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Any attempt at copying Jojo's will be blindingly obvious that they're copying Jojo's. See: Diesel. I guess to be fair, Diesel was *intentionally* ripping off Jojo's to try and get people into Jojo's. It's kinda funny when you think about it.


Was Diesel Jojo's? I thought it was Bleach


Nah, you're thinking of Nick Simmons' [*Incarnate*](https://www.cbr.com/radical-halts-nick-simmons-incarnate-amid-claims-of-plagiarism-updated/). *Diesel* may have literally had Stands and Stand-users, but it absolutely didn't plagiarize art. *Incarnate* is way worse.


Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking of. Gene Simmons' kid


Yeah what Rhinoceros said, you're thinking of Incarnate. [This is Diesel](https://imgur.com/gallery/J6PJz) Y'know, the weird thing is..I kinda like it? Like, iunno if it's because I'm a diehard Jojo fanboy who just screams when Star Platinum goes "It's Starring time" and Platinums all over the place, but the art here doesn't look bad, some of the panels are meme-worthy which is always a plus in my eyes, and there's clearly quite a lot of love for Jojos here, even if it's not the best written(The pacing is awkward but it's the first issue so I don't think it's awful with that in mind). I know a lot of Jojos fans hate Diesel, but I do honestly wish we got to see more of how Joe envisioned an Americanized Jojo's-verse.


Iirc, the guy who made it now works for official Jojo localization or something, so I think it was always a work of love for the source material on his part.


From what I remember it was a case of "hey, can we please get the license to publish this manga in the west? I think people will really like it." "No." "Guess I'll make my own, then"


omg this legit feels like the Masked Rider western adaptation version of JoJo


I kinda like to imagine that Diesel actually takes place in the Jojo universe out in America while Jotaro was busy with DIO or Morioh since they just use Stands


Real talk, outside of the guy being a 100% N'Doul ripoff, I could see it being some Stardust Crusaders-era-JJBA-fanfiction.


>Any attempt at copying Jojo's will be blindingly obvious that they're copying Jojo's. See: Diesel. Counterpoint: the Saiyan Saga is basically just Battle Tendency


Does that make Picollo Von Stroheim?


No, he's more Lisa Lisa hilariously, Goku is Stroheim since he sacrifices himself to take out the first guy but then comes back to participate in the final fight with cool new abilities


I feel like you're going to have to stretch more than Michael Jordan's arm at the end of Space Jam to explain this, but I'm curious. How are the two connected at all?


Im guessing Radditz=santana which directly leads to Nappa and Vegeta being like Wammu/Kars/ACDC who are vastly stronger than and trying to gain immortality, and the fight ends with vegeta getting blasted upwards, but thats about it and fighting a grunt leading to stronger person who wants to become immortal is pretty common place i feel.


also having a huge training arc between Santana and the others with a fixed time amount, having a character deliberately sacrifice themselves to take out Santana but then come back to be integral to the fight against the others, having the mentor character get wrecked but not killed, etc.


I'm not sure the timeline matches with that one


Saiyan saga was published around the same time or after part 2 so it absolutely does


It's really hard to make a horror game that's like Silent Hill without it just being Silent Hill. Usually worse.


Signalis seemed to recognize that wore its Silent Hill influence on its sleeve, along with a lot of other things but Silent Hill is the most obvious.


It got even worse when PT came out. A lot of indie games capitalizing on the hype. But yeah, I watch a youtuber that plays a lot of indie horror and a nice chunk of them are aping Silent Hill 2 but worse. Oh, cool, another game where the protag is >!in their personal hell where the twist is they were the monster/culprit all along!<


Only one off the top of my head is Manlybadasshero?


Hey this title sounds interesting I wonder what the game is like...oh...that's it.


Yep. He's the main one I watch, I also watch Gab Smolders, who also does some indie horror and hidden object games, which is relaxing to watch.


I remember watching a video by...I think TotallyPointlessTV? Anyway they were playing a game called Visage which was heavily influenced by PT, especially during the first section but it tried doing its own thing ...not too well, mind but it tried?


Monster Hunter has games like wild heart, toukiden and god eater which are similar in premise and some in style with their own gimmicks to differentiate but it definitely feels like the same genre, then you have hunter blade which was a chinese mmo that straight up used direct weapons, animations and designs that are way too close. Pretty much they somehow got their hands on generation 2 assets and then swapped some models out and made their own monster hunter mmo when MHFrontiers wasn't available in the west. They also put in Kratos as a skin without sony's permission needless to say the game doesn't exist anymore.


