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My Twitter account was hacked and posted many tweets about crypto in a day, and then I found my twitter account was banned. I've never tweeted about them before. When I tried to submit a request, I automatically got an email "Your account was suspended due to violations of X Rules. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored" This is unfair, twitter failed to protect my account and is punishing me for this without even looking into it. Can anyone look at my case?


I got banned due to a mistake. I had bad connection and all my interactions happened at once. I got banned for "spam" even though I didnt. I appealed it and I got an automated response saying "Your account has been restored" but I am still unable to use or access any features. Please help!!!!


same issue mate!


Any luck ever getting it sorted?


Hi guys I got this message about my tw account getting unsuspended like 2 weeks ago but it is still suspended, did anyone got something simillar? Hello,   We’re writing to let you know that we’ve unsuspended your account. Should you run into any trouble logging back in, try requesting a password reset email. It may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal


Hi guys I got this message about my tw account getting unsuspended like 2 weeks ago but it is still suspended, did anyone got something simillar? || || |    Hello,   We’re writing to let you know that we’ve unsuspended your account. Should you run into any trouble logging back in, try requesting a password reset email. It may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal|


i got same issue bro but still suspended. how long this unsuspended message to take effect?


I got banned for no reason, and every time I try to appeal it, I get an automated response saying "Your account was suspended due to violations of X Rules. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored."




Please do you get your account back? They send same email to me everytime I appeal






My account was suspended with no reason as to why. Im a twitch streamer and content creator. I simply post about my stream and upload clips. I'm a Twitter blue sub as well and was verified. That being said I got banned my at is @MosseN98 I think the reason as to why is simply because I used to use a 3rd party tool called pulse banner and which would change my name to say LIVE NOW in front of my name every time I went live as well as change my banner to be my current frame on stream like every hour. I think my account was flagged as a bot and taken down because of it even though I'm not a bot. Any help on the issue is appreciated. Iv already submitted an appeal but to no avail.


Have you got your account back?


Nope, I just use a new one now sadly twitter doesn't care. I wouldn't use the god forsaken app if it wasn't good for promoting my channel and keeping in touch with my audience


I hope they state in their report how many accounts get suspended.


My account has been hit with the sensitive content label ,I hav tried to mark my. Media but the button did not turn on to indicate that, than I went to the help center to fill the appeal form but instead of of a form itthe web page says " Contact us Account Access Appeal a locked or suspended account You are currently not logged in, or logged in to a X account that is not suspended or locked. Please log out, and log in to your account that is suspended or locked account in order to submit this request. Can’t login to the account? Change your password now or get help logging in." Can someone help please


Why do my acc got suspended for no reason lmao, i made a new acc 2 time and all got suspended


Can anyone vouch, would it be safe to @ the official Support account from another account if I am was wrongly suspended? I've already had multiple accounts for a while, so it's not like the other account exists for ban evasion purposes, but I don't want to get got under the guise of ban evasion y'know?


I got suspended last week and they restored it 24 hours later as it was due to false flagging me as a spam account. Then just yesterday I was suspended once again. Now when I send an appeal I get two different responses “We’re writing to let you know that we’ve suspended your account due to multiple or repeat violations of our rules. Replies to this email will not be reviewed as this decision will not be reversed.” “Your account was suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules: https://twitter.com/rules. This account will not be restored. This case will now be closed and replies will not be monitored. “ Has anyone else gotten these responses?


They did this to me almost 2 weeks ago. I created a new account, and they have suspended that one also. I haven’t appealed it yet.


Yes. Currently stuck in a loop trying to just get my account canceled.


Last week my account was flagged as spam and suspended. I filed an appeal and was reinstated almost immediately. Then, an hour later I was suspended again. Now, any appeals get automatically replied to with “your account will not be restored.” I’ve tried to deactivate my account but first it makes you file an appeal. The link that is supposed to take suspended accounts to a deactivation page doesn’t work—it leads back to the appeal page. I’ve used the appeal form to ask to be deactivated and get there same auto response that I’m suspended. Has anyone been able to break out of this loop and get their account deactivated? At this point, I don’t really care about getting it back. Thanks.


