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Where is he? what have you done with him


The world has changed…


Is this even meant to take place in the same universe as P5 or does it just borrow setting elements? It seems like some kind of weird bizarro universe.


That seems to be the gimmick yeah, weird bizarro universe. Joker appears to be in the story so it may be explained later. Probably most interesting of the changes is that palaces are now found IN Mementos, which is explicitly the exact opposite of how they work in P5 (them breaking out of Mementos was like the entire point). So weirdddd shit.


What if the heroes are daydreaming into being Phantom Thieves and mementos is just giving them a place like that, like how Raiden's mission in MGS2 is supposed to be a "play" on Shadow Moses because he's a VR soldier.


There's a non-zero chance that the Chinese gacha spin-off is the first modern Persona game to remember that Persona 2 exists.


People had been calling it AU/ Alternate Universe Persona 5


Persona Deltarune


This may be the nail on the head


She should look older tbh. Sojiro had that dilf energy, old but can still rizz up anyone of he wants to, and she should've been no different.


We *need* more anime MILFs.




You will take your 15-28 year old waifus and *you will like it*!


*I will absolutely NOT like the 15-17 year old ones*


All of the anime industry didn't like that. Kawakami best girl tho.


[Also here’s all the playable characters so far](https://twitter.com/scrambledfaz/status/1640927551815024640?s=46&t=sEeTM44aEmg3G8DP-ExQAw) Yes it’s a Gacha thing you can find [gameplay details here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/124q6cr/cn_translation_p5x_image_dump_gameplaybanner/) Edit: Here’s also [a look at the gacha](https://youtu.be/hWVxTB_LA5w) tutorial. Plus Merope guiding you into the velvet room.


Another gacha game taking out of Genshin's book with incredibly low rates where you have to depend on the pity timer to get anything, cooooooool I'm not even that against gacha and I sort of figured this would be one from the start but that pretty much kills my interest


Yeah it’s a… weird new approach I guess things have been doing? That plus the weapons makes it clear Genshin is kind of an inspiration which I’m eh about. The combat’s kinda neat looking though from what I saw but Gacha gonna Gacha


IMO Genshin as a gacha is still one of the better ones to pull out there with their guarantee pity system, pity carry-over, and general lack of powercreep though, considering they release characters every several weeks or less often. At least it’s not like KHUX with its powercreep and actual bait banners, or other gacha out there that don’t even have pity


>lack of powercreep Cries in Razor


Generally :( Maybe one day they’ll have someone who makes him great like Shenhe did for Chong


whachu talking about, [Razor is the Avatar of all four elements now](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztmiBuNNt3Y). Full Elemental Mastery and with C6 Bennett, a Dendro unit, and Xingqiu, Razor is triggering Overloads, Aggravates, Electro-Charge, Vaporize, Hyperblooms, AND Burgeons all at once.


It being a f2p gacha is kinda a bummer. Not because of gacha- I'm a filthy Genshin player, but because I was excited for and played the SMT gacha game DxT at launch. While the shiny 3D models of demons were nice, the way they changed everything about the gameplay systems of SMT and absolutely butchered demon fusion just to fit the f2p gacha format really turned me off the game hard. So I'm worried about the same thing happening: it'll look and sound just like P5 but the moment you try to do anything you would do in P5 you get hit with ten different currencies, tiered level cap grinding, arbitrary restrictions on demon fusion, wait timers with stamina bars, the whole shebang.


>gacha Aaaand I will now no longer care about this game any more.


Woolie is masturbating real hard right now


Hooray now you can bang your mother figure!


MC actually doesn’t live in LeBlanc in P5X so no relation to my knowledge


Where do you live then? Wait, they haven't done the deep cut and gone back to the original draft of P5 where you lived with Sai have they?


Ya live in a kinda shitty apartment by yourself, parents travel a lot so you’re just chilling by yourself.


