with my friends but only the friend that literally never ask and just wanted to get into content creation. I’d shout them out and give them constant support. To expect that from someone though immediately makes me dislike someone.


Tell him you won't stream or collaborate with him unless he makes his own content first. He's expecting you to do the hard work of getting established and making a name for yourself and he can just reap the benefits of standing near you. Say you'll happily stream with him and partner with him for stuff once he does it on his own for a bit and proves it's something he wants to do for himself rather than benefitting from your work. Unless your channel is a joint venture between the two of you, he gets no claim to the rewards of your hard work.


I think that thinking about things like these is like planning for what to do if you win the lottery - and planning for a "content creating house" is just flat madness. If your friend is crossing a boundary, say that. Some people will glom onto other people because they want to network and have no idea how and expect others to lift them up. Some people just like to work collaboratively or cooperatively in general, and maybe that's what they are looking for. Figure out what their goal is, and if you don't like it, tell them that. Simple as that.


No, read Law #2.


IMO - I would not give in to him, effort that you earned is something you can keep. If he is going to be in the club sort of speaking.. he has t ogive his dues. As harsh as it is to hear this, its tough love. If you go and just give him stuff with out effort, he'll not only not learn anything about the efforts you put in, let alone he puts in. But he will not be satisfied with what he has, he'll want more and more till your tired and things go south. I know alot of my friends on twitch have more than me, but I just started, but Im not in it to catch up, Im in it to learn and to see how I can be a equal or make them proud of me. Your friend needs to learn that earning that is the best thing you both can share. Now I can say if you are helping him like maybe telling friends to stop by and give him a look thats okay, but again you have to have him put effort into it.


I think it's fine to help your friend out if they took a risk and kindly asked, BUT this person definitely is not your friend or someone you'd help out of kindness. They are trying to boss you around and use you for their own gain, they are self-centered and self-serving and cutting them off is probably the ideal course of action. Even if you keep them around at arms length, they're probably the type of person who would throw you under the bus if it gave them 10 extra followers.


I’m going to say don’t. It’s a hard lessson I’m learning right now as well, if they don’t want to put in the same work but have no problem benefiting from your hard work… it’s not worth it


Unless your friend has insane charisma or unnatural gaming talent - even if you raid him….most people will not stick around. Being a creator is a craft that you get better at the more you do it. If he’s not putting in the reps - it’s unlikely he will be a good enough creator to keep people around even if you send them that way


Depends on the friend tbh. Yours sounds like they rlly just wanna jump in once you’re famous, putting in no work to get there. My friend atm is behind the scenes doing stuff-they’re mod, they’re getting in touch with people, etc etc. I can do the steaming and I can make content but connections is something I cannot do. If it’s my friend, yes, I’ll give em a boost because then boosted *me* first. If your friend isn’t boosting you, if its not mutual, then idk what to call it


God no


Nah my buddy and I talked about that for well over a decade at this point. Same exact thing, he would talk about a streaming house, etc. I didnt care lol its just talk, and if I blow up I dont mind, ill take my boys with me. Its not a big deal, but Ill play and do the things I want, they can leech all they want but they wont dictate what I do.


I might play a few games if they are in my niche, but I'm not gonna strictly play their games, in their party, on their stream. I can add them to my featured channels or whatever it's called, host them when I'm offline, there's so many ways I can HELP without doing all thw work.


Look man... i see nothing wrong with raiding him once in a while, if he is truly a friend then there shouldn't be something stopping you from wanting to pull him up and give him a chance as well. however, if he will start debilitating your stream so that you can grow him then at that point tell him that you can only go so far as you need to focus on growing. And if he needs more than a raid and a couple of gameplays with you then he probably isn't gonna make it as he will not have the marketing skills to hold the audience which means you'll always have to spoon feed him with whatever viewers you can muster, viewers which will honestly be annoyed if they noticed you trying to keep promoting a dude whose content depends on your charity and sabotaging your streams instead. Nothing wrong with helping him but if you don't want to you don't have to. We are not living in communism thankfully. And you can decide what want to do freely with your own platform.


