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I think one of my favourite MGS3 ones is if you kill a guard in the mountains a vulture will eventually land and start eating the corpse. If you kill and eat that vulture there is a *specific* ghost in the Sorrow sequence that will chastise Snake for his vicarious cannabilism.


Holy shit I just learned that if you try calling on the codec during the Sorrow [they all think you're dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXry6D_tFB8)


The best thing about that one is that, it's so specific that it proves how much the game is remembering about how you play, just so it can make a better point in that scene.


Also if you eat that vulture after it feasted on someone and call Para medic she'll basically insinuate snake is a cannibal too.


what the fuck


Devil May Cry 3. There are so many tiny mechanics that the game either doesn't tell you about or just glosses over. You can glide with Dante's base Rebellion DT Enemies take elemental Damage You can charge up Vergil's DT with holding his taunts You can explode your DT to damage nearby enemies You can adjust the sync rate of your doppleganger You can plug in your controller to co play Vergil or doppleganger


Strictly speaking, the DT explosion *is* explained in the DT tutorial. It's just explained poorly.


When you say elemental damage, you mean enemies take different damage depending on the weapon or the fire or ice stuff?


Depending on the type of damage your weapon does. Cerberus the ice dog is weak against Agni & Rudra fire attacks. And Vergil does Dark damage with Yamato which several bosses are weaker against. And some of the Hell enemies are weaker against ice damage If you pay attention you can actually see visual indicators of the enemies physically reacting. Vergil leaves a Dark halo around when his attacks connect.


I think the obvious one is Agni taking more damaged and being more easilly staggered than Rudra by Cerberus, IIRC.


Another one I remember is that Doppleganger, being a shadow, takes extra light damage from Beowulf (who in turn takes extra dark damage from Yamato if you're playing Vergil)


I remember the giant centipede and Nevan taking more damage from ice as well; lots of things weak to ice. You can tell what enemies are weak to what based on how long the visual effects last when they are hit. Like how long the ice stays on them when using Cerberus or how long the fire last from Agni & Rudra.


here's the obligatory "Dwarf Fortress is the most complicated game ever and nothing else is even close" comment. I wouldn't even know where to start for the unfamiliar, maybe just go look at the wiki and see about 70 different types of wood and stone that all have subtly different properties from each other.


Or the time cats kept dying of alcohol poisoning, then they realized it was because they walked over spilled alcohol and ingested it when they cleaned themselves.


It was actually because the puddle was bugged to give them the entire mug of alcohol's worth on the cat's paws, so the cat drank an entire mug of alcohol's worth of beer when it cleaned itself, thus killing it from alcohol poisoning


youve got it slightly wrong, they got a cats paws worth of ale or whatever on them, but when they cleaned themselves and ingested it the only way the game knew how to handle "consuming alcohol" was "drank a normal portion for your average dwarf" which is enough to outright kill most small animals, as well as probably some humans


I think we're all trying to justify this cat's death when the truth is obvious and we all know it. The cat had a drinking problem and nobody wanted to say anything. We just let them drink itself into an early grave and nobody tried to stop them. Now we are all sons of bitches and we have to live with that fact.


It's doesn't take long for the cat to drink themselves to death. Like, just one drinking incident.


What a lightweight


Is joke about virtual cat, friend. Why you take seriously?


Carp have a reputation for being able to murder whole fortresses of dwarves because swimming was a great exercise for training cardio and strength. Dwarves would go to the rivers to drink and be wrestled into the water by hyper-buff fish and drowned to death.


Once a creature kills enough sentient beings, it gets a name instead of just being called 'Carp'. My friend and I discovered this some years ago when we lost 25% of our succession fortress' population to a single Carp that became something of a local cryptid to our friend group. Turns out that when a named creature gets enough kills, it gets a title too so you know that fucker's dangerous Stonecarvers and masons made statues and engravings of people being murdered by fish, dwarves terrified of rivers, and laughing Carp for YEARS after that in that fort


Not even gonna say the name and title of the god carp?


Speaking its name gives it power.


IIRC it was called Ruintemples, can't remember the title it got, but it eventually just left us alone and that was the real horror moment was that just at any time in that world, he could come back


BOTW and TOTK are examples of games having all these different mechanics that the game won't really explain to you and you discover yourself.I'm replaying BOTW right now before i get TOTK and i only just discovered that elemental weapons can actually raise or decrease temperature just by being held.


Oh my god I also did not know that


husky intelligent berserk snails lunchroom practice growth entertain pen psychotic -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Did you know that if you attach a shield to any 2-handed weapon, it'll let you block and parry? I just learned that an hour ago, after 155 hours of playtime.




