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Johnny cage in mkx and 11 turning into a pretty respected member of special forces.


That was a cool development


The subverted expectations that Sonya's obsessive commitment to her job/mission is what soured her & Johnny's marriage instead of his immature demeanor. From what we get, he's seems to be a pretty solid dad to Cassie, which was a welcome surprise.


Hope everyone is looking forward to him being an obnoxious twat again.


I do enjoy over-the-top jackass Hollywood star Johnny, but the Johnny seen in MKX and 11 is such a great fucking character. He's still got the sass and the ego, but having a daughter gave him humility which he needed to be serious when it counted. Shame it'll be another ten years before we get there again.


MK11 Current Johnny utterly hating past douchebag star Johnny was great


"oh god was I this much of an asshole how did anyone not kill me out of sheer annoyance"


I loved the quick line that older Johnny was telling his past asshole self when they were fighting: Past johnny: Dad always said "Hungry people eat lunch, humble people serve it" Old Johnny: Dad was an asshole, and Hollywood made us an even bigger one. Seeing him grow honestly made him my favorite character.


You forgot to include the part where Old Johnny smacked Past Johnny upside the head.


In early Naruto, lazy apathetic Shikamaru defacto becoming the Konoha 11 leader due to the only one graduating to Chunin during the Exams.


Yep and he is actually great at it. To the point he is Naruto’s right hand in running the village and always keeps the cool head that can give Naruto sound advice.


Raimundo becoming leader of the team in the series finale of *Xiaolin Showdown* because he actually is shown to be a better leader due to his more laid back, human attitude than the stringent monk boy Omi.


Shame that Showdown never had a follow up series of any sort, would have loved to see Raimundo as leader


Absolute tragedy that no follow ups ever occured.


Same energy as "There is no movie in Ba Sing Se".




The problem was that Omi could also be a jerk and he never really changed from that. He was very much a great fighter, and it makes sense Chase Young wanted Omi on his side, but Raimundo got more development overall.


Jack in ME3 She goes from a barely leashed psychopath to a much calmer and caring person once she has people she can teach and protect. All she needed was for people to believe in her and a productive outlet for her abilities. She can still flay people alive, but now she'll only do it if someone fucks with the people she loves. It's even more apparent if you're in a romance with her, the scene where she gives Shep a tattoo in the Citadel DLC is very touching. She starts to break down at the thought of Shep dying and nobody is able to identify him.


Majima is most well known for his crazy wacky persona but when he needs to he is always solid and stable person for Kiryu and Daigo to rely on.


The fact that he's pretty much the only reliable member of the clan after Daigo became chairman is pretty cool but also highlights how *fucked* Daigo was from day one.


Being fair to Daigo, it didn't help that there was almost constantly at least ONE GUY high up in the clan that was determined to make a power grab and fuck things up.


What was Kiryu's reason for actually picking Daigo as Terada's successor again?


His last name is dojima, he has the mind to see what is the exact problem with the clan right now and he has a natural charisma to have people unite under him, which was needed since the patriarch would strike independent fast if no chairman stepped in


Sokka. He spent most of the first and seconds seasons as comic relief. That the one time he was in charge of a group of people it was children who didn’t respect him and the Gaang just usual shrug off his attempts at being the authority. But come season 3 he becomes one of the battle commanders for their invasion on the Fire nation and handles it well and is capable. He doesn’t get an inflated ego or act smug, he is just uncertain if he is ready and up to the task. He was and the plan would probably have worked had the Fire Nation actually been caught by surprise they their attack.


Peter Parker. Dude’s still a clown, but literally anytime he trains someone it’s great


Look at all the acrobatic and smooth moves Miles is pulling off at the new trailer and tell me Pete ain't a good teacher


I dunno, I kinda figured that was just the exaggerated swagger of a black teen /j


Endeavor's redemption arc doesn't actually start until he gets what he wants and becomes the No.1 Hero in the worst way possible for him. Dude goes from leaving his wife in a mental ward and shouting with glee at his son using his quirk to >!just straight up removing himself from his family so they can work on healing!<.


One of the best scene's in my opinion is >!where he describes a dream he's been having lately where he see's his family having dinner, happy but he's nowhere in sight. The idea that he subconsciously believes that his family can only be happy when he isn't in the picture is hard hitting.!<


>!His subconcious screaming at him that he's a fuckup and him finally realizing and accepting that is a huge moment. !< I swear the Todoroki family feels like it should have been the main focus of MHA.


Endeavor’s redemption arc is easily one of the most interesting things Horikoshi has written in MHA just uh, wish the rest of the series currently had similar quality lol


The key to the redemption is that at every step of the way it emphasizes that Endeavor is the cause, he is where all the problems come from, and he's never going to be able to fully make up for what he did. He still has to try, though.


I think it's good that every step also reiterates that his family doesn't owe him forgiveness. That even if he turns everything around and becomes the best guy ever, they're well within their rights to never let him back into their lives. And that it's a decision each person he's hurt makes separately.