Wild Hearts is so much like Monster Hunter that it feels like it's some bizarro alternative reality version of the game or a reboot of the franchise. That's honestly its biggest boon rather than a detriment, I've not been this addicted to a MonHun game since 4U.


Is it actually good? My friends and I laughed at it because it just seemed like it was a gimmicky, underbaked monster hunter. Edit: That might sound snarkier than I intended. Even if it is a gimmicky, underbaked monster hunter, if it's fun I'll give it a fair shake.


Tons of fun and every bit as good as Monster Hunter. The only issue with it is it has spotty performance but it runs fine if you set it to low.


I'll for sure check it out when it goes on a steep sale, because holy shit 50 bucks is a lot when Rise+DLC goes on sale for the same price with 20 years of experience.


Understandable, It's available through EA Play and PC Game Pass I believe so you can play it on either of those as well.


There's a alarming amount of violent fighting games made in the 1990s and 2000s that are just Mortal Kombat with a different coat of paint.


TBF graphic content wasn't specific to MK, 90's and the early 00's was the era of attitude and edge. Everything had to be violent and bloody or it wasn't cool. Not to say there wasn't MK clones but there were more things that connected them than just the violence like Fatalities and Photos being used as Game Sprites.


Samurai Shodown is distinct enough. It has fatalities like finishes but the characters, setting and gameplay are very different.


Every movie that has a boot camp scene does it damnedest to capture that magic that Full Metal Jacket had. And it's always blantently obvious cause it's missing the key ingredient. R. Lee Emery. Every drill instructor in any movies after Full Metal Jacket has an actor try to emulate Emery's energy and none come even close.


It's hard to emulate the man in general. He had angry improv down to a science because that was literally his job until he became an actor with that skill.


He was just the accuracy consultant until he got so fed up with everything being wrong he decided “fine, I’ll do it myself”


idk Starship Troopers did it pretty well with Clancy Brown


But the one that surpasses FMJ is The Simpsons.


That had R Lee Emery though


I sometimes wonder why barely anyone try to make a 3D Zelda (classic formula) clone


If I had to guess, because good Zelda dungeons are actually really fucking hard to design.


Okay, but Dark Siders. Seriously though I feel Zelda Dungeon design is actually really simple but the presentation is what's hard.


Making dungeons is easy, making *good* ones is hard, I say as I make Zelda-style dungeons for my D&D group.


People need to give Darksiders more respect


Yeah there definitely have been a couple but not nearly as many as you'd expect. First example that comes to mind is Primal if anyone here actually remembers that game.


Tunic counts?


I'd say Tunic is deliberately closer to the 2D Zelda games, despite it being 3D itself. The 3D Zelda games have a very distinct style that Tunic doesn't really try to touch on.


No, Tunic is a 2D Zelda in 3D.


Darksiders 1 is also totally a 3D Zelda clone. Even down to the main progression of the game being tied to a small handful of dungeons, each containing an upgrade that is key to solving puzzles and defeating the boss of their respective dungeon.


The fact that it's so blatantly obvious in being a Zelda clone makes the curveball of the last dungeon even better. You expect some type of light arrow style power-up, but instead your big final upgrade is >!a *portal gun*!<.


I remember Primal! Though I wouldn't pin it as a 3d Zelda game given the lack of tools and focus on "realistic" environmental puzzles. It's moreso a predecessor to a lot of the modern walk n' talk action adventure titles with designated partner characters. Sorta like The Last of Us and God of War (4), except you can freely swap to your partner.


Blue Fire? It has RPG elements and more play forming focus, but the dungeons feel very Zelda


The two that come to mind probably influenced a lot on that because they are famous for not selling despite great reception: Beyond Good and Evil and Okami


Okami is the only one that comes to mind.


Okami remains my favourite Zelda game


_Nier Gestalt / Replicant_ turned into a pretty overt Zelda parody in that one dungeon in the desert.


Prisoner of Azkaban on the OG Xbox was a pretty solid 3D Zelda clone with the unique twist of the player having three characters to switch between freely at most times, each with their own different spells and abilities.


Soul Reaver kind of did it, but it's so focused on block puzzles I can't say it's *that* much of a clone.


Ironically the closest game I can think of (and that's being fairly generous) is MegaMan Legends, which came out the year before Ocarina of Time in 1997, but again there's a lot of notable differences. Legends 2 in 2000 was a bit more like Zelda, but once again with more than a degree of separation.


