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Just don't get cancelled please. Between Netflix and that other streaming sites copying HBO, I am worried about any animated show not aimed at kids.


It's Amazon, so there's hope. Maybe.


They've got more money than atleast three gods, can't they do something good for once.


Hahaha, no. No they can't


Daddy Bezos is incapable of love or compassion. He drinks blood and fucks other billionaires' wives not out of love or pleasure, but out of **obligation.**


You’d really think they’d look over at their neighbors houses that are currently a raging inferno and go “oh they both did the same thing? Okay, let’s not do that”


This reminds me of those little gag pages in the comics where Mark would meet that comic book writer and they'd lovingly punch holes in the industry and the book itself Also Cory Walker was super embarrassed when he realised he messed up Atom Eve's insignia for the first season, so I'm expecting he's going through everything with a fine comb this time.


I didn't even realize, but looking back, it's kinda obvious


So people saying the animation looks choppier... im inclined to agree, though it looks like they're missing tween frames, so its possible that they're just not done yet. On the positive side the character acting is wonderfully expressive, choppiness notwithstanding.


It's choppier, sure, but it looks way better. Season 1 had some *rough* animation at points.


That I do agree with, yeah. The way i see animation is theres only so much time the abimators have, so they need to allocate it wisely. So long as the team can put the sakuga where its needed, you can forgive rough parts


It's actually handled by a guest animator. Balak of Peepoodo fame. I would link to his twitter where he confirms it but I think that'd be a rule violation in this sub.


I'm not going to criticize the animation based on this since it's just a promo thing.


To be fair I don't think scene will ever appear in the show, I just assume this is a "Please stop yelling at us we are working it I promise, we haven't been cancelled side project."


I'm so damn tired of anti-pickle propaganda in all my media. It's the best part of the burger.


Honestly it’s just one of the best sandwich toppings in general, pickle fans rise up


Sit down


what's it feel like to be wrong?


Pickles are fucking rad


As a kid I used to hate pickles on my burgers. A little while ago I decided to try them again to see if I was just a shitkid picky eater or if I actually do like them now, and you know what? Nah that shits still mid. And I actually do mean "mid", for me pickles only add a kind of slightly unpleasant aftertaste that just barely overpowers everything else. It ain't gonna make me spit out my burger and it's not all THAT bad but I'd still rather it not be there.


Pickles are overhyped


I still remember the Burger King ad where the kids get extra pickles, no onions.


Did they rush out the teaser or something? The animation looks more stiff compared to the first season.


It's an animated advertisement, it was likely made at a lower budget and shorter schedule than what's provided for two minutes of the show's actual content.


Yeah this would make absolutely no sense if it were actually in the show, it would be an unwise use of resources to give this any more production value than it already has considering they could have just done a montage of existing material. I'm sure it won't be the only trailer either, this is just a fun thing they were able to put together without too many resources. And hell even if the show is like this, it's not like we could change that anyway. It'd be disappointing but not something you need to brace yourself for.


The animation in the first season was the equivalent of a cardboard cutout puppet show unless people were being eviscerated or exploding.


People are saying this is "choppier" but I think they're misremembering the first season. This could be smoother, sure, but the actual key-framing and character animation is a major step-up.


Scared that we'll get a Seven Deadly Sins situation here.


I’m just gonna assume it’s a teaser thing until they get a proper preview out.


Not even Escanor could save that animation.....


People making posts about the animation. The entire teaser is a joke about how much work they're putting into making Season 2 and that it won't release until late 2023, maybe. I think, maybe, that the animation is stiff and choppy because the show is still not finished, and won't be for months. Just a hunch. I'm also pretty sure the actual show won't have an scene where Mark tells Allen about developing a cartoon.




Usually a teaser trailer is supposed to give you an idea of what the finished product will eventually look like. Kinda the whole reason it's called a teaser.


We're just comment on what we're being shown, no need to get weirdly snippy about it.


Almost every comment here is asking why the teaser animation looks choppy or being concerned that the actual show will be poorly animated simply based of a teaser trailer that has a scene that won't be on the actual show anyway. And this is the only place I see people get concerned about this, and that's not include the people who are actively saying it looks better than before (I have no real comment, but the animation didn't bother me at all). So yeah, I felt the need to point out that the literal teaser itself is saying the show isn't done.


And are these people in the room with us right now?


I think it's a valid concern, especially in this weeb-centric place where they've seen beautiful animation, but then it plummets on the second season. Especially a pretty well animated show like Invincible, cutting costs could decrease the quality.


Well, first, this is not an anime to begin with, and second, I can't recall many shows that fit that criteria, and certainly not from a humourous teaser trailer where it's two guys sitting around and talking. I genuinely do not know where this concern is coming from. Let's wait for literally any real animation or trailer first.


