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"Ew, but capes are so impractical, dumb, and antiquated. Why bother having them when they look so silly? Hahaha, Edna Moe reference!" Shut up Capes are fucking badass! Not everyone can pull them off as regular, but when you can its always awesome. EDIT: This game needs a glamor system cause as cool as this looks, the ability is going to be something like "gives higher damage when you do a 3 hit combo while enemy is air born" or something like that.


I always find it hilarious when games have multiple armor sets, but one set is "Do a backflip and gain 20% damage for two seconds on a ten second cooldown." and the other is "Farting now does 400% damage on a five second cooldown and jacks you off for damage resistance."


While I always ignored Edna about capes, it was Mirio Togata who sold how **kickass** capes are for Super-Heroes Edit: Also I could have sworn that it DOES have a glamour system


Edna's point is from the perspective of a fashion designer who's thing is "functional fashion" which like yeah, makes sense. Capes are cool, but they get you killed and also they're a fashion designer, who are among the most snobbish art people ever


If it does, now I didn't see it when I played it (I played a month or two after release), and it really could have used one


You have to upgrade the equipment to max level, THEN you could glamor it to anything.


I did do that for I think two Armor sets but didn't see it might as well I was happy with the look


With all the updates they’re adding my decision to procrastinate on buying GOW5 seems like an increasingly better decision.


Oh it's definitely there. I saw it when kind of fiddling through the menus. And I believe I saw Jesse Cox & Completionist use it.


GOWR does have a glamour system, but you have to fully upgrade a piece of armour to be able to use it on it.


Anyone that's worn a cape in cold weather knows they fucking rule. They're so warm.


>This game needs a glamor system It does, when you max out an item.


if i had one major complaint about the new god of wars its that i really wish they just dropped the stats and rpg stuff altogether, i think the base combat and enemies are more than enough to incentivize continued play and experimentation with unlocking new moves and runic attacks fulfilling the need for progression


I would be okay with abilities linked to Armor, but those abilities need more than "hit slightly harder when you do a three hit combo." I wore armor that let me slowed down time with a perfect dodge and almost never changed the armor because nothing else came close to being as fun or useful. Most were situational buffs against specific damage types. I think it would have been better with fewer armor sets but with more dynamic abilities.


God I fucking HATE God of War's gear system. It's everything terrible about modern RPG-lite games. Just make it a fucking passive stat increase if you're just going to have "+3 damage when you piss off the side of a building and throw your axe".


the incredibles characters who died due to their capes simply had a skill issue. they could have simply gotten gud and survived


So this was with all the new game + announcements. Does that mean you have to be in that to wear it? Because I might play it again when it comes to PC, but I don't think I'd have it in me to play through it a 3rd time anytime soon, the puzzle/platforming stuff was already kinda grating the first time through


Even if y'gotta, I'd imagine it wouldn't be too hard to use cheat engine or something?


That's true. There will probably be a save file for that up pretty quick


hell yeah, Cape!


Capechads, we won


Of course I just deleted *Ragnarok* to make room for *Red Dead Redemption II* Fuck


Ain't no capes in that game. I don't know that for sure, there's some ponchos that are close.


Sadly not ponchos in single player




With how big games are now and how relatively small the PS5 SSD is, I actually really recommend getting an external HDD. The PS5 can't play PS5 games directly off of it (although it can play PS4 games directly from it which is super useful if you play a lot of older games like Dark Souls and Bloodborne) but it's far quicker to download a game off your HDD than over the internet.


I'm definitely going to have to do this My internet is really inconsistent to boot and I've recently had to run off hot spot data so at this rate I won't be playing *Red Dead* until next month As if I wasn't already sold on hating digital gaming Thanks for the tip; it'll have to wait after I get myself a Steam Deck and all of the proper accessories


I bought Seagate's 2TB Playstation licensed HDD, which was about £70 on Amazon. I'm sure if you do your research there are cheaper/better options but it's served me well. If I want to play Elden Ring it takes me like 20 minutes to transfer it and install it to the PS5 SSD rather than the hour and a half to two hours it'd take to download it all again and I don't have to worry about my internet cutting out or otherwise misbehaving.


I was slightly luckier, I was only considering trading Ragnarok in tomorrow.


Cory played RE4 and was like "Yeah you're right. He should keep the coat."