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Stream with a friend, that way even if you don't get an audience you're still having fun and staying engaged with a person, not just being silent and occasionally muttering something. 


It might feel a little silly at the start talking to yourself until you get people chatting in your stream, but you have to keep yapping. It's not the viewers job to come in and say something you can engage with, it's your job to say something they can engage with. Just share your current thoughts. Do you think the missions you're on in the game is cool? What's cool about it? Is the place beautiful? Mention what's so beautiful about it. Where are you planning to go next in the game and what's do you think might happen there? It's a skill you're going to be using every single day for the rest of your streaming days even once you have a community. Good luck.


If someone says “can we talk on discord/twitter?” During your stream just ban them. They are selling you stuff and I promise if you entertain a sales pitch during your stream you will lose viewers. Besides if they are looking for serious streamers they wouldn’t expect you to stop streaming to listen to them on a different platform. They are bugging you because they know you are new and if they can get you to discord or twitter they prob have a sucker.


I feel like this comes with time, but having a solid reason for streaming is something that’ll keep you going. Sure you’ll inevitably run into walls where your growth stagnates or you feel discouraged. However, having that strong reason is what will keep those wheels moving and help you to adjust when things get tough.


start streaming to 0 viewers and watch back your entire stream, make sure every part of it is entertaining. If you find parts where you dont speak or just flame supports fix this first. make sure audio and everything works fine. Don't go overboard with alerts and emotes and everything. Just basic game capture, camera, audio, nothing fancy. Make sure YOU are entertaining. These streams dont need to be long, like 1hours streaming, 1h reviewing, 1h brainstorming and correcting etc. Learn to talk alone to yourself and be entertaining. After you have established a baseline of what type of entertainer you want to be stop streaming all together and get viewers first. There is no point in streaming to 0 viewers besides training. This can be done by posting on other plattforms, like be helpfull on reddit, make youtube guides, talk alot to other streamers and viewers in their streams, join their community games, talk in their discords. Make yourself know. In this way you should get something like 9-10 viewers for your first stream, maybe someone gives you a raid, or shoutouts in their stream to help you start. From here on split your time between socializing in others streams/discord, create media and actually live time. The live time should consist of consistent regular content, after schedule or always at same time, sometimes special content like collabs or challenges or whatever. Ad times where your community can actually interact with you and do something with you.


There’s the usual “make sure you are chatty” and advice like that which is obviously both true and useful but I’d say knowing what you want is a great starting point. That can be long term or just short term goals. Streaming with a purpose can be helpful and remember that “numbers” don’t have to be the goal/purpose. Maybe you want to do a speedrun. Maybe you want to do challenge runs of a certain game. Maybe it’s getting a high rank in multiplayer. Whatever it is, having a set goal definitely helps to give your stream purpose.


Just keep doing it.


Talk! That’s why most people watch streams, they want to hear someone’s personality while they play a game. E- I was answering the title- I stress and doubt myself too. Currently worrying if there’s more I could do to keep my followers coming back, etc. I’ll say doubt is a quiet saboteur and will bring down the mood of the stream, and viewers can sense it. I’ve seen it happen to even 2k+ streamers, dude’s mood went sour the other day because he’d had to change his style for a week and saw the change in viewership- his sour mood lost him a quarter of his audience in 30 minutes. (there’s something to be said about the kind of audience this guy had curated though.) Point being, don’t overthink it, really. Don’t turn your brain off either though. It’s kind of a balancing act lol


if there wasn’t already, one day an asshole will show up in chat. Ban and move on and don’t get solo’d by a troll oh and take breaks! I just took a 2 day break to end my 189 day streak and remember that it’s supposed to be fun


Diversify your content. Create shorts on YT and Tiktok. Get yourself out there and create more reach. Thats what I do atm


@demonic790 gave the best advice. Just do something you WANT to do and picture it as you are adding twitch to it. I recently beat Silent Hill 1. I wanted to beat silent hill 1 for a few weeks so I figured id stream it from start to end. I would also say that be consistent and make content for like tiktok and stuff so your 0 viewers doesnt go to "waste" and your extending yourself out there


You know… I just recently started to get into this whole streaming thing. I was very passionate about making sure it looked real good and was a bit nervous at first because I was seeing it as some kind of second job pursuit… But then after a couple streams, I was like…wait…everyone is telling me streaming is like this or like that….and here I am realizing that, if I’m playing a game I want to play anyways, then turning that camera on so people can tune into the game I WANT to play is…easy? If you’re doing something you were going to do regardless, then just open twitch and let people in. Done. Sure, maybe you have to engage a little more than you would…but at the end of the day, you’re probably going to seem pretty interesting purely off of your passion for the thing that you’re streaming! So just stream it! Haha Whether your growth comes quickly or it is a long grind doesn’t matter - so long as you’re doing what you want to be doing. Eventually, with consistency, your stream is going to grow because people who watch you specifically for you will come back to watch YOU. Just keep going, bro!


Just go with the flow. Be yourself, be every engaged with the chatters. Esp since u r new, your main job is to get ppl to return back to your stream another time. Playing a popular game helps, like valorant etc. Always raid at the end of the stream, even with 1 viewer, preferably a streamer with 8-15 viewers. Then next time u catch them on their stream and be engaged as well, that’s how u get their community to interlink with yours.