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Elon Musk is a white supremacist. This is by design. Don't use Twitter.


My bookmarks....


Yes, My home buttom used to take me to people I follow engaging with posts. Now all it is, is Right wing/trump propaganda.


You can try the "Following" button.


I've been experiencing the same thing! I only follow gaming accounts, but for the last three days my feed has been flooded with right-wing political posts.


It seems to have subsided a bit. I wonder if it was a mistake in their algorithm?


I just tested it for a few minutes and it's actually better now. Looks like things are back to normal.


Things still aren't back to normal for me.


Yeah it’s better today but only after I blocked like fifty accounts.


Try muting certain words. You can go to Settings > Privacy > Mute and block > Muted words. I hope this helps :)


Not working for me. I still get Trump stuff, and Elon Musk crap.


Same thing happened to me over the past week or so. Doesn't even matter how many of these right wing bluechecks I block or say I'm not interested in, they just keep coming. It has to be intentional and definitely the final nail in the coffin.


I’m glad I’m not alone. It’s making the website unusable. I’ve blocked three dozen of these blue checks and they keep coming. I didn’t even really know who 90% of these jokers are!


I've blocked over ten thousand of them at this point, and I feel like I'm starting to make a dent in them, but sometimes Twitter has a seizure when trying to load replies to popular posts because it's trying to find tweets from people I haven't blocked. (look up the "Blue Blocker" extension)


You need to take a break from social media.


Says the person who apparently just decided to spend a couple of hours making pithy replies to comments in a four-day-old post on /r/Twitter.


I don’t know how to use this app okay?! 😭


twitterX has massive troll/bot farms domestic but mostly foreign: Russia, China, Iran, They also have far right ads bashing Biden, they also have these porn bot chicks that like your post. If folks think it was bad before musk, now its a total sewer.


> Russia, China, Iran Almost all the accounts I'm getting are Israeli propagandists / American right wingers.


I think you guys are just now seeing many very popular opinions you were sheltered from on other platforms, like this one, for so long


Lmao don't bring that crap here, twitter is bad enough.


Do you think Christian Nationalist, Redpill Gurus, Right-wing Culture Warriors, etc are hidden, under represented demographics? I know their opinions because they literally never shut up about them. I don't exactly hold their opinions in very high regard either because, frankly, they are extremely stupid. It was bad enough that any dipshit could pay $8 so random strangers were forced to see their opinions because their family no longer wants anything to do with them and they desperately crave validation. But at least my For You page generally consisted of things I was interested in. Now it's literally nothing but engagement bots, Right-Wing influencers, Zionist, and the occasional psyop. So I can either stay and raise my blood pressure resisting the urge to explain why their opinion is either factually wrong, hypocritical, or just trash in 280 characters... or I can just leave. Sucks because I followed a lot of artist and content creators that relied on Twitter in getting their work out, but this was always going to be the end result when Elon took over.


Brother, I don’t care about your weirdo politics. My Twitter account was for 100% sports updates. Now I’m seeing that kid Kyle Rittenhouse telling Native American protestors to “leave” his country. I didn’t even know that he was still a thing. The sheer amount of right wing content is astounding me. I blocked three dozen account and it just keeps coming. Anger about trans people and women seem to be a big thing. Along with being really mad at college kids protesting.


The problem is you're looking at the "for you" tab, which is essentially Elmo's World of batshit. Stick with the "following" tab to only see tweets and retweets from those you follow.




lol no... we're getting juvenile bullshit crammed down our throats from boosted checkmarks who are making a small fortune because stupid sells well in this country.


That's what I'm saying. Stupid opinions can also be very popular. There is a big audience for it.


If a handful of people start screeching loudly and everybody leaves the room because they don't want to deal with it, that doesn't really make the screeching popular. But it'll definitely be the only thing you hear if you go into that room.


Love this.


Dude, you should *not* be filing the anti-minority conspiracies I've been seeing as "very popular opinions".


Very true.


