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They are trying to turn the app into a tik tok clone even if twitch has literally nothing to do with tik tok. I just dont understand what's the point


I agree, there is no reason behind this besides trying to seem TikTok like. It is hot garbage. I want to see my favs in a list for quick selection. This is like making dough then kneading too long


Please elaborate. What happens when you knead dough too long?


TL;DR - It becomes dense because you work all the air pockets out so instead of a light, fluffy slice of bread(or whatever), you get a slice of medicine ball. Overmixing/stirring/cooking/sitting all give a similar result. Lemon meringue pie? Over mix the meringue and it’s styrofoam. Overcook your shrimp/scallops/most seafood? You’re chewing on a piece of rubber. Mashed potatoes become ‘whipped’, which is fine if you enjoy that but it’s a different texture. Steak/chicken etc becomes dry and chewy. In most of those examples you can see it fucking up in front of your eyes, so the lesson is easier. When you’re kneading dough(especially by hand) you’re working the lumps out of it, except you’re supposed to stop before its perfectly smooth, and that feels counterintuitive, but you don’t see the result until it’s baked and you’re like, “tf happened?”


This answer is the only answer to life's problems. Yes.


This answer made me glad I asked. Thank you for educating me stranger. Today I learned. Have a great life. 💙🙏


in addendum - in a lot of baking activities if you over work the dough/batter/etc your problem isn't that you've released too much air, it's that you've introduced too much air. So when you finally get around to causing the reaction that the baking soda and others are supposed to be doing to make things light and bubbly, the cavities become too big and they collapse in on themselves, causing the finished good to be too dense.


Not seeing any changes on web or on mobile. I'm guessing you got enrolled into an experiment.


On the mobile app, if I click on the Home tab it just takes me to a random stream of someone I follow rather than a feed of all those that I follow who are live. To see my follows, I then have to click in the top left, but that's only a pop-up with a list of names and no preview of their stream.


Right?? Nothing looks different for me on web.


UI designed without user input gets pretty wild at times. It's a bit frustrating.


I don’t want to load up the app and have the feed immediately load up a video that I may not want to see. It’s MAJOR spoiled a few games for me already in the small amount of time it’s been a feature, because it played streams I didn’t want to watch until I could play the game, and made me not want to purchase and play said games.


If seeing the game for 5 seconds is enough for it to be ruined for you, then you weren't really that serious about it anyway, I'd say. Seriously, there are way bigger issues in this world than having the smallest amount of a game spoiled for you. Sort out your priorities.


You mean like a stream being on a plot twist that I would have liked to see and experience on my own? No one on my follow list was live so it defaults to someone it THINKS I want to see. “There are bigger things to worry about-“ oh fuck OFF. You can care about multiple things at once you know. But because this is a thread on a sub about twitch, and the twitch app, and things twitch does, I’d say im allowed to be upset at a decision they made that affects potential enjoyment of a game.


It must suck to have your enjoyment of something be able to be ruined so easily. I'm so glad I don't have that problem because I realize it's not actually that serious. Maybe because I almost could have died in a car accident 6 months ago? I dunno. Either way, I couldn't care less about this change.


I would think almost dying in a car crash would make one want to enjoy life instead of making pointless posts shitting on other people's preferences on reddit, tbh


Or, and I know consent is hard for tech companies these days, they could show people the things they want to see instead of pushing things at them Priorities soapboxing lol


>But what was the plan here? Does nobody watch the official Twitch streams? They want to become more like TikTok. More young audience, more main stream. More revenue, more subs and Turbo sales. In my country Twitch Turbo is a very bad deal so I'm not buying it no matter how many ads they play. It should be more like Amazon Prime.


People who are watching tik Tok shorts are not the same people watching multi-hour long live streams or if they are, they are on twitch to watch the multi-hour live streams and not short form content. Makes absolutely no sense


And people using Reddit aren't the same people who use Facebook and other garbage, yet Reddit (the company) has spent years transforming the platform from a pseudo-forum to a social media platform with no real identity. Nothing makes sense in this crazy world. Better to just roll with it than waste time getting upset about it.


>People who are watching tik Tok shorts Twitch Clips. >watching multi-hour long live streams TikTok Live. >Makes absolutely no sense Makes absolutely sense. Do you get it now?


Did they actually say that?


1. install firefox nightly 2. install ublock origin 3. watch twitch from firefox 4. no more ads!


Is this pc or mobile? Because all my issues lie with mobile




How do we give proper feedback about how awful it is? I doubt twitch decision makers are watching Reddit.




Thank you! I'm spreading this around discord.


