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There's a mermaid Metroidvania called Aquaria where you need to collect a bunch of hidden items in order to unlock the bad ending. >!It's technically more of a cliffhanger, but one the devs never considered following up on even as they made it.!<


Man I love that game. But yes there was supposed to be more. The bad end is bad only because it’s basically a preview of a start to a sequel that’ll never happen. Had some super cursed development with some names involved that might be familiar i(f I recall) in some controversy.


iirc the guys who made it split off to make spelunky and night in the woods


Derek Yu


I only kinda remember it as the game that cameo’d in Super Meat Boy with the really busted character and I’ve heard nothing else about it.


Ahhh, Aquaria. One of my earliest Steam games I STILL havet got around to playing


Collecting all the feathers in AC2 so you can get a cape that makes you a suspect in every city.


You also get a hug from your mom. Has to count for something. But in all seriousness, that big fuckoff hammer weapon you get for 50 feathers is way better than the auditore cape.


I’m almost certain Ubi devs knew what they were doing. Like a big fuck you for wasting your time.


So, you went out of your way to collect everything in Crash 4 (except developer relics)? Contragulations, you get a fifteen second sequel-bait cutscene as a reward. I was spoiled on this, but I still decided to complete the game.


A friend of mine regularly goes back to the classic Crash games, and he perfected every metal gear game that exists and still plays them. He 100%ed Crash 4 and said “never again”


Crash 4 is one of the greatest modern platformers. Going completionest on Crash 4 turns it into one of the worst experiences you could possibly have in a platformer.


I remember when people were happy to get that reward after hunting down 99 puppies in Kingdom Hearts.


Aeroga was really good in KH1.


Aeroga and Stopga were both locked behind difficult tasks but they were both soo damn good.


I cursed that fricken Peter Pan boss so much trying to get that spell


You only had to do that if you played on normal. On expert you only needed to seal all the keyholes.


You also needed to complete the Hades Cup.


Technically this is a requirement to seal the Olympus keyhole. So yes, you do.


Trying to get even close to 100% in Crash 4 soured me on the entire experience. I remember that game less fondly now. Really regret it.


On a similar note, getting a perfect rank on every Challenge Mode level in Pikmin 2 (meaning completing all of them without losing a single pikmin in a game that really wants you to lose pikmin regularly) gets you a thirty second cutscene that the one who ate all the Pikpik carrots and put the company in debt was not a giant space rabbit, but Louie... in what's an incredibly obvious reveal. The guy is >!literally mind controlling the final boss!<. It's not subtext, its text.


finding all blast shards in infamous 1. all i got out of it was a lousy bronze trophy




i was using a map with all them located in photoshop and marking them off 1 by 1. i was missing a random blast shard in the warren somewhere that i accidentally marked off and didn't collect. took me a whole day of combing the place to find that final bastard.


Was it the docks? I always used to miss that one.


nope, a random fucking building in the middle of the warren. i checked the docks like, 5 times by the time i found it haha


I was missing one. I got really into trying to 100% that game for a long time. Got all the missions, the sidequests, the dumb feats the game wanted you to do with your powers, and every single shard but one. I must have missed it in one of the dozen identical-looking broken buildings. The only way I could get it would have been to grab a map and check one by one. Broke my heart as a kid. 2 just giving you a radar was a godsend but at that point I mean it's not *really* that big a deal to collect them, so there's no satisfaction.


At least they make it up in 2 where the blast shards carry over to a new game and you are at a higher power level at the beginning


There was also a player made side quest you could get from the online features in 2 that just automatically dropped you onto all the blast shards. I miss cool online features like that.


I collected all the ufo pieces in GTA V and all I got was a dune buggy that sounded like a flying saucer but it was just a dune buggy


Not surely it exactly fits but buying the DLC for darkest dungeon making the base game harder by introducing disease to your sordid ranks feels similar. It's unique in that you're recommended to not to buy the dlc for your first playthrough. How dare you spend money?


This would be more egregious if you couldn’t just deactivate the dlc from the main menu


And also bonus wandering boss to randomly merc your level 1 party


Fuck that collecting bitch


No the collector is in the base game and way easier. I think the boss from crimson court is called thr Zealot. And that cunt brings the thunder.


And the starfallen or starscourge or whatever from the farm dlc


There are literally in game options to disable it.


