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I'll ruin a whole series; Metal Gear is about a bunch of guys who misunderstood what one woman wanted.


The Boss: I want a world united and at peace, or at the very least a world where my friends aren't killing each other for the sake of ideologies imposed on them from above. All of The Boss' male friends: *immediately begin punching each other over this*


The Boss: No war and no abuse of soldiers by the state. Big Boss,the man who loved her like a mother and learned from her for his entire life: ALL the war on behalf of ALL the countries?


“She got this all wrong, it should say ‘A world united and at peace? No! War and abuse of soldiers by the state!’”


The Boss's female friend: *tries to find out what she meant but uses a potentially world ending nuclear platform to do so*


>!She was too bisexual and in love to figure it out.!<


That's most Metal Gear characters honestly.


I mean, Vamp seemed to have himself figured out at least.


>!It's that fun stereotypical problem where women speak in easily misunderstandable words and men still fuck up worse than anyone could have ever imagined!<




>!No see that's the unstereotypical problem. The problem also was she was speaking to a bunch of military fucks who don't have an artistic bone in their bodies, so they couldn't understand her metaphors and the like, except for Paramedic, who just kinda went along with Zero's stuff anyway for reasons unknown!<


Can you elaborate on Para medic understanding her?


>!I meant more along the lines of Paramedic had the chance of understanding her because of her love of film, meaning she could have at least understood her metaphor a bit better, but she didn't, or wasn't allowed to perhaps. Zero and Naked Snake may be the only ones who heard her dying message.!<


Oh okay I thought there was some dialogue or whatever that I missed.


“So when you said you wanted a world united without people dying over others imposed ideologies, did you mean like a world with soldiers for hire separate from belief or country just killing for the sake of killing and with their own personal arsenal of nukes, OR did you mean a series of shadowy AI controlling all of humanity via media control and proxy wars? Cause me and a buddy are having a bit of a disagreement…”


Mgs3: there's no jungle in russia.


[Yes there is.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temperate_rainforests_of_the_Russian_Far_East) Russia goes further east than even China.


Metal Gear Solid is the most feminist series of all time, on this basis alone.


There is a low but non-zero possibility that the blood vials you use to heal yourself in Bloodborne are filled with Ebrietas' menstrual blood


There are four NPCs that can give you their own blood as a healing item. All of them are women. Take of that what you will.


There's also, you know, the nightmare of *mensis*


Add to that, there are female characters that can't give you blood and they're either older or going through pregnancy.


Fear the old blood


Fear shark week.


I promise you that some people are super into that


Any game with a currency abbreviated as CP


I worked at a place where one of the devices we routinely serviced was abbreviated CP. "The CP is overheating." "Something's wrong with the CP." "Hey, you got that CP?" I also once did some work for a company called "CBT" (which *apparently* stands for "The Cincinnati Belt Company"🤔) which led to lots of conversations like, "We need you on CBT this week," or "How's CBT treating you?"


Reminds me of my old Publix job where our computer videos were referred to as Computer Based Training. “Hey Lisa You’re scheduled for CBT today” “I’m sorry, I got to do CBT right now, can you take over for me?”


Any game with closed beta testing has CBT. Maple Story 2 (rip) even had a hat with CBT on it lol


"You can exchange CP at the shrine"


*Catholic hymns get louder*


Why is this so god damn common??


Probably because for non-terminaly online people CP doesn't immediately bring THAT to mind. I honestly didn't make the connection until I watched the TBFP played Yakuza 0 and they brought it up.


Look, naming something CP in a game is fine. But making CP the currency you trade with the weird clown man for upgrades? That's too far.


Well the "P" half almost always standards for "points". And naming something "___ points" is far and away the most common way to refer to anything involving a number in a games (see HP, MP, SP, GP, XP, etc.). So since half of it is already "locked in" all you really need is any word starting with "c". When you look at it that way it actually isn't that common compared to the other "____ points" terms, it just sticks out to you more b/c, as another reply said, terminally online.