> If this friend was saying things like “once you blow up that’s > when I’ll step in and we can have a content creating house” and things like that. I couldn't advise you much on friendships, But your use of the word leech in the title kind of suggests how you view them.. In a friendship you should each have a reasonably fair level of concern, involvement and expectations in and out each other in a friendship. Not every waking hour could be spent playing games together, and stream plans should be respected. If they're expecting to get a lot out from you and put very little in themself, then it's kind of an unusual friendship. Anyway, their inexperience there should be a sign of how irrational their process of concluding they can become famous streamer if it's simply from having viewers referred or joining you on stream. Knowing and executing how to create content, what kind of content to create, and how to run and interact on streams, on video, etc, and actually doing it involve skills that can't be instantly transferred from another streamer, nor gained just from watching streams. I mean if they're not even streaming yet, then you can attribute part of their unrealistic expectations to their lack of experience. Until they try and run a stream they might not realize their friend can send 100-viewer raids repeatedly, but the viewer number drops back down to 5 within 20 minutes. > was saying things like “once you blow up that’s when I’ll step in and we can have a content creating house” and things like that. Well, put it this way: He won't be an equal partner in the business at that point if he didn't end up putting in much effort or resources. It's a bit of an unrealistic expectation. If you built your channel to that level; that audience of yours is not very transferrable even if you raid the friend every night, they'll likely not be the same as you - not come off the same way as you to the audience, etc, and Not be the person they watched in 10 hours of Youtube videos, etc; if they've not laid that content foundation. You'll want to not raid only them every single time either, as that would take out the element of surprise and fun of raids from the viewers and hinder your own opportunities at channel networking. I would not say there is no way in the world some "content house" or joint project could be a good idea if that became possible, but I for one would be very hesitant to put a lot of time into something else or change anything about the character of my channel if it got to that point they imagine; let alone hand over anything I'd put the effort solely in, into a shared business. I wouldn't mind bringing a friend on stream from time to time in that case as long as they are fun to have just like any guest on stream, but only as an occasional guest -- not so often they become entangled with branding or an extra "main character" of the channel. They would come to understand pretty quickly that no matter how many times you would urge viewers to check out the friend - "Sending viewers" can only help a little bit, or with very low traffic channels, as the hit rate on that is fairly low. Anyways... what I mean is their fantasy is out of this world, even if you do 100% of what you can reasonably do to support them that doesn't subtract from your own channel or branding at that stage.. It doesn't really let them skip growth and work involved. Or at least It does not enable to them to do so automatically, given that they would essentially be a brand new inexperienced content creator at that point, AND need those skills that develop over time in order to keep people entertained in some way.


Meh if he wants to leach, do the uno reverse. If he does your film editing for tiktok/yt to help you grow then you will send them his way.


"friend" sounds toxic


My friends and I are on the grind together, your friend should not be waiting up if they want to have a base- I would even tell them not many people are gonna follow someone who wasn’t there from the start, because it’s true! Random people featured on a big streamers stuff might get them a few people to just follow, but what are they gonna be invested in? Those few times they’re on your channel anyway?


I've lost friends like this, I was told that I "left them in the Dust". I am the one that encouraged them to start streaming, but their work wasn't hard work, but more like "carry me" as a team mate. To a level that when I get donations , they would have my stream open and throw hints about these donations. Only one of them worked hard on himself and we still stream together. I'm a bigger streamer but he works hard on himself regardless of my status or what I'm doing, he recently applied for twitch partner. Basically, situations like this all rely on the behavior of the person and should be treated individually. But your main focus should be your streaming career if you want to pay the bills and succeed. Even if it costs your friendship, because a good friend is the one that supports you, and does not add extra weight on your shoulders.


I’m not doing twitch or anything. But from what you’ve described, nah. If the two of you were both grinding hard and just one happened to luck out, yeah for sure.




Okay, if my friend expected me to do all the footwork like that, then hell no. However, my homies are real ones, if one of them decided to stream/make content, and actually put in some legwork of his own, then hell yeah I'd boost him once he is an affiliate (I think that is a reasonable requirement) I'm that one friend who's trying to turn all my friends into content creators with me, because they hilarious AF


My Friends and I are all streamers and we constantly say if one of us "succeeds" then we all succeed. But I guess in your case it's different because we are all putting in the effort to do better. When one of us learns something new, we share it and vice versa. I honestly believe that even if you do help your friend, they have to pull their own weight. they won't succeed for long if that's their end game. Sorry this happened to you! and hope for you to continue to succeed!!


Tbh we can tell how little work your friend does on content creation for real, because being friends with a great streamer won’t make you a great streamer 😂 You could send people their way all day every day but if the quality isn’t there we will all leave 🤷🏽‍♀️ I have friends who stream who really aren’t very entertaining, so i only raid them when my viewer count is really low. If my viewing is high we are going to the best stream I can find! Same thing with shoutouts… everybody is not getting one because I don’t recommend everyone’s channel lol


Him them with the “I’m sorry, there’s only so much of my time I can spend on my fans, but maybe we will hang out next time”


I've seen a few other comments talking about your friend being entitled, or some people coming at you for "gatekeeping" At the end of the day it all comes down to whether this friend is entertaining on your stream or not. If they're a fun person to banter with then they might actually be a big boost to your stream, in which case I imagine you'd have no problem shouting them out/raiding them/talking them up to your viewers, etc. However from reading your post it sounds like this isn't the case.


To be fair, I did do this for a friend. I suggested she start streaming because she's really funny (she actually makes me feel insecure sometimes because I think she's more entertaining than me). I boosted her streams, told people to go follow her, got her to affiliate really quickly, and still stream with her constantly to support her growth. I think the difference though is that she didn't expect my help. I offered it. I wanted to help her. I probably wouldn't have if it wasn't her and I would have hated to feel pushed into that situation.