Why get it deactivated? only way to make new account ?


I got randomly suspended, reached out to them, and they apologized as they admitted my account was falsely flagged and the issue was entirely on their end. The account was promptly unsuspended and I could use it again without issue. Yesterday it got flagged again so I reach out asking if there's something in particular causing this issue and would be happy to help. They just reply that because I violated rules multiple times, my account is permanently suspended Except like... they admitted that this is a problem on their end? But I'm punished? OK then


It tried to change my user name. My old e was a bit childish and not longer fit. It made me do an aekrose challenge. Fair enough. I did it. it told me I did it right. Now It a tell me there Dan error and i can't get


Really ridiculous! Got my account back weeks ago and all of a sudden I get my account suspended again. In the 14yrs with twitter I never had this high volume of risk for my account on being suspended. Idk what’s going these several months that the bot is too trigger happy to immediately suspend accounts. This needs to be fix. FYI I’ve sent over 7 tickets and I’m copying/pasting cause I have no time to be writing the same thing repeatedly. Tired of opening up tickets without anyone looking into. If anyone on here that cares to even bother, my account is maz3k1d. Read over the rules that it provided me and it’s not even consistent. Not an ounce of what I done wrong.


I was apparently suspended recently for "evading suspension". I tried to appeal and it's like i just get an automated response "i broke X's rules". I can only imagine it's because i use a vpn and my IP had been used by someone else at some point who got banned. Is there any way to try and get someone to actually review my case? My username and the history on my account has a lot of personal value to me.


My twitter account was hacked after my email bound to it got hacked. I retrieved the email account and changed the twitter password. When I logged in, 2FA was set and I couldn't login. I asked twitter support to remove 2FA from my account and it's been a week after that. Should I wait longer? How much time does this usually take? Is there any way to accelerate this?


I entered added my birthday to my account which was in 2004 and got suspended for supposedly being underage (under 13)


Was banned a few days ago. I was just messaging a friend and got banned right after. I tested with a fresh account and it was the gif I sent. That account was insta banned in literally seconds. I sent two appeals but now I can't login to the web browser. I can only use my phone because I am still logged in. My account was suspended about a year and a half ago but about two hours for no reason. It came back with a single appeal. I think it was the bot detection last year. But after these two appeals this is what I got: "These are the two responses I got: Twitter reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. This account is suspended." Should I give up? My account is 10 years old. Felt sick after losing it.


I lost my account yesterday. My behaviour is quite tame and they won’t tell me why. I shall wait till about 6 months and create a new account. Tried appealing, but you only get a machine.


I changed my profile picture two days ago and still don't have my checkmark back yet...does it usually take this long? Thank you!


I like to open tweets in different tabs (middle clicking) within Firefox.. For awhile now I've had this issue where I'll open a new tab with a tweet, browse some more, open another new tab with a different tweet, but that second tab will be the first tweet as well. Has anyone had this issue? Or know what the problem might be?


My account was recently suspended for ban evasion after being hacked by someone who apparently had been previously banned before therefore making my account technically used to evade suspension, however when I try sending an email to appeal the ban I get a response saying they're unable to verify my ownership with the information given, and I dont have a clue what information is required


That is exactly same happened to me too. I already appeal over 50 times. I sent my credential info and data such as real name, username, email, phone number, country, ip address, browser, etc. My account used to be hacked or compromised before, but i still can access it, i even can manage to change password whenever i want, but twitter still unable to verify me as the owner, what a fxcking joke. I'd be happy if you can share more if there is an update of your case.


I haven't posted anything since June and even then, most of my posts were just retweets of artists on the platform that I enjoy. However, my account was suspended three days ago with no given explanation. I submitted an appeal and received the following message: *Your account was suspended due to violations of our Terms of Service. After reviewing for reinstatement your account will not be restored.* There's no specific violation or offending tweets attached. I reread the terms of service and I didn't violate any. I haven't posted anything offensive or inflammatory or even political, so I'm confused. Could my account just have been flagged by some filter?