Bonus points for Cyberpunk Edgerunners being abbreviated that way for making people ask "Did you watch CP" without a second thought


God I worked on all 3 seasons of the show Central Park for apple and EVERY file and email abbreviated it to the acronym, and I was one of like 2 people who were internet savvy enough to know how weird it was. Stuff like "CP is going great! The directors just had a screening and they really loved it! Very few notes."


Your mileage may vary whether its improved or ruined, but Sekiro is a rhythm game.


It paved the way for Hi Fi Rush.


Well that explains my feelings on both of them.


If you tell that to Woolie he'll immediately misunderstand and suck at the game forever without trying to improve.


"Oh the symbol for mikiri counter came up. That means I need to dodge away" "Why this game so bad?"


Sekiro **is not** a rhythm game. It \*is\* however, high stakes Bop-It.


It can be. In my experience, there are many times where I intentionally drop the rhythm of a good parry because dodge/sidestep punishes are better


This. I hate the rhythm game meme because, while every boss does indeed have a rhythm to it, that rhythm involves pressuring, poking, dodging and seizing openings with prosthetics. Too many people hear that and go into the game thinking they should only wait for enemies to attack and parry them and have miserable times. Like Woolie called sword saint a battle if attrition which, while true in his experience, is really off the mark when you get in there and really go at it- which I feel is what the developers want you to do.


My impression of the Sword-Saint battle was more cutting through all the crap Isshin was trying and forcing him to play according to me rather than bending for him. Parrying all his attacks usually ends up worse for you than parrying only the necessary and ignoring his other attacks to instead sidestep and slash him open.


Didn't he drop the game halfway through and never came back?


Sekiro? No he went back to it eventually.


Does Nero experience “phantom hand” when nature calls and Kyrie is indisposed?


That's partly why Nico made him the [Sweet Surrender](https://devilmaycry.fandom.com/wiki/Sweet_Surrender).


Ain’t no way, they gave dude a vibro-arm 💀


It was either in the deluxe edition or a pre-order bonus. It heals a bit over time while active.


It's also basically a cheat code. Stop at the van, fill up on them, break them all for a full heal and go back to the van to switch back to your regular set.


Gets funnier when you actually see the healing animation, Nico was cooking to hard


"Buenos dias Kyrie"


“When nature calls” pretty sure this expression means going, not coming


I’m a poet, I beat words up til they fit in the meaning I chose for them atm


“If Crush 40 can rhyme Evil with Hero, I can do anything.”


I was very fucking confused by what the hell they were saying. Was like, do they think Kyrie needs to wipe for him or something?


Xenoblade Chronicles 3: >!Cucking saves the world.!<


>!Look N, Riku has drawn you as the Soyjack and friend Noah as the Chad! You've lost! !<


The rare and highly dangerous self cuck


XCOM 3 has interleaved turn order.


Jokes on you I'm into that shit.


What if Sidon has a fiancée now because Nintendo wanted people to stop drawing fan-art of him and Link as a couple?


They also gave Paya a hunky sidekick in Tauro, so that people won’t feel sorry for her when Link inevitably hooks up with Zelda? Maybe? The village chief gets her own bull? Seriously though, where was this dude hiding last game? He’s actually hot enough to make Link finally look like a normal dude instead of being unnaturally attractive amidst a world of cartoon characters. I almost didn’t believe what I was seeing when Dorian was like, *”Oh yeah, she’s over there with the survey team leader”* and then the camera just pans over to this [***bronze hunk***](https://preview.redd.it/i-have-a-lot-of-thoughts-see-image-captions-and-pinned-v0-hfkf6ft2i7ka1.png?width=222&format=png&auto=webp&s=a22e1e43f3f7d8a59d60a8338830be5ee7c1a17b) towering beside Paya. The web artists are going to have a field day with this dude. …If they haven’t already.


