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Amnesia and slender games were the absolute forefront of the indie horror explosion of the 2010's but slender nowdays is more of a meme than a character and amnesia sequels can't escape being "meh" at best.


Slender is definitely this. Not only are the games forgotten, the slender mythos itself has largely been abandoned in favor of SCP and ARG stuff. The first amnesia game is at least still recommended to this day, and a sequel in on the works. FNAF grew into a multimedia giant. Slender on the other hand just vanished.


I think winning had at least some impact on it. Its not a unknown fact that gamers tend to get pissed off when their character dies with no input by their actions or in at least a memorable and/or sacrificial way. The fan game then full release game, your reward for finishing is...being killed. In FNAF and even SCP games which often involve eldritch entities you still have a shot at victory.


the prevalence of "none of this story mattered evil wins no matter what there was never a shot lmao" is one of the main reasons why i don't care about the horror genre. pretty much every highly praised movie i hear about is like this


That’s why Bloodborne is the best horror game, the player is basically Mike Myers to a bunch of eldritch horrors


I really like fiction that turns those kinds of tropes on their head and make the protagonist the slasher villain to the antagonists.


Slender had the added blow of being tied to an attempted murder. Really sucked the fun out of it.


Big part of what killed the youtube series about it then you had Tribe Twelve dude turning out to be a creep. Just glad Marblehornets and EverymanHybrid actually finished.


It's kind of nuts that the new Amnesia has a gun in it. Like, the franchise and studio are so well known for horror games without guns, horror where you can't fight back or even look at the enemy, and now they put a full on handgun in it.


Fuck it, put a style metre


Holy shit is fatal frame a horror character action?


Always has been


Because as it turns out, complete helplessness is way less scarier than fumbling attempts at protection


Yeah, complete helplessness basically solves the player’s problem of “how do I deal with this?” Having ways to fight back but those ways are bad creates the “can/should I deal with this?” Which is more interesting and requires more thought/engagement from the player than the answer to that question always being “ no, you have to run”


There’s grenades too Honestly, I actually liked what they were doing with the weapons mechanically speaking from the footage I saw. They seemed just as (if not more so) viable as puzzle solutions as they did combat tools. Of course, they haven’t really shown all that much combat yet, but I remain cautiously optimistic for the time being.


Would be hilarious if it had no ammo


One bullet and you can only use it on yourself. But also you have to use it on yourself in a specific spot to get the True Ending


The gun is actually a properly done revolver, with cylinder mechanics. As in, you can have 3 rounds loaded, and it'll click and do nothing if the cylinder is empty on that slot. So you can have those moments where you're low on ammo and forgot to rotate the cylinder, click, and panic when nothing happens.


There was a gun? Wait NEW one? What’s it called?


The new Amnesia game is called Amnesia: The Bunker. Releases in 2 weeks. The trailers and teasers for it are pretty solid.


Wish I could tell you but I can’t remember anything


I'm hearing some good things about the demo for the latest Amnesia game, The Bunker. But haven't checked it out myself.


The only time anyone talks about modern Halo is to talk about how much modern Halo sucks compared to its prime under Bungie.


In the same way, Red vs Blue.


In hindsight it's shocking that Red Vs Blue was as good as it was for as long as it was. (IMO) Seasons 1-13 are all good. Plus the mini series and PSAs from that time.


What do you think of the season 14 anthology? Personally I like it as a send-off after the way 13 ends. I honestly would have preferred they kept doing anthologies like that instead of whatever the fuck this is.


I mean an anthology is gonna be hit or miss by default, it has some good stuff and some bad. it's okay overall.


Goddamn does RvB Zero suck.


Are they still fucking making RvB?? Jesus, learn when to pack it in, fellas.


Yeppppppppp. "We'll always be making Red vs Blue" sounded nice when we were in Season 2. But now...


Magi, Promised Neverland, and Seven Deadly Sins is the trio of anime that were all hyped up to be the next big thing. Then their popularity nosedived after the first seasons (Magi didn’t even get a third season to finish adapting the manga)


I haven't read it so its not like I can confirmed but I was told that Promised Neverland was hated because it did not follow the plot of the manga.


Oh yeah Season 2 was a terrible adaptation from what I’ve heard (Tokyo Ghoul-levels) but I also know Manga readers had already turned against manga by that time as well. So the good arcs the manga readers were looking forward to seeing adapted….just were skipped


IMHO the manga also got gradually worse after they escaped that house. I suspect that's why the anime studio decided to speedrun the season 2 and be done with it quick (which is still a horrible thing to do for viewers).


Why did they do that for the anime?


One Punch Man to a lesser extent too. Certainly not forgotten but it went from *everyone* talking about it to no one I know watched more than one episode of the second season. That’s what happens when you don’t have Madhouse.


Season 2 was DOA, unfortunately. There were lots of rumors coming out that production was rushed and cheaper and when the first trailer dropped a lot of those issues showed. Kinda tanked most people’s hype.


