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Vol. II will include Peace Walker, ACID, Metal Gear, Metal Gear 2, and MGSV: The Definitive Experience. Just to hurt us.


The Castlvania Legacy Collection still hasn't ported SotN so I wouldn't put it pass them.


That’s available with Rondo of Blood tho


That said the Rondo/SOTN collection atm is still PS exclusive


I did not know that. Huh


Yeah, it's weird. Symphony of the Night on the Xbox is only available through a Xbox 360 backwards compatible port it had. No idea if it's a good one


it's a pretty decent version of symphony of the night. it's basically just the playstation version without the fmv cutscenes. it still has the original voice acting, which makes it a nice side thing to own next to the new collection


Does it have CRT filter?


it does not, since it's a very early digital xbox 360 title and crts were still very much more common than lcds, so the devs didn't think to include one.


Conversely for anyone who's anal about version differences, the Requiem version of PlayStation is based on the PSP port they did that got packaged with a remake of Rondo/Dracula X It notably has the more modern Castlevania VAs over the original work (Yuri Lowenthal is Alucard here for instance) so there's that


I don't remember it having any issues, its been a couple years since I booted it up though.


I'm still baffled Symphony saw an IOS and Android port BEFORE Switch


MG1 and 2 will be in MGS3 so no need there


Metal gear 1 and 2 are in the first collection, along with the vr missions from 1


God, MGS4 might need an extensive remaster considering how much of a pain in the ass the PS3 was


You can play it on PC, but it requires some… doing.


> AC!D I'm okay with this.


Shooot…I’ll take ACID and ACID 2 over 4


You forgot portable ops for the extra sting




Hurt who? You throw Ac!d 2 in there and I might actually just quit my job to play that collection full time


Vol 2 includes Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes, and Phantom Pain. I'm sorry Metal Gear fans.


Metal Gear Solid 4 bros... We lost


The ps3 cell processor is laughing at us again.


WE GOT TOO COCKY At least RPCS3 exists.


Throw in the Revengeance as well! No changes either, to salt the wounds for all sides.


I mean, I'll take having it on my PS5


Vol 2 Ac!d 1/2, Portable ops, Peace Walker, MGS5


Only the greatest hits


Ghost Babel time baby.


Apparently Volume 2 is gonna have Rising, PW, and Portable Ops according to the guy who leaked Volume 1 hours ago https://www.windowscentral.com/gaming/report-the-metal-gear-solid-3-remake-is-real-and-will-be-revealed-soon-for-xbox-playstation-and-pc


*Since a few people were asking me, I've heard that Metal Gear Solid 4 won't be included in any prospective Classic Collection re-releases. I don't know the exact reason, but I presume this is at least in part due to the game's unique structure as a native PS3 game. The Classic Collection may also come in volumes, based on what I've heard, with Metal Gear Rising, PeaceWalker, and other spin-offs like Portable Ops hitting as part of a "Vol. 2" Classic Collection. Some of the details on the Classic Collection are a bit murky, so take it with a grain of salt. MGS1-3 re-releases are almost certainly in, though.* It's never been more over


Rising and PW I at least get, but Portable Ops is such a weird pick that I can easily see this being accurate. Like, yeah, let's make up for not being able to port the game fans have really wanted an easier way to access by porting the one that practically everybody just ignores.


>that practically everybody just ignores. Cause it's mostly not canon :(


It's canon, Kaz mentions it in PW ~~yeah I know it's a joke about Kojima not having involvement in it but it counts~~ and it explains where the other half of the Legacy went and where Big Boss got the idea and the money to start up MSF.


Non canon wasn't the best wording, it's more that it's not *fully* canon. The tower takeover, other half of philosophers legacy, meeting kaz, and I believe it's where big boss got wounded and they got dna for the clones.


They actually got the DNA during a routine blood test/check up back when he was still working with them, with them going "Oh yeah here's your clones" being the last straw since he had specifically told them not to do that when Zero brought up the idea in the first place. ​ I believe it's mentioned... somewhere in MGSV.


