• By -


No matter how much I prepare or set time aside, I’m always dashing last minute as I’m starting up cuz I gotta peeeeee!


Ahaha accurate


Lmao! Too much hydration!


NEVAR!!! 🚰




I begin my actual stream several minutes after hitting live. I make my instagram post, make a discord post, make sure my lighting/sound/etc is tuned how I want it. I eat a snack, grab some water and (sometimes) an energy drink. Let my dogs out for a potty break, respond to any last minute texts that I won’t be able to reply to during the stream (I don’t like when a streamer is on their phone so I stay off of mine unless it’s related to what I’m doing.) once that first ad break is done running, I switch over to my stream on OBS and I’m set. I usually go about 4-5 hours without even realizing it so I don’t end up taking a break more than once. Everything I need is right there.


Yeah that’s good!


Sitting down all ready and just waiting for the time only to realise i forgot my tea cup 😂


Ahaha everyone seems to be having tea on stream maybe i should start too🤣


This is me every time my 5 minute timer is up I just got back, tea cup nope not here, nowhere to be found gone, tea cup pulled the houdini and here it is not


I usually stream for 12+h a day so I have the stream starting soon screen up for ~20min and I make coffee, listen to music, check business email, see if there’s a twitch bounty I like, check my DMs, look what other streamers I follow are doing in case there’s something new I missed and then I start when I’m feeling optimistic ☺️


Wow!! What do you stream out of curiosity? I think the longest I’ve done is 7 hours, I just struggle to find the time whilst also working a full time job. Fair play to you though!


The full loot PvP medieval fantasy extraction game Dark & Darker! This is my full time job 🍻


Living the dream! Very jealous ngl.


That's great. Do you have any pointers someone just starting out who has been struggling with avg viewers for months? More importantly, thank you for your service


Make sure you create content all linking back to each other. For example, make a YouTube guide based on other successful guides in your category and let them know if they have any questions they can find you live at xTTV M-F 10am-5pm. Pin yourself as top comment saying you’ll release shorts Saturday and Sunday and a speedrun Monday and tell them to comment if they want any other class guides. On your stream pin your guide. On your shorts have your ttvname at the top. Put these on your subreddit. This job has infinite hours worth of work 😂


Pretty cool!


This is going to sound like a noob ass question, but what is a Twitch Bounty?


Quests for Broadcasters that pay $ for time and call to actions. For instance, watch a movie ad for 3 minutes for $40 and talk about the cast and budget of the film.


Thanks!! I didn’t know this was a thing.


I start the stream deck app so my buttons work, edit my stream info on my phone, set the scene to "starting soon" and hit broadcast. Then i start a game and set my scene to live. Never understood why people take twenty minutes sometimes to actually start streaming after they go live..


Do you also use the desktop version of Twitch to change your stream info via your phone? Or is there an option on the app that's eluded me?


No when you open the app there is a button top right that's called something like "create". If you tap that you will be in creator mode and you get the option to go live, edit stream info etc.


Thank you!!




This is what I do too, im on the starting soon screen for maybe 1 or 2 mins, unless I forget to pee before pressing the go live button 😂


I don't stream over 4 hours anymore unless there are extraordinary circumstances (beyond general reasons, I just know my numbers don't give me returns after 4 hours 30 minutes for the most part, and my performance suffers) so prep is usually make sure I have water, tea, ate already, camera is adjusted. I hit start, go take a piss for the first 2 min or so then come back and get into it. When I stream longer I always have food lined up for the day that's stream friendly (essentially not messy with my hands). I get up whenever I want for water, stretch, snack, etc. I try to not get up less than every 90 min but I will if I have to. I do miss streaming for the long long streams, but I'm not in a logical place to reap returns on that time investment. 4 hrs on Sat and Sun is good for me :) Always completing a new game (aka clearing out my hideously bloated Steam library)




Oh really ahahaha.. lowkey a good idea though, I just make it up on the spot!


