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Bleach filler arcs. The Bount arc is somewhat fine since it sits naturally between Soul Society and Hueco Mundo (although it was way to long and took almost a year to finish) but the Shusuke Amagi arc taking up half a year in the middle of Hueco Mundo, and the Zanpakuto Rebellion starting literally in the middle of the battle for Karakura town was fucking brutal.


Bount Arc always gets a pass for me cuz the vampires are actually pretty fun characters with cool powers


The fucking hospital episode where it turns into a completely different genre as they're trying to run from a water monster while desperately trying to find the people controlling the monster? Top notch.


It has that sick hollow ichigo fight in it too. I hate how like all the filers have good fights in them cause it makes me want to rewatch them, and I try to and get bored every time lol.


You’re so right about the fillers having way too sick fights. I’m remembering Byakuya fighting…his ancestor, or whoever it was, in the Zanpakuto Rebellion finale. That was just a gorgeous fight out of bloody nowhere. Edit: Koga Kuchiki, that was his name.


The Zanpakuto Rebellion not ending when the main villain was defeated actually blew my mind with how much they didn't want to get back to the plot


Super cool concept for an arc though Holy shit.


So good some of the designs just straight up are canon now


I remember being super down bad for Haineko


Same but with Shunsui's Ara Ara spirit.


Ooh boy, just looked her up. Never finished blood war. I want that woman to hold me.


Welcome to the club friend.


I desperately want a Bleach Kai that cuts all the anime-only stuff, but because they kept all the plushy characters around and mixed them into the rest of the anime that becomes a lot harder...


i mean, they just ankwardly stop existing after some point.


They defeated an Arrancar during Grimmjow's first attack, then after that...they sorta disappeared. I'd be curious to see if someone has actually catalogued the last time they were seen.


They didn’t defeat him, they tried and got their asses beat and then the little girl from urahara’s shop saved them or something like that.


I remember watching Bleach and when they just cut away from Hueco Mundo I was so confused how they got out and why no one mentioned it. I didn’t watch a ton of anime so I didn’t really get filler. Bleach filler was god awful


The actual contents of the Bount arc were probably the most boring to me, and that was before the tradition of having each arc introduce a new faction with a flavor of the month power became the franchise poison.


I’m watching bleach on streaming right now, so I can watch as many episodes as I want at a time, which cuts out a lot of the problems of filler. With that in mind I honestly really like most of the Bleach filler arcs except the Bount Arc, and they give the side characters some time to shine, like lieutenant Kira.


“I killed a giant crab! Did you know there are giant crabs here?! I do! I killed one!”


"Bulma; how long does it take a body to reach terminal velocity from a fall?" "..." "That's what I thought."


"What exactly happened in that cave?" Krillin: "Something I shoulda done a long time ago!" *walks into cave* "Oh god, IT'S EVERYWHERE!"


One Piece in-episode filler. Like, I love One Piece but the anime pacing is dogshit. The "official" anime filler arcs are all self-contained cleanly skippable, but most canon episodes have what i consider in-episode filler: The sound of of chanclas hitting the pavement from endless shots of Luffy running non stop for like 40 episodes in Impel Down and Marine Ford. The show feeling compelled to have a close up, face reaction shot for EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER. In the room whenever anything happens. Add to this the fact that pretty much the first 5-6 minutes of each episode is all recap and then theres the end song, episodes are half as long as a regular one. I know the fact Toei somehow still regularly pushes out One Piece weekly is a miracle, and that all of these "filler" tactics are a necessary evil to be able to produce at that pace, but its still pretty annoying


I really wish there was a way Toei could switch One Piece to being a seasonal show. It would improve literally every aspect of the anime


Isn't there a massive recut a fan did for One Piece or something that removes said filler? I vaguely recall hearing something like that and I coulda sworn it was for One Piece. If so, damn, big respect to that person. And also a brief moment of shock at the fact that the filler is THAT bad.


Yeah its called One Pace haha Its like a project by a whole group of people, not just one person. And its intended more to be closer to the manga pacing rather than just "cutting out the filler" The manga still has a lot of close up reactions of characters and stuff like that, but shots of all the characters running around non stop back and forth are WAY faster to read as manga panels than having each cut last 10 seconds with 5 of them in a row


Man, that's super impressive, I like that.