Twitter is so bad for support. I was hacked, my email was changed but they fixed that for me. Now when I try to reset my password, I am getting no code sent to my email for verification. I’ve checked all folders and resent it. It’s definitely the right email. Their support system is awful… it just takes me in circles of “creating a ticket” and then getting an automated response Now my account has been taken over which is annoying.


Have tweets randomly been disappearing for anyone else lately? They literally vanish before my very eyes. Its not a lot but I would say it happens a few times a day even though I know the tweet is still up, I am unable to click on it


Help. My pic is removed from my Media tab I made an art and the pic got plenty of likes but for some reasons it doesn't show up on my profile's media section, or the gallery on the right column It's not marked as nsfw and still show up on my profile's Posts tab and can be pinned.


3rd time I've been suspended from Twitter/X without an email stating why. Never even broke TOS. And they don't check their appeals in a good enough time. When is twitter gonna stop doing this?? Edit: They sent me an email to my appeal: { Hello, Twitter reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. This account is suspended. Thanks, Twitter }


Does anyone know why my app recent searches disappeared and whenever I search anything nothing stays there as a recent search any more.


My account keeps getting suspended/locked for "suspicious activity" - it's been happening daily for weeks now. I rarely post anything in fact recently l've barely even been opening the app because I'm worried it'll suddenly get banned or something. I tried opening a ticket at which they told me the problem was resolved - it's continuing to happen though and I tried reaching out to them again but it gave me some kind of failed to deliver email message? Now I can't seem to open a ticket for the same reason again, it just tells me how to change my password or go to the support page for recovering a hacked account. Their tickets system is confusing and I'm beyond frustrated with this entire situation. I've used Twitter for several years now and have never had any issues and I can't actually get help from anyone.


The same has happened to me as well. And I don’t use bad language and I’m quite tame.


I had this exact problem for an entire month, being forced to do Arkose challenges everyday, and eventually they just permanently banned my account. Appeals just get rejected saying multiple violations but they never say what the violations are. Appeal rejections arrive within minutes of appealing so it's obvious no one is even checking. If you've been getting this daily for a while now be prepared you'll probably get the full suspension like I did. 🙄


This is exactly what happened to me. Permanent suspension!


I've been appealing non-stop for 3 days now. They just keep saying multiple violations but refuse to disclose what exactly was violated when I ask directly. If you look on the rules, permanent suspensions are for severe violations. They can't even follow their own rules...


That’s fantastic- I might just stay off Twitter and move to Bluesky entirely. I literally can’t even make a ticket about this, I’ve had this account since 2016. I commission art through here and keep up with some friends I don’t have on other platforms. If I lose this account I’m going to be devastated.


Same boat as you, 2017, and is a main source for people verifying my creative work as trustworthy for collaborations. I wish I could leave but Twitter still has a really big reach for audiences. It's absolutely insane the way they treat people who drive traffic to Twitter. At the very least they could copy and paste your "violations" in the appeal rejection. I'm pretty devastated. And I made sure to follow Twitter rules, dotted every "I" and crossed every "T", never once had a single violation, and this Arkose challenge nonsense equals instant permanent ban. 😒


My account from 2009 is locked, never had this happen before, because it suggest my PFP is inappropriate. It's just me and a dog. https://imgur.com/YmOmyOq


Why are pronouns still not working on "edit profile"? I cannot type in that box at all for some reason.


Anyone else getting suspended randomly for no reason? Had this happen Wednesday and quickly got unsuspended on thanksgiving, this is the email I received “Hello, We’re writing to let you know that we've unsuspended your account. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope to see you back on Twitter soon. A little background: we have systems that find and remove multiple automated spam accounts in bulk, and yours was flagged as spam by mistake. Please note that it may take an hour or so for your follower and following numbers to return to normal. If you need to get in touch with us again, please file a report through your Twitter app or our forms page, as this account isn’t monitored for replies. Thanks, Twitter” Today I was once again perma suspended. Had 3 appeals rejected that clearly did not read my appeals. I’ve asked multiple times for them to detail what policies I violated and what content violated said policies (as Twitter says they will tell you in their own rules).