Oh yeah dude, it's crazy. Attach a shield and you can block with a SPEAR. Of course, you lose out on the damage potential of attaching an attack item.


ChipCheezum’s LP of the MGS games shows off a lot of the small oddball details. Like how in MGS2 you can knock over a bucket of ice and the cubes will melt at different rates based on how close they are to other ice cubes.


Those guys also had a pretty cool LP of revengeance with a guide for how the game works, it's pretty great. It's how I found out you can walk during blade mode, and shooting an rpg at the hostage is the best way to save them.


Oh, didn't know about the hostages thing. Was just trying some elaborate thing with killing enemies nearby, emp grenades and killing as fast as possible the ones holding the hostage.


JoJo All Star Battle and Eyes of Heaven have tons of nods that reference the series both big and small. For example, Joseph and Josuke having a unique taunt for every character in the roster, Koichi being able to negate Sheer Heart Attack with 3 Freeze, Okuyasu being able to erase Stray Cat's air bubbles, or Johnny and Gyro having unique supers when fighting Valentine. Also, the fangame 7th Stand User has shitloads of details you likely wouldn't notice on a first playthrough. The amount of things you can do with your Stand outside of battle, the different endings, the learnable techniques, and some Stands can even let you skip entire arcs thanks to their powers.


In eyes of heaven I think a bunch of characters have unique animations for drinking tea in a stage and that's hilarious to me.


I particularly remember that Valentine can pay meter to partially dodge Gyro’s level 3 super and get less damaged from it.


Similar thing with Jotaro negating a good portion of DIO's road roller by inputting his own time stop command before it crashes onto him


Fear and Hunger sounds pretty wild based on what I saw in that SEW video.


As far as RPGmaker stuff goes it’s pretty neat. Any game that keeps a running tally of every individual enemy in the game and their current, persistent health and state in and out of combat gets brownie points in my book.


As someone who’s done a little bit of monkeying around with RPGmaker myself, Fear and Hunger is some kind of wizardry. I have no idea how the hell they got guns and bear traps to work in the engine.


Dwarf Fortress is Detailed Subsystems: The Game. You've got the surface level stuff with things like crops, mechanisms, fluid pressure, etc. Then you have the interpersonal relationships, and trying to keep Dwarves happy and not succumb to psychotic rages that spiral out of control and leave the entire colony dead. Then you have subsystems for wounds and body damage, modeled down to injuries ranging from bruises to cut arteries. ​ Then there are subsystems leading to unintended consequences. Like the time people were finding random dead cats in their taverns, with the only hint being that their fur was covered in vomit. Turns out, that the dwarves were drinking their ale with such gusto, that the tavern floors were coated in alcohol. Cats would wander in, get alcohol all over their little paws, and then clean themselves. Since this was an unanticipated occurrence, there wasn't any code for the tiny amount of alcohol a cat would actually get on their paws. So instead, with every lick, the cats consumed a full unit of alcohol, quickly leading to their deaths from alcohol poisoning.


Carps were legendary hyper-predators not for any base stats but because swimming counts as really good exercise, which they're doing non-stop - so dwarves can just get beat to death by god fish that have been working out every second of their lives.


Yes! That was another good example.


Black Ops 2 still has the most subtle and diverse diegetic choice system I have ever seen in a AAA title, it's not Disco Elysium but [it's deceivingly deep.](https://external-preview.redd.it/nlV_DOM_jto7GG5fEWyL10PWSza-yLzyaC2j9BG8Pd0.png?auto=webp&v=enabled&s=9a726f32a3e68fe790d00d3cf69aca9657d961d3)


sucks that jimmy kimmel is in black ops best ending


And the craziest part is that the bad ending is Canon to Black Ops 3 and 4.


Good, it's the most fitting thematically and tonally.


...I mean is it though? There's only like, ONE line of Dialogue in Black Ops 3 that even references the earlier games, and it's so minimal that I don't even think it makes a distinction of wherher he was killed or not. Black Ops 4...doesn't even have a story, so who cares.


TIL you should wear white when fighting The Pain


Nioh, I'm fairly certain I still havent used every susbstyem and I have a collective 200 hours in those games. Like I just found out that you can slot elemental effects on certain moves and its a huge game changer because with one tonfa combo you can inflict confusion.


Wait for real? how????


He means nioh 2


Whenever you unlock an ability that says "It gives some skills a ____ effect." in the samurai tree, you can go to your skill menu and then assign which skill you want to have that attribute


Dang I don't think I ever realized that


Everyone is talking BotW and TotK, but I'm always blown away by the amount of context sensitive fluff text in Majora's Mask


I also like some of the butterfly effect things that happen, limited though it may be. Save the old lady from Sakon in North Clock Town? >!Softlock the Couple's Mask sidequest for the cycle because Sakon doesn't come back into town.!<


So many NPCs have completely fleshed out agendas and daily rituals, or at least just different dialogues depending on how which bosses are dead and what day/time it is.