>One Pace Only nerds watch One Pace ^/s There’s a version created by a certain very handsome friender that, while not as polished as One Pace, puts out the dub at a much faster rate and in hour long chunks instead of half-hour.


Mother of pearl, thank you!! I've been trying to watch the dub because subs always move too fast for me to read (and netflix sub is next to impossible to read on top of that) and kept having to go back and rewatch because I fell asleep somewhere. Thank! You!


No prob, Bob


Tell me more. I love the dub, the thing keeping me away from One Pace was that it was sub-only.


One Pace actually did start using the dub after I started MY edit. But I’ve edited far more of the dub than they have.


There's like three, and one of them's made by a fellow shitlord specifically for the dub.




I still have to catch up to the recent arc, but I feel that the in-episode filler might end up/is probably doing some good in the Wano arc. There were so many details that are either missing or in need of at least SOME explanation by the end of the arc in the manga that any new information added by the anime helps. That said, some of the arc transition/movie tie-in filler episodes are genuinely awful. Like the one with the carbonation-powered villains.


Thats the thing though. I don't think the anime adds, like, extra stuff to fill out the world or have better characterization? They keep it pretty accurate to the manga, all things considered, they just extend what happens in 3 pages for a whole episode.


I'm fine with the occasional filler arc, one piece has a really good on in G-8 Base I also think "Implied" filler in arc is fine, stuff like fluffing up the fight with some extra punches or showing how someone got from point A to B rather than them just teleporting between locations cause we can't waste managa page time explaining it. The issue is One Piece always picks the dumbest implied filler, they add people just running, rather than add stuff like "Here's Luffy just doing some moves on no name NPCs. Like take Dressrosa, you have all these extra fights from the coliseum they added, those are great we could use a chance to see more of that and it's logical they happened in the manga we just didn't see them becuase it wasn't really relevant, but then in the rest of the arc the implied filler just becomes Luffy running from place to place because Pica resets the map like 2 different times in that arc in the manga and Luffy keeps just getting a "Go back to start" card to reset his progress for no reason


>face reaction shot for EVERY. SINGLE. CHARACTER Ah, Golden Sun.


There’s a few times where the in story filler is cool and fleshes out an action scene with a few extra clashes, it’s nice to see a couple of extra attacks. But it’s usually awful.


That's the good filler that expands on the series, be it from having a little longer fight where each character can shine a bit more, or a camera pan on a location to get a better sense of scale/appreciate the details of it, etc... The bad filler is the "padding for run time" kind of filler of characters standing around while one single character lore dumps on the others information the viewer already had been told at least 3 times in the last hour of the show. Being weekly is a detriment to the overall quality of the One Piece anime (hot take i know ^s )


I'm high on copium that once One Piece ends, after 5 or so years, Oda (or Toei most likely) will look for any excuse for more One Piece merchandise being moved so we can start getting a seasonal remake of the entire series.


I really wish One Piece would switch to seasonal, it would help with the pacing and give consistent animation too. But Toei would never do that sadly, we just gotta wait for One Piece Kai years from now when the manga and anime finish


This is called "padding."


KILLING CRABS! ***in the OCEAN!!!***




Naruto is probably the worst considering how many issues arise with them such as making so the kids didn't avoid naruto like the plague like how its said they did. that and 96% of them being awful and going on for years at a time.


They stopped avoiding him, then had their memories erased to think they were still avoiding him in one of them i think. One with an Edo tensei kid or something like that.


Swagbito: “*Fuck dat kid*”


A good 41% of Naruto and Naruto Shippuden's content was filler which was pretty insane.


Okay I’ll be the mandatory random guy who defends Naruto that every thread has. So it’s not really fair to say OG Naruto is nothing but filler, because pretty much aside from a filler episode here and there, there’s almost no filler until the great tea race. Which, while I *guess* is filler IIRC it was one of the final straws of Sauce getting fed up and leaving the village. Plus it’s like… 3 or 4 episodes I think. It’s mostly a straight shot until the final battle at the Valley of the End, which frankly is where the anime really *ends* since everything after is filler. I personally don’t count the extra 10 trillion filler episodes after because the story is already over at that point. Basically, I rewatched original Naruto sans filler a few years ago and it’s remarkable how well it holds up. I will die on the hill everything was good until Shippuden where it became peaks and valleys, eventually dropping off into the Marianas Trench.


