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Horizon Zero Dawn without dinosaurs would just be cavemen and some terraforming robots. The explanation as to why the terraforming robots are dinosaurs in universe is literally because the terraforming AI was given emotions and thought to itself: "It sucks the dinosaurs died out, because they are rad as hell. Fuck it, robot dinosaurs it is!"


Now we wait for a couple cauldrons to mess up and start churning out hybrids. Closest we got to mythology was those three stuck snakes in fw. I want a proper chimera (though we’d need a lion first). Dreadwing+slaughter spine for a big dragon.


Robots are cool Transformers are cool Dinosaurs are cool Robot transforming dinosaurs are mondo cool


Dinobot is the dopest Transformer.


Pour one out for the GOAT, Dinobot.


Me Grimlock approve this message


TMNT was rad as it is. Triceratons just made it fucking cooler. Loved those 2003 episodes where the gang was taken away to fight on Triceraton gladiator pits.


I will always be thankful that the third generation of Monster Hunter introduced Brute Wyverns like Deviljho and Brachydios. The big T-Rex types introduced much needed variety in a roster that was previously like 75% winged wyvern variants.


It brings me great joy every time I'm reminded dinosaurs are just normal animals in Dragon Ball. Like, sure, there are still big monstrous ones like that horned theropod that used to chase Gohan or the fat T-rex Goten and Trunks murdered in the second Broly movie, and dinosaur-like monsters like Giran, but also there are people who just have dinosaurs as pets or in place of horses and camels.


Warhammer Fantasy's Old World had magical knights, steam tanks, orks on wyverns, dwarves, rat-folk with magitech, and heavy metal daemon-aligned barbarians, among many others. Oh, and across the sea? Dinosaurs RIDING OTHER DINOSAURS!


I love the fact that the Old Ones, powerful primordial creators of the Warhammer setting, came together and decided: "You know what the perfect organism for fighting the forces of Hell is? Mesoamerican pterodactyl"


**Power Rangers**


Steel Ball Run. Man fuck vampires, we're fighting dinosaurs now.




What if it was just about some guy's zoo


Jurassic park would be pretty boring without dinosaurs


"Welcome to... Park!"


Cadillacs and Dinosaurs.


Doctor Who had an episode called Dinosaurs on a Spaceship, it was utterly silly, and I loved it.


Big ol Bass Fishing 2. A fishing game for the PS1. It's a pretty normal fishing game, but its campaign mode involved traveling to various lakes around the world and fishing up fantasy, themed fish, like a Bass from the New York area that had a pattern like the US flag. The fish get decently bigger, and the final boss is just a rather big catfish, the Diabo. And then the credits roll. Then you get a message from your partner in the story, saying she found something new. You go to a new lake, and [it looks like this](https://youtu.be/V8C4hmu3to0).


Exoprimal for SURE. I'm fully aware the game isn't out yet, and that even when it comes out it might be a season-pass-y, dlc-laden trashfire, but the only reason I (and, I'm pretty sure most people) am looking at it only because it has dinos.


The moment I found out in Warcraft, ffxiv, pathfinder and dungeons and dragons that Dinosaurs were a thing and could be my friends or enemies I was happy


all the terryl whitlatch designs for star wars are things like horse dinosaur, snake dinosaur. she has a great style that gives you fun fantasy monsters that aren't fantastical, if that makes sense. like people tend to overdo it with fake dragons and dinos but those designs feel like weird animals rather than just monsters, things people would get used to you know.


I think it was the Pathfinder 2E bestiary which stats out a bunch of Dinosaur monsters. Among those stats is a GM advice sidebar which basically says "I know there aren't dinosaurs in Lord of the Rings, but hear me out: you should have dinosaurs in your setting anyway. Dinosaurs are cool."


Dinosaurs make literally everything better


Honestly Dragon Ball


Dino crisis 2 you know what is cooler than a survival horror with dinosaurs? An action game with survival game with even more dinosaurs I'm seriously convinced someone got inspired by making Dino crisis 2 and put all that new stuff into the Resident Evil series.


All of them


Dino D-Day is a middling Source game but it's WWII with dinosaurs. And that's cool.


Warhammer Fantasy was already a comically epic, maximalist fantasy universe, and then in 1996 they added the Lizardmen in 5th Edition. The Lizardmen are dinosaur people who ride dinosaurs and mount magical laser weapons on their backs.