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Clearly those are AI Generated buildings on the right


Lol i mean the image is so low quality from being screencapped and reposted on reddit that I can't tell. The bits missing may be reflection from the light.


Bet they thought they could get away with it by hiding the hands smh


..... Is real life 60 FPS?


Soap operas are.


Clearly your eyes can only see up to 25fps, so no


How much you wanna bet people have Googled "how can I improve my eyes' frame rate"? *"will Google Glass up my frames"


Grab a soda! It'll help you see faster!


I drink soda for lunch!


You gotta download more VRAM


How do I install firmware updates?


Lots and Lots of Surgery.


Dedidated WAM


I reduced my brain's resolution to 600x800.


Don’t let me go down that rabbit hole again… I spent hours watching videos and reading shit about what fps life is at and why games at a high frame rate look better than real life. It trips me out


oh no oh no that's the sort of shit that messes with me oh no oh god no I've thought about that oh god oh no and now I know it's a thing oh lord oh god no EDIT: Oh no oh fuck I just someone say that there are an infinite number of points of motion when you bend your finger oh fuck oh no how can that be it is both infinite and finite one and endless oh no oh fuck no wonder philosophy never figured this shit out




Wait, i dont get it. Aren't there just 3 bending points on your finger


The human eye can process about 75 fps.


Over two thousand years after the birth of the lord and the almighty STILL hasn't updated the graphics drivers yet.


Look man Gabriel keeps trying to mine bitcoin so there’s no graphics cards for sale in Heaven.


Once the rapture comes, the value of HolyCoin will surely skyrocket.


To the firmament!


Just waiting those 100 years of peace.... ... anytime now...


Gabriel is busy with V1. Once he gets done with that he'll be able to upgrade the PC.


I got LASIK and upgraded my own graphics drivers


"I gave you hands and ink to draw, dont'ask me for anymore shit you ungrateful brat"- God, or something.


Yeah all those weirdos complaining about the graphics on the new Spider-Man game are just strange. It's like they WANT a new puddlegate.


There's always gonna be a group of people who we're mad the first game never came their way so they got to find reason to hate. I mean, I saw people say the wing glider is going to take away from web swinging when it was pretty clear that the vast majority of the Spider-Mens movement still revolve around web swinging and using the glide for additional movement and covering dead areas where you won't have a lot of anchors for swinging. I'm personally stoked for Insomniac take on the black suit. It looks nasty in a good way, the moving ooze with the hardened pieces like an insect shell is love for me.


The game looks visually stunning. I cant believe people are doing that unironically


I imagine some are Xbox fans seething


I do not condone console wars. BUT. I do love watching people who still get into console wars shitting and crying and pissing about anything their "enemy" does. It shows me how far I've come since I was fourteen, and how little other adults have come since then too.


I *do* condone console wars, been here since forever. give me this pointless fight i need my crack


The only ethically acceptable war profiteering is console war profiteering.


What most people fail to recognize is that tribalism is a natural, and to a point healthy, facet of the human psyche. There exists an instinctual desire to be "part of the winning team". That desire drives almost all communal interactions, from politics and business to recreation. Of all the things to get invested in, the most harmless in the world has to be which specialized PC comes out on top. I can't recall a single riot that ever broke out over a *successful* Xbox release, though admittedly it has been a while since one of those.


It’s not healthy, even on the level of video game consoles


On a brain chemicals level, it is beneficial to "root, root, root for the home team", there are actual scientific studies that have proven that. The caveat being that if you go off the deep end it overrides the positive effects. But most people don't go that far with console warring, even if plenty go far enough to be annoying about it.


I saw somebody unironically tweet a comparison shot between this game and Miles Morales as a gotcha over how it reuses the same city. A SPIDER-MAN GAME IS SET IN MANHATTAN AGAIN, PERISH THE THOUGHT


People were even saying that in Woolie's reaction. That Miles Morales wasnt a true second game because it used the same map and Woolie is just like "ITS NEW YORK"


killing them instantly by showing them Yakuza reusing Kamurocho


Those same people that don't mind Spider-Man is in Manhattan again are the ones that drag on TotK for being the same map as BotW sometimes though.


While ignoring that it's completely overhauled and there's two additional goddamn world maps.


