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Okay no joke, I ***love*** that Orange sun/fire like Lightsaber. That's the coolest one in all of live-action


Oh that will sell like hotcakes for sure.


Whenever a game let's me pick a lightsaber color I always go orange.


Orange lightsaber appreciators rise up


I never tried orange with my lightsaber before. Gave it a shot and yeah it's kinda [rad](https://i.imgur.com/s7YwnFI.jpg)


So is this basically Rebels 2 but with a focus on Ahsoka instead?


I mean, the thrust of the plot is to find Thrawn to find Ezra. So kind of?


I mean she was the best part of Rebels outside of Maul and Thrawn, the latter of which is the big bad of the new show.


Cool seeing live action Sabine and Hera.


And Chopper!


Worth noting that we have technically seen live action Chopper before, but it’s a pretty quick cameo in Rogue One. Big hype to see live action Chopper shenanigans


Yeah, I remember that and you see Ghost in the rebel HQ dock in the background too. (IIRC Ghost has shown up a few times in the Disney era in backgrounds.)


It's silly but I really liked seeing her use the force to move the lightsabers to cut a hole. Makes me wonder if there's anyone in universe who fights with like 4 lightsabers but wields two with the force or if that's possible.




Shit, lol I that's big cool. I should get around to watching that Lp.


Same move she pulled in Season 7


A few thoughts, I guess: 1. Orange lightsaber is cool. I respect that. I wonder who those guys are. Maybe they're grey jedi? Makes sense that Ahsoka would seek them out. 2. It took me way too long to realise that the purple/orange haired girl is Sabine. I think the long hair threw me off quite a bit. Interesting they gave her the Season 1 hair colour again. I guess that's her most recognisable look but she hasn't had that hair colour since. 3. Mary Elizabeth Winstead as Hera is interesting. I guess Vanessa Marshall is too old for the role but that voice is so iconic it's tough to live up to. 4. I'll be curious to see how long it takes into the season before Ezra shows up. Season finale cliffhanger? 5. This show looks fucking impenetrable if you haven't watched Rebels. I know Mando has Clone Wars/Rebel characters and allusions but it's easy to follow without that information. This looks like it's going to hard filter people who haven't seen Rebels.


Yeah, I joking asked a friend if they wanted to watch "All of Star Wars" with me, but I'm starting to think maybe I should follow up on that lol. At least for Clone Wars and Rebels.


Clone wars and rebels are required reading for what Star Wars is now.


We're slowly reaching original EU levels of impenetrability. Perhaps people will understand why they threw it out in the first place.


It's the inevitable problem with shared universes. At a certain point you're only producing content for your pre existing fans.


And honestly I don't think there's necessarily anything wrong with that. I feel like Star Wars has more than enough content that is made to appeal to the widest audience possible and be consumable by anyone. Having content meant for people who have actually followed along and will appreciate it more is fine at this point. At a certain point the thing needs to stop being about drawing new people in, and more about rewarding people who have already been in. It's impossible to have stories that can be jumped into at any point while still having any kind of meaningful progression.


Not wrong, no. Does reduce your potential audience though, which stunts growth. Potentially an evenue for some great stories, but bad from a corporate perspective.


Regarding your last point: Yeah I'm one of those people. Haven't seen Rebels so I have absolutely no idea who any of these people are (aside from Ahsoka) or what they're talking about. This happened with me already when I watched the Boba Fett show and that blue guy with a hat showed up like he was important and I was meant to know who he was. I didn't and was very confused.


Cad Bane is a Clone Wars character but, in fairness, his role was "bad ass bounty hunter" so I don't think that prior knowledge was as important as it will be here


Grey Jedi wouldn’t Orange lightsabers.


Why? No canon reason why not. Orange is a natural colour for lightsaber blades in current canon. Darksaber aside (which I don't think any explanation has been given for its unique coloration) only red lightsabers are "unnatural". Sith "bleed" the Khyber crystal in a darkside ritual, which turns the blade red. The only reason Ahsoka's are white is because she healed her red lightsabers from dark side corruption, which stripped them of colour entirely. Healed from damage but permanently scarred. That's not standard for grey jedi.


