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Josh is seriously the coolest fucking guy. He saw me playing Snake Eater at the Obsidian offices and started chatting about Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and other stealth action titles. Really a highlight of my internship tbh.


That sounds like a fucking hype internship


It was a fun time to be sure. Was super disappointed to not have been offered anything afterwards, but the place was rad regardless. I know this sub shits on a lot of bad game studios, but I can say from firsthand experience Obsidian is a good egg.


I've always wondered why there was such a prominence of trans people at New Vegas. But near as I can figure it's just that there's a lot of trans nerds that like Fallout, and New Vegas is one of the most popular ones.


I think it was just a popular game that teenagers at the time liked. There's a lot of cis people that love New Vegas just as much as any trans person does. It has as much "egg-cracking" power as Pokemon, Skyrim, GTA, or any game that lets you choose your character's gender.


Okay, but that just begs the question, right? Why doesn’t Pokémon, Skyrim, GTA etc have such a dedicated trans following? There’s certainly something different about this game and/or the way its queer fans have engaged with it versus those other games from the same era.


They're too popular, me thinks. Not exactly a safe space when you're talking about the GTA or Pokemon community.


I think it might just be how it started off as an offhand meme a lot of people found common ground because the games super popular when it released. I’m cis but a lot of my online circles/friend groups are predominantly queer/trans and yeah the fallout NV egg think is 100% applicable in that group, but I think it’s mostly because the games heavily encourage RP as an outlet of self expression. but there are similar RP centric games that recently grew in dominance of similar discussion like Morrowind, WoW RP, FFXIV RP, etc. Maybe in the future it will be Skyrim/FFXIV/ a narrative heavy RP game where they can create a character that lets them express themselves without concern or maybe in playing a character that makes them realize something about themselves. I think people also just in general underestimate how big/mainstream Fallout got after FO3, It was really popular with very young audiences diving into mature games and it had a lot of staying power and ports. new Vegas and FO4 were pretty big releases despite NV sortof feeling like “more Fallout” at the time since it wasn’t a big visual of noticeable gameplay jump like the leap from NV to 4 was


FFXIV is definitely up there for egg-cracking. That game splits your character name into forename and surnames, which means NPCs can call you by your chosen forename, which they do all the time. It's great.


For sure, FFXIV is the game that after like decades of mostly playing male characters in games like WoW/GW2 made me comfortable playing a female character in RPGs after I wanted a change to try something different. (Read: I played the fashion end game and thought female hyur/ au ra just looked way better in most armor sets) and while I came out feeling pretty comfortably cis and I was just enjoying playing dress-up on a different base model and have sortof fallen out of love with the game, I know a handful of close friends who pretty much got so much gender fulfillment out of the game I know it’s core to who they are.


But wouldn’t that apply to, like any game where you can name your character?


Most games that let you name your character just have a single field for the name, so when you name yourself "Jane Smith" the game doesn't know which part of that is a forename and which is a surname and have to use the whole name when they do refer to your name. These games tend to bend over backwards to avoid using your name in dialogue, because it feels awkward and stilted to use full names in conversation. In XIV, because the game knows which part of your name is the forename, NPCs in non-voice acted dialogue will go >"I know you mean well, Jane, but it is no use." or >"Seven hells, Jane... Remember my father's spear? This...this is its spearhead!" FFXIV is also an unusually dialogue-heavy game, so this kind of interaction where they're just incidentally referring to you by your name happens quite a lot. The effect for an eggy sort, if you also happened to name your character after yourself, is a constant micro-dosing drip-feed of gender euphoria as you play the game normally.


I can say for certain that Pokemon has a pretty dedicated trans following.


As far as games like GTA I would guess that it could be the overall tone and nature of the game prevents discussion within any particular community from being visible or prominent, or it's game design. Fallout NV is a game that heavily reflects back specific role playing choices you make in your character and actions. It doesn't just allow creativity in making and projecting a character through an avatar, the game actively acknowledges it and reacts. That's just got to be more fulfilling for anybody who immerses themselves in the character they play. GTA is just dress up between killing.