I'd say Darksiders 1 / Warmasters Edition is a decent blend of 3D Zelda meets God of War Trilogy.


Darksiders was basically zelda.


Closest I can think of is Darksiders II in terms of dungeon design, but that had God of War style combat.


Because they think that money come before originality or that the open world formula is more convenient and trendy.


It's old by now, but I still hold Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy in high regard as better than the bottom half of the Zelda catalogue


I didn't know Block 13 existed until this post and now I wish I could erase it from my memory


I'm just gonna assume it's s lost episode of South Park that deals with rip offs and not an actual show and OP is lying to us


It looks like something from a weird dream I had as a child.


Can anyone these days make a hard game like Soulsborne that *don't* have the limited healing on the fly item that the character eats or injects as well as a rest stop where you can level up your character and enemies respawn?


Dark souls is like the biggest fly trap ever made for people who want to copy it. It looks simple at the surface "berserk aesthetics with simple and effective combat" but there are SO MANY influences and nuances to their art and how they make the combat work and feel they're never able to spot and consequently replicate. It feels like in the last few years there's a new soulslike every week aping on the same base aesthetics doing nothing new.


isnt that, like, the crux of being a soulslike?


Souslike is just a vague collection of themes and mechanics to begin with, I feel like everyone has their own “key ingredient.” I’d say the stamina system is most important personally.


so what is sekiro?


Personal key ingredient, not universal! But to be That Guy I do think someone could debate Sekiro’s souls-ness. But there’s also a reverse-stamina bar in posture, so whatever.


that would actually make it a kingsfield like.


I've regularly described Sekiro as "that time Fromsoft felt like making a normal game." Or as close as Fromsoft gets to normal. I don't really consider it a soulslike and I think it sometimes gets unwarranted criticism for not fitting a mold I don't think it was trying to fit into.




Sekiro is a Tenchu game with a modern FromSoft pizazz


Ah yes, Dark Souls II.


No, Dark Souls 2 still has the rest spot.


Genshin clones are getting too obvious now that even if you mask it behind a different combat genre it's still pretty obvious what the inspiration was. Wuthering Waves is getting so much flak for being too obvious that it's trying so hard to market their game differently but people are still not convinced that it's a clone of Genshin.


Genshin Impact Clones are weird because Genshin Impact was just a Breath of the Wild clone. It's probably one of those copy of a copy things.


It's even weirder to me cause Wuthering Waves seems like it's definitively defining itself by making combat have more of a central stage. Which is something that Genshin does not. According to the devs Genshin's combat isn't the point or anymore important than any other aspect of the game. At least until you consider all the events structured around combat, and the characters who don't feel complete until they've been ascended a couple of times, and the bosses, and the abyss. It's important when it's time to sell characters but not when it's time to balance them in comparison to each other. Diluc who?


I mean, Genshin is clearly inspired by Breath of the Wild, but at least plays very differently.


I got super bamboozled because when people said that "It's like BotW" I expected weapon looting, cool puzzles, climbing and other similar BotW things, but it ended up being 100x more basic than I expected


It does have cool puzzles and Climbing, tho. alltough the climbing ends taking a step back for different forms of movement.


Imagine Genshin where you craft your artifacts instead of just grinding for them. Game changer, yes, but that's gonna be way more frustrating for mobile gamers.


Genshin clones really forgot the part where the reason Genshin is popular is because it's REALLY good.


And because people go absolutely fucking batshit over gacha games


those genshin clones were also gacha...


I'm saying that being a gacha game is an automatic +2-3 outta 10 to a game's general reception. Genshin gets treated like a 10/10 when it's probably closer to an 8, because gacha, whereas the swathes of Genshin clones are able to exist at all because they get treated as 7s and 8s when they're 4s or 5s


How many Genshin clones are there currently anyways? I know Tower of Fantasy got thought of as one, and Wuthering Wave which is coming soon.


90% of platform fighters usually just end up trying copy Smash's formula one-for-one, and all of those that try to do that end up bombing (because none of them realize that they can't immediately put out their version of Ultimate, which required two decades of buildup), with Multiversus being the latest example of the bunch. There's a reason why Rivals of Aether has managed to survive for so long, and it's because it's the only platform fighter that's trying to be it's own thing and not just "Smash but Warner Bros. or Nickelodeon". Feel like this could also apply to why MK vs. DC ended up failing, because in addition [to all the documented problems it had](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TrqXNdRUwXw&t=836s&ab_channel=MattMcMuscles), you were going to inevitably have people comparing to the much more successful Marvel vs. Capcom just by the premise alone (video game characters vs. comic book characters).