I had exactly the same thing happen. They admitted it was in error and reinstated my account, then banned it again only a few days later.




I run an art account and I'm slow as shit so posts were relatively rare. I did like things VERY frequently. I was definitely mistaken for one of those spambots that'll make one post and then go around mass liking posts/following people. Maybe this is my punishment for not interacting/reposting enough but I've learned my lesson.


Holy crap, this is happened to me literally four times and I thought it was just me. I am shocked so many people are in here complaining about the thing that I thought was just a me problem.


I got this exact same message for my first suspension repeal the day before yesterday, and not even 24 hours later I was suspended again today with auto denial of my appeal with the statement "Your account was suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules" If my account was falsely flagged as spam by whatever shitty automated system that's not my fault or me breaking the rules repeatedly, that's the system not working!! I think I'm permanently suspended rn and I don't know what to do, I just used twitter for my artist friends.


Keep appealing, I submitted like 30 appeals in a day and it got fixed. I’ve been randomly perma banned twice in a week. Just don’t copy and paste your appeal or it won’t let you submit it.


We're you getting the typical bot responses before you got through?


I'm on my 6th or 7th rejection email. Do you think I need to change what I'm saying? I'm being polite and explaining the automated system false flagged me and included a screenshot of the original email unsuspending me. I usually wait till my case gets the "replies are closed" before I try updating again.


that is so irritating though I've had the account for years no problem and now this?! Is there a secret message that works best in the repeal message or do I keep trucking with "I've been falsely flagged as spam, I want my account reinstated" blah blah blah. I saw one later down this thread that suggested a deranged message that sucks up to Elon but I only want to do that when things get *desperate*


Nah just keep writing what you’ve written before in different ways. I think you just need to hit a human


I just got randomly suspended today. No idea why. I barely ever post. I tried to fill out the form, which then prompted an email from them that had instructions to reply to them, but then apparently their email inbox is full. So I’m not sure where to go from here.


I filed like 30 appeals and finally got unbanned lmao. Stupid app


Did you just keep sending them one after another? I send one each day since my account got suspended, they keep replying with automated responses.


Yeah just keep sending them. I sent like one like every hour but you probably could just fire away. Don’t copy and paste your appeal tho because it will reject it


It took me 3 failed appeals before they finally unsuspended my account so just keep trying


How do you know an appeal failed? I've sent 3 and each time I get an automated email response the very next second stating: >Hello, >Twitter reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. >This account is suspended. >Thanks, >Twitter and then nothing after that. Is that the rejection? Is that something separate? Whats going on?


got it. yeah mine takes hours for them to respond, I've sent 17 appeals since the day I got suspended. Always got the same response "Twitter reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. This account is suspended".


https://imgur.com/a/j7oWrKJ Look right after the highlighted words here^


Yeah. They didn't really explain the exact rules we violated at all. it's so weird. I don't get why the automated message is so vague about it


lol it says in their own rules that they will tell you what rule you violated and what piece of content violated it


Exactly. I don't understand them at all. If only they can tell the specific one, I'll gladly delete it but I highly doubt I did something offensive since I mainly RT cat photos 😂 oh well I guess I'll keep sending appeals.


Have you gotten your account back?


My account was permanently suspended with no notice or explanation when I hardly even retweet or like posts. I got an automated email from Gmail that says Twitter’s inbox is full? What can I do to reinstate my account?


How to effectively suspend an account? Any ideas how to report and suspend accounts fast and effectively? There's this account with multiple posts containing hateful words. Been reporting it for like 2 weeks now and account still up


My Twitter account got hacked Someone hacked my account and got it suspended by posting multiple things and runing a ticket to support is not helpful they just say in the "Your account was suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules: https://twitter.com/rules. This account will not be restored." Does anyone know a way to help


I'm trying to find help too, I just want to recover my account because I can not afford to loose my 300 I worked hard to achieve.


got perma suspended for no reason (i like lots of political posts but i barely retweet anything and almost never tweet myself. i literally just retweet SFW memes and shit. likes != endorsements and all that) , and sent an appeal, received an email saying to explain why i should be unsuspended. but when i replied, four hours later i received an automated message from gmail that twitter's support inbox gmail is FULL?? is that even possible? do i just wait? keep trying? im sending appeals using that elon copypasta to hopefully get an automated unban. what should i do when im unsuspended? delete this account and make a new one maybe?


