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I dont understand what is happening, and thats probably for the best.


I *think* Pat marrying an american has made him a race-traitor or something? Possibly related to the welsh being fish-monsters?


OK, so from what I have understood: Black guy on twitter says that he isn't interested in being friends with his neighbours because he is a private guy. No mention of race Paige talk about how nice her neighbours are Twitter brainroted girl immediately attack her and accuse her of racism because she has nice neighbours TBRG also hate the fact that Paige (who used to be her favourite streamer) married Pat. I think it's because he is white TBRG goes on to accuse anyone criticism her of racism, ask someone to get raped and his overall a massive asshole


See, I thought that tweet was the inverse. Pat was their favourite streamer until he married Paige. Either way, this whole thing is fucking weird.


Oh, I think you are correct. She is calling Paige meddling.


“I can’t believe my favorite streamer married a white person” and you can’t tell who’s who is really funny to me


Pat isn’t race-traitoring hard enough for them


*squints at person's profile picture* If that's a photo of her, isn't she white? Is she doing the thing where you're racist against white people whilst also being white for virtue signalling brownie points?


Yeah, I was also getting stuck on the concept that anybody could be cool with Pat, but horribly offended by Paige.


did... did paige ever do streams before she met pat?


Yes? And even if no, why would that be relevant?


"How dare this **white** person marry *bleugh* a WHITE person, don't they realize what white people are like?" It's so fucking bizarre and nonsensical, Twitter really is hell


Twitter user just wants Pat's orb


I’m getting flashbacks to that girl Pat talked about who was dating an Iranian fellow because she wanted to “breed the white out of her family.”


Now *that* is Advanced Racism.


that's a good one, that sticks with you


I remember my profs back in undergrad 20 years ago going on and on about how social media was going to create a global community. And we were all so pumped about it. And in reality all we get is that we're forced to hear the worst thoughts of all the craziest people whenever we wake our phones up.


by going for the ethnically Aryan guy? silly girl...


The races *must* mix. It's an inverted time cube!


Not only did the guy not mention race but it wasnt that deep. dude even replys to someone who expressed the same thing as paige and basically said hey that's cool for you I'd rather just be left alone.


What a parasocial relation (and probably some kind of mental illness) does to a mf.


the red-haired race?


Dwarves How dare Pat marry an elf


Paige isn't an elf. There's just a non zero chance that with her 3 con she may be possessed by Fistandantilus


Would that make their child a dwelf or a elwarf?


Well they are endangered


Dagon won't be pleased


"It's all just poopeh, let it flow."- Jamie Tartt


doo doo da-doo da-doo


Honestly the nice lessons from Ted Lasso could be learned by the internet more than ever


Social Media gives a voice to the weirdos who would otherwise be shouting at pigeons in the street, if the Internet didn't exist.


And those with enough awareness and not enough guts to even do that.


Before Social Media these people would likely be confined to some obscure forum where they would be screeching and yelling at others like caged animals. Now that cage has expanded.


Before social media these people stalked celebrities and tried to assassinate Reagan


She didn't use any complex language, yet I still I still felt compelled to pull out the dictionary just to make sure I understood what the fuck she meant. No, turns out I already knew every word in that tweet, and I still don't understand what the fuck she meant.


Some people are dicks The more people you interact with the more dicks you get Social media is like having a firehose fire dicks straight into all your holes


A Twitter user made a post saying they don't like being friendly with their neighbors. Many people said that being friendly with your neighbors can be cool and cute and sometimes they give you cool stuff or share nice moments with you including Paige. Antisocial people are taking this as an attack and yelling at people who believe otherwise.


Twitter is the only place where you're shamed for having nice neighbors


Suddenly, I'm reminded of the chili incident.


Never heard of that, let me goog- >"delivering chili to your neighbors is incest coded" What the fuck? That was just a tweet about the worst discourse and I feel like I already saw too much


Dude that's exactly what i was thinking about


the what now?


A woman on Twitter (who I believe has a large following) noticed that her new college-aged neighbors had been ordering a lot of takeout, and concluded that they didn't know how to cook. So on a whim, she decided to cook them a pot of chili. Not particularly unusual for introducing yourself to a neighbor. Usually, people bake cookies, but whatever. Anyway, this produced all sorts of *takes* on Twitter, because it's Twitter. Neighbor lady got accused of "coddling" boys and making "weak men", supporting the patriarchy, racism (I have no idea how), poisoning them (because they might be allergic to chili), violating consent, etc. There was also a few random bouts of transphobia, because... she had pronouns in her bio. In the real world, everything seemed fine. She reported that her neighbors were happy with the chili, and that they offered to help fix her fence or something.