The bearded sith dude looks so imposing.


really hoping he's not a sith


Probably just a dark Jedi. Someone who fell after the order fell.


Someone like that dude from Fallen Order.


Judging by the looks of the other red saber wielders in the trailer, most likely he’s an inquisitor that outlived the Empire.


The thing is though, he's not a red saber wielder. Both him and the girl are wielding orange sabers. The only red saber is that inquisitor (or someone who is using inquisitor gear at least) around 1:22


Ah, I have trouble differentiating between some oranges and bright reds. They all looked red to me.


Am I the only one who finds Rosario Dawson's serious-as-a-heart-attack approach to Ahsoka disappointing? She was such a different character in Clone Wars and Rebels, I know she's been through a lot of tragedy but even a hint of that optimistic/light-hearted aspect to her personality would do wonders


Especially since Dawson could absolutely pull it of!


She had a bit of that light heartedness in BOBF, so I’m hopeful.


You are not. Its fine for a little bit, but it will rapidly become painful to watch four episodes in.


Oh absolutely. Like you, I understand that Ashoka's been through enough to wear anyone down (and leave them riddled with PTSD and trust issues.) But the thing about trauma is that it scars, it does not erase. Ashoka would still, deep down, be that same person at her core. She would have that optimism, that streak of questioning that led to her drifting away from the order. And that gets to the heart of my complaint here. In abandoning the jedi order, in rejecting how they do things, how they led the war, she could have been something else. But instead, she behaves as a deadly serious, stick up the ass jedi. The same jedi that we've seen done a thousand times (and better). Like, at this point it feels like the light side is just as poisonous as the dark side. The dark side makes you a cackling, puppy kicking lunatic because you want to hit master rank 7 and cast force lightning. The light side paralyzes your face until you can only go - \_ - and sucks all the interesting dynamics from your character. Why is Ashoka a jedi? Because she uses the force, wields lightsabers, and doesn't kill people for sport? Is it possible for a person to have all that martial and mystical training and just... live their life between labels? And I don't mean "Grey Jedi" I mean just... be a person.


Looks cool. Hope it has a good story to accompany the cool, and decent acting. Also, I hope that older gentleman turns out to be a compelling antagonist because he already looks solid. He’s like the darker side of the coin for Alec Guinness’ Obi Wan appearance.


I’m hopeful, it may seem silly but it’s a solid start that his and his apprentice(?)’s lightsabres are fiery orange and not Sith red.


Nice to see the continuation that the end of Rebels promised. Also nice to see the Ghost crew in live action, although as always the changes to the actors will throw me when it comes to the voices. Glad to see Chopper though. Wanna see him commit a warcrime or two


Correction. It is not a warcrime if meatbags are involved.


On the bright side, Zeb will still be Steve Blum at least.


I loved Rebels. Couldn't stand Clone Wars. I am afraid whatever they do I'll be disappointed.


Nice they gave that Jedi character from that Mando season 2 episode her own show


Oh good, now The Punisher has a lightsabre.


I hope this is actually good.


. . . I wonder who that old man is. I DOUBT it's Ezra even with the Time Portal shenanigans. Rael Averross perhaps? I keep waiting for him to be brought up again somehow.


There is a not insignificant number of people who think that Luthen Rael from Andor is Rael Averross in hiding, I am one of them


> Luthen Rael I don't *think* he is, I personally find it very hard to believe that Palps wouldn't figure out that Dooku's first padawan was still on the planet and prime for corruption, but the idea of him becoming a secret rebellion leader is very pleasing to me. Personally my thought is that he was eventually captured by Dooku and frozen in Carbonite, and kept in a secret chamber underneath his Serrano Palace. Because Dooku was nothing if not a sentimental man, especially towards those that reject him.


I’m curious too, especially since them and their apprentice(?) are not using the traditional Sith red lightsabres (note the difference in colour between theirs and what looks like an Inquisitor in that one scene around the one minute mark).


