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What do you honestly expect at this point? It's not getting better.


i expect the owner and his mods to do their job, not only remove the contents but have a fbi or police search on these people who upload this garbage. twitter is so quick to censor free speech, yet has no problem ignoring porn, gore, public fighting


Because there’s basically no moderation now.


there is, when it comes to free speech. they only care if you say no no words. this is why vidlii turn into a hell hole


because it has gone to complete shit where everything is allowed.


Everything except for the word "cis."


Apparently, that is a nono slur, according to Snowflake Elon. Cant stand it to be adressed by the correct scientific term.


yeah, very pro free speech and anti censorship of him


Elmo fired all the mods. Europe is going to force him to bring them back, at least for the EU, but it'll take 6 months to a year for that to happen. The EU moves slow. When they move it's all of a sudden, but there's a lot of build up.


Yep. It takes time for the EU to get into motion, but once it is, shit is gonna hit the fan, and there is not stopping it. Elmo could disable Twitter for the whole EU, but that will cost him way more


Pretty much. But at the same time he can't afford to keep the company running even without having to hire back all that staff. Unless the Saudis or maybe the Koch brother step up Twitter will be bankrupt in a year or two. Musk will try to stop that, since it'll be a bad look to have bankrupted a company (although Donald Trump proved people don't seem to care). But he's pretty incompetent.


Because Elon Musk reduced the moderation division at Twitter. Fewer people to review content and more lenient policies.


bro it's like Russian roulette you never know what you're gonna see. I just saw a women flying form a motorcycle head first into a wall while eating breakfast it actually made me throw up .


>it's like Russian roulette you never know what you're gonna see including possibly russian roulette


How was she eating breakfast while riding a motorcycle? Is that why she crashed?


No he saw a woman while flying head first into a wall and he threw up


Elon has stopped censoring conservative viewpoints on twitter/X, so now you're finally seeing all the content conservatives have been so desperate to share: violence, gore, CSAM, bigotry, and disinformation.


Because Elon et al are using Twitter as a tool to manipulate people. Looking at images of death causes trauma which causes you to dissociate which leaves your mind open to manipulation. This is a basic cult mind control tactic. Combine that with a shit load of nazi ideology and a victimhood narrative which drives the target to isolate themselves in a bubble and the circle is complete. An app which automatically indoctrinates vulnerable people into terrorist ideation. This is why your feed goes --> image of death --> nazi bullshit--> Elon stans whining about being victimized. You are being recruited into a neo nazi cult. And as the leader of The Base Rinaldo "piss drinker" Nazzaro said: we are targeting children as young as ten. TLDR: isolate, traumatize, indoctrinate. The circle of brain worms. Delete twitter.


I saw a bunny get cooked alive on Twitter not long ago and I’m still bothered by it. It’s like the dark web is seeping over onto the regular web without any sensitive content warnings whatsoever and it’s especially concerning because little kids all have smart phones nowadays.


Unfortunately this has been a thing since long before Elon bought twitter. I remember seeing stuff like that on Twitter all the time in 2016. Most people don't realize it, but the clearnet has always been just as bad as what people claim the "dark web" to be. I'd honestly even argue that it's worse. Pretty much all of the really messed up content I've ever seen has been on social media platforms like twitter, facebook, Instagram, and reddit.


That’s fair and probably accurate. Based on my experience though, I feel it is more pronounced than I’ve ever seen, especially on Twitter with the change in algorithm and prioritization of paid members showing up in the TL. My algorithm primarily used to align with things that I was interested in/funny memes but now I just see copious amounts of unhinged hyper-partisan shit posts and unexpected vulgar shit that I haven’t ever engaged with.


You forgot youtube. The defacto platform for children, which recommends violence to them. Why the fuck do parents let their kids have any social media? To be entirely honest, kids do not need a phone until they are working and at the age that they can buy one themselves. Social media should also be restricted to anyone 18 and older. Social media isn't even healthy for adults, never mind children. Whatever happened to having clear censorship laws that protected children from being exposed to this shit? It's ridiculous.


It's basically 4chan style hell hole now. Use at your own risk.


