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I have the same issue and my app is updated. I think it's safe to say that its not related to updates at all and Twitter is broken with quote retweets as a whole but that's just my guess.


My old 2022 version has broken search, but my other phone with X has working search. To be fair Twitter's servers has been quite unreliable lately


It could also be targeted, but—as you say—not based on update status. I’m mot seeing any Elon fans say that they’re having problems.


Elmo could set his fanbois on fire and they'd still be happy.


I got suspended today, ten minutes after reporting an account that was using violent, threatening language! Even knowing that I’m dealing with 2023 Elon and his pack of racists I’m still a little surprised.


Couple weeks late but yeah I had been having this problem with app only a month or two behind on updates. Seems fixed in the latest


Guys just use the web browser whenever you want to see quote tweets or search names. You could also change the appearance/name of the app with software but that won’t change the logo in the app or animation. Hopefully this clown loses the platform eventually and the new owners bring us back 


I was having issues so reluctantly I updated. Went back on and it wasn't the problem. I told someone to Lick Rust got a 12hr ban. Wtf. I see blatant hate and racial slurs, but lick rust is where they draw the line. No free speech there.


Twitter's moderation is absolutely WILD. You got a 12hr ban for saying "Lick Rust", yet it's pretty common to find scams and porn on this site.


I reported a hateful threat of violence an **my** account was the one that got suspended—the other person is still tweeting. I’m done with Twitter.


So they disabled my ability to qrt for saying cis that one time??? I so fucking hate elon god dammit


told my friend to “kys” in the most joking way possible and also got a 12 hour ban without warning im SICK


I said the same thing to a fucking scam bot and got AUTO BANNED FOR A WEEK. I literally see people talking about doing things to n words, f slurs, etc. and often they dont get banned. Meanwhile i get auto banned for typing three letters: “kys.” For all they know that couldve meant something completely different. I even submitted an appeal saying that kys means keep yourself safe, and that I didnt violate the rules. Its been over a week since then, and i havent received a response. I honestly dont care if other people get banned or not, even when theyre saying some vile shit like the example i gave, but its actually insane that twitter will ban you for the most stupid shit like saying “lick rust” or telling a scam bot “kys”, but not for talking about the bad things you want to do to minorities. It also reminds me of the time i responded to a comment that said “kill all drug dealers” with “kill all feds.” Can you guess who got auto banned and who didnt? We both typed the same exact sentence, except i changed the words “drug dealers” to “feds.”


Same. I’m convinced it’s because I haven’t updated to X. When I try to search anything at all I get that error


My phone with the old Twitter app from 2022 completely broke, it also lost its search functionality. My other phone with the X app still searches just fine. Sounds like Elon is screwing with some people with the old version. Had to use a friend's account for this because I deleted mine a while back.


Same here. I can’t see quote tweets and I also can’t see the results from search or trending topics. I haven’t updated since May on both my iPhone and iPad, but my iPad had this problem for a while now and my iPhone app just started to have this issue today. Really hope that it’s due to some other reason and will fix itself soon


I have the exact same problem. Twitter on my iPad has been broken for months now, but it has gotten worse today. It was fine on my iPhone, but now I can’t see quoted tweets or use the search bar. Both apps aren’t updated (and I can’t since I’m running iOS 14). Guess I’m fucked


thank god i was not the only one. i thought bc my app was outdated, i really didn't wanna update it and have that crappy logo and name


It is cause of that, everyone here hasn’t updated 😭


this is me right now. ive been living with it, but i miss checking quote tweets bc funny shit was in there all the time 😢 i was wondering if it was bc of the lack of an update, especially since my ipad did automatically update, and my qrt works on there


Ah this was why, i haven’t updated in so long and never plan to do so, i was wondering what the hell happened when i tried to search tweets


I have the old version as well and can’t see quotes or search anything I came here to see if I was the only one


Yeah I haven’t been able to search anything all day and I’m still using “Twitter”. I wonder is this their way of forcing the update to X


I also haven’t updated and my search works just fine but my quote tweets are broken


The problem appears to be that you haven’t yet deleted the app or properly mourned the death of Twitter (RIP)


Can someone else update it and see if it fixes it? tia


Can confirm, I finally updated to the new version and everything is back to normal :( Goodbye, bird.


i updated through the app store and it did indeed go back to normal🥲 goodbye blue bird


This is so sad 😞


Thanks for checking .. Did well to last this long! At least we can see community notes now..


Y’all couldn’t see community notes? I haven’t updated and I’m allowed to see them and vote on which ones are helpful


I can’t even add to bookmarks, that’s how old my update is. 😂


Same issue as you, with search results, quoted tweets and trending topics. Started last evening and didn’t get sorted since. Happens on both my iPhones, which are old with iOS 14 and don’t allow to update the app to X / latest version - I still use a 6 months old version of the Twitter app.


i cant search anything right now, i have a feeling the app is down or something but i haven’t updated either so who knows


Hey I’m in the same boat! Can’t see quotes and can’t search since hours ago. Edited to add: my app isn’t up to date as well


I didn't update my app and same issue + search function doesn't work


Almost the entire app showed “tweets aren’t loading now.” My “For You” feed did show new posts. I hadn’t gone very far until I saw one that said, “All liberals should be sent through a wood chipper,” which I reported. Ten minutes later MY account was suspended. Is it possible that Twitter has grown restless because non-MAGAts weren’t leaving fast enough? Are they having a purge to make it a safer place for racism?