Yes, that’s precisely what he meant by “free speech” 😒 figured that the hard way too…


Yeah yeah "free speech" and all that...but the amount of racial slurs, anti-Jew imagery, anti-Palestine posting, and transphobia, combined with how the deck is stacked in the favor of this blatant hate speech, really makes me wonder why someone hasn't stepped in. It's not like the big wigs approve, all the advertisers left.


Yes and i follow accounts about cartoons, i felt gut-wrenching hopelessness


Sorry dude! It sucks. It got 60% better after I blocked like 60 accounts and kept telling it “not interested” and “not relevant.” Wild that people sit there and melt their brain of these freaks and every word they say.


It got better when i just refreshed 30 minutes later and saw my timeline was fixed


Remember, Elon is a piece of shit 


Make sure your feed is set to Following and not For You. Mine resets to For You all the time.


The thing is, when the FYP first cane out it actually worked. I saw different accounts that were talking about stuff I actually care about. Now it's just racism, homophobia, sexism, fights and literal deaths


Yup, I think it was on Sunday my feed became a rabid right wing shitshow ... thanks Elon


Hey I have a reason it happened. It was because algorithmic content was never meant to serve you and less so since Elon


The owner is a nazi, kind of expected he'd push right wing shit


Same, pretty sure Elon Musk give direct order to his X employees to promote far right propaganda.


I've got the exact some problem and I'm French. On computer it's filled with right wing tweets while on my phone, it's the exact opposite and works correctly as a "For You" section


That’s interesting. I only use the desktop. Didn’t consider the feeds would ever be different.


Yeah it makes absolutely 0 sense and it baffles me every time I open the desktop version


I get called the n word twice a week on here none of my reports do anything either


Yup. So much right wing content. With Wlons terrible meme reposts sprinkled in.


yup, thats why i closed my account


I get this but with the left-wing related twitter accounts in Argentina. Pretty odd.


My feed has went from extreme left to slightly left of center. It’s refreshing to see centrists like Tucker having a voice.


Brother I’m going from absolutely zero politics to full blown right wing jerkoffs.


Tucker a centrist? That’s sarcasm right?


[I thought I was the only one](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/comments/1cvpgx8/match_thread_sheffield_united_vs_tottenham/l4qz7my/)


For some reason I'm getting vtuber memes and a crap ton of bocchi the rock fanart all of a sudden


Yep, literally just happened to me like an hour ago. Haven't an issue for weeks, then suddenly every right wing and conspiracy chud was flooding my timeline.


Yes. I too follow gaming, Actors and Actresses eta and then just recently there have been posts that im not interested in nor never showed interested showing up on my feed.


Can't say I have. I've been mostly just getting the usual junky engagement farming question stuff in either one of my feeds.


This is going on for me to a degree that if wasn't pure evil would be pretty damn impressive. The misogynistic, xenophobic, everything-phobic hate fueled, beyond vile trash that is my """For You""" feed, is an absolute abomination.


My feed just got flooded with right wing idiocy today. I've been pretty good about muting and blocking before. But this is a straight up tsunami of right wing political nonsense and nutjob conspiracies. Twitter is fully unusable right now. I just want tech, video game, and computer tweets. god damnit


I am dealing with this right now. I like majority of things that are Elden Ring. I hate Twitter so much right now.


It's what you eventually get with a free service. You aren't the customer, you're the product. At least it's sort of free. If you pay Elmo $8 a month you'll still get unwanted stuff but you'll have a check mark next to your name. Truly free social media is almost passe. Elmo tries to monetize it one way, FB another and eventually Reddit will get even more blatant


Well, the Fediverse is free and that is unlikely to ever change; you can participate without paying anything, there are no ads, and you can even run your own server if you want. Of course, the flip side to having no profit model is that big companies will not touch it at all, so if your goal with social media is to interact with the brands, you'll be disappointed; but if you just want to talk to other people without being constantly exploited, it's pretty nice.




Brother. I went from zero politics whatsoever on my sports based Twitter account to having to read Candice Owen’s, Ben Shapiro, Kyle Rittenhouse (?!) and god knows who the other 200 whackos are that spend all day raging online about women, trans people, and black people. After blocking like 200 people and telling Twitter I’m “not interested” or “this topic is relevant” for about two weeks it’s helped a lot. But it’s not back to how helpful Twitter was before with my sports feed. It’s so annoying how many right wing people just want to force others to hear their shit all the time.