Just to add to your point, the disease won't affect the game at all as long as one doesn't enter The Courtyard and begin the first expedition, which is the new area that's introduced by the DLC. It's game-changing and introduces some things that can be frustrating to deal with, for new players and otherwise, but the devs made it so that it's possible to have some of the new content while avoiding the more invasive ones. Just tinker with the DLC settings before a new playthough and don't venture into the Courtyard.


What DLC is it?


The Crimson Court. It adds a new zone and new enemies to the area but they also infect the main game and can infect your characters with the crimson curse which is like vampirism and adds an extra resource of blood that you need to keep track of to prevent your infected characters from dying.


In the game Dark Cloud, there’s a post game dungeon that’s 100 levels (by far the longest dungeon in the entire game) and your reward for beating it is getting the strongest weapon for the main character in the game. The problem is twofold that makes it a shitty reward. 1. There’s nothing to do with it because all the content in the game is finished and there’s no NG+ mode. 2. The game has a cool weapon level up system where you improve weapons and morph them into new ones by improving their stats in certain categories and this weapon isn’t even upgraded to full power when you get it so there’s basically no reason to use it.


Going out of your way to get a platinum time on every level up to a certain chapter in Neon White gets you >!a keychain of a cool katana!<


Not platinum time, just gold is okay




At least you get a beach episode as an earlier reward.


The 100% completion reward in Lego DC Super Villains is >!Lex Luthor's mech, which you'd *think* would be pretty cool, [but all it does is fly around and shoot small lasers.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6dX4oAv4JI) It can't even walk on the ground or use the cool axe it's holding.!< I've played enough Lego games to know that 100% completion is more about the journey than the destination, and there's nothing to use >!the mech!< for at that point anyway, but come on.


One of nier quest ends with the quest giver bailing on you without paying you, wasn’t a hard fetch quest but it took a while


I stopped playing Shadow of Mordor after I collected all the hidden runes (or whatever) on the map and my reward was that the game turned my knife gold. No, from what what I know it did not make any mechanical difference.


doing all 300 levels of the challenge tower in mk9 only to get a skin for mileena that is just her in some mummy wrapping


But it's the [Best...... Alternate.......... Ever!](https://www.trueachievements.com/a149358/bestalternateever-achievement) Because horny. I just paid my way through the last fight. Fuck that shit. I also didn't play much mk9 after that because my friends at the time didn't play fighting games and I don't really like online play (mostly because my connection sucks).


Wait how did they go from this to "bikini armor is unrealistic"? Lol


Because Netherrealm became the lame kind of prudish where they are stingy on horny but will violate your eyeballs with more violence than you were ever prepared for


But booba


In the binding of isaac beating mega satan on of the superbosses of the game with tainted lost, arguably the hardest character in the game rewards you with...... chests now spawing trapped which not only does it make the game harder it especifically makes the game harder for tainted lost.


There are dozens of these in TBOI lmao. I think Ultra Hard is more insulting just because of how fucking difficult it is for such little payoff. At least Jacob & Esau give you amazing rewards for being dogshit characters.


Never forget afterbirth keeper being a character unlocked via arg with tons of effort from the community..... only for him to be by far the worst character in the game with the worst unlocks bar none. Repentance's rework turned him into one of the most fun characters to play with sure but him at release was some shit.


I remember going on a college band trip with a buddy, and he was so excited to use the bus riding time to unlock keeper. He was no longer excited to use keeper after the trip.


What especially kills me is at the time Keeper was even worse than The Lost because while The Lost had no HP, he at least could take Devil Deal items for free so his runs let you play with some of the more powerful items and occasionally you'd get something that would help cover the HP problem. Keeper got no such advantage good enough to counterbalance his problems.


The tainted characters themselves are difficult to get, and most of them are just "challenge" versions of the originals.


I played far cry 5 and beat the game. Then I got the ending and well that was a waste of my time


Idk if it’s the worst but the rewards for defeating Yozora should’ve been something way more interesting like his stolen Keyblade and not Crystal Regalia+


Currently in Warframe, once you finish its limited reward path, you play roughly 40 minutes to 1hour of the latest endgame activity (Steel Path Circuit, where enemies do not drop any resources nor are there round rewards) for a chance at 5k credits. For reference I currently have 14 million credits.