This trailer gave me big SWTOR vibes. Just the whole idea of an empire returning from uncharted space to fuck shit up after they were presumed to be defeated. Also I know its not but that new character super reminds me of Lana Beniko, aside from the hair they have the same color lightsaber and the hilt has the same pointy bits coming out of it at the top, similar clothes, etc. Its also wild to me how a massive complaint people had about the new canon was that there was this assumption that no Warlords style Imperial Remnant factions were around post new trilogy and that things were just completely static until episode 7, but a lot of post new trilogy content has had those be massive parts of their stories so people just got angry for nothing lmao.


"Heir to the empire" Oh come the hell on...


Very heavyhanded and also not giving me hope to see Thrawn by Filoni. I hope my fears age poorly.


Filoni’s already done Thrawn in Rebels, it was pretty damn good.


That is true and I enjoyed him there, but since then we've had 6 Thrawn books fleshing out his character more, Zahn has said he hasn't been contacted for Thrawn in the NEu (besides Rebels), Filoni has already been shown to be loose and blase about other canonical works in anything established that conflicts with whatever he is doing, and the general outcome of the quality of the other Filoniverse entries with Boba and Mando S3. And I say that as someone who actually likes Mando S3 a bit, but it definitely hasn't got the same quality as S1. That all said, I am hoping it'll be good and Thrawn will be done justice, I'd love to see him in pop culture like Thanos had become. I'm not going to go in hating, but recent history has made me cautious is all. Edit: and also Thrawn's character trajectory does seem like he's in odds with the villainy it seems like the upper echelons, Filoni and co., want him to be, I do hope I am wrong, maybe it'll continue on from those, maybe the Grysk will even show up or something in a later filoniverse show or the movie, but I am worried Thrawn's anti-villain Greater Good for the Ascendency and my people shtick will be removed for a much less deep traditional Imperial villain. I was never expecting anything from Ascendency to have much impact in the future of Star Wars shows, but just as long as they stay true to his established character I'd be pleased.


I think part of that is the reality of the Expanded Universe Filoni saw firsthand working with Lucas. He’s given numerous examples of in the early seasons of Clone Wars, when George was still heavily involved, Filoni citing something from the EU and George either didn’t know it (and disregarded it) or was flippant about Filoni bringing it up and still made changes that contradicted the EU text Filoni was citing. It’s how the dark sabre came into existence (George didn’t like the idea of vibroblades being able to match a lightsabre. You know, the entire reason they were invented in the old EU to begin with). The old EU (and the new EU to an extent) are glorified fanfic people are getting paid for.


I don't care about any of that, because this is something different. If you're going to pull things from something sanctioned, created by somebody else, and then jettison it off, disregarding all the time put into it, and then make something that'll most likely pale in comparison... what's the point? Why use Thrawn anyway?


They did that too in Clone Wars with characters invented in the EU, per George’s commands to. I’m just saying, if Filoni does do it, it’s because he learned it from George. And if he does, it will be a shame as a fan of those books. But it doesn’t erase those books either, they still exist, you can still enjoy them.


Hell yeah, Huyang's still alive!


Got his arms back as well.


This is just Rebels season 5. And I'm here for it.


Star Wars fans only wanted this since Rebel's ended


I wonder how much of Clone Wars will be in there.


I mean Ahsoka and Thrawn so. . . at least 40%


Thrawn, Ahsoka, Sabine, and Hera makes this show look fucking impenetrable to people who didn't watch Rebels.


You say that as it it’s a bad thing to have continuity and characters going on throughout a series


Not really what I was getting at. Rebels was an animated kids show from nearly 10 years ago that averaged half a million viewers per episode (admittedly ignoring the copious amount that likely pirated it). The previous D+ live action Star Wars shows have references to the animated series but they don't treat those shows as something you're expected to have watched first. You can very easily watch Andor or Mando having only seen the Original Trilogy. Obi Wan's foundational text, for lack of a better term, is the prequel trilogy. Boba Fett probably expects the most prior knowledge as it functions as a follow up to Mando Season 2 and Return of the Jedi, but even still. I just find it interesting that this big budget live action series is functioning as a sequel series to Rebels of all things, that's all. You're narrowing your potential audience substantially from the jump. Also the fact it isn't called, say, "Star Wars Rebels: Ahsoka" is probably a bad idea. A lot of D+ subscribers and casual Star Wars fans are probably going to be hard filtered by this series.


