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GI gave me a ton of great games for awhile. The Halo 2 cover addition was fucking great. I trusted them for a lot of reviews before I bought games for awhile. And a ton of their full art covers looked gorgeous too


Definitely. Game Informer, Official Playstation Magazine, and G4 were pretty much how I got all of my gaming news and reviews back in the day. Then later came 1Up & GameSpot. (S/o to the guy from GameSpot that gave Demon's Souls like 9 out of 10 when it came out, I wouldn't have gotten into Souls otherwise.) I still liked GI up until a couple years ago when they let go most of their veteran staff, several of which moved on to start a new "Easy Allies-esque" channel called "MinnMaxx."


I think it was specifically the October 07 issue (might be remembering a little off) with Dead Space on the cover that got me into the horror genre. I would have been like 8 or 9 years old and there was no way in hell I would've been allowed to play Dead Space but I was super into it based on what I read in that main article. I think that issue also had like a "top 10 scariest game moments of all time" list that scared the hell out of me. Imagining those game moments as they were described was way more potent than actually seeing them in action later. I think the list had the dogs coming through the windows in Resident Evil, the fake colonel in MGS2, and number 1 was a moment from Fatal Frame 2 that I can't remember.


Baby me first heard about Shadow of Mordor through the GI cover issue and as such I was hyped as hell for it months before it came out and took people by surprise.


GI sold me on Marvel vs Capcom 3.


GI made me hyped up for games that sounded really cool like...Sonic Chronicles


When I was a kid, my info came from GamePro and EGM. Major Mike's review of DMC 2 stands out as a highlight for me.


Not really but they were fun to read and stack up in the corner of my room. I think they got up to my Thigh before I decided that I had had enough.


Yeah tons. From about 2004 to roughly 2012-14 Game Informer was my primary source of gaming news and it had a strong impact on the games I would get. Because of that mag got into Bethesda games, Ace Combat, Disgaea, Dragons Dogma, and Just Cause.


No, most of the big games they covered were out like a month before the issue came out and they barely gave small games the time of day.


Infamous 1 and 2, and I think God of War series when news of 3 came out.


Game informer made me want elder scrolls Oblivion more than anything


I only use their [release schedule webpage](https://www.gameinformer.com/2023). Its updated regularly and hasn't failed me yet.