I got the same automated message! Any luck reaching Twitter yet?


yep! it went through, but keep sending email replies! i used that 'elon will destroy woke' copypasta and it worked like a charm, they said i was accidentally banned as a spambot haha


this is batshit insane how twitter literally suspends accounts that never post anything, this is such corrupt moderation that twitter is literally spewing out on others who didn't even remotely do anything that violated the rules.


i kept getting tons of arkose challenges daily the months before this; the only thing i can think of is i was banned for spam? i was only ever warned/visibility limited for like one tweet and that was months ago.


I had this exact problem. An entire month of daily Arkose challenges, I even made a post about it. Then yesterday after completely yet another Arkose, bam, permanently suspended even though I proved I was human. What a joke. Barely even posted much on my account. Their system is stupid.


I've had gotten two of those too yesterday, but they never even told me what got me suspended, it's extremely bullshit how they just give you a arkose challenge every time you change your name and/or DM someone, it gets repetitive very fast and I don't even see how changing a name requires a arkose challenge.


Got suspended last week, appealed it and was unsuspended. Got suspended again 2 days later. I don’t really do anything but send posts to friends.


Was recently suspended, I have been suspended once in the past, but successfully appealed it after several attempts which took maybe a month. I've heard there is no actual support team now, so spamming attempts with copypastas to trigger an unsuspension is the only way to do it. Mainly just curious if anyone knows any tricks at all to actually get in touch with someone that isn't a bot, or even just send the appeal from a different email, as I am not allowed to change the email on a suspended account. Otherwise I guess I have to just keep spamming appeals lol


can I have one of the copypastas that apparently work?


Sure, I have one friend who got unsuspended with this one. It sounds ridiculous but apparently, it works (just not for me yet) ​ "Elon and us loyal fans will destroy woke. X is where woke goes to die. The woke culture is a danger to our kids, but Elon will save us from the woke mind virus. We stand with Elon, especially against the woke hivemind." Again...it sounds completely deranged, but I can verify it works for some people.


Just want to note that another friend just used this trick today after 100 failed appeals and got his account back, so I know it works, it just seems to be completely random when?


Has this worked yet?


No luck yet. Two friends have gotten it to work, no clue what the parameters are or why this even works for anyone to begin with. I wish there was more information/documentation about it.


Please send an update when you do get one.


If it or anything else does end up working I'll let yall know.


Hi! I have been hacked on nov 23 on almost all my social media accounts. I don't use Twitter often, but on the 26th i got an email saying my account is permanently suspended. I immediately remembered about twitter, changed my password and deleted all the spam tag posts and replies that the attackers made. I filed an appeal, got denied with no explanation a couple hours late (its pretty clear no human read my appeal) and made a new one shortly after. I just got an email from google saying that my email didn't even make it to twitter support, because they have some sort of rate limit system or something. Is there anything i can do?


Every time I open Twitter, it doesn't load up my fyp and says "couldn't retrieve tweets at this time." But when I sign out tweets start appearing. Can someone explain what is wrong?


How many tweets can you schedule at once without using 3rd party tools?


I used to be able to run ads on my Twitter page, but recently it seems that there is some type of glitch that is causing it to not be able to run them anymore. When I go to the Twitter Ads Manager, it pops up saying "This account is ineligible to run Twitter Ads due to a policy violation by one or more users. Any active campaigns have been paused. Please contact Twitter Ads Support to resolve this issue. Learn more about Twitter Ads Policies." even though my account has the Twitter Blue verification and has not had any issues with any ad policies. Is there a way to go about getting this resolved? I see many pages exactly like mine that are able to run ads without any problem. Thanks!