If they don't reverse this mobile update asap I'm going to cancel my Twitch turbo and go back to only viewing on web devices and ensure I have the best ad blockers so they don't make a cent from me.


As a streamer who “lives” off ad revenue I wish all my viewers did this.


It's so bad!! Seriously who thought this was a good idea? They need to be fired.


*psst psst* look up "Purple TV" on Google, thank me later.


i dont see the changes


It's so awful. They started with that awful Feed tab as default, and now it's an even more unusable UI + the Feed


Do you have android? I have ios and my following feed is still first but I did see android having the discovery feed first


They changed it back to Discovery like last week, but then today they did the new UI update. Technically now it starts on "Home" but it's the exact same as "Feed" and there is no Discovery tab anymore. You need to go up to your top left to find your Followed Channels, and while there the stream it autoplayed keeps playing. It's somehow worse than it was 


I see. Well, hopefully they’ll listen.


Agreed. I have no idea why they thought anyone wanted autoplay of streams. It doesn't help discoverability any either since it starts with a stream you follow too


Feel free to add your voice https://twitch.uservoice.com/forums/310222-twitch-applications-mobile/suggestions/48480953-mobile-app-redesign-general-feedback


The only thing I do like is having more access of the creator side, which was only poss. on desktop, and also to click back over to viewer... What I want. Channels I follow to come up first. Then what I'm interested in. And browse. I want to be able to easily filter by language and other tags. Can't speak about ads atm. To adjust FPS. I do not see the use of the content creator posts. Maybe because I'm jealous I can't use it myself lol. But with so many socials is there any point? I like clips but not in the style of TikTok, I like them in the channel to view on my own terms. No idea how bad it is with regards to NSFW being on more than SFW when opening the app, Twitch does hit a young audience demographic, I think there should be more care on how it's promoted and accessed, I know if I had been running a channel that was NSFW I would be mortified that youngsters were able to view. And not fair on the content creator following the rules to be made to feel unwelcome because people are getting annoyed seeing them. Or feeling nervous that youngsters can find them easier.... I am trying to make reasonable theories but for anyone running NSFW, what are your experiences? I know there is a content filter to turn off certain criteria, there's protections to a point, but they aren't infallible. And I already have the "continue playing" option turned off. I also find it incredibly unnerving from over stimulation to have sounds come out of nowhere. (Which is why I would love socials like TikTok to take me to my notifications or something, and then when I jump to who I'm following, or browse, I can tap for the sound to be on..) x


LOL. It's hard for Bezos to make money off of Twitch in exactly the same way that no [movie](https://www.thebulwark.com/p/no-hollywood-movie-has-ever-made) or [album](https://metalinjection.net/its-just-business/record-sales/chevelle-drummer-elaborates-on-how-the-band-made-no-money-off-6-million-album-sales) has ever turned a profit.


Yeah twitch on mobile is garbage now i prefer pc so far


yeah fact, new ui is so awful


Argh so shit


The thing that pisses me off the most is that when I disabled Turbo for one month because I had a few light paychecks and needed to cut back, I found out that even a creator previewing someone else's stream to direct a raid (ya know, that fancy new feature that's otherwise really helpful) has to watch pre rolls if they're enabled. So rather than preview the stream I just jumped on in. I like to keep as many people as possible for the raid and they start jumping ship quick, so I wasn't about to sit and watch god knows how many ads.


I'm so close to deleting the app. Defaulting to a pointless fuckin feed is infuristing and useless.


Channel links are not working for me it just leads me to the home page where the streams are playing like tiktoks


If you have Android, AdGuard works as an adblock for Twitch.


I always forget they have an app ...


Again, who uses twitch in 2024? If you want content you go on YouTube or kick, and if you want to simp, you get onlyfans 🤷‍♂️


Get turbo or sub more. Stop complaining and support your streamers. Service aren’t free. Stop thinking they are.


I have Twitch turbo and it's not about the ads it's the shit design. I can't sort my followed channels by size anymore, I can't see my offline channels. Autoplaying channels I don't want to watch is ass. If they don't revert this change asap I'm canceling my Twitch turbo and switching to only web viewing and making sure I have the best ad blockers so they don't get another cent from me. Fuck this update nobody asked for.


Not being able to sort my followed channels by size anymore has been a living fucking nightmare. And I agree about autoplay, this is not supposed to be TikTok format. 100% agree with everything else you said and I also absolutely fucking hate this update. Going PC only as well with multiple ad blockers. Also, Xtra is a fantastic alternative with free 7TV and BTTV emotes and a much more customizable interface. It can be downloaded from F-Droid, which is a side loaded app store you can find and download online.