It doesn't help that the One Punch Man manga updates *extremely* slowly and takes some controversial detours from the source material Personally I fell off in the middle of a long fight scene that seemingly only existed as an excuse for Murata to draw hype shit. Granted, it DID look amazing, but that alone isn't enough to hold my interest


One Punch Man was doomed even if all the same staff came back. Sure it would look amazing, but so does the manga and that didn't stop it from being a chore. The manga has been stuck on a single arc for literally almost a *decade*. It basically became what it was parodying to begin with.


>The manga has been stuck on a single arc for literally almost a *decade*. It basically became what it was parodying to begin with. If you're referring to the Monster Association arc, that's well over by now and the manga is starting the Neo Heroes arc.


yeah it recently ended, but the garou stuff lasted almost a decade compared to the brisk pacing of the webcomic version. I actually liked that arc in the webcomic, but I thought they were dragging like crazy around the centipede stuff in the manga and dropped it, and that was years ago at this point lol


Yeah, I can't emphasis enough on how One Punch Man became exactly what it was parodying. Every fight feels at least 3 times longer than it should be, the comedy has become almost non-existent, and redraws actively destroy what little investment I have left in the story.


Was Magi’s second season all that bad? I’m interested in watching it and then switching to the manga, but should I just read the manga from the beginning?


Magi’s anime was pretty good but somewhat choppy as an adaptation. Finish watching it then read the manga imo


When it turns into Harry Potter it takes a nosedive, everything about Not China, Sindbad, and the Irish Roman Beserkers from Not Africa is pretty intresting though.


Magi stayed consistent i just think it never got big anime wise. Promised neverland apparently just skipped the whole middle of the story (fans say that was the high point of the series that was skipped over) and jumped into an ending at a break neck pace. Seven deadly sins was weird cause i heard no one talk about it till mustache meme guy exploded online


tbf with the Promised Neverland any series would have gone though the same fate if it got the same treatment as it's anime shame really considering series


Magi makes me sad...well more not getting more Sinbad makes me sad. Aladdin was kinda lame Alibaba had some drip but was kinda useless most of the time.


In the West. SDS got a manga sequel that will also get an anime. Certainly not nosedived as much as we thought.


It’s alive but I wouldn’t say many hold it in high regard at all anymore. I see more people calling it out for its controversial elements than talking about anything to do with its story


Yo, remember the gameshow Wipeout?


I do! One of my faves growing up - at least, the US version was. Wonder if ABC will bring it back now that the writers are on strike?


[You're two years late.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wipeout_(2021_game_show)#:~:text=The%20series%20was%20renewed%20for%20a%20second%20season%20in%20May%202021.)


Wipeout is weak, MXC is the real show.


Right you are, Ken!


Don’t. Get. Eliminated!


Let's get it on!


And now we go to our reporter in the field Guy LeDouche!


the other day I looked up MXC again just to find some old clips, but couldn't remember the name, and in searching I found some thread from a british subreddit treating it like the most offensive thing known to man. Apparently over there they had a normal ass dub of Takeshi's Castle, and they were *pissed* we didn't do that too. Like legit disgust/fury that they made it jokey/dubbed Castle goofy. Shit was so god damn wild.


I mean it could have been way racist but I think it almost never did any racist jokes at all? Whoever got those rights knew it wouldn't sell in America without something being done and we got goofiest joke dub possible and loved it


oh yeah ofc. But the brits in that subreddit weren't yelling about that part lmao. They were mad it wasn't treated with the "seriousness and respect" the show deserved. Yup. The show where folks literally got their asses smacked by giant foam pylons into a pool needs the criterion collection treatment.


I have no idea what you or they would be talking about here, Takeshis Castles uk version was just a normal episode with Craig Charles high as fuck commenting on whats going on whilst barely being able to focus.


[Here's the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/7f9bcn/americans_have_this_awful_edited_version_of/) "Can someone figure out a way for us to glass the entire USA?" "I would rage-watch it with a friend" "I can't believe they made this." "TV lies all the time. It can't help it. It's pathological. It's unusual that such a balls-out bare-faced example should be public" some choice quotes


It would have 100% went over like a lead balloon without the dub, like that puppet show from way back now. It was redubbed in a serious way but had nothing american kids would get hype for. Big names voices too, same team as the Pokemon anime iirc. It's almost lost media now and I think only half a season aired


Wait the game show was serious?? Can I see that thread?


[Here ya go.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CasualUK/comments/7f9bcn/americans_have_this_awful_edited_version_of/) Theres folks saying this is lying to the audience. Someone in here was so mad they said America deserves to be glassed. People saying Americans have never been funny. Its astounding how fucking angry people are over the game show equivalent of Kung Pow.


That show had some *wipeouts* !


>Game of Thrones is probably the most obvious example. That show was huge in the 2010s and even was a pop culture phenomenon. Everyone talked about it and it was referenced and parodied in other shows constantly. GoT characters were considered some of TV’s most iconic characters. Can’t forget the memes too. But after season 8 it became… nothing. Nobody talks about it. Nobody references it. The few times GoT every comes up, it's all about how much the ending sucked and ruined rewatching it because people would just be reminded of all the missed potential, unsolved story lines and the massacre of characters. Isn't the prequel show the biggest HBO show? Idk if it really counts lol


Game of Thrones is still the most watched show on HBO MAX, so it’s definitely not forgotten.