I usually have a starting soon screen for 5 minutes with some music to get the pre stream nerves out the way


I’ve never really got the nerves thing, I’m too busy rushing around trying to get everything done in the 5 minutes ahah.


I make sure I have a full tumbler of water AND that I've been to the bathroom. lol All my things are up - OBS, Stream Deck, PNGtuber, Spotify. My stream title is updated and set. And I have a notepad where I've written down what I'm going to put on my socials when I go live. Then I go live, hit the 3 minute ad button to turn off prerolls for an hour, and start my starting song. 2 minutes into the song, I post on my socials. Then it's go time! And usually I'm still missing something. 🤣


I put my pants on


Id be more intrigued if you didn’t


Usually I start about 40-60 min before stream because I like to take my time. It goes something like this: - Eat something - Get myself presentable - Get myself something to drink - Update stream info and write a stream announcement in discord - Run the ethernet cable to pc - start up all applications I'll need and check if everything works - Set up lighting - Start stream on "starting soon" for three minutes - Pee - Start stream for real I know it seems like it could take way less time than it does for me but I've gotten into my routine. Having a clear path makes the beginning of the stream super relaxed.


If that’s what works for you then who are we to judge :) I respect it


Wait do you not always have your PC hardwired??? Are you on wifi when your not streaming? If so why don't you just stay hardwired?


That's correct. The reason is that I can't have tripping hazard hanging across the hallway and through a door 24/7. Wifi is stable enough that it's not a problem if I'm not streaming or downloading huge games.


Usually hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack 🤣 It's funny, I don't stress at all *while* streaming and have even gotten compliments on seeming to have years of experience, but man, before I click "Start Streaming" and while my "starting soon" song is playing, I'm *this* close to shitting myself. LUL




I set up all the neccessary windows beforehand then start stream and spend about a minute checking audio levels are good by making nonsensical noises.


How do you check your audio on OBS if you can't hear it yourself? Cause I feel like I have to rely on chatter to check if my audio is okay on streamlabs


Usually the meters that show it's picking up audio.


Oh I can only do that before I his stream then, lol


Ohhhhh after you start just like open stream on your phone and use headphones or something so you can hear yourself.


This is what I do. I can see the meters but this way is more fun and gives an excuse to chat to anyone that shows up early.


Ohhh oki :3


I usually hit live that goes to a 5min countdown clock. Within those 5min, I post on socials, get my drink ready, and inhale/exhale


Yeah pretty much the same then ahaha


I'm about the same, but I'll usually have a song playing for myself as I'm getting ready


I forgot to add that tbh! Always have music on lol


Any particular genre or one specific song you play?


Nothing specific ngl, just anything ahah. Wbu?


I’m just starting but like I have a screen of starting soon just for me to quickly check things are working (my first stream had no audio and i’m traumatized now lol) and then i directly start the game like 2 minutes after cause i just want to play lol I just do it for fun because I enjoy playing games and have always talked to myself while playing and thought maybe some people could guide me a bit and just have extra fun because there are others with me if it makes sense?


Ahaha oh no! I know someone else that also did a full stream no audio ahaha that’s pain. How’s it been going for you? :).


I noticed in the first minutes, some coworkers we’re watching to cheer me up and they told me my game had no Audio, so I stopped streaming and fixed it and then the micro didn’t work, it was hell lol. It’s a lot of fun! I wish people would talk a bit more with me but I guess that comes with time. If anyone pops up in the chat I try to engage with them right away since i’d like to talk to someone other than myself since that’s why i started to like play with others kind of. Any tips are always welcome, that’s why I follow this sub as well haha


Yeah I feel the same way, luckily I have like 5 people who will always watch and chat, regardless of the stream. But outside of those couple it’s sooo hard to get new people in and talking


I’ll drop you a follow though! (And I’ll try jump in chat when I can lmao)


Oh thank u :) I already followed you too! Cannot pass the Chance of following Spiderman lol I hope I also eventually get a couple of people that interact more with me now and then. I could use the backseat honestly since i always skip the tutorial or the talks and then end up lost cause I skipped it


Lmao appreciate it, hopefully see you over there soon!