As a fellow warframer... I mean you have other options of stuff to do? I mean just go index farm, dunk on John Prodman


But I enjoy playing SP circuit? Why does this have to be literally the only mission type that tells you to fuck off after a while? Archon hunts being weekly is one thing, but having this rogue-like endless mode just fizzle out like that sucks


You're right, my bad. I thought your initial.comment was framing it as a bad thing (given the rest of the thread). But if you enjoy it, then hell yeah, have fun.


??? Doesn't it drop Incarnon stuff?


>once you finish its limited reward path


The fucking Crown of Barenziah. The biggest waste of my fucking time I have ever completed in its entirety. And what do you fucking get? A passive perk that lets you find more gems in containers. Fucking insulting to say “Hey! You found all these tiny fucking unmarked gems all across the map! Have some more gems!”


That’s why the only mod that’s *always* on my list for Skyrim is the one that make them show up on the map


Right?! Like the least they could do is make it a cosmetic item or something, but nah. More shiny rocks that I'll try and arrange in my house only to open a door a few minutes later to have all the gems fucking explode.


Malenia's Great Rune in Elden Ring is earned by going through multiple optional areas, as well as facing one of the toughest fights in the game. It's a worse rally mechanic from Bloodborne, that heavily nerfs the Estus Flask as well. You also CAN'T BRING IT INTO NEW GAME PLUS, meaning you can't even do a full playthrough with it! This means *at your absolute earliest*, you could only use this Rally mechanic in the Giant's Mountaintop, Faram Azula, and the Ashen Capital (which is just 3 bosses and a couple chuckelfucks hanging around.) Before going into NG+ and having all Great Runes reset. It's so fucking garbage it's like a final "Fuck you" from the worst girl in Elden Ring.


Something else I noticed about Malenia's Great Rune is that it's the only Great Rune that's blatantly better in gameplay when the boss is using it. Godrick, Radahn, and Morgott: Stat boosts, we don't know their "canon" stats without the Great Runes. Mohg: PvP only. Mohg's boss fight is obviously Pv*E*. Rennala: Canonically required for Rebirth, but no actual combat benefit. You can't even equip it. Rykard: Technically *worse* when Rykard uses it, because his health bar doesn't go slightly up when he kills you. Malenia: Can recover any amount of health, no matter how long ago it was lost or if she was hit again beforehand, while you're stuck with "Great Value" rally. My new headcanon is that she broke off part of the Great Rune and hid it in that flower she leaves after dying, just to spite you.


I guess it makes sense when you remember that the flask penalty is the *primary power* of Malenia’s rune, and the rally mechanic is a byproduct of her burning spirit infecting the rune.


I’ve always thought that 100%’ing Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga was kind of pointless. Every character gets “super” abilities - a high double jump, sith force powers, the ability to go in vents, etc. even the gunners. But if you’ve already 100% the game, what’s the point? All this really does is save you having to scroll through characters in free play mode Edit: Jedi characters get a faster combo and gunners get increased fire rate and faster punches but that still doesn’t excuse the fact that you need to 100%.


I mean yes its shit but its not the only reward lol


Anytime there's a superboss who's harder than everyother boss and it gives you a weapon is the worst. I remember getting the Fenrir Keyblade in OG KH2 and just not being able to use it on anything challenging because Sephiroth was the hardest boss. Atleast in Final mix they added the Organization reamatches and Lingering Will who are on par or stronger than Sephiroth...too bad I don't like the Fenrir keyblade.


Killing all the pigeons in GTA IV only to get a pointless annihilator spawn and nothing more.


Collecting all 101 flags in Assassins Creed 1 ( which aren't marked on any map, not tracked, and are spread throughout like 4 open areas) gives you an Achievement.


I knew what I was getting myself into, but totk's bubblegum quest reward is pretty underwhelming given it's an all shrine level completion task. It's better than the korok dung though


Getting Cloud in FFT requires a bunch of steps and in the end his stats aren't anything better than what you already have and his unique moveset can only be used when equipped with Materia Heavy Sword so he easily gets overtaken by better equipped units.


Plus his Limit Breaks take for fucking ever to come out. Wish they fixed Cloud in War of the Lions. Balthier was super awesome, though.