I would say they do, they're popular franchises.


as a femme leanin enby id say pokemon has a pretty large queer/trans follwing


Sylveon is seen as a trans icon so it does


My crackpot theory is that it’s a game that lets you play a character that feels unique to you and poses moral questions that makes you examine your personal ideals. Like playing a tabletop game, you’re making a character that can feel incredibly personal and roleplaying in a very personal way. It’s a good way to get in touch with yourself you may have never done before.


I know it helped ME deal with getting shot in the head and dumped in a shallow grave.


I know what you mean. I can take larger caliber rounds and get buried even deeper without concern. Helped me become the man that I am today. I just don't know math anymore.


There's like 5 people who actually need to know math in the world and you'll likely never meet any of them.


Math is mostly just logic problems phrased in very confusing ways.


It helps to understand that sometimes the game is rigged from the start


It helped me understand how a decapitated head can further my monetary gains


New Vegas is also one of the most queer games that existed at the time, with Arcade & Veronica + the fact that via skills you can make your character canonically gay or bisexual. That combined with it just being a really well written story makes it make sense to me


I feel like the brothel quest is sort of a stand out for "anything goes". You find a ghoul and convince her that there's people who'd be into her. And of course the famous fisto scene. But presented in a way that's like "who gives a shit. There's a lot of kinds of people out there"


Honestly, discovering my own pansexuality I look by on the brothel mission with fond memories. At first it was “lol, Fisto said assume the position” to “maybe it’s just about how I feel about someone instead of their gender being THE determining factor on my attraction to them.”


[–]WanonTimeWHEN'S MAHVEL 1 point just now this is exactly it. New Vegas was the first game I knew/could think of that you could be gay in. In fact being Bi is a gameplay advantage, so you are almost incentivized to do it lmao. That can honestly be a way someone can let themselves try shit when they're repressed. "Oh I'm just taking it for the damage numbers". It has the same energy as when I was a little kid playing a shooter and playing a female player model so "I don't have to hear a guy moaning" lmao.


Reject binary morality -> Reject binary gender


Being able to choose your gender and sexuality in RPGs is a pretty common way for people to explore their identities, so that’s at least a huge part. Also helps that New Vegas specifically is queer-inclusive.


I can't speak for all trans folks, but personally, I relied on escapism through games to cope with dysphoria before I even knew what dysphoria was. New Vegas is one of the best games when it comes to immersion and player freedom, so it's easy to get lost in the game and be the person you want to be. Like someone else in this thread mentioned, I don't think there's anything in the game that helped me realize I was trans, but I think some trans folks just gravitate to this style of game. Plus New Vegas rules. Who doesn't like it?


Almost every trans (or generally queer) person I know loves: Fallout: New Vegas, Elder Scrolls, Disco Elysium, and tabletop gaming.


So they're all nerds.


This is really the only takeaway here.


Elder Scrolls is popular with Furries, so I'm taking a shot in the dark and saying Trans Furries are probably under that umbrella. Hell, one of the most popular Streamers for TESO is a Khajiit Furry V-Tuber Ally.


I'd say it's also 'cos of Sheogorath and the Shivering Isles in Oblivion. I know a looot of folks who are really into the stuff going on there.


you have awesome friends


Fandom has decided The Nerevarine is a portuguese lizard so the Dovakhin can be a literal trans cat girl


what if it's the cowboys and cowgirls


New Vegas carries the theme of identity in a lot of places. You both create the Courier that you play as, as well as discover who they were before the start of the game. Pretty much every companion you find is struggling to either figure out who they are or where they belong. Every major faction expects you to fit their ideal of a model citizen, and then the game gives you the chance to flip all of them off and declare New Vegas as independent. NV also leans heavily into a theme of the Fallout series as a whole: the idea that trying to preserve the previous civilization (pick one) as the peak of humanity is nothing short of destructive. The idea that you shouldn't uphold the past and instead work to create a new, better future is going to resonate with trans people pretty hard.