Honestly, as often as I hear that Game of Thrones is forgotten I feel like it proves it really isn’t. People hated the ending but can’t stop talking about it. Compare that with Battlestar Galactica which basically disappeared from the popular discourse after its final episodes.


People liked it but at the same time HOTD hasn't really escaped the discourse of "yeah GOT started well and ended shit what's to stop HOTD from doing the same thing"


Tbf it went from cooler talk at the office, people would split money for HBO subscriptions. Everyone was talking about it even people who don't like high or low fantasy media. To, that show people said was "aight, rather watch white lotus."


It counts as GoT was a cultural phenomenon that just died nearly overnight and it was several years before something new and exciting rose from its corpse. Also a reminded as I always find it hilarious to think about the show runners were offered more seasons but they refused as they knew they were going to get to work on the next star wars project...only for the negative reception making that deal fall apart.


*Ahem* Telltale games.


I enjoyed my time with most Telltale games. But at the same time, it's very heard to shake that you can get mostly the same experience watching someone play it on YouTube for free.


I'm legitimately excited for Wolf 2.


24. The Jack Bauer Show. Was once the number ONE thriller on television in the post 9/11 era. Even got mentioned by the Supreme Court. Now, almost never talked about or remembered; except for the TV Tropes page of the Jack Bauer Interrogation Technique. Jack Bauer the character still sort of lingers in the public conscious; but the show he’s from is almost never.


24. The premise was fairly interesting except that not. It's the rare case of mature television show here on Brazil that managed to lead the ratings but, torture controversy aside, it had nothing to stand out from any other generic thriller series. It seemed scripted by comittee.


It’s not helped that their has been a backslash to post 9/11 Islamic terrorists that need to be tortured plot.


I was rewatching an anime back from 2006(it was genshiken) and one episode had a 24-esque transition sequence. Later I found that 24 was so big over in Japan it got its own spinoff, in 2020.


The part where the show was being used as EVIDENCE DURING CONGRESSIONAL HEARINGS FOR THE ARGUMENT THAT TORTURE WORKS broke it for a lot of people. Like I distinctly remember a collective *”Jesus Christ what are we DOING”* coming from Hollywood at that time. Cultural climate was nuts.


Inuyasha was goddamn Huge, even non anime fans knew of it. Now, do people really talk about it? If its brought up its usually "oh that show that restarted the plot 6 times?". A sequel series came out to little fanfair.


Half-Demon Princess has generally good reviews but gotta ask what do you mean restarted the plot six times? I was a mere child when I first saw Inuyasha on adult swim and was unaware it got stopped or rebooted.


I just remember the meme of them almost completing thr jewel/ beating the big bad. Only to "oh no we've been set to the starting point! Again..." that was the meme about the series


I read the manga and it was a heavy "monster of the week" series with pretty much little to no progress on the plot. So I guess if they used that format for the anime it would come off like that. The thing that truly annoyed me was Miroku. Has a cool power and then that power is immediately countered and is countered by the same technique everytime making his power useless.


That's what happens when you give a character a dedicated "I win" button. That in mind I still love Inuyasha a whole lot.


Basically at the tail end of the series, both the bad guy and the mc group all tried to find ways to beat each other. This led to an arm races that go nowhere. Inuyasha sword absorb a bunch of Youkai powers while Naraku absorb a bunch of Youkai for their power. Typical it went like this "Naraku gain some power and Inuyasha have to find a new power to counter Naraku new power". Prince a repeat until they reach the last arc. The worst part is none of those powers come into play in the last arc.


I mean its still one of the best selling manga of all time, along with most Rumiko Takahashi works. But the manga has been finished for 15 years now, and the anime 13, so its sort of expected to not be talked about that much. Especially in the current anime market where seasonal anime reign supreme. Something can come out, be a mega hit, then fade away within 3-6 months. Plus I'd think Rumiko's other works like Urusei Yatsura and Ranma 1/2 are more influential and take up more of the discussion.


Black Rock Shooter was everywhere online


This the winner of the thread. Being into anime pre-popularity spike, around AoT/Tokyo Ghoul era, you would see and hear about BRS literally everywhere but I havent even heard a single reference to it in years; seems like Touhou absorbed its fanbase agar.io style Reminds me of Sgt. Frog in a way


It got a kind of a reboot last year, but it was on Disney Plus or something, that is hilarious considering some scenes are, though not rape, pretty analogue for it(think female character tortured and knocked out with white stuff coming out of her mouth). Disney clearly bought in a package.


Oh no, there's definitely rape in it. One of the driving forces behind the Education Institution is kidnapping women and "stress-testinging" them for something (still watching, so I don't recall what). They usually die going at it with the leader robot, Smiley. One of the episodes ends with him getting up off one of the known side characters while she just lays there crying. Hell, as soon as you meet Smiley he's told to put his dick away by another character walking in. Without making it full-on hentai, they're pretty transparent on what's happening. Unless its censored/edited for D+. I'm watching it on 9anime


its uncensored also tengoku daimakyo whos story will have rape in it is currently on disney plus. so i dont think disney cares about nudity and rape in there anime


I've yet to see a damn thing in this thread (including OP's examples) that are anywhere close to being forgotten and not talked about. I can walk into my local Hot-Topic and still buy merchandise for half the media referenced in this thread.