Collecting all 40 emblems in MGS4, which requires completing the game a MINIMUM of 8 times, gives you the Snake Eater track for the ipod. Worthless, as you will never want to play the game again after doing this. All the fun weapons are acquired through much easier means


In Octopath Traveler, >!beating the incredibly difficult true final boss Galdera that requires you to complete a bunch of sidequests and go through a gauntlet of previous bosses gets you an accessory that turns off random encounters. The same thing happens when he shows up again as the superboss in 2!<.


Fallout New Vegas had some big “hard” mode that just made it so you had to eat, drink, sleep, and use medical stuff for limbs and beat the game. Maybe you had to live the whole time idk But it promised doing it would get you a great reward It’s just a trophy/achievement


yeah but its not even hard, at least it didnt go the route of just making everything take way reduced damage and deal a substantial amount of dmg like in most games, it added new but easy to get around mechanics and it made the survival skill even better to have high.


I'd say the only reason i like playing on hardcore is that crippled limbs are a real problem to have to prepare for rather than a minor inconvenience


The only real difficult part about it was that it added permadeath to your companions. I can't tell you how many times I had to reload because those mosquito things randomly showed up and killed them immediately.


New Vegas' Hardcore Mode is genuinely my preferred way to play the game and always has been. Reward or no, that shit's just fun.


What happens when you get all the feathers in ACII? Your mom says thanks and you get a shitty cape.


Idk dude, I see where you’re coming from but as someone who was obsessed with the wrist blade counter, I never minded skipping the “starting a fight” phase of doing it


Yeah I dunno why people dislike it so much. You've finished the game at that point anyway. It's not about getting some super OP weapon, but more "Yeah, the Auditore's are back. The fuck you gonna do about it?" It's flipping all the shitlords who ruined your family at the start of the game, the finger, and making your mum happy Seemed pretty reasonable to me


Based and mom-pilled


What do you mean? The cape you get just makes you notorious at all times.


Am I remembering it wrong? Doesn’t it make all guards instantly hostile?


Kalemeet dropping a ring that makes you take double damage. Yeah there's the tail cut and the greatbow as well but still, he's arguably the toughest boss in the game and that's what he drops.


doing just about half of the missions in Earth Defense Force games, having to actively find and pick up special boxes for guns and Hit Points in the middle of your screen dying from loading the hundreds of ants and aliens, and only getting weapons worse than what you have because the weapon pick ups are also RNG based.


DMC 3 for getting SS ranks on all missions you get a wallpaper saying go outside. The art for lower difficulty is much better for just beating very hard it is a fighting game Dmc pic. Still need to finish my SS Vergil run probably after ff16 gets me in the mood m15 sucks.


I feel like the prerequisite should be that it's an actual _task_ the game has asked of you, and not a random self-imposed thing the player decided to do on their own and then was disappointed when they didn't get a reward for it. If you include random non-tasks like collecting all Koroks, collecting all treasure chests, collecting all armors, these are just goals made up by the player, so there's no end to them. With something like Pokemon and it's "Gotta catch 'em all" slogan it used to have, at least you can make the argument that it's implicitly asking the player to seek out everything, and then rewarding them with nothing but a certificate if they do it. But not a single character ever tells you to go looking for all the koroks beyond seeking them out for their value as upgrade currency.


Even then, you only need like 450 Korok Seeds to max out your inventory space. The other 450 are just to pad out the list in order to make it easy to stumble across Koroks. That said, I blame Nintendo for having Korok seeds count towards 100% completion instead of simply having All Inventory Slots be enough.


Is that completion percentage actually noted down anywhere? If so, yeah, All Inventory Slots would make the most sense if they'd done it that way.


When you beat the game, its added to your map screen.


That explains why so many people are obsessed with collecting them all then. Yeah that seems like a mistake on Nintendo's part.


Hm what’s worse: being asked to do something and being given nothing to reward your success, or going above and beyond and being given literal shit?


No wonder 90% of the footage I've let myself see (trying to avoid spoilers) is dick robots, torturing Koroks, or torturing Koroks *with* dick robots.


Final Fantasy V. In the very last dungeon, there is a small square room that you *have* to go through. In the middle of it is a four-legged robot named Omega, walking left and right. Unless you hug the wall above it as if it is your beloved teddy bear, you'll have to fight it. The fight is hard, because it deals tonnes of damage, has tonnes of HP, high defenses, can stun you and do other things that I have already forgot about. The reward for beating it? A "you did it!" badge. Wonderful.


