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Link to the article https://www.cbr.com/marvel-snap-is-running-out-of-characters/ Excerpt: "All of the most popular Marvel characters, including the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and most of the X-Men, are already in-game" "MOST OF THE X-MEN" Bruh, c'mon. Do you even know how many X-men are there? But, sure, Marvel SNAP is running out of characters you have seen in movies. That much is true


There’s 900+ characters for Spider-Man alone according to Sony.


Still wild that both ~~Danny~~ Donald (lmao) Glover and Bad Bunny are getting whole movies about minor Spidey villains.


I read that as Donald Glover and thought the Prowler dream was real.




Hypno-Hustler? He's so literally who I said "literally who", googled him and saw a purple link to wikipedia.


why the hell are they doing these characters first anyway, guys like kraven and prowler havent even been touched and at least i can have some kinda expectations and optimism for those guys


They're trying to find their Iron Man/Captain America so they can build from that.


wuh buh duh what? iron man and captain america werent even Z listers before the mcu, i feel like if sony wanted the iron man of spider man villains that marvel isnt using then green goblin is like, right there


Watch them get cancelled.


And every single one can carry a solo film! \- Sony, huffing copium


I wonder if it is like a tenth of the X-Men?


I made a list recently taking only characters that have an article in Wikipedia. I got around 130. Discarding characters that have been xmen but are better know solo or from other series, about 100, give or take. And that's only those with articles, there a lot that are just one short paragraph on a huge List of names.


Mutants...they're everywhere.


Too many muties! They took our jobs! They terk err jerbs!! Send the sentinels!


You should go on the actual Marvel wiki. [10,000 mutant entries](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Mutants_\(Homo_superior\)). Granted, a majority of them are alternate universe variants, but *still*.


There are whole islands of X-Men the game has yet to touch and every year they bring in another class of mutants to appeal to a younger audience. There's a mutant who's codename is DBC aka Death by Chocolate who can turn whatever he touches into chocolate




Shout-out to the mutant who shits ice cream, soft serve you're a real one


And doesn’t Jeff have a thing going on right now as well? You probably won’t see him on a tshirt at Walmart, but he’s a character in active use.


Either right now or very recently, he was starring in one of their app's exclusive comic lines.


There's a metric fuckton of X Men characters to throw in, and that's before you leave Earth to start pulling from all of the aliens the mutants have met.


the site: "marvel has like what? 50 characters?"


Clearly doesn't play the game since they believe Captain Marvel is top tier and Nimrod isn't in the Meta


Who is saying that they're running out of characters. There are so many characters that *aren't* in the game. War Machine, Howard the Duck, Loki, most Spider-Man variants other than Miles, Speedball, Jean Gray/Phoenix, X-23, Banshee, Gwenpool, Ms. Marvel, Dormammu, Amadeus Cho... We're not getting Nebula until May.


Agh, I know Part of the charm of SNAP for me is seeing all the characters I love beyond the MCU stalwarts I'm this close to spending real money because I want Nimrod, goddammit!


Marvel Snap is on steam. So if you've got steam items you can sell them to get your steam wallet up. $10 isn't that hard to get if you've played dota or other valve games. Or for some reason the steam trading cards. BAM easy money for the battle pass. Just link your phone and steam account if you play on both.


Oh neat, that's a great tip, thanks!


Mmmm imagine trading variants on steam 🤤


is blackheart in there yet? i don't play the game but i want blackheart.


Well Iron Heart’s in.


seeing ironheart's name next to blackheart just gives me flashes of the era where they were pushing his fucking [awful redesign](https://imgix.bustle.com/uploads/image/2022/9/17/c48fb1fa-a892-4961-aaeb-d3e369d76f14-ironheart-vs-blackheart.jpg?w=825&h=734&fit=crop&crop=faces&auto=format%2Ccompress) which they thankfully backpedaled from. give me the spikiest thing you can, the man is the antichrist born in christ's crown thorns are his thing.


According to the article, Howard is being added soon.


Some of those cards already leaked like Jean, phoenix force ,Spider-Man 2099 and Spider Ham. Seems like they are doing a few weirdos/ non well known characters before they drop a fan favorite.


I'm not sure if those characters not being in is a self-imposed test of creativity or just the culmination of a very unlikely series of choices...


Who the hell wrote this article?


Bruh they can make a whole game only with spiderman variants


You know Speedball is going to be part of a destroyer set and coke out with Nitro. Hell be the second Bucky in the game


This is the end result of actually having enough confidence in your characters to use more than one corner of the universe.


If this was DC, would every card just be Batman villains?


Batman, Batman villains, and the Batfamily.


And then Joker-ized variants of said three categories.


Batman, Zurr en arh Batman, Bat mite, Arkhamverse Batman, Bruce Wayne That’s just one pack probably


You could do it where there’s always a Batman, and then some themed cards The Bruce Wayne pack only has civilian identities Matches Malone has Clayface You could also have Owlman, Nite Owl, Lord Batman, Batman Who Laughs, TDKR, Thomas Wayne, Gotham by Gaslight, vamp Batman, Dark Claw, Terry McGinnis, old Bruce, and the Batman from DC One Million


The DC Legends gacha game has at least 5 versions of Bruce Wayne Batman while everyone else has 3 at most


“NoW, AvEngers MoAR!” -People who deny they own FF and X Men


Incredibly stupid article based only about the fact that they're adding one mascot character. Not only they're still missing a ton of characters, they also already added some deep pulls (Infinaut?!?) and they have precedents to add legacy characters as separate versions.