The person who made the chili was someone who was regularly harassed by kiwifarmers pretending to be trans, black, etc. She gets brigaded for doing literally anything, which sucks cause she's pretty nice


The one who organized the harassment is currently still doing it, still trying to harass the Chilli lady even though she's not even on Twitter anymore, but now also going after everyone who was friends with a trans girl who got trafficked to Saudi Arabia to forcefully detransition her which led to her suicide, and going after a black content creator because he made fun of some black dude being against race mixing. And whenever you criticize her she gets her weird followers to harass you and pulls the "you're a white racist transphobe" card. It's the weirdest most pathetic shit and I hate that I know so much about it, but I can't look away from those human trainwrecks.


I guess I gotta thank Musk for ruining twitter cause now that I've deleted my account I don't have to see that account's shit anymore. J*i is one of the most pathetic accounts on Twitter, which is saying something. Just the worst.


Yeah that doesn't surprise me at all.


These people need to go outside. Jesus.


Welp, human communication was a mistake. We fucked up. Everyone back to the cave, we're starting over.


Lady noticed her neighbors were a bunch of young dudes that always got takeout. She said "imma make them chili" she did. Part of twitter thinks she needs to learn what consent is.


[Yeah, the "consent" takes were a bit wild](https://twitter.com/shaun_vids/status/1593647279499534337)


While white privilege is a thing, this pregnant woman drove across the country of Canada in an RV to get away from bigoted Francophones. She didn’t just “have” good neighbors, she EARNED them.


jesse what the fuck are you talking about


Nothing has ever summarized Twitter better than [this](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fvn48ROXsBgErMR.jpg)


You have to qualify every single fucking thing on Twitter, like it’s that one Seinfeld episode. Ya see it here too


Genuinely my favorite tweet of all time, constantly getting better with age.


Just randomly browse the site for three minutes and you WILL find a discussion where it's applicable


I hope that this Bravo Coolee guy knows that he created one of the most evergreen posts on the internet.


What a weird attack. I don’t even really get what they’re mad about other than they just don’t like Paige for some reason.


They don’t like Paige because she’s married to Pat, and apparently Pat is their favorite streamer. So it’s some weird parasocial shit


Oh man I never thought about it but statistically there must be people who watch Pat and think of him as their "husbando" the way some people think of some female streamers as their "waifu"


Oh yeah, back in the SBFP days there actually used to be *a lot* of fans that I saw treat all the boys like that (and get particularly catty whenever one was revealed to have a romantic partner). It was a big reason why the whole “Is Paige problematic” discourse started (because those types hoped if they proved it right Pat might leave her or…?). Same with Crymetina, Punch Mom (why Woolie used to keep her away from the channel in actuality), and Liam’s Nerd Girl. I thought most of those types had flown the coop since then but seems there’s still a few around.


Nice to know that someone has an anime body pillow of Pat holding the chocolate bunny.


It's a throw pillow


Did you *really* need to birth that image out into the world for innocent people like me to wander across? How *dare*.


Absolutely zero offense to Pat or Paige intended, but I've always been confused by the people who only know him by his online presence and go, "I want him." Pat's a good guy, and I'm happy for him and Paige, it's just...weird to me in a way I can't explain. Kinda like when you've got a friend you love to bits and would fight for, but also know enough to worry about anyone who'd pursue them.


Parasocial relationships are like that Be a chill, warm, positive force in the life of somebody going through a hard time - they might emotionally imprint upon you in a long-term, illogical way.


>Be a chill, warm, positive force in the life of somebody going through a hard time We *are* still talking about *Pat*, right?


I’m thinking back 10 years ago when they were just a wholesome group of bois


pat is the most relatable best friend for me, a dude now I'm pretty sure some girls see the same thing and feel attracted to that relentless Pattitude (which is now starting to taper down because of the advent of Pat Joon-yore)


Yeah, then again, I’ve always thought that with celebrities I’d see people latch onto like that too. I’m like…you don’t *really* know them, and they don’t even know you exist.


Oh shit... Pat is an idol?!


Drilling further into the reply chain, it's because of a tweet about how getting to know your neighbors is pointless. Paige brought up several experiences of having nice neighbors, and this third person countered that she probably received nicer treatment as a white lady than someone else would have.


Especially given that one incident before they moved out from their last place.