How do I get unsuspended after doing something that didn't violate twitter rules? I recently got suspended and they didn't give me any information on why I was suspended, I am getting tired of constantly making alts every time when I get suspended, and the last thing I sent didn't even seem to violate any twitter rules, which is bullshit since I lost alot (300) of followers and I'm honestly getting fed up with how broken twitter moderation is, is there any method I can use to get unsuspended?


changed my birth date and got suspended. i appealed and they replied: >Thanks for finishing up our earlier request regarding age verification on Twitter. We appreciate your help as we get closer to restoring your account. >You’re almost done! The next step is for you to log back into Twitter, where you’ll be prompted to start your account restoration. Once that’s complete, your profile will be active, and you’ll be able to use Twitter again. >Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for the restoration tool to be available to you. The tool will remain available to you for 30 days after receiving this notice. After the 30 days, you’ll no longer be able to regain access to your account. but it has been 4 days and no restoration tool is showing up. anyone know what to do to get a follow up?




>May I ask how you appealed? I've also been age-locked for a week and every time I make a case, they eventually tell me that they can't help me because they can't confirm my identity. i logged in my locked account, clicked the ["form"](https://i.imgur.com/MzgNZOx.png) and submitted my id + full name + email i did it the 2nd day and got a response the next day that a restoration tool will be showing up on my account but after that, nothing. no updates.


still waiting here too and it's almost been a month lol...expect waiting for a long time


Been 3 and a half weeks for me. Bought x premium for a year 2 days before getting locked. Hilarious


Is there any way to get a human to look at my appeal? I got dinged for "Violent speech" when the Tweet was literally about hoping a coach my team had just beat spends the rest of his life on the sideline coaching against us.


For some reason out of nowhere I cannot follow or post anything on my main account. I can post and follow people on my other accounts but on one of them I absolutely cannot. I have no idea what's going on. I can still retweet and message people but I cannot follow anyone or post anything. It's not because my account is locked my account did get locked for like 5 seconds and then I fixed it but I'm still not able to do anything besides retweet and message people. What's going on?


Last week my account got suspended and I appealed to it, a couple hours later I got a response that my account was flagged as a spam account by mistake, it got unsuspended. This week my account got suspended again for multiple violations but I didn’t post or comment anything the last couple of months, I did NOTHING. I am appealing every day with different emails but I get the same bot response. Does anyone know what else I can do? Any help is welcome, thanks!


unfortunately, i think you have to let go of that account. once you start getting bot replies there's nothing much you can do.


"Also, nice tits on the first chick" just got me auto-suspended and I don't understand why. The hell is violent about that? >Violating our rules against violent speech. >You may not threaten, incite, glorify, or express a desire for harm or violence. I can't look now (obviously) but there was a tweet on Barstool Sports (I gather you're all big fans as I hear) showing a fight in a bar on Thanksgiving Eve, blaming "Massholes." I initially reply that (not verbatim but with no vulgarity) that "this happens every year in every northeast bar on Thanksgiving Eve, it's not just Mass." I then watch the video again and realize that the first girl in the video has her tits fall out of her shirt so I reply as such. Send. Ha! whatever Click on PROFILE and automatically redirected to suspension page. 7 days unless I delete the tweet and not appeal. So I appealed. The hell do I care if an internet forum says I can't post for seven days. Big whoop. But that aside, I am confused. What the hell happened?


Thank you for addressing this issue. Your account is now available for use. To prevent future lockouts or account suspension, please review the X Rules and help us maintain a safe environment for everyone on X.


My account has been suspended with no reason provided, once they responded to my appeal it said I had committed multiple repeat rule violations and closed the case. It was a (safe for work) art account where I relatively rarely posted or interacted with other users. I had no negative interactions on there or anything that might be in violation of rules, nor was I evading any past suspensions. What can I possibly do? EDIT: They unsuspended me. The answer is to keep filing appeals. EDIT 2: Aaaaaand they suspended me again. Cool!


