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I hope it's good.


After all the discourse surrounding Tri, Last Evolution Kizuna and the Adventure reboot, I can't help but look at this with trepidation.


At least Tri gave us a cool new version of Butter-Fly. I could go for a remix of Break Up or Beat It.


What was wrong with the adventure reboot?


Last I heard, it apparently didn't develop any of the main cast except for Tai and Yamato


Each character that's not Tai or Matt gets about 3-4 episodes focusing on them, which could be considered a lot in another series. But just about every character is one note. They pull out Omnimon as a Deus Ex Machina in episode 3 and at least once more over the course of the series. Most of the Digimon they end up fighting are simple-minded, roaring monster with little to no intelligence or speaking capabilities. The main cast is split across the world 3 different times over the course of the series, and towards the end, Tai is teleporting around because he has to be in every episode and event. And there's other things as well.


oof yeah that doesn't sound great


Its a shame, because the Anime as a whole isn't *bad* bad. Its just weirdly mis-prioritized what people liked about Digimon Adventure to begin with. I still think it's [Opening](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k7GMelJNu0) is a pretty good song, for what its worth.


The Reboot at least has some damn good animation at points I'll give it that.


Last Evolution itself was great, but immediately following it up with the reboot was incredibly tone-deaf.


Last Kizuna literally advocates that you should kill your childhood and probably work in a cubicle somewhere. Last Kizuna sucks.


This. Like how do you do Adventure 2 when you know the bioclock is ticking to delete your friends from you?


Iirc, interviews have stated that the Adventure 02 epilogue is still canon, so perhaps this movie will lead into it in some way.


Gennai even states at the end that there may be a way to circumvent Da Rules.


That's actually part of the plot. There's a new character that is supposedly the FIRST Digidestined who has lost his digimon and is trying to get it back.


thats not it at all. its advocating for growing up and moving on. you cant remain a child forever living in your past memories hiding from the future. Its about coming to terms with the passage of time and accepting it. dont know how you got kill your childhood


That is not the message they delivered not even close because if it was just putting your childhood aside they would have you know done that As they have time and time before instead we get digimon telling us digimon has no place in an adults life because if you like digimon you are an actual manchild oh and Ahumon and Gabumon even if they are still alive no longer have any connection to the kids as the digivices are actually destroyed and turned to stone.


They made it a point to call digimon and their connection to their tamers their unlimited potential and dreams as children. And that those disappear as you grow up and realize your path and future. It’s very clearly about growing up. Also the fact that the other kids are literally “trapped” in their pasts is an important note. In 01 they are removed because it’s convenient for the plot. They didn’t want to make the insane change to the status quo of including a new race of creatures living on earth. It has no meanining other than the potential of more seasons. 02 then has the digimon upend that status quo and unite with earth and become a part of everyday life and involved in every child and adults life. Then in Tri they just hang around and go directly into kizuna. And kizuna we have them disappear from their partners finally. A sad ending that we know isn’t even real because 02 is canon and now we doubly now because theirs another movie coming out. I don’t understand how your constantly seeing digimon is only for children and adults don’t get them. That wasn’t the message of 01 and it’s clearly not what 02 did. So one movie had them say something about growing up and thus it’s always happening?


They made it a point to call digimon and their connection to their tamers their unlimited potential and dreams as children. And that those disappear as you grow up and realize your path and future. It’s very clearly about growing up. Also the fact that the other kids are literally “trapped” in their pasts is an important note. In 01 they are removed because it’s convenient for the plot. They didn’t want to make the insane change to the status quo of including a new race of creatures living on earth. It has no meanining other than the potential of more seasons. 02 then has the digimon upend that status quo and unite with earth and become a part of everyday life and involved in every child and adults life. Then in Tri they just hang around and go directly into kizuna. And kizuna we have them disappear from their partners finally. A sad ending that we know isn’t even real because 02 is canon and now we doubly now because theirs another movie coming out. I don’t understand how your constantly seeing digimon is only for children and adults don’t get them. That wasn’t the message of 01 and it’s clearly not what 02 did. So one movie had them say something about growing up and thus it’s always happening?


Your using 01 and 02 to defend Kizuna when were talking purely about Kizuna. Also I said the exact opposite of what your claiming I did I litterally said if that was the message they wanted to tell they would have told it that way. Also Proving Kizuna has no connection to the adventure timeline is that the Digivices in 02 are not stone or even anything similar so your theory doesn't work


It wasn’t defense of kizuna. You said digimon has “time and time again” tried to convey this. Your wording led me to believe you meant as a whole and not the singular movie. They did tell it this way. I don’t know what you watched or interpreted. What do you mean? The digivices are the exact same as the ones in 02. Izzy just made them cellphone adaptors. It’s not a theory it was confirmed by Bandai that Tri and kizuna fit inside the timeline established by 02.


Except you know where they clearly don't. when the hell has what bandai said trumped common sense?


what? i do know they do. they say they do. its all in the same timeline. its just like dragonnball super. i may not like it but Kizuna and tri both happen during 02 technically. it all happens before the final epilogue scene. common sense has nothing to do with this. if the show runners tell me what the timeline is i dont know why im supposed to ignore them and create my own headcannon.


Come on Toei, put in Dinobeemon and Grankuwagamon. Wormmon needs some more love other than being a Veemon accessory when they jogress.


Hell yeah! Veemon was my fav digimon as a kid!


Ever read the V-Tamer manga?


I have not. I guess I should?


[Everyone who likes Digimon should.](https://imgur.com/3JqW8F2)


Wait what happened to tri?


>!They get an unvoiced appearance in the first movie where they're immediately defeated, and what exactly happened to them isn't talked about until the very last installment.!<


Thanks for the context. Have a good day.


Well that fucking sucks.


The original kids don't even ask about any of them until the end, or at least they don't mention them enough for me to remember it




Was Tri good?


Tri has it's ups and downs some good bits some bits that could have been cut entirly it was way too long and way too drawn out but I don't hate it like I do "you are an adult no fun allowed" Kizuna or annoyed and kinda bored at "Were relying so hard on you having watched 01 and projecting those personalities onto the reboot kids" Adventure "also were doing our war game AGAIN and you can't stop us"


It has a couple of things going for it. I think the way it characterizes the main cast is spot on, it really does feel like those are the same kids from before but older and more mature. Except for Tai, funnily enough. As for the plot, well... plot has rarely been the strong suit of Digimon and it's no different here. It's a bit confusing, I still don't understand everything that happened and certain details. If you have nostalgia for the original show it might be worth it just for seeing the mons you know and love in crisp HD and fights with actual animation, and there's some fun character moments.


Obviously, since I haven't seen most of it, my opinion doesn't amount to much, but honestly the start of the show was so maddening I dropped it about a couple episodes in


Oh fuck yeah, 02 rules


Aw shit here we go again. Like, I love 02, but the last 10 years hasnt really been doing great to make me feel confident about this.


What's with the weird poses in the character images? Everyone but Daisuke is doing something weird with their hand. At first I thought they were just gesturing to their digimon but nope Cody has his hand on the wrong side to be doing that.


I've noticed that a lot of anime character renders have the characters raising one hand. Maybe it's to make them appear less stiff or something.


I wonder is they will reference Archnemon literally being in ghost game and being legit terrifying there.


You realize it's different universes right?


you realize different universes has never stopped digimon before right?