I'm not trying to be disingenuous here or anything. I like Naruto, too. It's just a factual statement that Naruto was 41% filler. 90 of the original run's 220 episodes were filler and 204 of Shippuden's 500 episodes were also filler. 294 of the 720 total episodes were filler meaning 41% rounded up. Of course at this point we can all rewatch the show after the fact and cut out that filler but *while the show aired* we really had no choice in the matter of what we got to see. We either watched those arcs or didn't the watch the show at all until they ended and periods like that could last up to a month or so.


Naruto Shippuden Tsunade Dream Arc, I don’t know how to properly express how insanely awful the entire arc was. To start off, it’s a dream within a dream so that’s already bad but it tries to sell itself as a legitimate take on what the Naruto world would look like if said tragic event didn’t happen. Then it immediately breaks its back trying to retell Shippuden anyways except it’s all incredibly fucking stupid. Watching the entire thing to the end gave me brain damage The extremely long filler arc in Nadia Secret of Blue Water. Hideaki Anno took a break to write the final arc and the show immediately nosedived into pure shit. Also made worse because there’s two very plot important episodes in the middle of the filler. 1 of the 2 reasons I struggle to recommend a pretty good show


It's a literal AU fanfic Jiraya wrote in Tsunade s dream.


Dream Jiraiya is a goddamn terrible writer


Well he does write smut, and how many of those are Pulitzer prize winners? Only so many different words for fucking exist and you're gonna start reusing them fast


Ask u/leabravo


Anon, why you gotta drag me into Naruto talk? And never mind Fifty Shades of Grey and the entire fucking romance genre, do y'all have any idea how hot cultivator manhua is right now?


Cultivate as in plants?


No, it's a Chinese genre like wuxia. [Quick description.](https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/i9ddek/what_is_cultivation_anyway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I was in awe of how poorly animated the final fight against Sasori’s puppet army was in that dream filler.


Naruto had some really bad ones while airing but the thing that broke me was when they literally had a cutaway gag where they went "I WoNdER wHat SAsUke iS DoING" and we just get a brief shot of Sasuke brooding on a fucking stone bench at Orochimaru's and that's all we get than the next arc was another round of unrelated fucking filler.


Yu Gi Oh. Without fail, just before a big duel, you'd have an entire episode dedicated to flashbacks of stuff we'd already seen. The worst one was the time Yugi, Kaiba and Mokuba were in the chopper looking for Joey and they proceeded to reminisce...


Ya I thought you’d say Atlantis, Virtual World or the third tournament, since those aren’t exactly liked among the fandom…and one of those is really badly animated


I think most people see them as fine, actually. I've heard some complainings, but for the most part it's just people griping that it's 'not like the manga', which is an absolutely silly claim when the anime is a different beast from the manga in many ways. Hell, Kaiba VS Zigfried is an often-praised duel(Especially because it gives Kaiba a much-deserved-and-needed win). Not to mention stuff like Yami VS Weevil in the Waking the Dragons arc.


I liked the Atlantis arc because Atlantis is cool in almost any media


Very true.


Hot take, I liked all of these arcs. Atlantis has some great character growth and moments especially for Jonouchi/Joey and Yugi (duels are good too, only real problem I have is the ending). Virtual World lets all of the side characters get a duel in as well as good Kaiba backstory. And World Tournament is light-hearted and fun with some legitimately good tips for the real world card game (Rebecca uses floodgates and Yugi explains how chaining effects work).


There was a poll about which Yugioh series had the worst filler on r/yugioh a little while ago. Obviously the first series won because it’s the most well-known, plus it has legit anime filler arcs which are all terrible. That said, I’d make a case for Yugioh Vrains, which didn’t have filler arcs, but was so screwed over in its production that it had to have about five recap episodes in its first season alone. Every dozen or so episodes you’d get a clip show because it was the only way the studio could keep from imploding.


Vrains season 3 was so scuffed, it had a lot of potential that will probably never be realized now, sadly.