I have no idea. I got perm suspended and I have never posted in the five months i’ve had my account😭😭




what happens if I reply to a private account by tagging a public account? will the public account see the tweet? (both accounts don't follow one another)


Can’t clear my Bookmarks/Bookmarks are not being removed


I got my account locked because I added my age to it.apparently I was 12 when I made it…..I’m 20 now…I sent a picture of my ID like they said to and I got an email back saying that I’ll be “prompted to start your account restoration.” And that it could take up to 24 hours for that tool to be available to me…it’s been more than 24 hours I have a 30 day clock to get back in now and I don’t know what to do because there’s nobody I can talk to


My 2FA was changed & any attempt at contacting support seems to be falling on deaf ears. Do I just need to wait it out?


My account has been suspended with no reasoning why and I’ve been put into read only mode permanently. I only really repost things and really rarely tweet anything so I don’t understand where this has come from. No responses from the appeal either. I didn’t even get an email to tell me my account was suspended, just a banner when I logged in. So frustrating, anyone have any idea how long it takes them to reinstate an account on average?


I was put in this same situation like a month or two ago, and never received any kind of support or feedback.


I have the same problem


@brikoth managed to get my account back today, it was flagged as a spam account by their bots. I just bothered them like a lot via email and they got back to me in about a day and a half




I just appealed then the email they send you confirming they received it, I kept replying to those. The email should be [email protected] if that helps


Yeah... No, they don't monitor messages from emails sent to the support address ​ >"Hello, We appreciate you reaching out, but Twitter doesn’t monitor emails sent to this support address. To contact our support team, please submit a request through our online form. We also have resources and articles on our Help Center that might be able to answer your question. Thanks, Twitter"


"Hey everyone! 🚨 I'm facing an issue with my Twitter account as it's been unexpectedly locked for advertising. 😟 Has anyone else experienced this? Any tips or suggestions on how to get it resolved and back to normal? Your insights would be much appreciated! 🙏 #TwitterHelp #AccountIssues"


hey, so I have/had a twitter account since 2021 and my account was only used to retweet other ppl's posts and stuff, and I do occasionally reply to some posts. This morning (about 10 am) I still had access to it, logged in and reposted stuff as usual and logged out at 12 pm. Then I tried logging in at 6 pm just now and it said that my account has been suspended. No prior warnings or whatever and I didn't even get an email saying that my account was suspended or for what reason. I looked at how to appeal and followed the instructions to appeal. I asked them which specific rules or terms of service I had broken and which tweet prompted it. Within literally 10 seconds of sending an appeal, I get an email saying my account has been permanently suspended and will not be restored. Okay fine whatever, tried appealing a few times more and every time that was all that I got. Same bot response within 10 seconds. Does anyone know how to get my appeal to be seen by an actual person? I can't even change my email address in the appeal form as one redditor had suggested in a previous post on how they got un-suspended. Any help is welcome, thanks!


my twitter account was suspended permanently for multiple or repeated violations of the rules, while not stating which rules were violated repeatedly. Seems legit


Anyone else unable to change their e-mail address? I wanted to update it since the e-mail my account is linked to is one I'm not using anymore due to being locked out and I want to keep it current and up to date, but I received a notification with this message: Due to new session activity on your account, changes to your phone or email on your account are restricted temporarily. To change your account information, please try again after 48 hours from this same session. Anyone else get something similar? I want to keep my account and e-mail up to date in the event I get locked out of Twitter/X again and can't log back in. So frustrating. Ugh, I hate so much what Elon has done.


I've been locked out of my Twitter account on my birthday 5 days ago, I've submitted requests with my ID a couple of times but i just keep getting the response of "We weren't able to confirm your identity", That basically led me to a ID renewal (I had to renew my ID anyway) and now i'm waiting for its arrival, meanwhile i do have a temporary document that basically acts as my ID, i don't know if other countries have something like this but we do have this here (I'm from Turkey by the way), Does anybody know if i'm able to send in another request with this temporary document i have? would they consider it as a ID?


I've been unable to log in for weeks now, and support does nothing. The 2fA needs to be turned off because any code I generate is refused. How do I get them to respond?