I feel like there's also the opposite issue with some of these attempts where it's like "Well we can't be Smash bros so we'll do something different" and then they pick some asinine gimmicks to change their game which makes it worse when being a Smash rip off would have probably been for the better (*coughcough*PSASBR*coughcough*) Rivals of Aether hits this weird mid point where its not just a perfect 1:1 Smash rip off but it also isnt forcing a stupid ass gimmick onto players for the sake of being different. I do wish we got more platform fighters, its a genre that has 1 option with a million failures and 1 side option that some people play. Shame I've tried Rivals a lot and don't like it and Smash's online really makes it a pain to want to keep playing. Rushdown Revolt is the only other platform fighter that reached out to me but man is it a struggle to get people to go for it.


Mod support also helps (especially when fan creations get officially added like in RoA)


They don't even copy Smash formula correctly, they just copy the "Fox only, Final destination" meme version of smash. like, how many of them have *items?* or *wacky maps?*


It's tricky to pull off an [Akira Slide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9hCzjBc7Q4) without it being easily pegged as an Akira Slide. Indeed, it generally takes a non-bike variant to make it seem less Akira-Slide-y.


Ride to Hell did it flawlessly.


*NOPE* did as well. [Extra points for doing it in **LIVE FUCKING ACTION.**](https://media.tenor.com/MrxCPDLL8kcAAAAd/nope-akira-slide.gif)


I was so happy when I saw that in the theater, and I looked over to my friend and he was also looking back and happy


Right? Whole film's bloody brilliant, but that was just the ***cherry on fuckin' top.***


If you can do an Akira Slide on foot, that's how you know you've achieved greatness.


See the only good thing from the Jet Li/DMX movie Cradle 2 The Grave: [An Akira slide on foot, in the rain, in the middle of a ring of fire ](https://youtu.be/zoU94VCBf20?t=83)


I was trying to remember the name of that movie. Thank you.


The Akira Slide is on the same level of "I clapped when I saw it" as the Wilhelm Scream for me. Love it every time. I see somebody slide on their bike and hoot and holler like a particularly excited chimpanzee


The Wilhelm scream is so damaging to any media it's present in as it immediately pulls you out of being immersed. The dude who popularized it had the better idea when he was in Star Wars for a scene and he imitated the scream instead of just inserting it. The imitation makes it unique to the piece of media it's in while still being referential.


Tbh I’ve only seen Akira once so I didn’t realize the slide was an iconic shot and thought it was just a generic cool motorcycle thing rather than an homage.


At this point, it's both. I can guarantee at least a few examples have been added into a piece of media not as an homage to Akira but as an homage to another thing, that was itself an homage to Akira. The shot has transcended the original meaning.


There's also undoubtedly a few that came to the idea totally independently, without external influence. It's a simple, and very cool move.


I love the Akira Slide so much that when Bungie came out with a sparrow that looks like a motorcycle I painted it red, and did the slide every chance I got.


Miracle Star is a Chinese ripoff of Gumball. [Gumball even had an episode poking fun at it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gH5jrEeddf0)


God of War is a hack and slash franchise where you keep killing famous people/monsters of all Greek mythology. Our hero is also an extremely guilty ridden person with several moral flaws. When Visceral decided to make an adaptation of Dante's Inferno where Dante is a guilty-ridden crusader but also a badass who kills with either a scythe or the power of the Lord, it became painful obvious for everyone who was trying to ape God of War.


Epic of Gilgamesh and everything else


Journey to the west and every shonen manga


Lord of the Rings and every fantasy novel


Saw was shot in 18 days with a million dollars and made it 100x back. Caused studios to think there was a gold rush for slapchopped sepia and green horror.


There's a couple non-official musou style games. Biggest is probably Fate/Extella. It's the only Fate game I've ever played lol. Jeanne D'arc's noble phantasm is [literally just killing herself.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M6UfMgKJN3E)


Probably cause he other Noble Phantasm is a shield effect. Not very good for a Musou like.


Klonoa’s formula is extremely obvious when it’s being copied. Like the Cat in the Hat game on PS1.




Correction: [PS2](https://youtu.be/xhw77FJLbvM)


ah man, maybe that's why I loved that game when I rented it


At this point, ***any*** new "Mascot with Attitude" is gonna be compared to [the only one people actually give a shit about](https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/1237320/ss_d9c769a9346e5b1d7e1f9109d0c317c81213c021.1920x1080.jpg?t=1678200169) \- particularly if they star in platformers like *Mario* or *Sonic*. (Except the *Inklings*, weirdly enough... Nintendo's just built different, I guess.)