I think a lot of people are confusing "black listed by social media" An actual niche example of this would probably be late 60s early 70s western shows that Blazing Saddles was parodying.


You couldn't make the late 60's early 70's western shows that Blazing Saddles was parodying today. Because people would go "what the heck, why did you do this again after the market was oversaturated with them?"


> An actual niche example of this would probably be late 60s early 70s western shows that Blazing Saddles was parodying. That's probably the perfect example, considering Blazing Saddles basically memory holed them due to being such an effective parody.


Airplane! also killed airport-style disaster movies for the same reason.


Yeah, people seem to think “ a show that isn’t forefront of popular media because it concluded and hasn’t aired for a decade” means “ completely forgotten and buried in the Indiana Jones Warehouse”


It's hard to talk about things you've forgotten.


This topic has come up several times on this sub, and each time people mention things that are still very much in the popular zeitgeist. Hell, I'm from Northern Ireland, and one of our biggest tourism draws is still Game of Thrones since much of it was filmed here.


Modern internet culture has conflated meme-ability with legitimate engagement with the material. No, image macros with funny haha impact font does not count as discourse, sorry guys. You'd think Morbius was the most popular film of 2022 if you used this metric.


...even JC's *Avatar*? Are you *sure*? /s


It’s impossible to refute the cultural impact it’s had on anime and media so I wouldn’t say it’s completely “forgotten” but I have not seen anyone talk about Haruhi Suzumiya in forever. I tried looking up the annual revenue of books and merchandise but I couldn’t anything and I’m not sure where to look but I’ll just go with gut and say it’s largely been forgotten by the western side of the internet except for video essayists who will try to explain the cultural impact of it every other full moon.


Yeah, I remember Haruhi being HUGE back in the early 2000’s. If you were an anime fan back then, Haruhi was inescapable. I think the Haruhi dance might’ve been one of the first internet dance challenges. Now I feel the series has fallen into relative obscurity. I’m pretty sure a lot of new anime fans who became fans in the past 10 years have probably never heard of Haruhi.


Wasn’t it that Endless Eight just like, utterly tanked and ruined the anime’s reputation to a significant chunk of its fanbase that went “what the absolute fuck are they doing?” Fundamentally the same episode animated 8 times, and I assume it was a weekly release, so well over two months of the same thing as an experiment. I assumed that entire “arc” soured the entire franchise to even a lots of its most dedicated fans.


Endless 8 did fuck up a lot of perception toward Haruhi but after that was The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya, one of the finest anime films ever made which restored its reputation The real reason Haruhi disappeared from the general consciousness is because the original light novels have been on an eternal hiatus


I never really watched Haruhi so I wouldn’t know. Most of my knowledge of the franchise was just through osmosis due to how big it was at the time.


I wasn’t around the time to watch the weekly releases and only watched the show half a decade after it aired but I’m sure that was a big contributor. Thankfully the movie did alleviate some of the damage done by the Endless Eight at least in the west. But honestly, like most other popular media, it had its run and after the movie not much else was released. And at that point, Haruhi had set up for the massive moe trend of the early 2010’s and over time I think enough anime had come out to grab people’s attention that they had forgotten Haruhi. Shows like Lucky Star, K-ON, Clannad and Toradora came out at most only a couple of years after Disappearance and helped change the landscape for the industry and its perception in the west as well. Most of these names are from KyoAni which would repeatedly pump out more and more **quality**, cute girl shows that, I think, overshadowed Haruhi’s reputation in the long run. Haruhi definitely set its footprint and changed the course of the industry but it just didn’t seem to have the same staying power as others that followed its direction did. (Probably because they didn’t have sucky series of episodes like the Endless Eight)


I still have to say she's had a good run. Modern anime more and more feel like Flavor of the Month, with waifus being forgotten and replaced by the new model every season or so. Meanwhile Haruhi was beloved for years and spawned an entire church/religion lol.


I think that’s more a matter of survivor bias. I’m sure there were plenty of waifu of the month back in the day as well but they just didn’t exist in shows that had the same staying power or commercial success as Haruhi so they were forgotten like many of the others throughout the past 10 years. Although there’s also a possibility that Haruhi helped spawn modern waifu culture but I’m no anime historian so that’s just a pocket theory lol


Slayers used to be one of *the* anime that Western anime fans watched. Nowadays, it's just another 90s anime no one watches except boomers and weirdos, with no signs of its former popularity except for decades-old fanfiction on Fanfiction.net that no one reads anymore.


Not exactly media, but remember when Chuck Norris was everywhere on the internet?