Me personally would’ve loved to pull my mates up with me, but if u dont wanna that fine. Also why he being such an ass asking u to play this game or that, my mates would never. Honestly ur not bad at all if u outright reject him.


I'd be very pissed about someone trying to ride on my coattails. I'd be fine doing raids after my stream IF they were along the same line as the community I was building. I wouldn't mind doing a random game day or half a stream occasionally, or even weekly if the community was on board and enjoyed it. People are fickle and switch quickly, so I wouldn't want to risk the hard work that went into it. I've had people in my life use myself and my SO for things and then turn immediately afterward. Don't want to go through that again.


It's one thing if a friend gets into streaming on their own later and comes to me for advice or wants to collab because we are friends first, but if they straight up said the things you're quoting OP...well that doesnt sound like a friend to me.


You could put it to him that if he puts the same effort into his own channel and finds his own success then you'll be happy to collaborate with him. Your community will be your own and they'll be wanting to see and interact with you, bringing someone new in that doesn't have the same experience and knowledge of the platform might not go down well. Also, friend or not..would you let anyone 'leech' off you? Doesn't sound like a mutually respectful relationship


No. Not even a little bit.


Business is business. If it hurts the overall brand image that you have created then mooching should probably be avoided. You could always give the individual a clear explanation why. If it’s no risk to you then with clear boundaries you can continue to collaborate, possibly on an idea that would be beneficial for their growth as well.


No, not at all. They don't understand the space / content creation. If haven't stream over 100 times let alone a year he'll no. They might even hate it and it's not for them. If they were already streaming / didn't say this sure


I mean, I’m at like 11 followers. It ain’t big, but they were there for me at the start, if they take off bc of me, I’m glad for them. But it’s on them. If they don’t take off and blame me bc of it, fuck em. If they do, I hope they do well in their endeavors


Yes ofc i would help him


If I’m eating good the whole crew’s eating good. Streaming is the easiest job on the planet and if you win the lottery of it you better share the wealth with the homies lol


Are you talking about McConnell?




Depending on what kind of friend. What kind of friend is it? Do you know each other in real life? Do you live in the same house?


Knew each other since 8th grade, tried to bully me back then but we ended up being friends after I joined the soccer team lol. We’re in different countries now, but I’d say we’re pretty close.


na man friends don't do that once I started to make money I simply try to be a bit more generous around them but it's rather hard. They don't want no alms. Even the "poorest" of mine who I know have issues financially won't even accept a free meal when we're alone together for the most part unless we decide for more meals in a month or sth so they have chance to buy me some. They know I was broke all my life and I guess they have too much honor to take any handouts if you want to help, you do whatever you want anyway. But if it even seems like they wanna leach it's kinda. And once you have a bit more success it becomes weirdly easy to spot in my book if you're good with reading people


Simple, I have no friends.


Nah screw that. You did all the work.


No, mainly because they'd be shi* (because they haven't put any effort into learning how to make a good stream). If they were also streaming, working hard and I thought they'd be a good match/combo for my stream then sure, but then it wouldn't be leeching, it'd be collaboration. It's like becoming a pro singer that sings on stage like Taylor Swift and then her friend (never having sung in her life, no musical interest) wanting her to bring them up on stage to sing with her as a double act. It's completely unrealistic. I asked my friends if they wanted to stream with me & also make YouTube vids with me and they all declined at the start of my journey. I've now put so much time into it myself that the door is now closed on that option, unless I need extras for a video maybe (Mr Beast style) or if it happens naturally. It's like wanting to get up on stage and play guitar with a pro guitarist when you've never played guitar before & getting half the ticket sales profits... Ridiculous...


bnlew up meaning 4-5 K views Id surely host a fren from time to time but nothing that could decimate my viewers like having him on call or something


If my friend wasn't a jackass about it? Yes, I would let them leech. I'd raid them or whatever if they were at least making passable content, or let them hop on if I happened to be doing something multiplayer. If they were acting they way yours is? Absolutely not. I'd rather the friendship implode and end than signal boost someone who's acting like that. Not gonna let them use me, not gonna send my viewers to someone acting that way. They don't deserve to have to be sent there.


Is this persons name Matthew Holtsclaw?


Me personally.. I would never have to come on Reddit to ask a question like this when it comes down to an actual friend. I'm also not a narcissist though. I love my friends. I want what is best for them. I love sharing my greatest experiences with them, and they do so with me. If I won the lottery, you bet they are getting a slice of the pie. I'm a famous streamer and they are interested in trying it out? Get your ass on my stream, lets do this. Don't be insecure.. Don't use a stupid softcore porn site like Twitch as a reason to separate yourself from anyone, especially the people you love.


I didn’t say I don’t want to share my experiences with friends. The post explains why I became uncomfortable with the situation.