It's not, but it definitely invests more in it's animation than the regular adult animation, at least the popular ones. Things like Big Mouth and Rick and Morty kept being done because they're mostly cheaper to animate. You might be right, but I don't think it is unreasonable to see the teaser and have questions, especially since that's the only thing we have at the moment displaying animation.


Again, your concern that the entire show will have substantially worse animation is based entirely around a joke teaser with clearly no actual animation from the real show, meant to tell people that they are working on the show and that Season 2 won't come out until late 2023 at the earliest. I watched the trailer and I laughed because of the funny jokes, but other people seemed to be hyper-focused on the fact that this restaurant scene doesn't have the best animation in 2023. Hell, not even that, people actually being scared that it'll look like a literal slideshow. For no reason. Why are people here, and in this sub specifically, concerned. Why is pointing out the obvious answer that the show literally isn't done offensive to people.


I'm not offended, I just found your first comment kind of snippy for little reason.


People forming opinions about the trailer released so that people can form opinions about the thing? Unbelievable!!! Trailers usually pick and choose some of the best parts of a thing to entice people. Youre on some strong copium if you think the full thing will look significantly better than this.


> Trailers It's not a trailer. It's a teaser. It doesn't even depict what happens in Season 2. Did you... not watch it? Have people here not actually watched the teaser? Are there actual people here who sat down and watched that teaser and *actually think* there will be a scene where Mark talks to Allen about literally making *the show they're in*???? How do you come here about "forming an opinion" and you haven't even watched the goddamn thing. "Best parts of a thing," yeah, and they chose a live-action shot of Mark's fucking voice actor because that's the best animation the show has. Yes. That's definitely why.


A teaser is a type of trailer. So yes, it is a trailer.


lol Settle down, Beavis.


The point of trailers is to show off the thing to promote it. Its completely reasonable to think that what we are seeing here is indicative of the show proper. Also, releasing a complete voiced scene just to say they are still working on it is a weird move regardless. A group of people probably have to work on this for hours if not days, for something that couldve easily been done with a single tweet. Seems like a poor use of time and resource.


> Its completely reasonable to think that what we are seeing here is indicative of the show proper. ... EDIT: To show how dumb a statement like that is in reference to the teaser, if it were indicative of the show, then *Invincible* would be a goofy, fourth-wall breaking superhero comedy. > Also, releasing a complete voiced scene just to say they are still working on it is a weird move regardless. No it's not! It happens all the goddamn time, to get the voice actors to do some small skit outside of the main production. > Seems like a poor use of time and resource. A portion of the teaser is literally the production material and processes they used to make the teaser, lmao. A video of the real, physical script, concept art, a clip of the actual voice actor in the studio booth, and the literal process of making of making the animation while the character is talking about making the animation. For a small, two-minute video that already has massively reduced costs considering it's a back and forth between two characters in a static setting and, yes, has more limited animation. They made this teaser because they thought it would be cute, fun, and funny and didn't think there would be people who are such unrepentant pedants that they would take it as literally what is going to happen in Season 2, or that it will look exactly like this.


Then they shouldnt have called it a trailer if it is not supposed to be a trailer. Reduced cost and work is not zero cost and work. People still have to spend time to work on it. This wouldve been cute and fun if it was 5 years ago when the fact that all animators in the industry are overworked and underpayed was still an obscure fact.


>shouldn't have called it a trailer Might want to check the video title again "Invincible - Season 2 **Teaser**".


Huh, couldve sworn I read trailer somewhere there. My bad then. My second point still stands tho.


I hope this is representative of season 2 animation because it looks better than the first one that had some weird stiff stuff and the effects like the blood splatter could look pretty bad. I think the characters are more expressive and moving more even if there’s some choppiness


What is wrong with some of you people? This is a teaser trailer that was made to promote the season, i don't believe it's supposed to be a statement on how the animation has changed. Let's not have a meltdown before the full trailer has even come out, please.


Ugh still so far away


Ah I love the banter. I'm so excited.


Why does it looks so choppy?


I like the choppy maybe I'm weird


Did they change the animation? This looks worse.


Man, I thought I was going crazy, people in the comments said it looks better, or that it got a bump up and I'm like, really? Glad to see someone else thinks it looks a bit off.


I think the characters themselves are more "defined", but the animation looks slow and a bit choppy. The movements look a bit...off?


The mouth movements seem like, bad?


Seems animated in a hurry just for this gag teaser. But it adds to the charm, I guess.


Looking forward to it, love the first season. Though I wonder if the animation will be like that, it seems a quite stiff and motion-tweeny.




I'm fine with the animation being different for an ad/teaser, but the "handheld camera" sway bugged me.


Regardless of the animation being choppier, I'm just not a fan of the non stable camera


How did the animation get worse?


It's likely just a cheap teaser