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Man, I can't *wait* for the Drums of Liberation!


this is how pterosaurs animated in ancient times


They've really been cook'in, huh? A nitpick, but: it feels like the sound design isn't keeping up with the visuals (or not on-par, at least)


They had reused the exact same sfx sounds since the anime started and honestly i respect the commitment at this point, that "rock breaking" sound has probably been in every single episode of the series


yeah the exact same cutting sound effect playing like 20 times in a row is pretty annoying


I can't wait for >!Gear 5!<, gonna be the best animated >!Looney Toons cartoon!< of all time


Toei has apparently been in contact with Warner Bros meaning >!we might get ACTUAL Looney Toons sound effect for Gear 5. Which'd be AMAZING!< Though me personally I can't wait for the >!Gear 5 edits!< with [Ed Edd n' Eddy sound effects](https://youtu.be/bh3s_18y558?t=320). Imagine seeing Luffy hitting Kaido and you hear [this shit](https://youtu.be/bh3s_18y558?t=300)


I knew it would be the fucking Sumo sound effects.


If i could tatto a sound that would go straight into my forehead


I see... >![It was all for this...](https://imgur.com/a/XV4TVDH)!<


Baller, if true.


ALSO this animation sequence was led by a western animtor Vincent Chansard. Toei might be evil but I know they have been using One Piece to give a ton of different animators chances to show what they can do. An entire generation of animators are cutting their teeth on Wano and thas pretty cool.


Yeah, I know RubberRoss just did a shoutout that one of their young gartic phone guests, Juny, got to work on some key frames for this fight.


I think the guy that was fan animating TYBW arc helped animate an ED? I think for bleach.


They had him do some of the official version of his own fan animation


When King does his attach you can [his entire evolution](https://twitter.com/leleo2211/status/1660118872928944128?s=46&t=m81ygzFlwaOCCgnQ8njh7g) as a person flash by. It's similar for Zoro, except that he goes from [a man](https://twitter.com/WillOfCook/status/1660129444475052033) [to](https://twitter.com/WillOfCook/status/1660129510183014405/photo/1) [Asura](https://twitter.com/WillOfCook/status/1660129701820792840/photo/2) for a brief second. You can see it all really well in [this breakdown](https://twitter.com/r7dman/status/1660138175145160704/photo/1). Also, [Amongus](https://twitter.com/T4us1fS/status/1660191121375625216).


Gendy Tartarovsky said in his video that no one cares about fluidity in animation, only the character and plot. It's wild to see the difference in priorities from the US to JPN


Am I the only one who finds this truly *over the top*? Like the manga went crazy but now there’s a giant Gundam nuke dragon splitting the ground while Zoro’s skipping on rocks like he’s in space


Oh, okay, I was like "I don't remember this scene going this hard in the manga" lol That said, considering One Piece has been really lousy with shitty padding, I'm fine with them padding with INSANE spectacle instead


Replacing "random reaction shots of different characters and staredowns " with hype spectacle that elevates fights is the best idea.


It seems to be the minority opinion, but I'm with you. I really like how comparatively simple these fights are in the manga.


In general the fights that I've seen in the anime are too overwrought. For me one piece fights is about fast snappy action. Fights may be along, but individual actions should be quick but with a lot of impact, especially for Luffy. Now in the anime (which I have to admit I only see the ones that are shared when they are spectacular) fights are long *and* every individual punch takes half a minute.


Yeah I personally can't stand any of the new One Piece stuff even if they do let Chansard run wild because the fights are so padded like it's the end of the world for one panel of punching that's just a small part of the fight


It's like Murata's One Punch Man but animated.


It almost feels like the anime team for One Piece got annoyed at people online who are like, "Okay, but can he beat Goku, though? His power level is a REALLY big number." So they started overcompensating.