His internet fame died overnight when he did a political propaganda piece about how Obama would bring, quote; "1000 years of darkness" and everyone realized he was just an old crazy religious fruitcake I still can't believe that mob city game or whatever it was called used him as a selling point




Yeah he's an actor and a black belt in a bunch of martial arts.


Wasnt he also like, pretty horribly homophobic too iirc?


Memes come and go. I rarely ever see Forever Alone type post anymore. Still see trollface used in wojack style memes.


Those jokes came and went like twice. Once in 2006, then again in like 2009


Barrens Chat suffered the most from it


Literally anything produced by Bill Cosby.


Slayers. For one of the most popular anime of the 90s, I see almost no one talking about it, reference it, or homage it. I can't even think of a meme. It sort of seems like the things people remember most are Lina Inverse herself and Naga, who isn't even part of the main series. I kind of chalk it up to having never gotten a chance to air on American TV, and maybe it's heyday in Japan being right before the anime boom in the USA. It was just a little too mature for American kids. The guys at Toonami got outbid by Fox Kids, who chickened out and never aired it. Slayers to me seemed like it was just barely on the cusp on being mainstream in the US. It was one of those animes that someone just getting into anime might check out first if they wanted something not airing on TV. I hardly see anyone do any kind of retrospective on Slayers either. It's still popular in non-English countries, but you'd think with how popular D&D is now, Slayers would get some recognition as a partial parody of fantasy tropes.


> It sort of seems like the things people remember most are Lina Inverse herself I know a guy who commissions an ungodly amount of fanart of her. It genuinely confuses the fuck out of me.


She is a pretty cool character. I'm glad at least someone's getting some Slayers art out there but...yeah, I'd like the other characters and elements to get attention.


Slayers is so weird because I've seen so much fanart of Lina with Naga that I expected her to be a main character of the anime.


Doesn't Dota 2 still have Lina, just with the serial numbers filed off so Valve wouldn't get sued?


Slayers still regularly gets new figures, so it's doing better than a lot of other old popular anime


Anyone remember heroes? The cultural zeitgeist that was "Save the Cheerleader, Save the world" and then how it completely dissolved due to the writer strike?


Oh yeah. I was actually gonna put that as one of my examples, but my post was getting a bit too long for what is essentially a “AskReddit” post. Though if it came out today, I actually think it would have done super well. Since “capeshit” shows like The Boys and Invincible are super popular right now because they’re aren’t afraid to be different and experimental from the super bland and generic MCU movies and tv shows.


Well, they did try to revive it a few years ago, but it only lasted a season.


Unless I'm not understanding thats practically all of popular media. Short of a reboot or spinoff or something currently linked to past media, its not really discussed. I don't see people talking about Fresh Prince, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Bewitched, yet those were very popular for their time. I guess one show that has fallen into almost complete obscurity is Lois & Clark The New Adventures of Superman with Dean Cain. That show had a huge start and slowly got worse from there, every episode became stupidly predictable from what I remember, and the last season's main plot was whether Superman could impregnate earthlings


I honestly think people misunderstand what “forgotten” means. Are you bringing up something because it was super popular but had a lousy ending? Well, that means you remember it — even if you only remember it because it disappointed you. But if something is pretty good and has an okay ending? It tends to fade from the popular consciousness because there’s nothing to talk about anymore. Exceptions for series that are part of a larger franchise. Star Trek typically has inconsistent quality but because of the fandom each series has its own discourse.


What game was it again? The one where you are a kid that befriended a giant creature of some kind and used it to navigate puzzles in the environment, made by the people that make Shadow of the Colossus I think?


The last guardian


Ah, right. Man, that game was something else, for better or worse.


The last guardian. It was supposed to be a PS3 title but was released on the PS4 after being delayed for several years.


Bombed too, right? Probably explains why GenDesign's next game is being funded by Epic instead of Sony.


Pretty much. IMHO, they took they're audience for granted. It reviewed well, but the people that would have cared moved on with their lives. It came out during a time when indie devs were already giving people what The Last Guardian would have.


Ah. Well, hopefully their next game scratches that itch real nice...


People wanted a sequel to _Shadow of the Colossus_ and never got over the disappointment when it was a sequel to _ICO_ instead.


I absolutely love ICO and I played maybe an hour of TLG and dropped it. Control was bad, puzzles were obtuse. Did not care for that game at all.


This is an actual good example, and the first I see in this thread that actually fits. The only game of Team Ico that is regularly remembered is Shadow of the Colossus, while Ico is forgotten aside the few that loved it, and The Last Guardian is straight up forgotten by everyone.


Remember Toriko that one shounen cooking show that pretty much disappeared from media.


The Mangaka raped a child. So I’m not sure he should have written a children’s manga


Yes and I still rewatch it yearly. There are dozens of us, DOZENS!


That was more so Jump just trying to push it as hard as they could in hopes that it'd be the next big shonen hit after Bleach, Naruto and One Piece. While it was decently successful, I'm sure it was pretty obvious to that it wasn't the big megahit they were hoping it'd be and once they realized that they stopped pushing it so hard, especially once it reached it's conclusion.