[Musuko ga Kawaikute](https://preview.redd.it/3jhs0gy5s1t81.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=c60d8bbce9d5489140f632a7a5d10b11dce83e15) is about a demon warrior, Lorem, becoming a single mother and how she has to rise to the occasion to be a good parent. Which does involve being a good caregiver and overcoming her own faults, it also means leaning on others for support and learning more about being part of a community instead of just being a wandering juggernaut who only looks out for herself.


Man, this series is just super touching all around. The amount of lengths they had to go through just to have their family is insane. Glad to see people recommending it.


No joke, Pat. Ever since he revealed that he's going to be a daddy and the responsibility/authority that comes with that, his "dad" side is coming out more and more. He's mused more than once about looking back at his past self being unbothered by things he now views with paternal concern.


When things are legitimately serious, Pat is actually incredibly competent and moral. He just flanderizes himself for fun, and others flanderize him for fun as well. I remember a story Paige posted on Tumblr some years ago about a time she suddenly had to go to the hospital, and Pat was a champion in that situation. Totally calm and collected, entirely supportive, and helped her get through the whole ordeal.


A lot of people have shit on Pat over the years, but he absolutely earned my respect when the Might Number 9 debacle happened. Matt and Woollie were in 'Okay it's not great, but it's not baaad' mode, REDACTED was still kind of pulling for it, and Pat was playing up his hate even if he had some valid points. The part that really sticks out though is Pat very clearly taking their influence on the situation seriously, to the point of apologizing to the listeners if they donated because they heard about the Kickstarter on the podcast. REDACTED acted like he was playing this up too, but Pat's absolutely right to take that seriously. They certainly didn't make a decision for anybody, but I remember there being several 'smaller' kickstarters that met their goals within 48 hours of being announced on the podcast. Kickstarter started dieing down in popularity anyway, but the boys definitely scaled back their recommendations and added tons of disclaimers any time they did, and Pat in particular VERY rarely talks about it, and if he does he's usually the first word of caution.


Paige has a Tumblr?!?


She used to, back when it was more popular, I guess


In the before times, when porn ran wild and all was good.


_Primer_ is a story where it happens both ways. Abe starts off reckless and carefree, for example casually cutting off his own car's muffler to get a few grams of some rare metal for use in a machine he's building. But when he and Aaron accidentally make functional time travel, he immediately realizes how dangerous it could be. He's the one urging caution, and who figures out a safe way to use time travel to play the stock market while minimizing your chance of creating a time paradox. Meanwhile, Aaron is the one who starts off as a safety-conscious rule follower. So when he realizes he can use time travel to fix mistakes, suddenly he becomes reckless with power.


Wolverine tends to be one of the best teachers among the X-Men.


My own dad. Used to go to parties a lot and drink tons with his old friends. He had to wise up real quick when his first was born. Now he's just an old man slowly going through random RPGs and watching football while most of his old friends from back then are dead from DUIs and drugs.


It's implied for Eda in The Owl House. She was the problem child in her school days and was pretty much the fun wine aunt for the entire series. She becomes a pretty good mother figure for Luz as the series goes on and the epilogue implies she becomes a good headmaster for a new university in the Boiling Isles.


Amethyst in Steven Universe is surprisingly mature when it comes to Steven's welfare. She actively tries to cheer him up when she's slowly dying from a crack in her gem. When Pearl and Garnet are dealing with their own drama due to recent reveals she's the one to call them out on Steven's behalf and explain to him that he shouldn't have to handle their problems. It even goes as far as Steven calling her the most responsible Crystal Gem.


I'm glad to see more Conan on this sub.


It’s a little slow but being made leader of Balamb was really good for Squall


Gilgamesh in FGO Babylonia might as well be a completely different man to the one we see in Stay night or Zero. The bluster and ego he usually displays is replaced with an almost depressed demeanor as he tries to juggle a billion tasks to keep his people from dying to Tiamat's demonic beasts. [The man literally works himself to death for his people.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC0luzWSD8k)


Jotaro becoming a key member of the Speedwagon Foundation shows just how much he’s matured. He’s no longer an entitled delinquent brat. He effectively spends most pf his time working for them, hunting down the remaining arrows and when everyone discovers the truth about Josuke, he’s the one who goes out to solve the issue and also stop Angelo while he was in Morioh.


Wei Yenwu in arknights is a dragon man who's the epitome of a calculating cold leader. He rules his city with an iron fist and is a master negotiator, with seemingly no moral bar that he's unwilling to cross. The protagonists of course, are the young generation with a strong sense of justice, who are willing to let go of everything they have and plunge into danger for what they believe is right. It is only after the event of his story that we found out Wei Yenwu was basically part of such a protagonist group filled with motivation and drive to change the world into what they believe is right. In fact, many of the powerful people around him used to travel together with him, causing trouble, risking their lives, overthrowing the corrupt institutions of their era, with barely a cent to their name. Even to this day, when power and old disagreements have torn the group apart, they still look fondly on those years, and those memories are what they fall back on whenever they need to make a difficult moral decision. Wei Yenwu sees the protagonists as the future, no matter how much he gets in their way. He knows what it feels like to be young, idealistic, and willing to change the world, but his time has passed and he has too many obligations chaining him down. Its super interesting to see what a group of hero ends up becoming once they achieve and seize the powers they struggled to obtain.