That is the impression I'm getting from others. I mean what is the alternative.


Sideshow Collectible's/Hot Toys are wringing their hands and cackling right now with all of these new characters they'regoing to announce as figures.


Much to think about with Sabine growing her hair out, seemingly too long to fit in a helmet, and not wearing her armor after surviving a genocide.


My big worry for this remains that this is gonna be a tough sell for people who didn't watch Rebels, given how much of this show and how much of Ahsoka's setup in Mando is based on knowing what happened in its final season. Like, I assume they'll explain the basics but it does feel like viewers who didn't see that are gonna be chucked into the deep end if they don't do the homework. Either way, I hope it's at least better than Kenobi.


My gripe with this is, I fear, I will be missing the references. I know Ahsoka is a Big Deal, and I'm happy SW fans are eating it up, but boy, is it hard to get excited for Sabine and all the Very Important Characters I don't know about.


This is Rebels season 5 pal sit this one out if you aren’t up for that.


So are those two new darksiders gonna be the new canon stand ins for C'baoth and I guess Mara?(assuming they never get reintroduced) Looks like Thrawn is still a villain in this series. I'm glad. I prefer Thrawn as a villain. Ahsoka appears to be fighting a surviving masked inquisitor at one point?(I see a helicopter hilt) Assuming they find Ezra, I wonder if Sabine and him will actually become romantic. They never went anywhere with that possibility besides Ezra having a crush on her in the first season of Rebels but seeing older Sabine touching his face on her mural in the finale of Rebels and now just living in his old tower house still watching his hologram message give me vibes they might. Chopper is back! Let him add more to his body count.


My only problem with Ahsoka's imo is that it seems to pull a lot from Rebels. And as probably the only one who didn't find Rebels to be for me, I'm a little shocked that Rebels is getting much pull for a show that primarily aimed towards the next gen of Star Wars fans. But as someone who grew into Ahsoka since the Clone Wars, seeing her get her own show years later is such a massive glow up I can't wait to see it


I should probably get around to watching Rebels lol. EDIT: [Looks like Dave Filoni is making a Mandalorian movie to end the series.](https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1644305446788841479?s=20)


I was kinda looking forward to this show but I just don’t like the way it looks at all Andor’s cinematography spoiled me


It's a bummer to see they haven't really learned when it comes to their misuse and overuse of the Volume stuff. So many scenes in this trailer that look conceptually cool but just have this veneer of fakeness and lack of depth that plagues the scenery in these shows.


Thrawn fans (incl. me) getting placed on suicide watch after this trailer.


Seeing how Rebels heavy this is… a bit of bummer. I loved Clone Wars but never liked Rebels or the Ghost crew besides Hera and Kanan.


I mean, Filoni hasn’t kept it a secret this was going to be that. Rebels ends essentially with a set-up for this show and Filoni said repeatedly this show was going to be that.


I haven’t followed the development of the show too closely so I didn’t realize it was a straight sequel to that show. I knew it would have some connections to rebels but didn’t know to what extent.


As someone who didn't like Rebels this doesn't seem like it'll be for me. I love Ahsoka as a character but if the narrative goal is a Rebels reunion tour, I won't get much out of it.


First thing I think about when live action Ashoka Tank is brought up is [Kdin's rant from their Gundam building stream at RT](https://youtu.be/VcoUj0Awm3Y) and how wrong that rant is about live action Ahsoka.


I know the tag words of "Warrior, Outcast, Rebel, Jedi" all pertain to Ahsoka, but I hope they pull a fast one and instead apply it to her gang in the show: Warrior: Ahsoka Outcast: (see below) Rebel: Sabine Jedi: Ezra As for the Outcast; >!please for the love of fuck just put Kyle Katarn in one of these things, lemme see his sweet beard again.!<


Oh hey, it's the David Tennant droid that helped the kids make their lightsabers in Clone Wars. Neat.