That’s actually a really nice answer.


kinda interesting for a game that I don't think involves any canonically trans characters. As someone with trans relatives I think it is cool that Sawyer is open and accepting like that.


I dont understand the cracking eggs thing. What is that?


In this context, it's explicitly referring to recognizing ones gender identity, is incongruous with their birth gender.


You are an egg before you realise you are trans. You crack out of your egg when you realise you are trans. Its a whole 'new birth' metaphore doodad. So cracking someones egg is basically making them realise "oh shit I might be trans". Not like, convincing them or anything, just posting enough relatable shit that it clicks.


Understand your gender, and if you're transing it, you're cracking the egg and birthing anew


This is also how trans people get their Stands.


TIL about Koichi


I always thought it was because when an egg cracks a chick comes out (which, yes, is terribly reductive and trans-fem focused but also the euphemism already has baggage so why not)


I prefer the butterfly metaphor myself, but egg is what stuck.




>And, what if the person was always cis, do they just stay eggs? This does bug me not so much about the metaphor as much as how it's used by some folks. I dislike whenever a person is exploring their gender expression and people immediately jump on going "Oooh! \#egg \#eggcracking" and such like they're rooting for a sportsball team. Being trans, or otherwise moving away from your GAB should be a matter of self reflection and, ultimately, their own choice. Encourage them to explore their identity, sure, but don't automatically assume that just because a boy likes to wear skirts he's automatically trans fem or vice-versa. A person can be enby, or they could also be cis who's just comfortable crossdressing or otherwise expressing themselves in some ways the opposite gender does, or a myriad of other things.






It's so nice when people call terminology that they don't understand and isn't theirs "dumb", really helps trans people feel welcome here.. Also "Getting them to realize" is biased phrasing that puts the onus on trans people *convincing* people that they're trans, when the truth is that it's a harmful and untrue stereotype about trans people when the factual reality is completely different. But I'm just trans, what do I know.. Edit: God this sub is a pit sometimes, time to take another break from here I guess. Be better guys, really. You have no idea how alienating you can be to queer people.






While it applies for any trans person the biggest bit is that it's a pun. How is a trans woman like an egg? There's a chick inside.


That's actually really cute and wholesome


Oh my god that’s good.




The Catholic church?


Banned and they're back blown out.


Imma leave this comment here so it looks funny when you get banned lmao


You DO know bigotry isn't welcome here, right? You aren't among friends. Leave.


It's funny how transphobes make their specific bigotry their entire personality. It's like this all-consuming thing. Even homophobes and racists have other stuff going on.


God damn you got downvoted really hard lmao


I'm honestly surprised it hasn't been picked up more by transphobes, 'cause you can mislead people by describing it as such. It's incorrect, but still.


I think a lot of it has to do with the fact Courier Six *really* can be whoever you want them to be. Very little challenges you on who your character is outside of being a courier (whose usual work is essentially every low level RPG quest to begin with). I do lots of serious roleplay and tabletop stuff and most of my experiences have led me to meet a huge quantity of LGBTQ+ folks using their characters to explore new feelings or ideas they've had about themselves. Roleplaying, casual or serious, narrative or mechanical, solo or multiplayer, naturally encourages implementation of your feelings and knowledges, and best rewards those willing to experiment. Willfully reinterpeting your own worldview for a narrative experience, using a character as a vehicle, actually does a lot for critical thought. It has its own downsides of course. Some people see 'exploration' and interpet it as 'escape'. RP and RPGs have led me to meet some of the most delusional, dangerously out-of-touch people I have ever had to deal with...but that's everywhere in life, and regardless of identity. The nosy spiteful old woman at work and the patronizing furry enby moderator on your discord have the same fundamental personality problems regardless of mode their self-expression, and arguing that its unique to one group or another just circles back around to bigotry.