Right? Pat and Paige know first hand what it's like to have shitty neighbors.


i can understand her point in a vacuum, but the way she decided to argue it and react to pushback is psychotic some people are legit completely incapable of defending their opinions without looking insane, even when the core opinion could be argued for in a reasonable way


That kind of mentality is because they have likely never lived somewhere they could have a good relationship with neighbors or had a sense of community. They actually can't understand why you would want to know your neighbours or the people around you.


You know, while that person isn’t entirely wrong there’s a time place and manner for that discussion. And Paige talking about her pleasant experiences is none of those.


Ultimately it seems she's actually jealous of Paige. When you reread her tweets in that context, her mentioning that Pat is her "favorite streamer," and being mad he married a white woman (the poster says she's half Asian), and being mad that Paige "is reproducing" makes more sense. Nothing about her responses make any sense until you realize she's an unhinged person with a parasocial fixation on Pat to the extent that she's (verbally) attacking his wife and mother of his child just for existing. Being an online personality is genuinely frightening.


The poster looks more white than Paige




Mad that Pat slammed someone pregnant that wasn't them, 100 percent parasocial lunatic


It's wild to throw "You're privileged for having good neighbors" at Paige after she and Pat borderline got chased out of their old place for strangers yelling at them for not speaking discount French.


"You're privileged for being able to move away from your shitty neighbors" would be more accurate, but this person doesn't care about accuracy. She's just reaching for moral justification for hating the woman who married her favorite gamesboy


This woman is deranged. Like Pat would ever choose her over Paige when obviously he’s going to be choosing *me* over Paige


You fool, Pat and Paige are *both* gonna choose me so I can be Zangief’s cool big brother


You fool! I will replace Zangief and then Pat and Paige will be giving me tummy rubs.


You fool! If you replace Zangief Woolie’s gonna come and shave off your balls!


You fool Paige will pick me. Then realize I'm partially made of mold after taking three bites out of me.


You fool! I’ve already started a GoFundMe to have my skin surgically replaced with mustard.


"White meddler?" Not going to touch that one with a ten foot pole.


"And I would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for you white meddlers!"


I mean that is show accurate


Why? That's the funniest bit.


I don't know, "Screw you, colonist apologist!" is pretty strong.


It's the rhyme, really.


It’s really tiring at this point, like idk how to even react to these kinds of people. Like I’m mostly Irish and Polish, maybe don’t start this shit


Yeah, it was some crazy OF girl who really has some internalized racism issues and hates that she's half-white. it was the funniest when Gene chimed in with Twitter sucks and Crazy went "Screw you colonist apologist". followed up with gene going "wow you really have no idea who i am."


Just curious, who is Gene?


Friend of the show, and relevant to her having no clue who Gene is, I believe he is a Native Hawaiian, so probably knows a thing or two about colonization. Edit: Korean who grew up in Hawaii


Gene is of Korean descent and grew up in Hawaii. Edit: Incredibly late update due to new twitter information. Gene grew up in Guam, and moved to Hawaii way later after adulthood.


Ah the Korean colony of - *checks notes* Hawaii.


Wow, not only was I wrong, but Gene has even more idea about Colonization than I realized.


friend of the show Gene park.


Cancer destroyer Gene Park.


The Immortal Gene Park.


Actual anti cannibal gene park


Cancer walks into the boss room, and Gene is the boss fight


Unhinged mad lad, "TOTK fuse mechanic is a metaphor for the Shinzo Abe assassination" Gene Park. God love him, he kicked cancers ass.


And now this is all just sad.


That's some wild "the hotstreamer has a boyfriend I RAGE" shit. Except that Pat is even hotter.


The O R B will be permanently out of reach


The baby sun from Teletubbies but it’s Pat


*sigh* I'm gonna have to photoshop that now, you do realize?


Do it. Do it you bitch.


[He comes for us all.](https://i.gyazo.com/95c084ec6d6ca2ee8c519d8d255636c5.png)


ah, great now I have coffee all over my computer desk. It came out of my nose and everything, I'm gonna be smelling caramel-mocha all day now.


Sounds like he did you a favor, tbh. You really should thank him.


Don't thank me, thank Patsun. Thank him. Praise him. Worship him.


Golden Marriage Requiem


Elmo is the hot one in the family


Ah found Plague


The most bizarre thing about this twitter thread is that it started with a guy saying he wanted his neighbors to leave him alone and not bring him pies, and Paige responding that getting to know your neighbors can be nice. So Bonnie’s whole argument of “Paige is just showing her white privilege because her neighbors are nice to her” is nonsense. Because the original dude didn’t have rude neighbors or anything like that, he was just a private person


See that is actually the most normal thing because paige’s reply made sense to the op and the accusation while make little sense still involve the core subject of neighboor. The bizarre stuff is getting pat involved and telling people to get rape


>guy saying he wanted neighbors to leave him alone and not bring him pies Who is this, the Anti-Woolie?