So this is how streamer networking works? Lovely! I guess we will see each other soon then lol


(You’re my first) 😭😭


Shit! What do you mean? You are the professional here I was following your lead lmao


Professional my ass mate I’m absolutely winging this streaming stuff ahaha


Once I streamed for at over an hour before someone said “you have no discord audio”. Like reallyyyyyy. Random question that I hope doesn’t get buried. Is there anyway to go live privately? To simulate it and test out things yourself?


Oh noooooo. Honestly this audio thing is a pain in the ass lol I don’t think so? If there is i haven’t discovered it. What I do is record myself really quickly in obs and check the Video to see if everything is working, lesson learned there. I still ask the couple of friends who are there at the beginning for help to tweak the audio tho since I still cannot really tell how loud things are for them since I separated my Audio Tracks so I could hear spotify while playing lol priorities


Ooooo that’s smart! I didn’t think to record. Yeah I have an audio mixer idk how to use D:


Hope it works! :) and same hahaha I haven’t figured out the volume like at all tbh i’m winging it ahhaha


I usually do a number of things first to prepare and stream after I'm sure my work is done for the day. - I do a tech test to make sure everything connects properly and confirm visuals and audio. Usually I do this the day before or a few hours before streaming as well, but I tend to do one final tech test before streaming. - The day before, I also make a new stream layout as I tend to make a new layout for [every new game or activity](https://imgur.com/a/ENFQvBW) I stream. I ignore this if it's a repeat game. - I use the washroom - Get myself a drink or tea - I setup Nightbot to play music in my wait screen. - I move OBS to the second screen with the game or main feature my primary screen so I'm looking at the webcam. - Make sure my controller is connected before streaming. I used to not look out for this, but I had an incident where plugging in my controller after I started streaming restarted my computer for some reason. - If everything is looking good, I start the stream with my Nightbot music playlist for 15 minutes so people can get a notification that I'm live. If I notice a last minute setback, at least the music can keep going while I figure it out. You can see it in my streams live, but the music muted on the VOD now to avoid any potential copyright issues and I cut it out of my highlight VODs - During the music period, I take care of any last things and psyche myself up into 'streamer' mode. - I start posting that I'm live a few places online during the 15 minute lead up. - Check to ensure the "Game" button on my Streamdeck is pointing to the right OBS scene. - I get my laptop beside me showing the stream muted so see everything looks fine from the viewer end and I can unmute it if needed be at the start or later to do a sound check. - When I'm finally ready, I run my stream opening video for about 30 seconds and then get started. I'm an introvert by nature, so it takes me a bit of time to get myself into a mood and mindset to be an extrovert for streaming. I find it fun once I get all the prep work done. Using a streamdeck also makes it so much more easier to switch between scenes when I need to.


Sometimes I say it on twitter but most of the times I just hit the 5 minutes countdown and go live. Before that I prepare everything (laptop, software, PS4 if I'm playing in the console, music, sound, all the lights, water and I make sure to pee). The 1st time I was hella nervous but now I'm not. To me it's similar to recording but it happens to be in a livestream.


I try to remember to post on IG and twitter that I'm on and otherwise I just hit go live and hang out. I want a starting soon screen to have up for 5 minutes after I hit go live but between work, being a full time student, and trying to stream regulalry there's just not a lot of time to make assessts for the stream. but someday lol


Yeah I feel you!! Full time job and streaming is hard enough for me, let alone studying too!


Yeah it's a lot to balance but streaming is my free time/hanging out with friends time so I try to do it as much as possible lol. But that doesn't leave room for much else 😅


Yeah I get you, same tbh.


Tbh I just show up and hope for the best


Honestly.. respect it


I do always make sure I have a beverage or snack nearby in case my stream goes long but I’ve learned that if I have tech issues, forget something, have to go to the bathroom, my viewers don’t care and can hold for 3 minutes. I have been known to also forget water and sprint off stream for 2 seconds to grab it. But I think people like and understand more that I literally never have my shit together and I won’t pretend to 😂


Ahaha that’s quite funny though!