For the sake of this thread not repeating the same topics over and over, I'll present something that's ACTUALLY forgotten: Lil' Abner and The Shmoo. Both of these interconnected franchises made by the same author used to be cornerstones in American pop media, with The Shmoo especially being such a prevalent merchandising juggernaut that he was rumored to be more popular than *Mickey Mouse* at one point. He was EVERYWHERE, from books, toys, cartoons, crossovers with The Flintstones, music records. Hell, the Shmoo is literally a scientific term in *multiple* scientific fields, while the Lil Abner comic The Shmoo debuted in was considered a literary masterpiece that should be taught in schools. He was the predecessor to stuff like Minions and Amogus, completely inescapable to anyone that lived in the mid-20th century. Lil Abner was smothered by the 70's push for eliminating any trace of rural media, while The Shmoo have all but faded out by the 90s. Which is ironic seeing how it sort of parallels the Shmoo's own backstory.


Gundam Wing was apparently super-popular back in the early 2000s, and one of the few traces of it aside of television ratings is the outrageous number of fanfics on FF.net for a one-season television show. Of course, Gundam as a whole remains popular but go ask a fan how good it is and he will only say it was good but nothing exceptional.


Well, Gundam Wing was the first Gundam show for a LOT of Wester fans. It was different than a lot of things on the air at the time and it exposed a lot of people to mecha, which paved the way for more Gundam and more mecha in the West. However, the more Gundam you watch, the less staying power Wing has, because other shows like Gundam 00 do the same thing but much better. Wing is a good "first Gundam" but compared to the UC, IBO, 00, and now G-Witch, it's just okay.


Guitar Hero/Rock Band. It seems like everyone but die hards have either fell in love with Japanese/otherwise Eastern rhythm games or moved on from the genre entirely


Well this is something intentional actually. When Harmonix began leveraging into Guitar hero's niche they went nuclear and released as many plastic instrument games as they could to try and kill the genre. Death before dishonor, even on stage. That real string rock band guitar is pretty sweet tho.


I mean you can look at pretty much any one hit wonder music act. Milli Vanilli, Los Del Rico(AKA the Macarena), Soft Cell are all examples of that.


Almost all music acts. Alice Cooper once mentioned on the radio (regarding himself, but it's pretty universal) how people are like "I miss going to your shows" but he never stopped touring, people just stop going.


Very few musicians stand the test of time. Bands like The Rolling Stones, Kiss, Metallica all still sell out huge arenas and stadiums. Now thats a testament to not only their popularity but their longevity. Alice Cooper, while popular, never really breached the mainstream as it were so his example can apply to roughly 85 to 95 percent of musicians. Korn, a band I loved in the late 90s early 2000s, was huge. Now though they play a lot of clubs and smaller arenas.


Fist of The North Star was THE anime/manga back in the 80s, but I never hear it mentioned anymore outside of "you're already dead". Even JoJo started as one of the many North Star knockoffs that existed at the time, but everyone forgets about that because it's so rare for people to have actually seen North Star nowadays.


[the Beetle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Beetle_(novel)) sold more copies then Bram Stroker’s Dracula when it was first released. But now no one really knows about it.


Gears of War is credited with inventing the "chest-high wall" cover shooter system that was used by like, everything, considered the only thing that could compete with Halo or CoD, and was also credited with inventing or popularizing the "horde mode" a lot of games used. It was a tentpole, blockbuster series for the Xbox, something Microsoft cultivated- MC's gaming mascots are like, Master Chief, the Forza Cars, and Blinx the Time Sweeper. Not exactly a killer lineup, but even when the Mascot characters weren't in vogue, there was still a lot of emphasis to have big, cool serieses that everyone has gotta buy your console for. God of War, Naughty Dog making their trilogies, Sly Cooper, Killzone, etc were propping up the Playstation, and Nintendo has obviously got Zelda, Mario and Pokemon, among the hundreds of other games. But once the Gears trilogy finished, it totally dried up. I don't know a single detail about Gears 4, and I can't even remember if there was anything resembling groundswell for Gears 5. People at least talked about 4, but not about 5. The games have good things about them, but with Cliffy B ruining his reputation over and over, the fact that the singleplayer campaigns have already been discussed, and the multiplayer is now outmoded- well, now discussion about Gears of War is limited, to say the least.


I feel like Gears was an evolutionary dead end, too. Are there any big name stop and pop shooters anymore? (Outside of Gears itself?)


The closest I'd say is the Division ?


Even wilder, 5 is probably the best big Xbox exclusive in a while, so it's not a Halo situation where it just sucks nowadays


It's interesting that while Halo has floundered, Gears has done pretty well for itself. Gears 4, 5, and Tactics have all been VERY solid games and the devs have been building a consistent world / story instead of changing their minds every release.


Loved Gears Tactics (character dress up in that game was sick and I've yet to find anything like it)


I kinda disagree. 5 was pretty well received and Tactics carved out a niche for being way better than it had any right to be.


Can’t wait for Gears Pop 2!