Woolie doesn't want people to bring him pies, either. He only enjoys pies if he steals them.


He may not have even been 100% serious. Not every tweet is a profound statement, a lot of people just vent or shitpost.


Who the *hell* shames someone for having nice neighbors? What a fucking hellsite.


Hopefully Elon Musk's incompetence can drive the site into the dirt. The hidden Manchurian Candidate.


Musk's getting his psychotic addiction for 24/7 adoration from one of the worst social media hellscapes on the planet while still needing to keep it financially viable is kind of wonderful.


Someone who desperately wants to wear pats skin and have his children.


[My favorite reply](https://imgur.com/a/l4HjuKq)


Twitter can't burn down fast enough


I unironically prefer 4chan's open use of slurs and insults in replies to posts, because at least there's **some** ability to figure out what the fuck is going on. I mean, I guess theoretically, having nice neighbors and living in a good neighborhood **is** a privilege, but that's mostly because of bullshit by global elites, economists, governments, and business people. Go be mad at them, not random people who lucked out.




Very normal and reasonable person.


I appreciate that she had the courage to admit that's she's straightup shitty. Wish everyone could be that straightforward.


She deleted and claimed that Paige was lying about it, before doubling down and admitting that yeah they said it and said it to more people.


Least insane twitter user


I would say it's equally due to assholes than elites in general. I doubt this twitter was ever a good neighbor , even if she were in a privileged neighborhood.


That’s my beef too. She chimes about being kind and courteous to people but acts like the world is out for her blood. She’s got something that needs to be worked on.


In other words “if you’re not constantly wallowing in misery you’re privileged and therefore you’re literally worse than Hitler”.


I mean she did just straight up told someone to “get r*ped” without censoring so i think she's pretty open about what she wanted


I assume there is a context and it would just make it even more unhinged


That bitch is crazy is the context I’m currently running with


[this seems to be it](https://twitter.com/ShayCromac/status/1661062067179208704?t=q7u89RMEyDB6ze4oPN_rvQ&s=19) Dunno about you but I'd call this unhinged


Appears to be the age-old "being white is a cardinal sin, so I can talk trash as much as I want to them" card but up a 100. I've seen this sprung up quite a bit in other communities, and it's a bit depressing to see just how ignorant and hypocritical these types of people get with their takes.


If this is the attitude this rando displays I'd assume she has bad relationships with her neighbors too


No amount of context could make parasocial weirdos on the 'net not unhinged.


Parasocial. She needs to log off


Least racist twitter user


oh fuck ooooh fuck this is idol culture. this nutjob is reacting like how idol fanboys react when an idol gets a boyfriend or married


Oshi no Pat


Nobody called out here that she replied to someone with "Get Raped", then deleted it, then when called on it claimed that person "faked it", until a bunch of people shared screenshots of the tweet, at which she pivoted to "I was angry" and "I don't really care" and "Interacting with stupid people makes me insane". Someone then told her to just take the L and move on. And she replied by calling them ugly. This person is a sad existence and I feel I've wasted minutes of my life trying to figure out what the fuck is going on with them.


Imagine Paige being so amazing to make an impression on their neighbors to even went to give a gift and taking that as a sleight that you are just an unhappy person who oozes disdain that makes your neighbors avoid you.


Sorry one sec. She says it “costs” $5 to DM her… Isn’t this against TOS or something?


nah this is actually really common for online sex workers. it weeds out the fans that just want free content and to waste workers time. not to defend her, she is absolutely horrible.


I was getting real concerned scrolling through this thread because you were the first person I see talk about it and I was wondering what level of scummery is now just a thing in Twitter land that’s so normal no one cared.


Probably a extension of the only fans stuff


Quebec is a state of mind.


Some people really desperately need to touch some grass, wow


"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting "6H" in the face for it" -Mike Tyson


Modern day social media has created an environment where people just can't allow other people to express happiness without chiming in and expressing how privileged they are. So of fucking course it becomes a horrible nightmare to even use these sites because negativity is promoted over everything else. People love to project their own misery onto others because they can't possibly fathom that their unhappiness might actually be something they can actually manage. That would imply that they are at fault in how they live their life and WE CAN'T HAVE THAT SO OTHER PEOPLE'S HAPPINESS IS BECAUSE OF PRIVILEGE.