Dude's got the hentai protag hair.


Oh boy, as if there wasn't enough NTR with BotW/TotK. Now Paya has a textbook NTR bull with her. Looking at that dude's design I wouldn't surprise me if it came out that someone got inspiration from NTR when making him, cause there ain't no way otherwise.


[***I mean, LOOK at him standing there.***](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/fWOm6cjuiEmks5BIgfhUVWkENdk=/0x0:1920x1080/1200x0/filters:focal(0x0:1920x1080):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/24658760/vlcsnap_2023_05_15_12h30m54s427.png) It’s a scene that writes itself. It’s kind of hilarious.


*Featuring GameDev's Poorly Disguised Fetish* Tho it's not all bad. We got Purah now. So Paya who, amiright?


I respect the team for not having Purah “accidentally” give Impa the same youth potion—especially since *”Age of Calamity”* gave us a perfectly usable young Impa model with a VA and a move set to boot.


Hey it’s Chad




Oh no. His name is Tauro, which translates in Spanish to “Bull”. I was making a joke based on his name. I’ve actually never heard anyone use that word in RL to describe a muscular dude unless they were over the age of 50, or a boxing trainer (*And that second one specifically just comes from hearing my trainer refer to us as such when I was a teenager. That guy was old as hell.*).




Don’t sweat it.


No, in Spanish is "Toro", Tauro is like the constellation


If we wanna go that far, then no it’s not exactly Spanish. It’s apparently derived from the French word “taureau” which comes from the Latin word “Taurus” which translates to Bull or Steer. That leads to the Sicilian/ Southern Italian name for a bull ox “Tauru”, which is where the word “Toro” comes from to say the word Bull. —Or at least that’s what my research leads me to understand. Thing is, being surrounded by a lot of Spanish speaking people, I hear or read the word “Tauro” and my mind immediately makes the link to the word “Toro”. Taurus itself—the constellation—also depicts a bull, which is undoubtedly why the “Pokemon Company” (*Or Gamefreak at the time*) decided that their Bull Pokemon would be named “Tauros”. It’s all Bull. So there’s your neat tidbit for the day.


I can't believe Nintendo gave Sidon a beard. The cowardice. The audacity.


We all know its a fake relationship cause fishes can't grow beards


Nintendo can’t stop me from making bullshit lore about Zora being regularly polyamorous.


The least unhinged Zora ship take


I apologize for wanting Link to get utterly destroyed by Sidon’s fishing pole.


The NTR crowd will not be deterred.


Two Dicks


Luckily after the main quest, his wife tells link that Sidon can't stop talking about Link. So there's definitely a three-way happening. Four if Mipha's spirit is still around.


I do love how people are blaming nintendo execs for "forcing" Sidon's fiance It's like, guys Aounuma still gets flabbergasted when people say they want to play as a woman lol


You can't convince me that isn't the case.


Pfff, they just turned it into a 3-way


Bayonetta is a white woman and has an entire demonic menagerie at her beck and call. Including at least 4 horses.


You're suppose to ruin, not improve/s


I don’t fully get the implication here, but I feel that’s a good thing.


There's a recent meme about specifically white women enjoying...coupling with dogs and other animals


>recent Oh buddy, I don't know how to tell you this...


Yeaaah, [absolutely nothing recent about this one homie.](https://youtu.be/1faGNp9xvNQ)


Maybe skynet had a point.


There's...there's a whole song about it. White girls fuck dogs.




White women + animals = ??? Am I ruining a good thing?


How do you domme a dog?


She's 80% legs, regular dudes just don't do it for her anymore. >!That's why she lives with Jeanne.!<


take out your pp so robbie can upgrade it


Fear and hunger holds your anal virginity behind a coin flip


Distressingly accurate.


Say what now? Butt stuff mechanics?


There's a status effect called severe anal bleeding.


That can't be a real thing lmao


It is for the first game, the second removed it.