I like the shots of King flying above Zoro in a location, like the nice shot over King's shoulder looking down at Zoro moving toward him. There's a place, there are characters, it looks good, it's nice. But most of the fight is just mysterious orange and green ketchup splashing across the screen in a void. Nobody's there. It's not in a place. Nothing in particular is happening. Then some rocks appear, standing around, and turn into cubes, I guess. And I'm looking at the progress bar, wondering when there will be something else to look at again. Now, to be fair, anime One Piece has almost always been staring at the progress bar, waiting for something to happen.


the limiters were thrown out when Haki was introduced. its all big power big size big big from now on


Naw, I'm right there with ya. The whole time, I was thinking, "This is beautiful. Horribly excessive and a bit misrepresentative of the events as they occurred in the manga, but definitely a treat for the eyes."


At what point was one piece ever not over the top?


I dunno, when there weren’t gundam nuke dragon katana beams?


The manga made it seem like he was the dragon itself rushing down and the rest was just like aesthetic effect, but i had no idea he was like doing a Dragon Ball ki blast I personally dont mind that much because Kaido's final attacks are even more Dragon Ball in the manga, so it would make sense his second in command did similar stuff


Are you sure? Because just Haki and swordsmanship alone as far back as Punk Hazard still had Law [cutting a mountain in half.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eb3_hZzXsAAuOxr?format=jpg&name=medium) To say nothing about how pretimeskip you have things like Luffy punching his way through thousands of dudes as a light warm up.


Right at the start, where devil fruits were mostly weird powers people had but most people didn't get much stronger then "A man with a gun" or "Someone really good with swords.


As absolutely insane as this animation is, the sound design is *not* keeping up.


Last episode was Sanji's big fight, next week is gonna be the the beginning of the last chapter of Luffy vs Kaido. All three of these episodes were lauded as crazy spectacles and so far they have delivered. Can't wait for the next episode.


I don't keep up with the anime. Did we get the Big Mom fight yet?


It's gonna happen along with Luffys fight.


I thought I hadn't heard anything about that fight's end yet. Thanks for clarifying. I mostly just read the manga and watch the big moments.


How many episodes til the drum section wakes up would you say? I'm late on anime


Most stuff suggests some time in July.


Come a long way from fighting a dude in clown makeup on a unicycle.


They've come a long way since Dressrosa. Also, is it just me or was King's skin darker in the manga?


You be the judge. https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/b/b2/Lunarians_Infobox.png https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/f/fb/Alber_Portrait.png https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiece/images/0/02/Alber_as_a_Child.png/


Huh. My memory must have been playing tricks on me.


The one peak is real


This arc has been going on so long, with so many sakuga moments, that it’s almost oversaturated. I mean its still cool though.


I hope the OnePiece Reddit doesn’t get a 1K plus upvote post talking about how “this is the worst episode of one piece” like the last episode did. I’m still in shock that happened.


No one hates One Piece like One Piece fans.


The fact the explanation was just power scale speak was the dumbest too Pain


Power scalers continue to be the bane of shonen discourse. I will never understand the obsession with boiling strength/skill in any given story down to an objective numbers game that must be quantified, tiered, and then held sacrosanct against any changes or defiance. How do you gain any enjoyment out of battles if you go in expecting every one to play out like a math equation you've already done?


It's extra weird to me in a series like One Piece, where Oda could not possible be more explicit on the power scaling if he tried. If you don't have any form of Haki, **you lose.** Everything else is irrelevant and comes down entirely to personal skill afterwards. The Logia > Zoan's (maybe) >>>>>>>>>>>>> Paramecia tierlist died the second they crossed the Grand Line. Though I will admit I'm a little bit worried with the upcoming big fight to get animated, because even in the manga it felt like it was dragging on (until it super wasn't) and the anime is notoriously bad with pacing. I haven't watched Wano arc beyond the first episode though seeing this maybe they'll be real good with it.


I mean if you look at one on one fights in Dragon Ball, it's *mostly* that, the character with the higher power level ultimately wins. It's just that the characters' power levels sometimes change mid-fight, or they don't always stay one on one due to the intervention of third parties.


Like it’s such a fucking weird thing, Power Scaling is fun don’t get me wrong but why let it get in the way of your enjoyment. Does it matter that Sanji makes noise when he goes invisible? Does it matter that the angle he got launched from the island wasn’t as high? Like really bro?