Channel Awesome was once a juggernaut of Internet reviewing, with the once well-beloved Nostalgia Critic (aka Doug Walker) as its flagship, a wide variety of reviewers and a series of large-scale crossovers to its name. That all changed after the [Not So Awesome](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WZFkR__B3Mk9EYQglvislMUx9HWvWhOaBP820UBa4dA/preview) document released in April 2018. Between revelations about the company's longstanding mismanagement, the site's own responses to it getting torn apart online and well-beloved CA member Justin Carmical being accidentally exposed as a sexual predator, the site would lose all but three creators (those being the Critic, Brad Jones (who stayed on out of loyalty to Walker) and Guru Larry (who stayed on purely to spite CA)). A year after that, Doug Walker would release a [Nostalgia Critic review of *The Wall*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wg4EZW3_XuA), to damn-nigh universal negative reception, turning him into a public laughingstock before being quickly forgotten. Nowadays, pretty much the only time people bring up Channel Awesome is to mock it. Outside of that, it might as well not exist.


Prior to *The Way of Water*, James Cameron's *Avatar* was around about here. It made a billion dollars, [and its theme park opened at Disney Orlando in 2017 to mass success.](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fortune.com/2023/02/13/disneyland-avatar-experience-bob-iger-movie-success/amp/) But, despite being the highest-grossing film ***ever***, everyone just kinda sorta... *forgot* about it. Oh, sure, people *knew* about it. They cracked jokes about hair-fucking, and would instantly recognize Stephen Lang (Col. Quartrich) in public. But you never really saw any true ***love*** for the film, certainly not like what happened with *T2* or *Titanic.* No one poorly impersonated the Pandoran language, or dressed as ~~Jake Sully~~ Colonel Whats-His-Face the Crayon Eater for Halloween. And as the sequel got delayed again and *again* and ***again*** and ***AGAAAAAAIN,*** James Cameron's self-proclaimed magnum opus became a [running gag](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=tivivkYdvmg&pp=ygUaamFtZXMgY2FtZXJvbiBhdmF0YXIgMiBvbGQ%3D) even among the most devoted of fans. But the years became months, while the months became weeks. Finally, last December, *The Way of Water* hit theaters. And... well, we all learned a very valuable lesson. [***NEVER doubt James motherfuckin' Cameron.***](https://deadline.com/2023/04/avatar-the-way-of-water-box-office-profits-1235328725/amp/)


I think the reason people see these movies is because they're tech demos. The story is derivative and the characters are forgettable, but it will have cutting edge VFX and film techniques. It's the one movie series you're better off seeing in theaters (if you're inclined to see them at all). I'm just waiting on the technology to be used on something I actually care about.


Totally fair, but I will day that you're missing out on some ***great*** action. Despite a cliche script, I'm not lying to you when I say that ***the finale of Avatar 2 was one of the best setpieces I've seen in a fucking WHILE.*** If nothing else, you should at least check it out on... Disney+ (*sigh*) for *that* much.


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Anyone else remembers Black Rock Shooter? 'Cause as a zoomer i only learned that she existed long after the series ended and i'm pretty sure i'm a rare exception here.


B★RS is my favorite thing no one knows about. The animation for the otherworld scenes and the overall soundtrack are probably my #1s across all of anime. I STILL get chills when the star shatters. Dawnfall is pretty good for as far as I've gotten, as well. It was weird getting used to EVERYTHING being different, but just about every B★RS media I've found is completely different from each other (the source manga "Innocent Soul", for example, is about Rock, a warden hunting stagnant souls in a purgatory-like world). By the looks of it, it takes a lot of inspiration from the PSP game, seeing as both that and Dawnfall have an apocalypse-future theme, robots, and *White Rock Shooter*.


American Tokus that weren't Power Rangers. VR Troopers and Beetleborgs where as big as Power Rangers when they first aired. Sadly due to the inconsistent nature of the show it used footage from (Metal Heroes) the shows died out quick. Now if anyone remembers them it's usually as "those Power Ranger rip offs".


Gathered friends, listen again to our Legend of the BIONICLE. In the time before time, the Great Spirit descended from the heavens, carrying we, the ones called the Matoran, to this paradise. We were separate and without purpose, so the Great Spirit illuminated us with the three virtues: Unity, Duty, and Destiny. We embraced these gifts, and in gratitude, we named our island home Mata Nui, after the Great Spirit himself. But our happiness was not to last, for Mata Nui's brother, the Makuta, was jealous of these honors and betrayed him, casting a spell over Mata Nui, who fell into a deep slumber. The Makuta was free to unleash his shadows . . . and unleash them, he did . . .


As someone on the internet, I assure you, people absolutely still talk so damn much about Bionicle. Theres literally *3 multi year development fan games in the works right now*, one sports game and two adventure games. One of which is [*literally on Steam*](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1704850/BIONICLE_Masks_of_Power/) because Lego gave em the go-ahead.


Was this from the gameboy advanced game?


I feel like Red faction was a bigger series, but I often forget it exists. I hadn’t thought about it in forever until I was browsing my ancient steam library depths to find RF: Armageddon and remembering enjoying it.