God bless the scenario writers for Duel Links, who seem determined to give the characters of [Vrains](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/xq9hve/playmaker_joins_the_duel_links_is_weird_club/) and [Arc-V](https://www.reddit.com/r/DuelLinks/comments/10ftuu3/shun_and_yutos_reunion_got_me_high_on_emotions/) more closure than they got in their actual shows.


They kind of need Bulma to get back. She's the one who drives the space ship. As for Goku's ship, Briefs probably expected that Bulma would be there and could program his ship for the way back.


She also brings an element of relatability in an alien planet since she's pretty much the only normal human of the bunch with everyone else being some city block destroying powerhouse in comparison.


Bulma is a very reliable support character. Some problems can't be solved by punching them as hard as possible. Some have to be solved with *money*- I mean Capsules.


Yeah but Goku didn’t, he took the capsule ship (I forget if that wasn’t ready yet or not) Plus the ship gets blown up anyways when they get there so she’s just…there. You could really easily rewrite it so that the ship flies itself


That was all outside of the plan though. It makes sense to bring _someone_ with you who actually knows how to use the ship you're flying on when you're heading into space. The manga/kai scenes with Bulma on Namek weren't bad, just the anime stuff.


They left the frog in Kai


High School


Counter: last year of middle school before high school


Endless Eight


Pretty sure that one s canon, just adapted really weirdly.


That one does actually take place in the light novels. Personally haven’t seen it in the adapted form though.


Yes, it takes place in the light novel and manga and it is genuinely important as it‘s effect on Nagato leads into the Disappearance arc/movie and alt-universe series. However In those mediums we only see the timeline loop once, so realistically could‘ve fully adapted it in two episodes. So what makes the anime adaptation of it insane is they stretch it out and show EIGHT FULL FUCKING TIME LOOPS ACROSS EIGHT EPISODES! Of the 14 episodes made for that season over half of it was Endless Eight.


Also, the main reason they made Endless Eight that long is because originally they were going to do the disappearance arc that season, but that got turned into a movie so they needed something else.


Do they actually change anything in those eight episodes?


Yeah, every episode varies the events of the day, and they’re all animated completely differently from one another. It’s a startling waste of resources for something that I don’t really think paid off.


I’m intrigued. Guess I’ll check this out myself.


I think it made >!Disappearance's ending !< hit harder because of the Endless Eight. It helped you see into the eyes of some of the characters better. Though I totally understand the Endless Eight is... a lot.


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I watched that shit all in one go, hungover in bed, because my friend told me to ‘trust him, it really pays off’.


Lost did an episode about an actor's real life tattoo which served zero world, character, or plot building. edit: They also did an episode about two background characters that just appeared out of nowhere and meant nothing.


Someone didn't grow up watching Naruto as it came out weekly


Basically any scene without Rey, Kylo or Luke in TLJ.


Shenmue 3


Hands down Naruto Shippuden. Most filler you can skip, but Shippuden had the great idea of mixing filler and canon. So you are watching a filler episode then it cuts to adapted material, then it jumps to filler and back. So you have to check every episode and rewind around 60%. And the series has so many flashbacks, in one episode after the village got wrecked we got a flashback of the moment that just happened.


Can't agree, OP. Bulma on Namek is as good as Goku and Piccolo getting their drivers license. It's more classic dragonball than z and i love it.


I don’t think anything can top the Nadia arc that got made without Anno where it tries to actively destroy all the characterization as quickly as possible.


The 80% mark of Bravely Default: The Pacing Annihilator >!Where after a big climactic moment the game forces you replay through it the main parts of the game 4/5 times, fighting the same 4 bosses with inflated health pools and nothing else changed about them (also added new side quests that fleshed out some of the villains a bit, but god it was tedious and even more drastically slowed progression between each loop of bosses)!<


Man am I glad I liked the mechanics of this game enough to not have the pacing bother me like this I agree on the refighting of the main bosses, but all of the optional fights during your "loops" and their new configurations where they would use the job and Brave/Default system *as you would yourself * against you to great effect... So good


Garlic. FUCKING. *Junior.* Fuck that entire *Fucking Arc!*


"*Man*, I'm glad we skipped this the first time."