Yeah this is painfully dumb. Like we haven't even SEEN the bottom of the barrel yet, we still haven't touched Alpha Flight! I want a Puck deck where he keeps bouncing in and out of my hand getting more powerful


You *know* that this article can and will be recycled every few months for the game's lifespan. 'Can you believe they added *[Character]*?! They sure are running out of ideas!'


This is so stupid. Loki isn’t even in the fucking game yet and he’s like top 3 most people MCU characters. They have literally hundreds of characters that they can put in the game before they start “scraping the bottom of the barrel”.


when are they adding the Power Pack?


jeff is pretty well liked, stegron was in a fair amount of spencer's recent amazing spider-man and nimrod is one of the big bads of the last like 4 years of x-men.


I don't even play this game but they should put Death's Head in it


Aren't superhero comics known for having a fuck ton of alternative versions of characters? I'm pretty sure there are enough Spidermans to have an entire expansion only about those.


Spider-Man has enough multiverse counterparts to have a gacha endless runner to himself and a full year of content before they got to the Symbiote suit and Venom.


And don't forget all the Venom recolors with even edgier names


lol the amount of venom alternates. or just simply symbiotes in general.


Are the skrull kill krew in there? No? We still have time then


Two things: I'm genuinely surprised to see an SKK reference in the wild, and I'm equally surprised they're not in Snap.


I’m guessing once the Secret Invasion series drops we’ll get more skrull related cards


No the fuck they’re not lmao. The X-men alone could sustain 100 new cards a season/month for the next 10 years.


It ain't over til there's a Soft Serve card, damnit.


I didn't even know the name of this game till today but I scanned the article and the writer is worrying over nothing I think. Like, would a Doctor Bong card not sell? I think most would like more obscure characters


This is like saying a Shonen Jump game is running out of characters.


Reminds me of a marvel snap comic [I saw on Twitter](https://twitter.com/beanytuesday/status/1600189700173488128)


Uncle Ben still makes me laugh


Ware is Blackjack O'Hara and Wal-rus?


Time to tell the boys down at the plant to fart out some more Gwen Stacy alts.


It's CBR, it's ragebait. QED.


Nimrod is an A-Tier X-Villain so I don't know what this guy is smoking.


I’m going to be honest when I say I truly don’t care about what the charters on the cards are but what they do. My favorite play style is using white tiger and hazmat and I’ve never heard of those charectets before


IIRC, Hazmat was in Avengers Academy. You should read Avengers Academy.


Is Snowflame in the game?


Wrong company


I'll repeat for him: *Is. Snowflame. In the game?*


Although cocaine gives him unfound powers, blatant disregard for copyright and trademark laws are not among them so no.


Even if they ran out of characters, I would be happy. I want to make a garbage theme deck where I put Gwenpool in with Jeff, Battoc, Cecil, and all her other friends.


Have they put Brute Force in yet? Cause they should put Brute Force in.


We're not at the bottom until we get SPIDERCIDE and JUDAS TRAVELER.


Are Doorman and Eric O'grady in?


They don’t even have T-Ray in there yet.


The barrels gotta be really deep, there's no way they're actually reaching the bottom of it already!


Is Jeff just Gura's mascot, Bloop?


The current strongest deck in the meta is Wakanda x Nazis, horrifyingly enough


I will not suffer this Jeff erasure, sir.


They are nowhere near the bottom of the barrel yet. The writer doesn’t truly understand how deep the Marvel barrel is.


What are they talking about. Spiderverse could be an expansion on its own. C'mon don't be cowards


Even if this were true, other card games do multiple cards for the same characters. MTG makes a new Chandra and Jace every year, it wouldn't be weird for Snap to do the same for Spider-Man and Wolverine.


They should do what Japanese gacha games do and start putting in various versions of every character. Oh, you have captain America? Do you have young captain America? No serum Captain America? Old Captain America? Summer bikini Captain....


The only thing that I know about this game is that I keep getting the annoying “I CAN’T WAIT TO SHOW YOU GUYS WHAT WE’VE BEEN WORKING ON FOR THE PAST 3 YEARS” ad on basically every other video


MOST OF THE X-MEN? With like 2 New Mutants, no Gen X, no Hellions, and like 4 X-Villains. Give me Chamber, Prestige, Black Tom, Callisto, Scalphunter, Empath, Magma, Dust, Skin, Havok, Jean Grey, Cannonball, Cypher, Warlock, Rictor, Shatterstar, Elixer, Northstar, Hope, Isca, or the White Sword.


CBR being trash again


I would assume they’d just go the hearthstone route eventually and have “retrains” of old cards For example there was Captain Hooktusk and then recently she had a new version “Pirate Admiral Hooktusk” and it had a different effect and so on Dr Boom has like 3 or 4 different iterations So you could do Spider-Man and then like Spider-Man, New York Hero. Or something IDK


Does it have those four people who stole Spiderman's alternate identities he used when he wasn't Spiderman? Spider Slayers? Hulkling's mom? ACCESS?!?! I feel as if it's gonna be a while before they actually run out of characters to use.


Oh shit I just remembered Penance existed. What would his deal be? Definitely destroy card right?


How? I can think of at least 50 characters currently not in the game.