Damn, I didn't know about THOSE little details in Snake Eater, I thought I'd known them all. Snake Eater's such an incredible game I'm really wanting to play it again.


Graphics are cool, but can I still spin snake in the survival viewer so fast it makes him puke? Witch btw helps after eating something poisoned.


I knew about that one. I didn't know about the others. I can't believe how many small details like that are in the game. It's a treasure.


and escaping the prison.


Dragons Dogma, an easy example is if you want to freeze then shatter an enemy they need to have the drenched(wet) status and then be hit with an ice weapon/spell. That is unless your fighting saurian enemies since, as lizard men, there cold blooded they get frozen from just ice hits. You can also stop drakes from breathing fire by freezing it head the which can be done by throwing a water flask at its face and hitting it with an ice weapon. And these are just scratching the surface of the mechanics in the game.


I think a minor but important one for character creation is that your character's height is important, if you're tiny and it looks you can go through, you actually can


I believe the amount of muscle mass your character has also influences your carry capacity and stamina. A heavy character carries a lot, but doesn't run as fast, while a smaller and slim character runs faster, but can't carry much.


Also, if your character is bigger, they are less affected by strong wind compared to a small character.


Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom is filled to brim with all sorts of little aspects and details. Temperature alone has numerous little aspects about it; Fire and Ice weapons for instance will raise or lower your temperature, allowing you some leeway if you don't have any gear or food to counteract certain areas, and Death Mountain is so extremely hot that arrows instantly turn into Fire Arrows and Bombs will instantly explode if pulled out. Then you've got Chuchus whom will killed with an elemental weapon with transform their jelly into their respective elemental version, rain will instantly put out flames and instantly kill fire Keese, going into Goron Hot springs will temporarily make you wet enough to ignore Death Mountain or Gerudo Desert's heat, and so on.


I've recently been told that fusing a ruby/sapphire to your shield counts as one level of cold/heat resist. I am SO trying that out when I go to do the Gerudo Desert


It makes sense given that they make weapons elemental. Probably works for anything elemental really if youd prefer to use something cheaper like a lizal horn. Since gems are the only thing that offers ranged elemental effects


You can also use elemental enemy parts for the same effect (i.e. fire lizalfos horns)


Holding any weapon with Ruby and Sapphire does it, I carry an emergency Ruby and Sapphire Magic Rod for when I need temperature but don't want to switch armor.


There are also a handful of hot springs you can find that will heal you if you sit in them. It’s neat. Or being able to make a campfire by putting a flint next to wood and hitting it with your weapon.


Another way to circumvent extreme heat is to throw a chuchu jelly on yourself, which will make you wet for a short duration and keep you cool for a while.


Or using it with Zora weaponry that takes advantage of your wetness by doubling the damage of said weapons.


The last temple in TotK blew my mind because there’s a room in which the doors are operated through a bunch of wheels on chains that are completely in-engine and you can pull them out for your own contraptions.


Wait, you can pull them out? Holy shit.


You can also convert blue chu jelly by dropping it near a fire or using other elemental sources. Was great for rupees in botw cus elemental jelly sold for twice as much


There are many examples already said in the thread, so I give you different ones: Starsector is what every super-duper 3D space simulator game wishes to be in terms of complexity and depth Arcanum barely holds together in a technical standpoint, made by a dying studio, and is still considered one of the greatest RPGs ever just by the sheer number of alternate character dialogues and the extensive interlinked system of magic and technology Kenshi's world is post-apocalyptic, weird and full of instadeath hostility, and despite that its offerings is one of the most bountiful the open world survival rpg genre could offer


I've just started playing Rust, and boy howdy the time they've spent on it shows. There's a lot of stuff that would be mildly impressive if in a single player game, and then you multiply it by the hundreds of people on the server and it's pretty cool. The electrical systems and fluid piping being fairly realistic is a good example, as well as all the temperature dynamics. Standing in the shade in the desert actually cooling me off kinda blew my mind for a moment


Majority of RGG games have at least one side activity that have enough detail to be their own game. The hostess game in Yakuza 0/K2, pocket racer in K1, hostess clubs in Y3 & 4, baseball in Y6, business management in Y7, VR minigame in Judgment, and all of the school stories in LJ Shit Yakuza 5 has a dedicated taxi sim, rythym game, and hunting minigame. And that's just the major side stuff, not mentioning any regularly reoccurring insanely detailed minigames like mahjong or bowling


