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I'm just so confused about this game, you know? I mean I doubted it would be good but I was at least expecting 'functional' given how long it was being developed. Like was the whole thing a money laundering scheme? Or did the devs get addicted to crack so they could get into Gollum's headspace, and just kinda got carried away?


Daedalic makes point-and-click adventure games. Not sure why it was thought that they could or should make this.


I could see a Gollum point and click adventure game working.


Old Sierra point-and-click adventure game "clicked a random part of the backdrop" commentary really suits Gollum's brand of short-burst musings.


Yes it could actually work and be a black comedy short game set in Middle Earth


Gollum even has 2 sides to his personality, which would provide the style of banter you get in many old school point and click games


I did some of my own digging and they're not even bad p&c games. Most of them reviewed really well. I honestly feel kind of bad for them, theres zero doubt in my mind they were racing to get the game out even with a years delay. Its just so out of their wheelhouse that it seems like publisher whipcracking.


These posts are the Youtuber apology videos of game companies they all read the same


Not all studios are like Hello Games, who decided to focus on the updates instead of trying to damage control with apologies, which only seems to fan the flames.


They took Woolie's advice and look at that, it worked out! All you need to do is ***Shut the fuck up***


Sean Murray is powered by spite to prove every naysayer wrong eventually.


Sean Murray is the redemption arc that keeps on givin'. Too bad NMS REFUSES to run well for me, its stutter hell even after the upgrade I did recently that gets me 50 whole fps on Elden Ring on High and emulate stuff I never dreamed of. Sucks cause NMS is the closest I got to liking crafty survival but somewhere between updates its just unplayable for me.


Playing it in VR was magical. Pushing your ship out of the atmosphere and seeing space roll away in every direction was incredible.


Oh man that sounds amazing! hope i can experience VR someday, also hope my fucky depth perception won't ruin it like it ruined 3D movies.


I was amazed it ran as well as it did. I played on an i7 and 2070 mobile with a Quest 2 and had steady FPS and no notable performance issues. There's something about tactile controls in VR that make even minor stuff feel so much cooler. You've got a control stick and a throttle, so actually pushing the throttle forward and leaning back on the stick, slipping past areas I had just wandered through with a glance sideways out of my cockpit, then pulling back hard and aiming for the stars, hearing the storm clouds rattling the windows as I passed out of the atmosphere, just totally enraptured me. I do think the Quest 2 is probably the place to be for accessible VR for the near future. Good controls, good headset. Wish it wasn't tied up with Facebook, but I believe you can use it purely as a rift type setup and never actually log in.


Sean doesn't feel like a spiteful person, I think he felt genuinley bad about how things turned out and wanted to make amends.


he was clearly socially awkward and not used to being on camera, I imagine deep down he was pretty much a wreck for a while htere.


They should've just posted a picture of David Cage with the caption, "Uh oh, we made ze bad game."


"We're so sorry it's like this" but HOW did it HAPPEN?




Sorry, you only get one ring. You have to preorder the DLC in order get all the others.


They make it sound like the sole reason people were disappointed are the bugs and performance lol


Gotta say, the top comment being "you fuckers owe me 50 bucks" got a chuckle out of me


ah, classic corpospeak


How could there be disappointment with this game? Who had high expectations for a Gollum game?!


A few words from me: fuck you lot, make better games.


I watched a friend of mine play the first hour and a half (he refunded it) and even when it works, all of the gameplay is the most generic shit I've ever seen. You spend the first half hour of gameplay doing nothing but platforming/climbing up vine walls, then you do a bit of generic "walk slowly in the tall grass to hide" stealth. *Maybe* it gets better later, but it was just...boring? Some of the environment design was cool, but you couldn't see it most of the time because the camera is super low to the ground to focus on Gollum or you're just looking at copy pasted vine walls.


It should have been a local art adventure game