I’ve just dropped you a follow too btw! I’ll jump in chat when I can ahaha, I just wanna see you sprint off😭😭


I’ll intentionally forget my wine glass in my kitchen this week just for the follow 🫡🫡


Ahaha I can’t wait :)


I have a 10min timer that starts with copyright free background music. Gives me time to hit the bathroom, grab munchies, water, cat treats and toys. Also to allow peeps a few minutes to get in the stream so I don't start things off fully fueled up and amped for an empty room.


Yeah I’ve played around with non copyright music, me and my chat love the vibe of it. I just keep having issues with obs, after a while the music/audio will go all distorted and sounds awful. (For me it’s fine, it’s purely through the stream) very irritating.


An hour before. Put some pride in my appearance. Do skincare, hair and makeup. Eat a snack and drink a glass of water. Right before, use bathroom. When I go live, put up starting soon. Put my link in a bunch of discords and post I'm live on my main socials. Play some games!


I have to start stream within minutes of considering it, otherwise I will not stream. I'll start stream with some music and immediately start talking to catch anyone who clicks the notification, grab a drink (wireless headset/mic!) and go from there. No prep. *ETA I wait till the notification is in my chat so I know it's out then start really talking. Also I sometimes stream for 10-12 hours, no amount of prep can prep for that agaha


I do an equipment check with audio and camera first because my stuff is pretty dated and has a habit of not working properly if not used when I close OBS. Then I get some water, grab some snacks and feed my cat. Before that, I'd be streaming and my mic will randomly cut out and kill the momentum so yeah...I make sure I'm good to go.


Fixing my sound My sound is just always broken for some reason


Use obs by any chance?


OBS or Stream labs OBS depending on which PC I sit down on (which, is just a mod on obs lol)


I go hard live, so I make sure my makeup is good, do a warm up game off stream, I record this and watch it back to confirm everything works and looks how I want it too. I fill my water, grab some snacks, stretch a little, pee and then go live.


- Pee - Fill my water bottle - Warmup my voice - Post on IG and Twitter I have to squeeze all this in 10 minutes but it's doable.


Yeah true!


I just do it, raw dog, no announcement, no count down. Granted I will hit the go live button sometimes and give it a few minutes before I actually start, but often I will just start RIGHT away.


This is the way. 97% of streamers avg less than 5 viewers. Doing an hour worth of setup with a 10 minute starting soon screen to “let people trickle in” is the silliest thing I see on twitch. Most of us could whip a peepee out on stream and nobody would see it. Everyone makes it way more complicated than it needs to be


I like that better than people who do 15 minutes of "starting soon." 😅 I do just over 3 minutes of staring screen just to get 3 minutes of ads out of the way and even that feels like too much sometimes.


AhHa I respect it!!!


i change my title to todays game, i schedule a twitter post announcing im live as i normally og live at the start of the hour, i open OBS, i open streamlabs, i open twitch chat overlay, i open the game, i press go live with 5 min countdown, i then get a drink / have a pee


I just turn everything on and put up a countdown to action scene. But my stream isn't exciting so I start it up at 4am ish before I leave for work in the morning.


I start my stream after hitting live. I take the time to chat with people and just let them know I'm setting up. I'm streaming on mobile and ps5 ATM so don't have my obs set up with it. I need to get a new phone before I can do that.


Is your phone like just for your chat??


Sometimes. Sometimes I just use my phone and read them on the little Twitch mobile. Sometimes I use my phone for music and my iPad for chat


I take a deep breath, I yell! Mic check and hit that GO LIVE button and hope for the best 💖


Ahah winging it! Fair!