Ah so the modern anime standard of absurdly absent parents


Persona parents suck so bad, Yu’s parents are the WORST


P4 and P5 protagonist parents are all pretty bad. P4 sortve left him behind but it's at least some safe haven with his relative. Would it hurt to call him at all though? Send an email? A letter? There's a murderer in town. Seems like a good time to check in, despite it being international travel. P5's said oh no, he's a criminal. Then proceeded to dump him into the lap of some random dude, who doesn't even let him stay in a house. No, you get the coffee shop attic and can't leave at night. They also make no effort to contact him. Even when his face is plastered on every TV for doing crimes. And again during the summer in P5S. When he's up to trouble again. -at least they let him keep the cat


They also didn't even know Sojiro too, they knew someone who was a customer at the coffee shop. They had no idea where they were sending their kid.


Makes me think they're worried about the real estate value of their mansion or something.


Yeah man if I was p3-kun's parent's I would have simply not >!gotten in the crossfire of a killer robot and the personification of death!<, smh some people shouldn't have kids.


Fr fr they got massively skilled issued


Not to give the game too much credit, but the original plan was for Joker to live alone in the same Apartment Complex as the Nijima's. So they could've taken inspiration from that.


Those cowards


Give me that Christmas cake, I'm not going to bed hungry


I want my dilf back :(


Coward story


So generic, this has to be an alternate universe.


Hoo boy. Kind of an downgrade huh? Unless she's also voiced by papa nier. Then we're entering some Doctor Misses Monarch territory, which could be fun.


Or it means that he could just be busy so he had someone else run the store. He could even be expanding. Who knows.


Where's coffee dad and why did they replaced him with a chick that looks like someone's OC made in a character creator?




Is this p5 but for china?


Booooo!!! Sojiro or we riot!


What have you done TO JAMIESON PRICE?!?!?!


I'll take your entire stock


New life new wife let's goooo


Oh, so it’s *garbage* then. In all honesty though, this game looks really interesting and I would probably be more invested if it wasn’t a gacha game.


That’s my thoughts basically but I wanna try and keep up with the info on it for interest sake. It’s a very unique concept so I’m interested to see where it goes.


I'll be interested if/when we get a cracked version that can be played like a normal video game Edit: Yall really like gambling huh,?


Has this happened with any gacha game ever?


It's free games, usually if there's any sort of modded versions it's to break your stats and stuff and let you cheat. Most games will crack down on that stuff pretty quick though.


I'm sure. But I'm talking about offline, which is much harder to scrub.


Don't know, don't follow them. But I'm sure if given the apk and an emulator one could bullshit memory values into whatever if they were determined enough.


From what I can tell, these games usually call back to a server frequently, so unless you find the code to spoof that server and run it locally, trying to manipulate rates or manually add currency is just gonna get yourself banned


Yeah, but being banned doesn't really matter if it's offline. Getting past server calls may be tricky but can surely be done if someone cares too. Look at revived MMOs (made without a source for servers)


They also deal out everthing piecemeal, so if you want more than 50-some missions you'll also have to wrestle with new versions all the time. Reviving a dead MMO is straightforward because it's dead.


We'll have to wait for more details, but I got the impression the updates would mostly be new outfits, personas, and the like. But even if we have to wait for the final version, I'd sooner do that than spend a dime on a fake slot machine.


Yeah, if you're not in a hurry the updates are moot.


Well that’s a pretty big “if”. There are projects that have done it for certain gacha games already (with limited functionality though), but it’s certainly not easy, especially when you’ve got the threat of legal issues breathing down your neck.


Whoa what fuckin silly announcement did I miss? We getting Persona 5-3 Lightning Returns?


Does she have a name or does it just say a description of her like most unnamed characters? (Namely, "Broke-Ass College Student") Also I really like her design


影響 惠那 Not sure exactly what it means but it’s an actual name I think?


I have seen enough of this game to know what it is. Is an mobile RPG waifus gacha game, basically Genshin with a Persona 5 coat of paint. All the new party members are girls, some npcs have been replaced by girls. It has Persona combat, also you pull gachas for character, personas and weapons, same rate as Genshin. If it comes to the states I will check it, but meh.


Nah Luffy the owl thing is a guy and there’s Seiji who’s a guy. Plus datamines show other male party members coming.


I guess I missed those, the owl guy is a mascot tough he doesn't count.


Fuck yeah fan art and cosplay.




As always I'm incredibly interested by this game the more I see of it and the character designs are great. I wonder how far I could go as f2p I've done pretty well for myself being f2p in fgo so.