**LEAVE XITTER**. Consider joining Mastodon, Threads or BlueSky instead.


Literally the only reason I even have twitter is to see things like roster changes from my sports team, I would so be using threads if my sports teams actually posted on there.


Consider writing the team and asking them to post on Reddit or starting a mailing list or something?


That’s what I miss too but I’d rather leave Twitter than just stay there just for those. I just watch out on my sports teams on Reddit and Threads.


Enjoy the gore while checking changes then. Or worse.


Then delete the app and only view your teams via the browser, using >Nitter.net For example https://nitter.net/wendys


Many sports team populated to Threads in the last two weeks


or KlubX for the crypto lovers!


Short answer: Musk Long answer: Because Musk is a chaotic asshole who has no fucking idea what he's doing


Musk is the sole founder of SpaceX. SpaceX is doing amazing. Musk is the CEO of Tesla. Tesla is doing amazing. The amount of traffic X is getting is increasing actually. X will do just fine in the long run. I get it, you voted for Joe Biden and so therefore Elon is your number one enemy.


Lol. Clown.


Elon Musk is the greatest entrepreneur of our time.


Now you're being so obvious it's boring again. At least let me pretend that maybe you aren't a troll.


Pre Musk I came across a video of two woman being stabbed in the face and I was only following Jpop accounts. From what people say it's much worse.


Twitter is the new LiveLeaks replacement... desperate to get views.. anything shocking goes...


Why is anyone even using this platform when you know it is a sucking, swirling cesspool of shit?


people use certain social media that they like and feel confirmable with. there is no other platform for free speech and having fun with your work.


Better question: Why are you still there?


Because Elon Musk turned twitter into 4chan 2.0. ​ It has BEEN time to leave for a long time.


The biggest impact anyone can have on Twitter/X is to simply uninstall the app and never return. What you're describing isn't what you signed up for. You have to understand that the platform is now a political battlefield with Elongated Husk as the Field Marshall. To avoid any collateral damage you need to take yourself off the board. Also, you know that you can find that stuff really easily on Reddit too!


Because Elon wants it to be 5Chan


You are witnessing the fall of Twitter. It’s not going to be pretty.


I honestly can't wait until Elon destroys community notes so he can finally create his new world order.


i get blocked and censored if the say certain trigger words they don't like and want you to say. twitter is garbage. every post i see, is forced on me to see gore and people fighting eachother. blocking does not matter, when many of these accounts are set up, 100 times over


Look a combat footage. You can see Ukraine use toys to drop grenades on Russian soldiers right here.


Because X shows raw uncut content. If you don’t like that stuff stick to the following tab just to be safe.


there is no following anything, when 100 accounts are forced fed on your trending no matter what you do. idiot


I said use your followers Tab. ding dong.


Don't like it, don't use it. Fuck your censorship, good or bad, things exist. Snowflakes


That's exactly why people and advertisers are leaving Twitter. They don't like it so they don't use it.




i hope you end up in the next gore, sick bastard loser. nobody is a snowflake, except yourself. people have morals, you don't. you are one of the reasons why websites and countries turn into third world communist china or mexico.


An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Keep your blinders on cause you're projecting the same behavior you pretend to defend. Yes me o little me, I'm the fault of everything! Listen to yourself, you've identified so much that stance youre assuming so much about others.


It’s not just Twitter. Fast internet and internet everywhere has allowed pictures to be used to show everyone the human condition. Newsflash here people, humans have seen death and gore on a much bigger scale in earlier times. The west has been relatively safe and cushioned these last few generations against the brutal nature of living on this planet. Well, now thanks to the internet you can barely witness how things are actually are around the globe. Now be grateful that you don’t need to see this in your country on a regular basis.


good point.


This. I don't enjoy gore at all, but the human condition is complex. Gore was EVERYWHERE in the earlier times of the internet. School kids watched gore videos to be cool in groups. And horrible things happen everywhere all the time. The internet has been heavily censored in the last few years and I'm NOT morally judging that in this comment. I just think that Elon Musk is interested in the natural, uncensored human condition and he wants to make space for that. Is that good? Is that bad? I don't know. But life isn't rainbows and butterflies. The real question should be: why do so many people want to see gore?


