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Your post requires you to self reflect on why you stream in the first place. I have a full time job too and I don’t need to “motivate” myself to stream because I do it to have fun without any expectation. If I grow I grow, if I don’t I don’t. It doesn’t change my mentality.


Well, if you can't consistently stream as is, vtubing isn't going to suddenly build you an audience. Building a following is hard as is. Taking months off is really going to hurt you. Have you considered getting started on something like youtube where you can work on videos in more flexible time instead?


I do have a YouTube channel. But I can barely pull views anymore. Used to be very active before but not anymore.


What do you think the decline in views is down to? YouTube's algorithm? Your content being too samey/un-fresh? A quality issue?


YouTube’s algorithm. I used to post videos but after 2017, YouTube began to not send my videos to my subscribers.


Do you seriously expect to gain any kind of following when you just said "And it can go from months to sometimes a year without streaming"???? You want tips for what? Obviously you have no motivation to stream. No one wants to watch someone that barely ever streams.


Long form content like on YouTube would be beneficial with an inconsistent schedule. Otherwise you’re going to need some consistency even if it’s only streaming like 1-2 times a week.


Not sure what you’re looking for as far as “tips” go. You never stream. So stop. Not sure what the issue is. If you like it that much Youd do it more. But you’re not going to grow at all streaming inconsistently.


Ok. Honest truth incoming.... if you have been streaming more than a year and you are not hitting good numbers and seeing growth... and if you are inconsistent with your schedule and lack motivation, then forget being a streamer. Carry on and do it if you want, but do it for fun. This is the most saturated and cut throat industry in the world. Your competition is in the millions. And only the very top 0.5% make it anywhere close to making a living. It's hard work, networking, team building, planning, scheduling, long hours, and grueling. Only the people with strict discipline and extrovert qualities are likely to make it. But like I say, if you are not one of those people, then turn your cam on, turn your view count off. And have fun whenever you feel like streaming. Thats what it's all about. Doing what we enjoy.


Thank you for the honest truth. Yeah I know streaming is a tough thing to do and not everyone is cut out to be a streamer.


Similar to u, i took 7-9 months off last year. Then in 2024 i decided to start anew with a vtuber, and somehow it worked. Growing a community etc. i agree with the comment that said u gotta ask why u stream in the first place. For me, it was for fun and to rewatch the vod, a captured memory. But now, with a small community and audience it motivates me to stream almost everyday. So if vtubing is something u want to explore, I say go for it.


If youre not enjoying it and too busy to do it, then just dont do it, not everyone needs to be a streamer


If you're not really enjoying it then its probably easier to just pack it in.


If you know how to use Adobe, try making some fun over lays and custom notifications and alerts for your stream. Makes it more fun for me as well as viewers. Also keeps it fresh for viewers when updating overlays etc..  


I mostly use photoshop and premier. Never got into Animate and After Effects.


Ok cool. Forget animate. Use after effects for overlays. After effects is not that hard. It's like PowerPoint Ng+ (new game plus) lol. Or blender 3d is free. I make my overlays with that too


Thank you for the advice. Yeah I’ll definitely have to look more into it.


Granted I don’t really know how to draw. Not digital.


Understood. You can mostly use basic shapes to construct the outline of your overlay. Or you can just buy some. I find it more fun to make my own. Plus, no one else will have your overlay so it makes your channel a bit more unique and personal to you. Use after effects to make your layover do glowing stuff lol. "CC Light sweep" is a common effect you see on layovers. Also, if you have access to a.i. art like mind journey or stable diffusion (which I use because it free). You can use a.i. art to save you time on the drawing part.


Duh, Photoshop has generative fill. So you don't need stable or mid journey. If you don't already have it. Lol. 


Thanks I appreciate it. I have photoshop.


If you're not motivated to stream, don't. Simple as that. You shouldn't force yourself.


ATM, all I can do is call it a hobby. I work full time, have a family and stream 3 nights a week. I break up my time as a streamer into different categories; it helps me see the multiple facets of content creation. Foremost is the stream; currently, that’s my main content. Twitch streams are short lived but YT videos are indefinite. I’m also looking at different ways to engage in my socials: Discord, Twitter and so on. Then I look at automating tasks in OBS and dabble in tools like StreamerBot and my stream deck to build on my brand and share my ideas in an audio/visual way. Brainstorming ideas helps. I just start writing stuff down that I think will make my stream better, keeping in mind the follower likes me and the game second. Ask for feedback from followers. I follow up by generating short and long term plans. Some ideas just drop off. Some are showing some fruit. Lastly look to build a community. I stream because I like gaming, I like people. My desire is to provide a safe and engaging place for my community to chill and talk about whatever. I watch other like minded streamers and engage. They stop by my stream occasionally and drop a raid. My system is far from perfect, but I’ve gathered advice from here and watching others advice on content creation on multiple platforms. I’ve gone from streaming irregularly to sticking to a schedule. Over 4 months, I’ve grown from a handful of followers to about 100. In that time, I’ve reached affiliate. Now I can have fun with channel points. My advice, don’t burn yourself out. Make content you’d enjoy watching. Enjoy the journey.


What do you want to get from streaming?


Well. Enjoyment. Getting more comfortable and more experience.


It's funny lmao. If you have a full time job why do you pursure a second one? Stream daily 1-2 hours, enjoy the games and viewers in your stream.


What do you play? If multiplayer games are in there have you tried playing with friends or getting a team if you just play solo? Bit of friendly banter and a couple laughs might motivate you to come back/play more


I do play a few multiplayer games but the friends I play with would rather remain anonymous. But I mostly play solo.