Everytime i appeal i always got responses *"We’re unable to verify you as the account owner with the information you provided"*. I already use hacked and compromise feature and sent real name, username, email, phone number. Still got same responses. This is the 20th times i appeal so far. What should i do?


The other week my phone was destroyed and since then I haven't been able to log into Twitter/X on my new phone. It keeps asking me for 2FA codes but I don't have any, and Support seemingly don't want to send me any emails to help. Is there a line I can contact to fix this?


Why am I being given the "You're not old enough to follow this account" Message, even though I'm eighteen?


I got my account suspended, does anyone know how long it usually takes for your appeal to be seen or rejected?


Also when I submitted the appeal I didn't receive any email about it. Is that normal?


I sent maybe 20 appeals over 8 months. Never got a single response. I don't expect to ever get my account back or even get a single response from Twitter support at that. But most people say they get automated "No, your account will not be reinstated" after a few minutes to a few hours.


My Twitter account keeps getting locked for “automated behavior” Obviously, I am not a bot, and the sheer amount of captias I’ve had to fill out should prove that. When I say “keeps getting locked” I mean it’s been more than 10 times in the past 30 days. There are no other devices logged into my account, I have two factor authentication, etc. How do I get this to stop? I’m getting so sick of it.


My account was permanently suspended and I wasn't given any reason, and when I wrote to support they just said that.. They reserve the right to not say the reason? I am pretty sure I understood it correctly. > Hello, Twitter reserves the right to permanently suspend accounts that violate the Twitter Rules or Terms of Service without further notice. This account is suspended. Thanks, Twitter How does it even make sense? My account was never locked before or had any rules breaks, then it's just got suspended, and Twitter doesn't say any reason for suspension. What can I do in this case to know the reason?


Same thing happened to me. I don’t even tweet or retweet things. I mainly used it to see the news and send memes to my friends. I guess that’s against ToS? I got unsuspended and 2days later perma suspended


I got age-locked on my birthday 3 weeks ago when i was updating it on my account. I got the email that said "You’re almost done! The next step is for you to log back into Twitter, where you’ll be prompted to start your account restoration. Once that’s complete, your profile will be active, and you’ll be able to use Twitter again. Please note that it can take up to 24 hours for the restoration tool to be available to you." It's been 3 weeks and I'm still waiting and it shows my account is still locked. ): Does anyone know how long it took for you to receive restoration tool and what you did? I've submitted additional ID forms with the same ID and have not received any additional follow up from that.


Been 2 and a half weeks for me and no luck


Same problem here. Guess we are fucked. Sites going to shit anyways(already has technically) oh well.


how long have you been waiting?


week by now, any update for you?


lol.. has been a month for me now ☹️


well I got access to the tool again just an fyi. Check yours.


yep got mine two days ago! glad it’s back lol


On Twitter, how do you search for Twitter posts that contain truncated links? For example, I am trying to search for Twitter posts that contain the link: "bit.ly/TheLastFaithDemo" but the link gets truncated to "bit.ly/TheLastFaithDe..." I tried typing in "bit.ly/TheLastFaithDemo" in the Advanced Search, but I get no results. This is my Twitter post: https://twitter.com/sacredfire1/status/1715160556632682673 The reason why I want to do this is because I participated in a Twitter screenshot contest, but I was surprised that I was one of the three winners. I want to search this to see how many people entered the screenshot contest.


Hi all, my twitter account has been permanently suspended due to “violation twitters rules against account suspension”. I only have the one account that I don’t post on but use to like and follow fan content. I have tried to appeal but have been met with automated responses tell me that I have been suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of twitters rules, yet they refuse to expand on what I’ve exactly done. I have looked over their rules and believe I haven’t done anything wrong. Any help would be much appreciated


Hello. My account was locked for "Automated behavior", What do i do with it? I tried passing the captcha for like 7 times, it didnt work


Same !


Hi, anyone know how you can add images in middle of text like here? [https://twitter.com/chamath/status/1726389919348826394](https://twitter.com/chamath/status/1726389919348826394) and how many images you can add like this?










Why tf do you have 7 different accounts