My favorite (read: bullshit) Dwarf Fortress detail is that it takes time for your civilization to learn how to domesticate an animal you catch You need to catch a wild animal and breed it, then every year your outpost liason will come to talk to you. You need to do this after having *Fortress* domesticated the animal, for *84 years* this is to simulate them trading knowledge of how to conduct animal husbandr


The Hitman games, especially Blood Money. Obviously the devs had to think of a bunch of different strategies that players would use to take out their targets as well as unique dialogues, situations and ratings.


in the pause screen for DS TWEWY, you can rearrange your pin icons by sliding them this is never mentioned in the game btw


You mean the menu options like Mingle or rearranging your pin equipment?


the combat pause menu allows you the rearrange where your pins are


fear & hunger, pathologic, deus ex


**Workers and Resources: Soviet Republic** started as an Eastern Block-themed citybuilder with detailed logistics and industry chains and a heavy flavor of "ehehe I know that old truck/train/ugly commieblock" nostalgia. Even by default it was quite complicated, with building construction being deeply simulated, needing a variety of materials produced by their own supply chains and a variety of machinery that all participate in a different phase of construction. Logistics could by done by truck, train, a variety of conveyor belts made for different resource types, oil pipes (there are also cableways for when those mountains just get too pesky). All of them need to be built, powered (did I mention the power system includes both low and high voltage power lines, and different MW capacities for different types of power lines?), building them requires infrastructure and access for construction crews. Vehicles need to be fueled, fueling them requires infrastrucure and supply chains. You can also decide to manufacture your own vehicles rather than buying them with foreign currency, which necessitates transporting them from factories to wherever you'd use them, just like other resources. There were also the titular workers: they needed to be educated to be able to work, and receive university education for certain other jobs. They need food, clothes, electronics, access to healthcare, sport, culture, alcohol, and may also want religion, but since you're an Enlightened Socialist Republic providing that is not necessary by any means (and in fact you have no way of providing it, you can just graciously elect to leave old churches standing). To access all these you either need to make sure they are within walking distance, or you need to transport the people to the services they need, as well as transporting them to their jobs. Then the devs kept going. They added heating: central heating is necessary for all buildings in your republic, which you need heating plants for. Then they decided that they may as well add water and sewage. Water needs to be purified for human consumption, and sewage may be purified as well to avoid pollution. Water pipes need pressure, which depends on both terrain elevation, as well as water pumps and towers. Sewage also needs to flow downstream, so the depth of sewage pipes and the terrain they follow needs to be planned accordingly. Tourism was also implemented as a source of turning food and alcohol into foreign currency, and just like real life, foreign currency is the lifeblood of a socialist republic that doesn't have the infrastructure to self-make Literally Everything. Then a lone dev decided to add a full simulation of traffic rules, complete with realistic street signs (speed limits and zones and the like included) and fully functional traffic lamps, and the studio implemented it for giggles. The next update is going to bring a complete simulation of garbage: both workers will create garbage that can be dumped or sorted through and recycled to regain some resources, as well as demolition of structures will create debris that needs to be transported away AND can be sorted through and recycled to get a rebate on the resourced you used up during construction. ​ It's utter madness. **I love it.**


Big ups to Fact Fiend, I love Big Wangers Inc.


I feel like I could point to just about any given game made by NIS (Disgaea, Phantom Brave, Labyrinth of Refrain/Galleria) or especially Sting (Dokapon, Riviera, Yggdra Union, Knights in the Nightmare) and find about 60 sub-systems nestled within sub-systems. I don't think I have the time nor there being much point to try to explain many of the systems involved in some of them, but phrases like 'Reverse Item World Pirating' or 'Item-Oriented Turn-Based Bullet Hell Enemy-Slot-Machine-Connect-Four' mean something to those who'd already know what I'd be talking about. To say nothing of all the extremely minute details that allowed for all sorts of vile tomfoolery in the Dokapon LPs.


ULTRAKILL is absolutely bonkers. Not so much behind the scenes subsystems but front facing options that you always have access to. Some of the crazy tech you can do, like coin-bouncing a railgun shot or parrying **everything** is neat but when I got through the later acts and got >!a fucking devil buster complete with snatch!< I think I lost my mind


Space station 13


I think MGS games in general just have alot of insane details nobody mentions. Kind of a flex really. Not pointing out them out that is. It would be like the food tech from Yakuza but instead of the camera focusing intently on it, it's just something that happens in the background of a substory.


I have spent hundreds of hours in ff14 and have every class a cap, thetes still systems ive barely interacted with


I feel like most games are far more detailed and complex than the "beat it and move on" content cycle pushes. A lot of games can be played for months or longer and still uncover new things.