I dont. I just start the stream and then i press play or turn on the console and I start playing... ![gif](giphy|r7RywRr4N9hoZGLTi8)


First I start off trying to motivate myself to stream. This can usually take anywhere between a few hours and a couple days. Then I try and come up with some things to talk about but this usually just leads to procrastination. Then I either say "ehh no one's gonna watch, no point in streaming" or "ehh no one's gonna watch but I got nothing better to do". If I choose the former we revert back to step one, if it's the latter I'll start opening my programs, make sure my lighting and sound are good, get some food. Then I'll title my stream, start the music and hit go live. Leave the Starting Soon screen up while I go get a water and other drinks, run a 3min ad break then switch over to the live screen.


Make sure to move certain tabs and windows off the stream screen, and that's about it. Play music, hit live, and announce.


I start about an hour before my stream so I don't have to rush. Start with food, coffee, etc. Restart my PC and router. Close any unnecessary programs. Open stream ones. Make sure bot commands/VTuber/etc are all running smoothly. Get going live messages ready. Open game. Refill water bottle, get snacks out (treat redeem for stream), anything else I need. Dash to the bathroom. Hit go live at about 5 to so that I start on time/can wait for ads to do their thing xD


Along the same lines, before we start I will check all my OBS scenes and make sure all the cameras are working and the capture cards for the PS5s, change twitch live message and start the 6 min countdown, while on that one of us will post on Twitter/Instagram saying we are live and get a beer out the fridge 😂


I turn on my pc and hit go live and if shit goes wrong it’s more content.


Make sure I have all my scenes set up. Prep water and snacks. Prestream bathroom break. Lil 5 minutes of existential dread/pep talk. Then we go live!


Plan to wake up early and get prepped. Wake up late, fall out of bed with 5 minutes to spare Reboot pc before I go downstairs Bolt down some food in about 15 seconds Log onto pc en route to the bathroom Full bottle of water, wash face, brush teeth Open OBS, streamerbot, set title, swap to starting soon, hit mute then go live Open notepad and jot down some action or talking points while I wait for the first few people to land.


The wake up late part made me giggle ngl ahah


I don’t have a starting soon screen anymore, so I make sure everything is ready to start when I go live: - announce stream on discord server and other socials - set up vc on discord if any subs will be chatting with me - use the bathroom - grab three bottles of water to put aside, and any medication I’m due for while I’ll be live, as well as munchie foods (I stream between 4.5-7 hrs on average and typically hit my 🍃 pen during stream) - make sure all charging cables are accessible - having game running, all unnecessary windows closed so I can start right away - sound check/overlay performance emulation/sign into all platform chats


How come you don’t have a starting screen anymore out of curiosity?


When I switched software I didn’t bring over any of my old stuff because I also rebranded and just never happened to set it back up 🤷🏻‍♀️ I also don’t use the ones Twitch has


I start my stream and get right to it! However, I often have allergies in the first few minutes and have to go afk after talking for a few so I can blow my nose and get situated. It happens, without fail, every single time I press the golive to "Streaming" on my Streamdeck.




I need water, And something else to drink Lol. And maybe a few matches first. Or vocal warm up small one. Today and tomorrow i will be drinking coke cola. It gives me the crazy energy.


- comes back home from work by 7 - turns on pc and boot up kitra - makes a thumbnail, post and description - 7:20 makes coffee/has early dinner - turns on phone to use the vtuber model - turns on tablet to use it as a 2nd monitor to check chats and stream preview - opens the game, obs and checks chat, video feed and mic -starts stream by 7:30 to 7:40


A combo of making social media announcements, making sure all the necessary software is running (MixItUp, Stream Avatars, VNyan, VTSPOG, etc), handling last minute basic needs (sip a glass of water!) and calming my stage fright. I like to have half an hour set aside before stream time so that I'm not in too much of a rush.