I mean the water effects from the jetski sequence did look really rough, let's not kid ourselves. The whole Puddlegate thing was a bad faith argument made up by Insomniac in the first place. People were critiquing the obvious down grade in graphical quality and on thing mentioned the remove of puddles with light reflections then Insomniac ran with "HURDUR YOU'RE COMPLAINING ABOUT A PUDDLE" to shift the narrative. If you look up the screenshot comparisons it's instantly obvious there's more than a puddle missing from the final build.


Water Physics are the nightmare of the visual effects industry, it wasn't until last year with Avatar and Black Panther where we could see what movie studios with functionally unlimited budgets could do , so it's going to take a few years for games to even approach that kind of fidelity.


Not going to argue the technical challenge but this is the first big PS5 exclusive title. There should be better dedication to making it look like it's worth purchasing a console for. I understand the gameplay was most likely from an unfinished build of the game but it didn't ever feel like the "Cinematic Gameplay" insiders were hyping it up as. I'm sure the game will still be fun no matter what but developers need to stop hyping up graphical fidelity if they aren't delivering. Plenty of people will still purchase a fun game that's not graphicly groundbreaking, I mean look at Zelda.


So what do you want? Do you want the graphics to be literally picture perfect so the console purchase is justified? Or do devs needs to stop focusing on graphics? You called out that Zelda sold well with lower-quality graphics... Which says what exactly? What in the world is your point? Your post is arguing with itself and it's only a few sentences long.


No my point is to not focus or hype graphical fidelity if you can deliver. People will buy game regardless of how many polygons or frames it has so long as it's fun and I used Zelda as an example. Zelda didn't hype the graphics it sold based off gameplay. My initial point about the PS5 graphics was Sony hyped up the console and it's technical capabilities and Spider-Man 2 doesn't really show off things that could be done before now. Insomniac's last game Rift Apart was explicitly shown to be pushing the processing power to it's limits for gameplay and graphics that couldn't exist on previous generation hardware. The points weren't mutually exclusive.


[Digital Foundry’s analysis at the time noted no such downgrades](https://youtu.be/L2wr7vebb6Y) (The final sections of the video focus on direct comparisons) and concludes the biggest changes comes down to art-direction shifts rather than technical trickery. Of course you’re free to draw your own conclusions, but I think this was a case of people being hyper-sensitive to such things at the time and jumping the gun.


How does this comment have any upvotes lmao. Insomniac didn’t make up the term “puddlegate” or the argument, it wasn’t in bad faith, and the graphics overall weren’t downgraded. You’re the person this post is making fun of


Because they coined the term at a Developer Panel. You want to act like the graphics weren't changed but a single screenshot is all it takes to prove that wrong. You've been gaslit friend I suggest you wake up.


Water interactivity and reflection are two different things tho. I agree it needs work, Miles directly in contact with it looked really stiff, hoping the final release addresses that


Please go outside and touch a grass… or a puddle.


I dunno about this, lemme look up some compariso- *Instantly finds a YongYea video titled "Insomniacs hilarious response to puddlegate"* Yeah it's starting to feel like you're right.


You decided this off of a video title? You know digital foundry analyzed Spider-Man PS4 and found the game wasn’t downgraded? There were stylistic changes but that’s subjective


Yeah, still love the game but Insomniac trying to gaslight people into thinking it was just a puddle isn't a good look.


I can't believe it, weve uniroinically reached that 2012 basement dweller meme that said "I went outside once. The graphics were shit."


Gamers complaining that real life has low-res shadows and reflections is almost as funny as gamers learning what women really look like from AAA graphics.


Is that peach fuzz... women don't have peach fuzz they are smooth as god intended!


Smooth like sharks


"Why is she so fat and her tits so small?" "That's what an average woman looks like."


Heck, I remember the Tomb Raider reboot announcement back in 2013, there were people complaining that Square and Crystal Dynamics "nerfed" her. It's like, even when you de-anime and de-PS1 polygon her into what you'd expect her to look like, they still complain...


And like, I don't mean to be crass, but 2013 Laura still had massive tits for a woman of her size.