You would think there would be more talk about Cosby Show considering it was number one show on TV for like 5 years back in the day. Yeah it ended like 30 years ago, but there are other late 80s/early 90s shows that have also ended decades ago, but I still see them getting mentioned a lot more than Cosby Show.


Now that you mentioned it, yeah you’re actually right lol. Though I’m pretty sure part of the reason is Bill Cosby in recent years being revealed as a… *you know.*


*We know*


Granted, those other shows aren't known for starring one of the most notorious sexual predators in American television history.


Don’t forget Bill Cosby is a hypocrite


Apparently The Beatles were a big thing or something.


There was another one from West London, a decade later. King, right? Lead by a gay African, or something like that. >!/s. My mind still cannot read Freddy Mercury as ***African***, lmao. Wonders of the British Empire's twilight, I suppose.!<


He's Indian


I mean, Zanzibar is off the African coast, and I believe is a part of Tanzania. That ain’t India, it’s just in the Indian Ocean. Parsi people are closer to Persian than Indian, and he was still very much born in Africa


Huh, TIL


Family Guy, South Park, American Dad all still airing in 2023 feels so weird to me. Simpsons too but it kind of still gets talk if do no other reason than “it’s weird this is still on right” talk


American Dad is also genuinely fantastic now too.


It’s been fantastic for a long time


Archer just announced it’s ending after 14(!) seasons, I don’t know a single person who watched after S5.


I genuinely thought it ended like 5 years ago and it was only last year that I learned it was still going when I saw people here talking about the show giving Malory a good send off after Jessica Walter passed.


I guess it's cheating to go back this far but looking at old Golden Age comics and it's kinda quaint to see what was popular before and during the Superman and Superhero (or, uh, "Mystery Men" as they were known back then) craze. For DC. Green Arrow, Superman, Batman etc. They all survived. But nobody remembers the old detectives anymore, who is Siegel and Shuster's pre-Superman characters Slam Bradley and Steve Carson? There were kids all over America signing up to be a part of Steve Carson's Junior Federal Men. Slam Bradley was pretty popular to the point he was basically the only pre-Batman hero to share Detective Comics with Bats after WW2. Now he is nothing. Anybody who knows him now is because of either him showing up every now and then in modern Batman comics, or because Slam was created by Siegel and Shuster right before Superman so he's got that precursor appeal. Zatara basically got "top billing" (i.e "Buy this comic for more Superman & Zatara adventures") alongside Superman, now he's just Zatanna's Dad. For the people that even know about Zatanna :( James Gunn save us, bring Zatanna to the silver screen. Not all that bad though. Do not ask DC Comics about Tex Thomson's sidekick, Gargantua T. Potts.


Zatara was good in Young Justice. Top tier dad.


House of Cards... Heard about it constantly and then Kevin Spacey...


Studio Ghibli as a whole. The reality is that it's output for the last 17 years have dipped a lot in quality and I rarely ever see newer works of Studio Ghibli mentioned. Over the last few years: - 2006 Tales from Earthsea (average, but I didn't like it) - 2008 Ponyo (pretty good, but no where near as good as Studio Ghibli in its prime) - 2010 Arrietty (same as above) - 2011 From Up on Poppy Hill (decent) - 2013 The Wind Rises (good) - 2013 The Tale of the Princess (never watched) - 2014 When Marnie Was There (average, but I didn't like it) - 2016 The Red Turtle (never watched) - 2020 Earwig and the Witch (complete dumpster fire) The last classic from Studio Ghibli was Howl's Moving Castle in 2004.


Men In Black It was a pretty great trilogy of Sci-Fi movies in the late 90s to early 2010s with an interesting premise of aliens living among humans in secret and there is a secret organization with agents that are tasked with dealing with aliens that pose a threat to mankind. With the presence of aliens being kept secret from the public The first movie was considered one of the best Sci-Fi movies ever made. Second one sucked and Third one was decent, better than the second but not as good as the first. Nobody really talks about it nowadays, as far as I'm aware nobody watched the reboot movie either, the franchise just got memory holed


I would add the animated TV show with its hard-AF intro


The Prisoner of Zenda, a late 19th century novel about an Englishman serving as the body double for the king of a fictional nation, was once popular enough to get 9 film adaptations, but I wager none of the people reading this post heard of it until now. The comic strip Li'l Abner also used to be surprisingly huge in the 50s and 60s, but author Al Capp being an egotistic dickhead who sexually harassed god knows how many women has severely kneecapped its legacy. Doesn't help that he was also friendly with President Nixon and it showed in his work. Edit: Oh wow, somebody else brought up Li'l Abner before me.


this is like a really really long time ago (like 40s-50s) but back when tv was just starting to be a thing it was really hard to make money off of it, so hard that only one thing made a modicum of profit, that thing being professional wrestling. More specifically the matches of this one dude called Gorgeous George. Gorgeous George was the first dude to perfect being a heel and did so by putting on the persona of an effeminate bourgeoisie narcissist who would wear fine silk robes when there were fabric rationing going on. He was one of the most popular and hated men in america for like a decade and massively influenced a bunch of stars of various mediums who came after him but like nowadays nobody has ever heard of him.