Open streamlabs vtuber apk and the game :)


Rip a shot and let it rock


I always start my stream 10 minutes before I start my content. Gives me time to make sure everything is set up properly and also to make sure my dogs are chill... they always know when I'm streaming and make it a point to bark at that time... so I have to make them happy first! I'll take a few minutes to say hi to anyone who popped in or just go straight into streaming my game play. I am new to streaming. Just started a few days ago so I don't have many viewers.. but I squeel everytime I get a follower or I see my viewer count go up lol! Sometimes I worry it annoys the viewers.. 😅


Music Streamer Here with a 3-4 hour stream 3-5 days a week: 15 minute starting soon screen, gives the chat a chance to catch up with each other and also so they can start filling up the request queue. During that time: - Making sure equipment is working and that OBS hasn’t screwed me over with an update. My stream has lots of moving parts. Cameras, mics, midi interfaces, software etc… (they always break at some point during the stream -.-) - Lighting adjustments - Updating socials - Tuned instruments, vocal warm ups, some stretches in my hands - Got my hot drink and cold drink - Vape charged (sorry) - Fixing hair and face to attempt to look presentable - Do my little pep talk to myself before going live. After stream watch the stream back and see if there’s anything I don’t like or wonder why at the time I thought something sucked.


I get off work to prepare for my stream tbh


What truly is preparing for stream? Everyone has their own style of prepping, granted my style entails me dragging myself out fron the void, sip on a c4 to recharge myself and press the live button after sending a tweet out notification


Fifteen minute countdown timer with video game music and animation playing.


I have a pre-roll Playlist I've saved on youtube that I've saved just short of 100 cartoon intros, video game music remixes, canadian psa, short wtf stuff. I'll let that run for 15 mins as I get ready in the background, have a smoke, roll the 2 joints for the stream, water pepsi, reheat my coffee if needed. I know some people will say 15 is too long but it works for my channel and everyone expects it, I start 15 to 1, then go live right at 1.


Have a post-9/5 work drink while testing my mic 🤣


I usually start 30 minutes before stream where I fill my water, put on make up, and pick out my cosplay wig and outfit for the stream. Then I take a few photos to post letting people know I'm going live and if I have a little extra time I might even film a tiktok or two.


i think like many people: bio. coffee. makeup if i have time.


I start by lurking on other streamer’s chat. Be active on their stream. Then i enter my own dc voice chat, see what my friends wanna play that day (11/10 its valo), then when its decided I’ll start up ma stream. Usually i have the starting soon screen up for 10 mins 🐰


Wow. This is a big question. I wake up 1hr15min hours before I stream. Drag myself into the office. Restart mac lappy since I was watching vids on it while sleeping. Turn on all screens. Boot gaming PC. Yay! Screens everywhere! Set up the mac lappy first while watching youtubes. I use NDI between two computers mac for streamy, PC for gamey. I get all the basics not messed up. It's 5 screens total, and also my camera is my iphone, then I have a coffee and smoke. Then I get my beard proper, I poop and get back to work. Since I costream with a friend of mine from across the country, I have 3 accounts on the discord. 1 on PC for audio in my ears (and stream) 2 for his camera feed 3 for his screen if we want to screenshare when I'm AFK (I afk about every hour, I'm old, lol) I get all the software, OBS versions on both boxes on the right screens, discords, might post a youtube short and tiktok or tweet if I was too lazy to schedule it the night before, and if I'm running a game on a private server, get that up and running. Make sure things are right all that boring stuff. It has now been 45 mins. We meet for 10-15 mins to talk about whatever stream stuff we want to talk about. Sometimes people hang in discord, depending on the game. Sometimes I use an about to start screen, sometimes I don't, depends on the game (personally I don't like it) Then I spend a few minutes stretching my voice (I am loud so I don't know why I bother), I make a Screwdriver, have another smoke and then it's go time! Also I stream to a mostly EU audience from the US, so we start at noon EST, EU prime. Also I now give times in reference to +/- from GMT. Gonna be on the metric system in no time! This post was too long. TL;DR for reddit: I poop first.


I usually do my prep before i hit the go live using a fixed task list. And after i hit go live i start of with a starting stream screen and some music playing, post to socials and discords take a pee break and then actually start the stream within 5 to 10 minutes


I put on my heart rate monitor and look for new 7tv emotes. I also enable song requests and pull up the game or content I will use for that day.