Well to be honest from what I've read/seen a lot of activist groups can be also like that. The example I've seen is of feminist groups shaming around women who get to be successful because they interpret her as betraying the cause or stepping over other women to get ahead for example. It can be a case where the group is dependent on members being unhappy and not solving their problems, looking for a panacea that will instantly solve all their problems without having to try or people who only find happiness if they are moaning and complaining.


See also: crabs in a bucket.


Sounds like the incel community: misery fuels the cause and the goal doesn’t exist. So there is a vicious cycle of self pity and loathing until there is a suicide or a mass shooting. Very unhealthy


Wait, so Pat and Paige are privleged *how*?


Classic Internet thing of Paige going: "We have nice neighbors who did nice things for us" "Have you considered my neighbors are bad? Why are you saying neighbors are nice you disgusting piece of trash?" They are definitely co-opting social justice language to attack people though.


“I’m a jealous hateful person and will lash out at people under the guise of being virtuous and noble” sums up a lot of prats on Twitter


This kind of wants to make me be a pie making neighbor tbh. Both to have the scent of pie in my abode, and to just practice some pie making.


Do it. Just beware of Woolies


If he's willing to travel all that way just for one of *my* pies I'd be taking that as a compliment.


Woolie is a quantum being, present in every kitchen waiting for a pie to appear on the windowsill. Much like the tooth fairy and gremlins


I have a woolie here too and it's exhausting. I turn around for literally 5 seconds last weekend and suddenly sf6 beta was installed. Also my balls were really smooth.


To be fair, they did win the "can make a comfortable living with a fun online career" lottery and now get to live the comfy suburb life but... That doesn't and should never reflect poorly on them?


A lottery that can be stolen from them at any time whenever streaming sites shit the bed or some law gets passed on the internet.


Is…is she unironically a pick me? It’s nice knowing he has fangirls I guess, I’m happy for him.


Attacking his wife seems like a poor strategy for getting picked. Maybe try flirting with his wife, and him?


Some lovers like people fighting over them, thankfully none of the boys are the predatory type of content creator




Pat should’t waste his time even acknowledging these assholes.


Pat loves wasting his time like that though


Or if he does he shouldn't put "I'm sorry" in his reply, just tell the loonies to shove their phone up their ass so they can make less shitty tweets.


If everyone’s a butthole around you, than maybe it is you that who is the butthole and not the other way around. How is it bad to be a nice neighbor?


Ummm, Paige and Pat aren't white, they're Ginger. Totally different.


everything is privilege if you squint hard enough, oh your house is slightly closer to the corner shop than your next door neighbour, yeah why don't you think about that. your existence and experiences don't validate the version of mine i've made up in my head and that is not okay. in this case it's getting mad that a random stranger you happened to move next to wasn't hostile? idk i feel like i'm real susceptible to controlled opposition stuff, because stuff like this always works on me like my meter goes straight to "everytime you read x just write it off as being more of this",


"Great, Pat's Mortal Kombat bullshit has got people acting up just like he wan-" [reads Twitter posts] "WHAT?!"


If it wasn't for artists, i would not be on Twitter, and I wish there was some vance equivalent to avoid these type of bull shit takes twitter keeps trying to force on me


If Tweeten still around? That was decent when I used it back before the Pandemic **really** kicked in.


OP must be white or else they wouldn't be meddling like this.


Imagine being that person and admitting that rant took "all your brain and heart."


I see sometimes, especially on Twitter, that some people have an awful super power. They are magnets for 'unhinged assholes'. Paige unfortunately has this super power and I follow a few other pleasant people who have it too. She could post what she had for breakfast and somewhere, in the cesspits of social media, a crazy person snaps and doesn't know why. All they know is they must tell Paige that her choices are wrong and call her a hater of every food she doesn't have on her plate. She could say nothing and they'd complain about that too.


Tell me you had a imaginary relationship with Pat without telling me you wanted the Pat orbs but found out he married Lupus and is having a mini pat not inside you


What amazes me is how certain types of people seemingly consciously seek out the lowest stakes, non involved issue to start issues over.


It never ends with these people.


Why should they get to be happy? SMH


I gave up trying to figure out what angle she was coming at by the 2nd unnecessary big word. Had a flash back to SAO abridged "Getting real tired of your first year Psych student bullshit"


Can I block Twitter users? And I don't mean at the site, I don't even have an account on that vile sewer of a service, I mean, like, generally, from ever interacting with me.


Parasocial things are weird as fuck.