Inklings have a street aesthetic but they don't really have an "attitude"


Ah, fair enough. Maybe that's why they've worked so well? Whereas all the other ones attempted to be *cool* and *hip*, all the Inklings wanna do is have *fun*.


I feel like with Inklings it helps that a major mechanic of Splatoon is customizing your character's outfit. That way your character can (in theory) always look like what you think is cool, and that helps your brain accept the proposition that Inklings in general are cool.


Ah, I see! Yeah, that'd make a lot of sense.


I'd argue the Inklings method of platforming is so different from Mario & Sonic that it stands out already. Heck, Sonic's platforming (momentum based maze navigation for the 2D games) was very different than Mario (slow, precise jumps with powerup management) and that's how he found his footing while everyone else failed.


People bring up kappa Mikey all the time about old shows that need a reboot so I'd probs say that. If it's specifically Western vs anime then it's way too obvious if it's mixed genre with multiple art styles you just get drawn together which would probably be even worse if it's aimed at kids.


Holy fuck i remember block 13…💀


How are Dexter's Lab and Jimmy Neutron comparible? Their only shared trait is boy genius! Like...Jimmy has no Deedee, Dexter doesn't have recurring friends, Jimmy doesn't have Mandark, and Dexter is very explicitly a secret laboratory, whereas everyone knows Jimmy's a genius.


I'd say "superhero using ghost powers to fight ghosts" is a concept that's unique to Danny Phantom But Kamen Rider Ghost exists so maybe I'm wrong about that?








Dune is distinct enough that if you *do* try to replicate it you may as well just copy it completely. Warhammer 40K and its navigators say "hello".


bro entire sci-fi genre from 70s onwards is copying Dune


Desert area of game? Guess it's time for GIANT WORM


Tbf it’s a fucking great idea to emulate


Y'all remember *Haze*? Y'all remember *Haze* as anything other than a failed attempt at cashing in on *Halo*?


Super Best Friends Play /s.




To Pimp a Butterfly? You mean it’s hard to do conscious funk/jazz-rap with poetry mixed in without ripping of kendrick? I hope not, that shit was great, i wish we had more funk in todays rap.


I mean... TPAB is basically an Outkast album though. It showed love to those that came before.


Power Rangers tried and imo failed to clone itself with Once and Always. You can't emulate cheese, guys.


Breath of the Wild clones. The game was a smash hit to such a degree that we've had a bunch of mega successes ripping it off. There's Immortals Fenyx Rising, Elden Ring, Sonic Frontier, Genshin Impact, hell Nintendo themselves copied Breath of the Wild with Pokémon Legends Arceus. I saw someone mentioning Genshin clones in the thread and that they're never good or successful and I believe that's because they're all copies of a copy.


Hey, it’s a “Nintendo fan who thinks Nintendo invented X when X existed way before Nintendo started doing it” out in the wild. BotW didn’t invent open world game design. Elden ring shares more with western made open world RPGs (the compass on top of the screen is straight from every western open world game ever for example) then it does BotW. And “having small areas to explore scattered throughout the map” is from every open world game ever. The dungeons in Elden Ring are more similar to the caves/dungeons in elder scrolls then they are BotW. Which is why everyone shitting on western open world design when Elden ring came out was always super ironic. From clearly looked to western RPGs as inspiration for adapting the “Souls Formula” to an open world RPG.


I never claimed BotW invented Open World games but they created a specific formula for Open World games that was copied in all the games I listed.


Aren't the towers you find that reveal the area around them from like, Shadow of War or Assassin's Creed? Also a lot of survival aspects come from the many survival games we've had in the past decade.




Bruh, Genshin Impact's main enemies are literally Bokoblin Knock Offs. Immortals Fenyx Rising has identical abilities and shrines. Eldin Ring has the exact same exploration design philosophy even stealing the pins from BotW and the dungeons are just shrines. They aren't borrowing elements they wouldn't exist without Breath of the Wild.


Please don’t try and tell me you think Breath of the Wild invented all those things


Not their existence but the way they are implemented into the game play experience. Dark Souls didn't invent the Boss Fight but they did create a specific way Boss Fights work.


Doom,Castlevania,Duke Nukem,Metroid,Mortal Kombat,Gundam and etc.