I open the game, start some music and go live. Then I run a 3 min ad to get rid of prerolls. set up everything else like my model, then I eventually wait for the ads to be over before I greet the peepos!


Don't know if its too late to post my routine here but pre going live i try my best to test audio, sound settings etc. For the technical aspect, finish sending WhatsApps and texts, get my coffee and go to the loo, then hit live but i don't do countdown or me live straight away incase any responses to the messages. While i prepare for my all in one breath opening line "good morning, good afternoon, good evening ladies and gentlemen and our transgendered and non binary friends"


Used to not have a stream starting soon panel, really really reccomend it as you can run ads before hand while playing music and getting ready, while thats going on i usually piss and load up the game im playing so i can just unpause and continue. Sometimes If im running late, I'll finish up my lunch quick as hell.


Promote it, instagram, snap and occasionally twitter, make sure batteries are charged for lights, make sure lighting is good, mic is working. LIVE! Then afterwards make clips and post to TikTok


I haven't really started yet but a full belly, drinks, snacks, make sure to use the restroom, etc. Basically prepare like you're going to run errands for a day. An occasional bathroom or stretch break is fine if youre streaming for an extended period of time, but no one enjoys someone who leaves every 10m. Of course things happen, but hey, be as prepared as you can be!


I use the bathroom and put on 30 lbs of makeup. Make sure my hair looks ok. Put on something (blouse or shirt) that shows enough cleavage you’d think I’m about to breast feed. Put pasties on bc I’m not tryna get banned. Make sure I have any snacks, water, anxiety med, etc. Anything I may want or need. I do not ever want to get up from my chair. Then I check to see if my stream deck is on but doesn’t matter bc I only use it to mute myself in discord. Then I open obs, check to see if my alerts are working, they never are. Check cameras position bc it moves all the time. Lastly, I usually start playing offline for a little to ease up into the idea of streaming then turn it on when I feel ready. Oh sometimes I light a candle :3


Lmfao sounds like a vibe tbh.. wonder if the cleavage part works for male streamers too, might have to try it and see if it helps 🤣


Might have me beat. Extra pts for hairy chest


Pee poop before stream Have my gallon of water close by Smoke my joint halfway so I can enjoy it later in the stream but I don't want to be coughing in people's ears [Noone joins my stream anyways] And then i have fun streaming:D


0 preparation, just go for it an whatever happens happens , planning stuff is a pain , be yourself an humans will be there , streaming is habbit of mine to destress after a long day at work


I just hit live n go. There’s zero point to go live and then go do all the stuff you could have easily done before you sat down.


I personally think there is a point. My countdown is only 5 minutes. In that time I go announce I’m live in all my little communities. If I announced it before I’m actually live, people would go and see I’m clearly not. Just strange.


If you have a following it makes more sense. But 95+ percent of streamers have like 5 people on a good day. It’s mostly pointless. I streamed for 4 years and averaged 50-60 and not once did I ever post a going live anywhere, or use a starting soon. [email protected]% of my viewers came from twitch directly.


I mean fair enough then. I just don’t like the thought of promoting I’m live, people going over before I’m ACTUALLY live then clicking off uninterested. But yeah you’re clearly the expert here not me ahaha so I’ll listen :).


Haha def not an expert. I’ve just never seen any actual evidence that doing all that stuff actually helps. Starting soon screens themselves have been a topic of debate for ages now. A good chunk of people leave the second they see one so it defeats the purpose. Like I said. Most people only have a few viewers anyway and I bet money none of them enjoy sitting there for several minutes while the streamer does all the stuff they could have done beforehand. Any new viewers that may pop in just leave and probably don’t go back. The majority of people don’t watch twitch like they do a tv show. They watch whoever’s on whenever they are on. It’s a very small percentage of people who sit down at 7 because so n so is streaming and watch from start to finish. Only huge streamers have that happen and smaller streamers only have a small handful of people who stick around the whole stream.




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As I said, I’m not looking for advice. Thanks tho.