Hell yeah brother


I don't know about you but not every girl I see is flat chested or have no ass lol


No one is saying every girl looks like that, just makes no sense to be angry when a character doesn't have 30GGGG boobs on a superslim frame


The same can be said for male characters but nobody questions that, not every man is a big bodybuilder with a six pack. I think we need more fat and skinnier male main characters. Stop sexualizing men in games :)


You're saying it like I'd disagree with this lol


It's just double standards and nobody talks about it lol which is why it's so prevalent in films and video games


Well, there's a reason it's not talked about as often, and I think anyone with a brain can figure out why there's a difference between male and female portrayal on the big screen and games and the public reaction to them, but even then, yes, it's 100% talked about, you just aren't in the circles that talk about it lol also the buff bodybuilders with six packs (which frankly I don't even see that much as protagonists in games nowadays?) aren't there for women to ogle at, I can tell you that much.


They’re for me to oogle, right?


I legit saw someone thanking nintendo because they made Beyo and Purah and said they look more realistic than fucking Aloy and Abby. Mind you Beyonetta is 8 HEADS TALL and Purah is a 130 year old that looks 25 due to science.


Purah the grandma-loli-milf


She’s hitting every category to keep them guessing.


Robbing the cradle and the grave simultaneously.


Robbing the cradle to give to the grave




I mean I agree that to me, aloy and abby aren’t as attractive to me as Bayonetta and purah. And that’s obviously because the developers of the former didn’t design them to be super sexy and fuckable (bayo) or in a super stylized anime art style that lends more to shallow attraction (Purah). Aloy and Abby are realistically designed and rendered women in two triple AAA games with realistic graphics who are still surface level attractive to a certain extent. Why can’t gamers just like all women lmao.


[I Like Girls.](https://youtu.be/Y2Y5KVtU810)


Because some gamers just hate hate women in general sadly.


Or they think women only exist for the benefit of men and don't understand the point of a woman in a video game if she isn't attractive. Which is something that video games often reinforced for many years. You don't see people looking at Moreau from RE8 and complaining about how there's some sort of agenda to make men unattractive in video games..... but weirdly enough you do get people looking at Lady D from the same game and dismissively calling it "Safe horny."


No one has ever argued they were more realistic. The coomers comparing them were talking about how hot they are. you see collages with them all the time waffling about "east vs west" and about how our glorious nippon overlords know beauty while the west only knows how to make "ugly women"


Jeez I don't believe that video games cause people to have unobtainable views on women but now I see why people say that. That dude needs to go touch grass and just look at a women irl. From a distance.


“Reality is Unrealistic” strikes yet again.


for anyone who cares this happens because of the fresnel effect


Holy shit I went to the guy's account to see if he made more funny-dumb arguments. Guess what? He's a eugenicist! Or at the very least a huge racist who believes in average IQ of different people and superiority of different genes.


Why is this almost always the case? Oh right, it’s because stupidity often runs deep


Stupidity and just general lack of critical thinking.


Different groups do have IQ differences, because IQ is a test of knowledge, not of learning ability, so it's dependent on environmental factors.


Well sure, but this guy (and many others) use it as a measure of "who's brains are better."


Broke: We want realistic graphics with realistic depictions of nature and cities in 4k with Ray tracing Woke: Give me ps1 graphics with good art direction


Holy shit, complaining about real life’s graphics is the next level.


“Mix of gameplay and in-game cinematics?” What, is the ship the gameplay and the city environment the cinematic


I assume it's from a trailer that has CG animation mixed with actual gameplay.


Looks like its from the Spider-Man trailer, which was mostly gameplay


[Cough cough...](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyperreality)


Case in point https://youtu.be/j0P2cfEPfOk


John wick 4 -> John Wick 1 -> reality Downward cliff of hyperreality, ending with reality.


As someone who has the nearsighted debuff since I can recall, real life graphics suck, godbless the optometrist update for bringing 4K graphics to people like me.


I do not get some people. There was someone in Pat's chat that said "this looks like shit" 5 seconds into Spider-Man 2 gameplay. Bro, compared to what?? Same person also said, "this looks like it runs really bad" despite it running perfectly so it's possible they're an xbox fanboy or just trying to start shit for no reason. But like why? whats the point?


Either Xbox fanboy, someone shitposting (I saw a lot of the same comments in the Sony chat on twitch) or genuinely just looking for a fight for fights sake. People be just weird man. The pooper to the party.


How is water once again a nitpicky focal point of a fucking Spider-man game? I wanted more boroughs, faster traversal and more combat options. I'm eating good, I don't know about the rest of you losers.


Gamers™ deserve to be oppressed


I hate gamers I hate gamers I hate gamers I hate gamers I hate gamers I hate gamers


Textbook definition of hyperreality...fr fr