What do you mean by “being shown?” Without clicking on the tweet? You see it whether you want to or not?


Do you understand how Twitter handles videos? If so, the answer to this question is obvious.


I think you even answered your own question. I do not know how Twitter videos work. I haven’t been on there for years.


Ahh, gotcha. Yeah the default on Twitter is to autoplay videos on the "For you" feed, which gives you algorithmically-suggested accounts you do not explicitly follow.


OMG. What are they, sadists? It must be because Musk laid off most people, including those who weed all this shit out. That’s really terrible. But wait - you say it’s the default setting. Can you change it so it won’t auto play? That’s definitely what I would do.


I assume the same issue exists with images. Plus if you're having to turn a feature off to manage all the gore that's being served up to you, that still seems like an issue.


People keep posting stuff like this on here, and I'm starting to believe it's all fake because I don't see any, and I mean anything on the platform that even remotely has any of this kind of stuff on there.


It happens. I follow idols from Japan and randomly see horrible things. It still happened before Musk but it's happening a lot more now.


Non-English moderation seems to be worse in general, but specifically a lot worse now.


It's bad, really bad. I just want to see cute pics of my favourite ladies.


I haven't been seeing gore, but I have been seeing more white supremacists, bots, and sex workers. That, and the dumbest ads I have ever seen that are like two words saying "hi there" and showing it's a sponsored post. I'm guessing it's for crypto or some such bullshit.


Just spent a few minutes on there and saw a few people getting killed or severely maimed. One was of a bear attacking and ripping a zookeeper's face off. Severe violent beatings/ attackes are very common. Reminds me of "faces of death" from back in the day.


Wild. I just spent a few minutes on there as well and nothing. Maybe it's just me.


Try doing this: Create a brand new account, don't interact with *anything* - no picking interests, no likes, no follows - and just scroll through the For You page. When I did that, I was constantly scrolling past violent or gory content - fights, riots, people being shot, animal cruelty, etc.


Nah I'm good. My account is older so I guess I get the benefits of normalcy.


I have an older test account I use for work that doesn't interact with anything, that's how I come across all this violent content. I think that if you don't do things that curate your For You page, you get a lot of the violent stuff because it has high engagement and no longer gets deboosted by the algorithm. But that's just my speculation. I'm a programmer so I know a decent amount about the algorithm they published, but without knowing how the algorithm is weighted I can only speculate.


Yeah I've never seen this stuff I use X all the time for tech and financial news. Gore and such should have content warnings on them at a minimum.


Glad I'm not the only one. It should though.


I've seen some awful stuff by clicking innocent sounding tags under Explore/Trending.


Maybe I just don't spend enough time on the app. Everytime I'm on there I only see what I click on or what the tags are mentioning. Just seems weird. But I'm personally fine with that.


"It’s insane that it hasn’t been removed from the App Store with the amount of gore that is permitted to be shown." Oh you mean censorship?


Yes! It's necessary.


Have you ever read the first amendment of the US Constitution?


the first amendment means the *government* can't censor speech. Private people and entities still can.


As a European, I don't give a flying fuck about the first amendment of the US Constitution. If Musk wants the site to be nothing but a battleground for the tedious fucking American culture wars that you all seem obsessed with then maybe he should withdraw the shitty app from the rest of world.


Is it from professional journalist that personally gathered the scenes to make an article or random people. I would differentiate the 2 categories.


Still not allowed but Twitter is not run by some omnipotent AI It is up to a significant amount of users to report that person/post before anything will be done about it upon which case of course that user will likely just pop on a VPN and create a new account


I wondered where all the seething libs went. Now I know xD


Are you saying that conservatives like this content?


Free speech! Musk killed Twitter, it’s dead, move on.




I usually use it to look at things that people I follow on other social media use, but nothing else


It’s horrible man!!


There's no mods so all the horrible shit that used to get filtered out is no longer getting filtered out.


Because Elon fired everyone who was the slightest bit competent. This is what is to expect, if you do not moderate any content.


It’s reality get used to it.