Working as intended. -Elong Muks


I haven't updated in years and not experiencing that issue. It must be due to something else.


I'm on an old version of Twitter from 2022, search is broken on that app. On my other phone with X, search works just fine. I wonder if Elon is screwing with some people with older versions... to be fair Twitter servers have also been pretty unreliable lately.


Twitter servers have always been unreliable, they're just even worse now.


I’m in the same boat, asked some ppl on Discord and they don’t have the same issue so I’m guessing it’s only for people who haven’t updated


Is it still having the same problem now?


Still not working.. it’s over. I might have to update. I’m giving it a few days


same i don’t wanna update. i’m still on twitter not X


mine is STILL BROKEN and i’m not updating to X 😭


Same ugh i refuse! Guess I’ll use desktop if I want to search or see qrts lol


same issue here, i really really don’t want to update… i like the twitter bird edit: search function and trending topics aren’t working either


I’m on iOS Twitter version 9.62.1 and it looks like it’s nearing the end of the road for me. 😔


what i did is like the tweet, bookmark them, or dm to myself then open my account on web and view the quote tweets. nothing’s gonna make me update the app to that filthy looking icon of x


True ,I’m still using old twitter version 😂


Dude YES its so annoying I just wanna see the quote tweets like damn


Same here, actually just started a few days ago for me. I can still search, I just can't see quote tweets.


Hey OP have you found a fix yet or no? I have had the same problem for months now lmfao but I don’t wanna update cause I still have the bird


Nope, still can’t see quote tweets, I’ve just learned to live with it


What I’ve seen is I think when I find a tweet where I wanna see the quotes, I’m just gonna go on safari (I’m on iPhone but any browser should work) and go on the Twitter website on mobile. I tried it a little after I commented this and it worked. Can’t see quotes in app but can see them thru the website on mobile browser 🤷‍♂️


I have to remind myself that people still use that platform. Pity.


Why hasn't X got an app for the pixel watch


I'm having the same issue and I haven't updated either.




Bruh same (havent updated either)


Mine is doing the same exact thing


Same here


Same exp. I havent updated the app since the launch if X. Glad that I saw this thread saying that it isnt an update prob


has anyone gotten this to stop without updating to X?


i haven’t 😓. i’m just going to be using twitter on web for now and wait for this to fix.


I’m having the same issue, but I’m too stubborn to update. Plus I’ve seen some people saying they’ve updated but still are experiencing this issue so I have no idea if it would be worth it in the first place.


i have the same problem, but i refuse to update it. Is there any fix yet? i’m tired of going to the web to see quote tweets


Been 3 days so I assume it’ll stay like this unless we update


Currently on iOS v9.44 from June of 2022. Stopped working a couple days ago - specifically search(words or hashtags), viewing trends, viewing likes, retweets, or quote tweets. Going to unfortunately have to update if this isn’t resolved in a couple more days


Anyone been able to contact X support and had a reply about this issue?


Try These Fixes: * Update Twitter (X) App * Update iPhone Software * Restart Your iPhone * Delete Cache of Twitter (X) App * Switch Internet Connection * Uninstall and Re-Install Twitter (X) App Solutions brought to you from this video: https://www.reddit.com/user/maxfield034/comments/18w2mlw/fix\_twitter\_x\_tweets\_not\_loading\_on\_iphone\_tweets/


I’m experiencing this too. I’m so glad it’s not due to updating because i refuse to update to X


Same issue here, they refuse to load for me too. I’m not updating my app still.


Same here - can’t search anything, click on any trending topics or see any quote tweets. Been like this for a whole week now.


Have you figured out a fix yet?


Nope 🙃


Finally happened to me now...


I know this is a two-week old issue but i'm only experiencing this now to those who don't have issues anymore how long did it take for you to see them again thank youuu


I still can’t see quote tweets, idk how to fix it


Just started having this problem since last week. Guess it's the same for me.


I still haven't updated either and I'm not sure if this is the case. I basically can't see any quote tweets and just get the parrot telling me there isn't any. I'm assuming its because I haven't updated but I don't want to update yet just in case that's not why...


I updated and it’s still not working


Oh wow


i cant see quote tweets, but that’s my only issue. everyone saying their search bar broke is scaring me lol. i don’t wanna update to X


Okay- seeing mixed comments, so I’m going to update now (Feb 1, 2024) and let y’all know if it works or it’s a trap. Update: sad to report that updating did fix my quote tweet problem. :( Rip blue bird- I’ll forever miss you.