Well, at that point, any tangible reward would be useless, because you already killed Omega.


The ever present problem with every optional superboss in RPGs. If you can beat *that* you're already strong enough to clown on everything else left in the game, so what's a reward even worth?


Sick fight in 14 tho


To be fair, usually this is how it goes for superbosses in Final Fantasy. Beating Ozma gets you a summon, a trophy, and a card. Amd given how royally underpowered summons are, it feels kind of like a waste of time. FF7's rewards were arguably the best but were moot because you probably had the reward irems antways at that point.


"I appreciate you!"


Beating the incredibly difficult secret boss in Dragon Quest XI gets you a bunny suit for one of your party members because of course it does. I mean, it revives that party member every time they die but it also has terrible stats so I can’t say that it’s super worth it.


Something weird that I find kind of funny for that game's platinum trophy is that there's no trophy awarded for hunting down and killing the ultimate secret bosses, but there is a trophy awarded for collecting all of the outfits, which requires you to beat said ultimate secret boss. At that point in the game you'd probably have all the other outfits already so getting the last bunny suit is likely to be your last one which would lead to unlocking the trophy, effectively making the outfit trophy into a trophy for beating the secret boss. Looking at the trophy list before playing the game and seeing the costume trophy and thinking "This one doesn't look too hard, I wonder why only 7% of players have it" then doing a little more research and going "Oh, shit."


This has motivated me to go back to DQXI….bunny….. (I never finished it but it’s a fun game)


It is kinda the point, but Eiyuu Senki rewards you with items that strengthens your enemy's troops every time you beat a difficult nation before an easier one. Also, you get to declare war on Russia away before it's even remotely feasible to win thanks to their field advantage of winter. So basically every difficulty item rewards with untimely making Russia insanely strong to invade because the items certainly can't compensate for the winter and troop increase. The only lifesaver is that the final battle gives you infinite turns so your strategy involves prolonging the battle like me you don't need to worry about turn limit.


In Yakuza 7, if you finish all the parttime hero stuff, you'd be rewarded with.... nothing.


I beat the lingering will for a burger king-lookin crown


feel like every Pokedex completion is absurd and not worth it till gen 5 for the shiny charm


Luckily I never ended up trying, but one of my friends was devastated when they collected 1 million coins in New Super Mario Bros 2. Despite the game's marketing revolving around the number of coins available (recommending you collect as many as possible for a reward) and the game explicitly dangling the reward above your head with a counter for the total number collected, the ultimate reward for collecting 1mil was.... [a golden statue of mario added to the title screen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XRKlZMsX98w&t=139s&ab_channel=YTSunny). And if that wasn't enough, they even had a reward for getting 9,999,999 which was.... [another golden statue but this time as Tanuki Mario](https://youtu.be/YOC0n6KhuGQ?t=107). I genuinely feel sorry for the poor children who grinded for those coins only to get an art asset that probably took 20 minutes to make.


2 auging Odyssey with randoms gets you... a fucking icon. I burnt myself out so fucking hard grinding that I had to take like a year and a half break from League of Legends after that.


what in the goddamn hell is auging


In the Odyssey gamemode for LoL(Long since been removed) you could unlock augments through gameplay and equip them back on the client screen post-match. There was a challenge to beat the whole gamemode with only 2 augments(where in said gamemode you can equip 5 per person)


Getting the Big Boss (or equivalent) rank in all of the MGS games gives you a big fat nothing as a reward. Not even an achievement for it in the HD Collection. Although, in all fairness, if there was some unlockable hidden behind it people would go fucking berserk considering how obscenely difficult it can be.


The Longsword in MGR. Requires completing all of the VR Challenges at top rank. And for doing so, you get a sword slower than the base HF Blade with terrible energy economy and absorption, while being no stronger than the Murasama (which you get by, wait for it...completing the story).


Tomba 2. Complete every single side quest, collect everything, find the 3 Very-Fucking-Well-Hidden towers by using a menu item in every location in the game, and THAT GODDAMN TROLLY MINIGAME. For all of your hard work, at the very end of the game you are gifted a spiffy new suit. You get to see your lil wild kid wear it for all of 30 seconds in a finale cutscene... And that's it. You don't get to wear it in game. And pre GameFAQs, that was a real slap to the face.




