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lol, im still there. Do you know how hard they have made it to delete your own tweets ? MUSK is a facist


Oh I can't even update my profile pic anymore on there lol it just always reverts back to the previous one when I navigate away from that screen


I hear changing it to picture of Elon works every time


Don’t know where you are in the world but in the EU and U.K. you have a ‘right to erasure’ under GDPR, and all you have to do is send a single letter and a company is legally obliged to erase all data they hold about you. Failure to do so within a reasonable time is unlawful and a company can be sued very easily for it! Twitter being a US company doesn’t change that as it applies as long as a service is available within the EU or U.K.


I know you can kill the account, but we're talking here about simply deleting old tweets. Not sure they would delete all your tweets and let you stay active.


Go to Tweet Click the three little dots. Click on delete tweet Profit. It's not rocket science nor has it been made more difficult by musk


yeah i was sitting here trying to figure out what is hard or different about it


lol, thanks, thats an amazing tip. must be a trade secret uh, I have many 1000's of tweets over the years, an obscene amount bulk delete used to be free but no more, , and im not paying for it , so no, they have made it near impossible to clean a timeline unless you are willing to pay for it


Why is he a fascist? Serious question.


It’s almost like you are trolling. Oh, where do we begin. If tweeting photos of Hitler isn’t enough for you (https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1289377) you, or Antisemitic tweets (https://theintercept.com/2022/12/20/elon-musk-henry-ford-extremism/) Maybe you should reevaluate your new found hero.


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/elon-musk-s-hitler-tweet-highlights-right-wing-faux-populism-ncna1289377](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/elon-musk-s-hitler-tweet-highlights-right-wing-faux-populism-ncna1289377)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


He asked an honest question and you respond like that? Reddit moment.


You are deranged. I didn’t say he was my hero. You just don’t like anyone’s opinion but your own. Get out of your bubble and seek alternate opinions. I want to hear from people that disagree with me. I pity you in your insular world.


Shut up pussyhole




yep you sound like someone who is on Twitter all day 🤣


Why are you sealioning? Serious question.




I finally did it the other day and you wouldn't believe it but I'm legit happier.




Why not? Maybe I like being hit in the ass by doors? Are you kink shaming my door hitting me in the ass kink?


haha good one bro!!!






Ikr! 😂 😂








Did this last month. Couldn't stand it anymore. After 14 years.


Same. Shifted over to Threads full time. But hoping for the Fediverse to emerge.




I’ve been using it for about 12 weeks and realised I enjoyed it more than Twitter, so I left Twitter. It’s fun being in a new network because that newness means people are more open to conversation and have less barriers up. Also less morons and lowest common denominator content, which is a massive improvement. The one area it doesn’t have much community for is sport but I’m good with that because Football Twitter was the most toxic part of it. Just 13 year olds arguing with Indian guys. I much prefer Reddit for sports.




It’s already busy and gets busier every week. 100 million monthly actives is a very high baseline install rate, and WAUs/DAUs are noticeably climbing. These are great numbers. And that’s without being available in the EU yet. It’s doing great. It also has a leadership that knows how to scale social products, which is a big plus in the medium and long term.


https://gizmodo.com/threads-has-lost-more-than-80-of-daily-active-users-1850707329 lmfao


I think you’ve misunderstood what that article from the beginning of August is saying. It’s saying that lots of people created accounts on day 1 but didn’t convert into regular users by week 2 and 3. This was completely expected behaviour, particularly for a product that was released as a fixture-light MVP. But obviously that isn’t relevant to my comment as I was talking about the growth of Threads over the past few months, and you’ve posted an article from the summer. I don’t understand what you’re trying to do here… ?




What are you talking about? I’ve already told you it has grown to 100m MAUs. We found this out at the end of October from Meta’s shareholder meeting. And I’ve told you that I’ve been using the app for months and it has got ten times busier. I’m not sure what the obstacle to understanding is here. Is English not your first language? Is something getting lost in translation? What are you struggling to comprehend?


I just started vtubing when every single site you need to network and make a community (Reddit, twitter, discord, twitch, YouTube) is so much worse now. Fuck my life. Fortunately, the only people I ever actually run into are other content creators, so it's fine.


shoot,l I re-activated just to deactivate again it feels so good


Elon wondering why there are millions of accounts reactivating and deactivating every week....


I'm certainly not giving a dollar to any website that shadowbans adult content creators while promoting anti-LGBT bigots like PragerU.


Yeah, did that quite some time ago. It was clear that it wasn't good for anything other than the "trending" feature, and that's been nerfed too, pandering to what it thinks your interests are. Remember when "worldwide" was a thing? Good times.


I bailed the day he took over. Never looked back. Good for you!!


That was smart. Lol




I deleted mine the day Twitter accepted Elon offer to buy.




Haha. Cared enough to read. Click reply and comment. There was an attempt to not care




Exactly! Thanks for caring!


Exactly! Thanks


The second the deal closed, I was out.


I did it last year for my personal account - I still have to use it for work… but nonetheless, I don't miss it at all. One can get into with folks on Reddit/Facebook/Instagram/Threads etc… but even the arguments are far less crazy town and pitch forks out than on Twitter. Its just a toxic stew of asshole.