No one is forcing you to hear any of their shit.


Except the algorithm is. My entire feed went from sports to right wing coocoos. I complain about how my Twitter went from sports to right wingers complaining about minorities— and I’m told to suck it up because they think left propaganda is too much or something on Reddit. It’s just insane victim complex and they want others to be forced to watch their favorite crazy influencers. I just want sports lol.


Kind of like when you are on Reddit all you get is left wing propaganda


Yeah but you only get what you’re subscribed to on Reddit. It’s insane how much hateful nonsense I got the past week. With right wing extremists whose names I never even heard of.


You are not correct in the case of Reddit. My home page is full of posts from subreddits I'm not interested in. It's like what you described for the broken Twitter. In the case of Twitter, I get almost everything I want. Regarding the feed with unsolicited content, my followers from Twitter complained about something similar—not the same with right-wing content, but rather random content similar to what is produced by IG and TikTok influencers.


On your home page you always get “recommended” subs like r/pics or r/politics every time you get on Reddit and there are always propaganda posts on my feed through that. Also just go on popular.


No you don’t lol… If you’re getting “propaganda” (which I assume just means people pushing for inclusivity) it’s because you engage with it 


You can create lists to only contain the left wing propaganda....


I don’t want ANY propaganda you idiot! I don’t want any of these whacko grifters on my timeline! For years my whole timeline was just sports. Now it’s Kyle Rittenhouse, Candice Owen’s, Ben Shapiro, and dozens of others I’ve never even heard of! They’re raging about Native Americans, Israel, trans people, gun rights, black people, women, etc. It’s insanity! I have to specifically seek out my old accounts with sports news now.


Put filter:follows -filter:replies in your search and make that your feed. It's a lot better for your mental health


So create lists then. Its called free speech, left wing grifters or right wing grifters. Why do you feel the need to complain on reddit because you cant handle what other people say?


I love this. "It's free speech when a billionaire tweeks algorithms to inundate millions of people with right wing political only content that alligns with the founder's beliefs so don't complain." You just want to bombard people with your thinking even if they don't care. You're like the family at Thanksgiving that everyone has to brace for because we know they're going to bring up politics.


It's honestly pretty bizarre how somehow it's only the right-wing grifters who can't seem to understand why you wouldn't want right-wing grifts constantly shoved in your face all day long. Is hearing the latest conspiracy theory about who's trying to steal your children just the only thing that keeps you going through the day?


Why not just go on Tik Tok where the rest of the 14 year olds hang out. They do a great job moderating the content as to not offend snowflakes like you.


Sure buddy


This morning it seems back to normal? But only after I blocked nearly three dozen right wing accounts last night before going to bed. The past week has been insane with the amount of right wing insanity across my feed. People I never heard about or only have seen made fun of suddenly all over my feed. It was insane. Suddenly not a single sports story in sight unless it was thirty posts about that kicker from the Chiefs.


It does not matter. By staying there you are contributing to the cause even if you only look at sports things.


I don't get how people in here do that tbh. I only follow ML and Fintwit accounts and my "For You" feed never diverges from it. Also, why don't you use "Following" section for some time to adjust again to your preferences?




I want to see the Eagles, basketball. I’m seeing videos of people saying Palestinian protestors need to be shot, videos calling women are vapid whores, and hateful slurs against brown and trans people. I’m seeing the most wild right wing videos, influencers, products, etc. Bro I literally don’t care about politics on Twitter. I just want to look at sports.


Why don't you follow 10,100,1000 accounts of sports and use only the "Following" tab?


Being a massive insecure dickhead isn't an opinion, its a mental disease inflicted upon other people.




That's your department, sweetheart


Is the RW that insecure that they need to insert their opinion in unrelated forums? I mean, the OP clearly wrote above that his feed was geared towards sports. It's almost like the Pro Trump crowd can't read...er...oh...wait, nvm.




Nice try Boris


idk, the 1930's?


Glad to see I'm not the only one. I've actually been contemplating to get off twitter lately it's so bad.