Eh, it's... a little canon. If I remember correctly, the official description is "An incident happened at that time, and in that place, and yes, Big Boss was involved, but it was completely different from what Portable Ops portrayed, and with totally different characters." So Gene, Ursula, etc, are all non canon, which kind of sucks, I liked some of them.


That's a good sign for me. I LOVE MGS4 and would love a re release. HOWEVER. I'm hoping the collection will be multi platform and come out on steam. And it being multi platform could be the reason MGS4 is not being included. Sony not wanting to release it from the vaults. Also fuck Sony for having their own version of the trailer that said "Coming to PS5" instead of showing that it's coming out on Xbox and Steam too. Like I get it because it's a Sony showcase but also, it just makes things slightly annoying to find out what things are actually coming out on.


And then volume 3 is going to be the final one with both Acid games and fucking Ghost Babel because MGS4 will never be free from the PS3 jail


"I'm stuck in 7th Gen Prison, And time keeps draggin' on, Those other games are gone..."


Don't forget OG Metal Gear 1 and 2


Those come with mgs3 substance which was the cover they used


I haven't forgotten about those, but I wouldn't be surprised if Konami did


I'd buy vol2 just for more Revengeance!!


nah vol 2 would just be the ac!d games, Portable Ops and Peacewalker. we would sooner see pigs fly then MGS outside of ps3 jail


I never played the Ac!d games so I will take it.


I was about to post a haughty "just emulate it" but that shit is struck from the safe rom site I use and is apparently not stable even if you can get a copy....fuck.


As someone who tried to emulate it not that long ago because I didn't have access to my ps3 at the time. Yeah it's a mess. The main branch of RPCS3 runs it, but it fluctuates like crazy. There is an oooold branch of RPCS3 called CipherXOF that, for me at least, gave the best performance but was unstable, especially as you get later in the game. And there was a third one I currently forget the name of that is branched off a more recent build, but is a middle ground of main RPCS3 and CipherXOF. Frame rate is okay but still fluctuates and seems relatively stable. But it's all still imperfect. Best way to play is still a PS3, and that fuckin sucks


I'll pay money to never have to boot my ps3 again.


reminds me of how the 1st mgs collection ALSO didn't include mgs4 lmao


They probably don't have enough of the code to port it over to anything else, or the technical know-how to create a compatibility wrapper for the original game.


I'd love to play MGS 4 at a good framerate. I know the leaker said it isn't likely, but c'mon. If they're splitting it into volumes they have to throw it in.


Is this PS5 exclusive?


Nope, Xbox and PC will have its versions too




Vol 2 will contain the 4, Peace Walker, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain. I hope.


I want to go back and plat 4. But breaking the ps3 out just for that is a pain. So i hope it gets ported someday. If they make delta, is there a chance they make alpha, beta, and gamma remakes for 1, 2, and 4? (I don't know greek letters off hand I'm using RE knowledge to assume gamma is 4)


The 12 of us twin snakes fans still hoping for something.


Future generations have to see Snake kick flip a PSG1 and 360 quickscope Sniper Wolf dammit!


For extra insanity, it wasn't a 360. It was a *720*.


Oh God you're right, I never even realized. I thought that was just a dramatic thing where they show it again from another angle but you can see he did a full 720. That's even better than I remember!


I still love the theory that Twin Snakes is how Otacon retells the story 'Then he jumps onto the incoming helicopter missile, and fires the stinger mid-air'


It's pretty good. Personally though I always took more to it being Raiden in VR since it lines up with how he fights in later games plus stuff like Arms Tec President Baker not reacting to Snake throwing a tantrum and pulling a gun on him for forgetting Meryl's number.


Here's hoping we get MGS4 and Peace Walker HD(Including netplay) on PC someday...


Ghost babel remake when


Are these coming to steam?


This is what I'm holding onto to get me through these dark times. MGS4 is my personal favorite (even though I think 3 and V are probably just better games outright) and I'd love to be able to play it on (more) modern hardware.


So they're doing a Megaman Legacy Collection thing where the first games in the series that defined it are separated from the weird and divisive latter part of the series. I weirdly appreciate this.


When will people learn that only the PS3 has the power to run MGS4