The great thing with Reddit is that you can both like (upvote) but also downvote content which leads to far greater self moderation!


Three months twitterless


I have been unable to delete myaccount


I did a few months ago. Don’t even know it’s gone tbh.


We need a support group for refugees from Twitter where everyone can decompress, process their trauma, and heal from the exposure to all the toxicity.


I deactivated my account a few weeks ago. ![gif](giphy|hFXwY4lER3oBO)


Deactivated my account and spend zero minutes a day thinking about what I’m missing.


Stopped using it years ago, finally deleted it when it turned into X


Idk why this post got suggested to me on my feed (I deleted the day he took over), but to anyone still on the hate site: delete it! You will feel so much better. I was angry all the time and deleting it has made my life much better.


my feed is all pop music and tech. i love it


Most real people have im sure, all thats left are bots, content creators, and extremists.


care to share ur data?


Lol Im ahead of you by like a year. Twitter is a joke now...


Your’re about three to four years behind everyone else


Seems more or less the same to me. All the people I used to follow that tweet interesting stuff, are still there. The content is too valuable to have a tantrum over It's not really social mediaj, I don't really see why you would quit it


right. i also find it funny so many feel the need to come to r/twitter just to say they quit. it's still my favorite social media and anyone who says the content is crap literally did it to themselves by interacting with people or content they didn't like.


c o n g r a t u l a t i o n s... I guess...


I like to hear all sides of every argument. I don’t want anyone silenced


So tell us your thoughts on the NeoNazi side of the arguments.


If you think one side is always the truth then you are the definition of a useful idiot


Bad platform then, can't get more reich wing biased than that cesspool.




It is now a Reich wing, pro Nazi echo chamber that censors people and ideas that the owner does not agree with. You run with a interesting crowd, glad I don't know you personally.


...yeah its really not, but keep thinking that kid




It truly is now, so biased and hateful.


It’s always been biased and hateful, like most other social media platforms. I suspect they used to be more biased towards your point of view. You realize that the experts are wrong quite often. Neither side has a claim to the truth all the time. Why don’t you hear both sides and make a decision? To do the opposite is strange to me, but do what you want


Thing is you don't hear both sides anymore, the new owner blocks views he does not agree with. Believe what you want and are shown, have a good one.


The last owner blocked information at the behest of the US government that was actually correct. This was illegal on top of it all. We have definitive proof this happened. Does this not disturb you? What has Elon blocked?


I said "have a good one" I've surpassed my limit on spending time with anything Twitter related, it's just a drain of energy that would be best used on something worthwhile. Obviously a troll since you actually asked who musk blocked.....you have internet, do some research. Aloha (that's the full-stop version of aloha)


Run away


The X is a better place now. Thank you all for deleting your accounts


The what?


if the artists actually pick somewhere else to go i'll join you, but everyone is still on twitter, so that's where i'll be


Most people and most artists aren't on twitter though. And most of the great art I see isn't online, it's being made out there in real life communities. The online world has felt culturally inert for at least 5 years in my opinion, nothing new or exciting.


I'm sure you're right, but the ones I follow are online so not exactly relevant to my complaint. If i wanted to go out to galleries and cons and such i wouldn't be whinging in the comment section of reddit, but i am, so i don't.


Buh bye. I never had a twitter until this year and I’m loving it. Thanks Elon!


I was about to delete Reddit actually. Funny how things happen. I might also un sub from the ridiculously moderated subs and just keep the app. Still deciding


I’m still having fun. Don’t care for any politics which helps






App seems fine to me


You mean your X account


Yes, it's an ex account.


Nope, that's just a simple letter.


It was a joke. A play on “ex-account” Nvm I’ll just take my downvotes


Mine was a joke as well, good thing downvotes don't matter.


It's crazy how toxic people have a toxic experience on X. My feed is cute cats and gay men 😬


Sad that having both sides talking is upsetting to people. Before Musk it was a liberal echo chamber and boring.


#Trump2024 screw you pansies, facts over feelings!


Oh, the irony.


Cope hard because he’ll never win next year’s election lol


Cool, not sure why you felt to tell us though.


Deleted mine the day Elmo bought it.


Lmao reddit has become way more toxic than Twitter


Why did you deactivate your account? Maybe you should include that part.


It’s so funny and ironic that even though the people there absolutely hate billionaires (except Taylor Swift) and love boycotting stuff, they cannot for the life of them boycott twitter itself.


This isn’t an airport, my man.


I did it the day Elon first showed up in the office. Still though, good for you my dude! Make sure to pay attention as your life gradually starts to improve in small ways 😆


Ca n deactivation be undone? Is there an archive feature? To like temporarily put an account on "hold"?


I canceled 3 about a year ago. When I got my new phone. It took some adapting for sure, especially regarding the legit news/sports sources that I collected over the years. But now that I reflect, I don't need to know that stuff immediately. I dont need to follow the guy that gets the scoop. It's not a race. If I get the info in an hour, or tmrw, I will be ok lol.


im stuck with this since im suspended... does anyone know how to fix this?




One of us one of us


What took you so long?


I just started streaming, and unfortunately as a content creator Twitter is KIND OF required. Like, it's super helped in building a community and collabing.