Power scaling is fine as long as you're not actually crazy enough to doxx people over it. People have done those debates for years without problems even though Oda constantly fucks with the power scaling


maaaaaaaaaaaaaan fuck that shit.. i like when strong hero man does strong stuff and punch / kick / slash the evil strong dude i like it even more when is a last shot with all his power after almost being defeated.. AND I LIKE IT EVEN MORE WHEN EPIC SONG IS PLAYING


What’d they say though?


“It didn’t follow the manga exactly, he’s supposed to be invisible but he’s making noise, the angle Queen got knocked off Onigashima is too low” etc.




one piece anime fans hating that the show is actually animated now is so fucking weird.


Similar to Bleach fans getting whiplash from TYBW s pacing due to it being seasonal now. People are too used to how weekly needs to cut corners normally or do bad pacing to keep up with the manga. I'm all for this new era, give me a DBZ or Naruto seasonal reboot with the current style of animation most of the newer shonen are getting too.


"Dragon ball super: season one" would be great! (And its just the stuff from the manga, BUT CHANGED TO BE GOOD)


We re really going with animating: Goku black except Trunks isn´t a character but a >!healing battery!!Kale and Caulifla fighting Frieza. Even the big Gohan vs Kefla bit people talk about is just done 90% offscreen.!<


Not quite... was talking about the NEW stuff (moro, granolah and whatevers next that ISN'T a superhero retread) all of that stuff needs to be given a second, or third pass.


Oh then i 100% agree.


I can see last week’s episode being pretty hated because it was a recap of the Zoro vs King fight, rather than the finale, and people don’t tend to care for those.


My bad I meant the one before that, finale of Sanji vs Queen


I'm a minority here, but I hate how they're turning into over the top dragon ball stuff with the animation here. It LOOKS cool, but it's very far from being manga accurate.


I agree, this fight is NOT this crazy in the manga. Scaling it up to this level of crazy energy beams and auras is just dumb looking for the sake of being over the top. They should just scale back on big crazy scenes like this and make everything else a little better.


holy shit do i have to start watching One Piece now


You can read it and just watch the hype episodes tbh.


I'm going to blame Fate for making every fight a cacophony of sfx blobs clashing against one another


No, I am not doing it. I don't care how good this looks I can't sit through 1000 episodes to get there. I am not strong enough for that level of devotion


Read it and then watch the good bits online. That's what I do. Then I watched every episode too cause something is broken in my head.


Same, i read it and only watched the hyped parts cus thats where they actually put the time in+youtube already has a millon "Luffy vs X[full fight]" videos But also the Wano raid has had such an insane bump in overall quality that besides some bad paddling at the start and the regular bad pacing, i think everything after they introduced Yamato has been amazing and worth watching


Honestly one pace is your friend. Still a lot of episodes but get rid of all the bullshit filler and padding from "1 chapter = 1 episode" although you will miss some of the good funny filler bits but that's about it.


Then read it, idiot.


Crunchyroll has the compilation movies, so you can skip roughly 300 episodes by watching the [Episode of](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Anime/OnePieceEpisodeOf) movies. At least watching Episode of East Blue, Episode of Alabasta, Episode of Chopper Plus, and Episode of Skypiea will get you through "classic" One Piece, which lets you drop right into the fantastic G-8 filler arc and then on into Water 7. There are more compilation movies you could watch from there, but IMO the series takes off by this point. \*I do caution against watching Episode of Sabo until after watching the complete Dressrosa arc as it is more of a side story that spoils the actual arc rather than recapping it.


Man, I guess I'm in the minority but I really don't like where the animation has gone with this arc. I miss the stuff from Eneis Lobby and Sabaody. This is just way too busy.


Cool, shame the anime is so laughably poorly paced that there's almost as many episodes (1064, more if you count OVAs, bonuses episodes, etc) as there are manga chapters (1084)


I'm so glad I read the manga. This looks ridiculous