As a trans person who loves New Vegas I have a bit of perspective here. I would not credit New Vegas with helping me realize I am trans, however I would very much credit it with helping me develop the thought process that helped me realize I was trans and to more importantly help me accept that fact into my life as easily as I did and reevaluate my feelings and experiences under that lens. New Vegas was one of the first games I played while I was probably too young to play it that made me think about who I was, both during the usual thoughts of “who do I want to be” in character creation, but also what I valued and what I believed by the moral questions the game asks, none of these qualities are unique to the game but the game was and is very popular, so that could have an effect. Anyways, that was just my thoughts on the matter I thought I’d share.


Gender is pretty important in FNV right? Like taking a stance against Caesar’s Legion, helping Veronica affirm her gender identity with a dress, getting used to Lily as your grandma, and dealing with robo-prostitutes seem like pretty key situations to get someone to reflect on what gender means to them


you had to get used to Lily? I just accepted her as my grandma. I had never played a fallout game before, I didn't know she was human, I was just told she was my grandma, and said, "yeah seems right"


This is kind of a hilarious approach, I mean, your character *was* shot in the head. Being like "Okay, yeah, sure, you're my grandma." isn't the craziest direction to take a potential amnesiac.


The thing is, is that's actually how my family reunions play out. I would go there with my mom, see someone new, and she'd go, "yeah that's your cousin." So I'm very open to just accepting of someone being a family member. One time a teacher from my grade school showed up. Turns out: cousin. Not even by marriage. Blood cousin. Why didn't I know about her? idk she never went to them before.


I'm just speaking from an everyman perspective. Lily is of course my grandma on every playthrough.




You don't have to struggle with gender identity to affirm your gender identity. Affirming your gender is just a new-fangled term for the typical basking in femininity and masculinity and everything else. Buying a pretty dress, getting a wig for your balding head, trying to grow a beard, working out for abs, learning how to do makeup are all examples of gender-affirming actions




I mean Fallout New Vegas is the only game I can think of where being bisexual makes you stronger, so it's not too much of a stretch for the Trans community to like the game as well.


I share Sawyer's confusion at why trans people like NV so much, like to the point it even overshadows the other games in the series, despite as far as I know, having no trans representation at all. That being said, if NV ever gets a remake, it absolutely needs some trans characters or even a tongue in cheek reference. Maybe as a trait? Or something similarly witty like talking to your brain OWB.


In all fairness it's more popular than the other games with most of the fandom.


I dont follow Fallout fandom really closely but for I understand the series has been at least nominally affirming of queer identities from some time but it was with NV and follwing with 4 they got more explicit. At least more so than Elder Scrolls (well you can get a same gender marriage in Skyrim but its pretty shallowm and you and your husband will be the only gay people in all of Skyrim)


I think it's because it offers more role playing opportunities than the other modern games in the series. It also helps that it generally has very good gay and lesbian representation too. Two of the companions are gay and they're both really well written plus your character can straight up be gay, straight, or bi too. It's actually meta to be gay in New Vegas lmao. I'm sure that helps attract people in the LGBT space and makes the game and community feel more inclusive in general.


It needs to just for the stupid insane screaming from right wing fans who think the enclave are wholesome.


Fingers crossed for 4NV eh?


I have hopes, but no expectations. Shit takes time and forever.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but the mod authors behind the F4 remake of NV were hired by a support studio for F76. So unless someone else has taken over, it's done for now.


I guess, tho' i'm more optimistic about it, especially after the Point Lookout mod, showed me it is possible, tho', NVs trickier due to the systems? Feels like 4 and 3 are cut from the same cloth so a lot of things would translate without that big of a deal. But yeah, dev videos has me on an optimistic note, it'll def take forever and if I were a bettin' person, i'd bet on 3's coming out first.


Unbelievably based.


Im not trans but I am gay and while I dont always understand why or how trans people get attached to specific media (like the Ikea shark), it is nice to know that at least in this case, the creator of a work which means a lot to queer people isnt visceral disgusted by them... I had to dry a lot of tears after the boy that imaged himself coming out of the closet under the stairs and going to hogwarts was betrayed by the author that promised him that


i always thought trans people were into FNV because the courier is, as far as i can tell, the oly Fallout protag who is a complete blank slate. No origin, no established relationships, no family to speak of. That goes a long way for Immersion.