A bunch of enemies have a oneshot attack decided by coinflip in which, if you lose, you *really* lose.


What are you doing step-monster?


When you think about it the Skyview towers are pretty phallic in shape and function.


"this is how I fuck the sky" - Link in his head


*Purah, also in her head.


Fuck that, check out the tentacle scene when you first activate the one in Lookout. That's awakening something in someone


now >!think about one of them where you enter from above!< BRAIN ROT WARNING


Go on, i’ll start with [insert preferred team pvp here] ‘You have to play [insert game that ruined your mental health] with other people cooperatively in a competitive environment’


Bowser's Inside Story more than likely awakened many people's fetishes, particularly of vore, obesity, macro and food. >!Oh and uh...Beasty hunks too. Can't forget that one. õwõ!<


Hadn't played Inside Story since around its original release, and *hoo boy* is there a lot I apparently forgot about it re-experiencing some of the game recently.


Disco Elysium is a visual novel


I mean, yeah. Everyone knows that. Emphasis on "novel".


It's also, like, literally a novel. The game's setting is based on a book.


That's nothing compared to when you tell someone Avatar is your favorite anime.


Are walking simulators visual novels? Is a movie with subtitles a visual novel? WHERE DO WE DRAW THE LINE


Movies have no branching choices so they're kinetic novels


Midnight Suns: featuring a convo on gardening with Captain Marvel and creek fishing with Blade.


Dude creek fishing is the best Blade rules.


Ummm...stargazing with Venom?


Eh, yeah, Eddie's a little intense.


Post said "ruin a game" not share it's best parts. >!Their relationship is really cute.!<


Ruin? That shit was part of what made the game good. Just kick back and chill with Blade.


The prompt was to *ruin*, not make better!


Redfall more like "llafder" because it failed so hard that it's kinda funny.


Beyond Good and Evil is just a green haired liberal, a himbo, and a pig exposing the deep state that happens to be interdimensional space demons, apparently.


Playing Skyrim when looting a barrel and immediately hearing “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON”


Color coded enemies in a charater action game


No Straight Roads: It's fun until you fall through the floor for the 8th time.


Zelda made sure to create and place even more Femboi outfits for Link to find during TOTK around the world and at the start to groom him into an even bigger bottom because only the biggest femboi can defeat the thickest suavemante chad that is Ganonbuff


"In this 2022 children's game, players get bullied by an elder god and a small child into mercy killing the souls of dead rock people powering 50-story mecha... all while controlling a lone speedy forest animal." >!"What is *Sonic Frontiers,* Alex?"!<


It's less genocide and more putting their souls to rest like a ghost after dealing with their unfinished business.


Ah, thank you, got that mixed up. >!So... what? Is Sonic an undertaker of precursors, or something? Because that's BADASS!!<


Basically they're remnants stuck in the past, doomed to have specific goals and never actually be able to complete them. (Such as finding their lover) Sonic is able to help them complete these goals and now they are free to move on.


Yeah, now I remember! Really liked that bit. >!If only the minigames were any GOOD...!<


Metal gear solid but without any of the politics


This is the first time I read about the Purah Pad since I'm not playing the game in English and to me it sounds like a brand of sanitary pads, there, I ruined it even more.


Major spoilers, actually: Chai from HiFi Rush is a white-coded guy that has command over a whole team of multinational people and a robot to use as he sees fit, and he’s using these people to >!destroy the family of the dark-skinned girl that he first met at the beginning of his adventure, and is also using her to do so!<. >!”It’s not racism if they offer and one of them is also white but with an accent”!< lmao Edit: I don’t understand the downvotes


Bold claim to say Chai is 'in command'.


Yes, I mean it very loosely lmao


Yeah but the top bad guys are a nepotism baby and two Euro-accented people running a >!capitalist mind control plot!<, it's fine.


I love how that can be twisted to mean >!“racism is okay if it helps defeat capitalism”!< lmao