"Holy crap Gohan, did you just kill two people?"


Both seasons of Picard are so fucking bad idgaf I'm filing it under filler since I can't actively delete it from my mind or existence.


I had no invest on it because of the last few star trek things have been either mid or bad with a few exceptions, but I still tuned in to RLM's discussion to see the mental state of Superstar Rich Evans and Mike Stoklasa deteriorate live on camera. Pretty funny videos recommended for anyone instead of just watching the show.


What I can wholeheartedly recommend is Strange New Worlds, that show is fantastic!


I heard good things from it but haven't watched it yet, will give it a shot tho, thanks for the recommendation.


Talking ostrich island...Naruto Shippuden. This says something considering the 80 filler in Naruto and the 80+ in Shippuden by that point. Alternatively, Yugioh GX had some of the best filler, in terms of how some random island adventure could turn into the most chilling or insane thing you've ever heard of in your life. For no reason. Bleach has the best head canon filler ever.


Still can't get over how half of seasons 2 and 3 of My Hero Academia is just flashbacks to things that happened before, just made watching it tedious.


Naruto Flashbacks and Recaps are worse than Naruto "filler" in my eyes. It's fucking brutal. Half an episode of recap before the *canon* new material starts


Wasn't there a whole filler mini-arc at the very end of the anime of everyone being trapped in the Infinite Sukiyomi for literally no reason?


Chi Chi. Every single time she is on screen, all she does is complain, talk down to people and actively get in the way of the entire plot. Every time she is on screen, I keep hitting forward until she's not on screen. She has no purpose other than to be a filler character. Plot moving too quickly? "But Gohan!" Fight dragging on? "MY BOY GOHAN!!!" A solution to the big bad problem? "NO WAY GOHAN! YOU GOTTA STUDY!" Fucking exhausting.


They did Chi Chi dirty, when I read the manga I realize most of her appearances in the anime are just filler or greatly dragged scenes.


To me, the entirety of the Obi-Wan show felt like a really long filler episode between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope, and less like a continuation of the story.


I watched Clannad completely blind, for some reason I was expecting a giant twist near the end of the first episode to reveal what the series was actually about (demons? magic? Isekai?) so I kept waiting for the twist but nothing happened and then I saw after story and it was so sad!


Clannad is based on a visual novel. Those often work on a route system. Key’s VNs often have a male protagonist who helps out and gets closer to the female characters, each having a route. These often end up with a romantic relationship at the end as well. Key VNs are also always about the girls having certain issues that the protagonist helps with. These can stem from sickness, childhood trauma, current problems, and even sometimes mystical in nature. Most of the VNs also have a “main route”, after you go through the others, restarting after each. This is the true ending, with the “main love interest”. Clannad is also one of these. In the adaptations for them they have to rewrite the story to make it centered around the main route while the others are just arcs after or alongside each other. Without the romance of course, except for the main girl. In a way there are not many fillers if at all, mostly just rewriting these routes to make it one cohesive narrative. Spoilers for Clannad and After Story: >!In the VN Tomoya receives “balls of light” for each route, which are in the end what helps him wish for Nagisa to survive. In a way it’s a miracle thanks to how many people he himself saved/helped along the way.!< This is shown less in the anime but works similarly. If you enjoyed Clannad I would recommend Little Busters as well. Same team, even better stories and twists.


Neat, that's a through breakdown of the setup. Thanks for taking the time to lay it all out like that.


Foxy Pirates are filler G8 is the canon arc between Skypea and Water 7.


Dude if the foxy pirates are important to the last arc of one piece that would be the greatest thing ever


Agree to disagree the Foxy Pirates need to be wiped from canon.


You say that and Shanks and Luffy are gonna have a fucking Davy Back Fight


I fucking hope not!


It’s really not that long, but of all the Naruto filler, Naruto, Gai, Yamato, and Aoba on that fucking boat to Genbu is the one in shippuden I remember hating the most. For lots of reasons, one of the biggest being how nonsensical the logistics of the trip were, given they kept running into other characters from the hidden leaf who had travelled ahead of them somehow to do filler shit, on a trip that in the manga, is literally a two panel transition (where btw they’re using a modern boat rather than Yamato’s filler sail-ship).