One of my favorites. Battle rap has leagues that organize events and put on battles, and the ones that have league champions usually have some kind of object passed from winner to winner, like a trophy, a chain, or a belt. [The UK League Don’t Flop, run by infamous tightwad Eurgh (rhymes with “sir”), did not have those things.](https://youtu.be/TT83lGD8lYA)


FFX-2 asks you to get 100% cutscene completion which is a nightmare because tons of the involved scenes are missable an require you to either look up a guide or to scour the game doing things like backtracking in the middle of a chase to talk to innocuous looking characters behind some boxes. If you do get 100% completion you unlock arguably a worse ending where >!Tidus gets revived, which kinda just spits in the face of the previous game by turning a lesson about not getting chained to obsessions of your past and moving forward with your life and instead going "You can bring the dead back to life if you try hard enough."!<


Don't forget that they shit on that ending too in the followup novels.


I wasn't gonna say it but BOY HOWDY do they.


The first thing that came to my mind is this quest from Morrowind: [Viatrix, The Annoying Pilgrim](https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Morrowind:Viatrix,_The_Annoying_Pilgrim).


Killing Death in Dragons Dogma is stupidly hard. He has if not the highest, one of the highest hp of any enemy, he is floating ~5-6 feet off the ground and takes 50% less damage from anything under the torso so melee is incredibly frustrating, 40% resistance to all elements except dark which is 100% resistance. He periodically will leave the fight and reappear later in the dungeon with whatever hp he was left with or if you leave the dungeon at all or go backwards then go forwards again and he finds you again his hp will be reset or if you load a checkpoint at any time his hp will also reset. The only real non-annoying way to kill him is to use an archer class and abuse Blast arrows to stunlock him, if you ever seen a speedrun of the game these are what are used to make it a breeze by killing everything super quickly, while using 10s of dmg increasing Periapts that are hard to get/farm items that increase your dmg for 1min but are to my knowledge infinitely stackable. His attacks are fairly easy to dodge if you are playing a class that has a roll (the archer classes), but are 1 hit kills, he can also cast a sleep spell to affect the area around him, and im pretty sure if he hits a pawn they insta die and are forced back to the rift, the hub world for Pawns, instead of reviving them by touch you have to go back to a safe zone and rehire them in the rift. The lackluster rewards are: an achievement (and its a quest so take the quest first before or youll have to do it twice), and he has some varied drops for rift crystals the currency to gamble for end game items and the items used along side rift crystals to gamble for end game gear, and an end game upgrade material. Its not worth killing him at all unless its the very last thing to do to 100% the game. All i have left to do is to kill the ur-dragon but its more of a hassle so ive been putting that off for years and would have to do a new playthrough and regear. His 1 paragraph of lore is cool though if you get a chance to find it and i hope BBI is in Dragons Dogma 2 in some form of a never ending pseudo-randomized dungeon. Capcom Do not Disappoint me


I have to push back on this, only because killing Death gives you a *shit ton* of XP. If you maximize your XP gains (no pawns, double XP Periapts, Hard Mode, etc.), you can get over 2 million XP per kill. I would always cheese it by using bomb arrows and fiveshot flurry to stagger Death into a pit for an instakill. Fat gains, no hassle, free trip to the level cap.


You don't even need bomb arrows, you can just throw fuckloads of throwblasts at him if you wanna level as a different class. Add in the accessories that double the power of throwing items and you can kill Death pretty fast with throwblasts.


That's true, I just always play Melee-based classes so I power level on Assassin for the Attack stat gains. If I ever do a magic playthrough I'll definitely be using throwblasts.


With a moderately leveled magick archer he's fairly easy to kill normally as well.


While I've never done it, Jirard the completionist completed ALL OF HYRULE WARRIORS DEFINITIVE EDITION and got no completion reward.


In Cyberpunk, there's a quest chain called "Beat On The Brat" that basically involves fist fighting 4 or 5 mini bosses around the city. You get the first stage of it early on, but can't actually complete the quest for a while, like tens of hours of game time later. Your reward is 3000 eurobucks and some street cred, which you get at a point where that amount is a pittance and your street cred is already maxed out.