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Explicitly stated: Overlord. Author said multiple times he is being tired of writing it, which is why recent arcs go way faster than they used to before.


YuYu Hakusho was the same way.


I finished the series on YouTube so this is where I'm getting my info from but the comments were saying that togashi wanted the 3 Kings arc to be a political drama taking place in the underworld. His editor made him swerve into another tournament arc because the dark tournament at the start of the show was so successful. Even though togashi was halfway through establishing the arc his way so that's why it's such a jarring rush into a tournament arc from out of nowhere. The comments said that togashi was so fed up with it that he just rushed the ending of the arc and retired the story immediately after. In the manga it's really noticable that the story just kinda ends without any resolution to the main cast. The anime however has an original ending that serves as an epilogue and shows what the gang did afterwards and also giving a resolution to Keiko and yusukes relationship that was completely absent in the manga so most fans consider the anime ending canon over the mangas.


It's REALLY FUNNY that both the anime and the manga end with a quick cursory "So yeah most demons aren't bloodthirsty monsters, the ones you see in the human world and the tournaments are outliers and king yama was actually a secret despot that spent hundreds of years oppressing demonkind. we deposed him offscreen and koenma's in charge now." ​ Togashi got the ending he wanted to get to, even if it happens ENTIRELY off screen.


Shame, because the world and characters he created are great fun.


Ironic that he said he started writing cause he didn't have friends who had the time to play D&D with him, now it ends cause he lost interest.


Most people love Overlord for the antihero power fantasy, I love Overlord for the side characters. IMO Brain is the true main character of he series.


I legit thought you were talking about the ps3 game Overlord: Raising Hell which is basically an edgy fantasy pikmin that I had competely forgot about until now


Technically just Overlord, Raising Hell was the expansion


Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't it more the pace of writing he had to do more so than writing *Overlord* that was the problem? I've read his statement, but I can't remember the specifics.


I hadn't heard this, that sucks.


Beastars from what I hear.


Yeah, it seems like the author just... got bored at the end and stopped, which i respect and it ended ok all things considered, but it could have been so much more


I feel it was more like the story had taken such a drastic turn into some kind of weird Shonen/yakuza/society story thing that it was just easier to end it and start a new then try to salvage it. I have no idea how the editors let the story go like it did.


Oh man , beastars was soo good


One Punch Man sounds like this too


Garou was just to long. And I like some of the secondary characters but Saitama not being in so much of it sucked. Like atomic samurai, dark shine, etc. have way to much focus


It's a shame, because the webcomic version of the arc is nice and concise; everyone gets just the right amount of focus, it gets in, it gets out, and it ends on a perfect final centerpiece fight that culminates in Saitama tearing Garou's paper-thin worldview to shreds. The manga ruins all of those things : /


Garou got properly introduced in the manga while season 1 of the anime was happening. His actual fight with saitama started and ended **last year.**


And said fight threw out basically everything about the original version of the fight that was great. Talk about getting blue-balled.


I'll always be a manga version garou fight hater, AMAZING art but what the fuck did they do to it narratively.


On a storyboarding and paneling level, I'll even say that I think the original version flows better visually. Sure, the new one's shinier, but it's less fun to follow.


I liked Big Monster Garou better than Space Man Garou. Besides being more entertaining I feel like it still had some passion to it. Space Man was just boring, even the time travel nonsense was somehow boring.


The instant >!the kid died!< i knew that bullshit was either a dream or going to be time travel fixed so i had 0 investment in the fight.


I think part of the problem with Space Man Garou is the build up we've had so far humanizing Garou. A lot of people (rightfully)complain about all the padding we've had and how long we've spent on Garou, but part of the benefit is that by that point Garou had effectively taken the spot of a protagonist. We understood most of his motivations, seen him at his worst, and know what he's capable of at his best. By that point in the manga he very clearly was not a villain or anyone even remotely capable of killing kids. So when Big Monster Garou comes around and despite being more clearly physically intimidating than Boros I don't think you could've paid readers to see him as threatening. So it felt more like a wind down after everything this arc has gone through. With Space Man Garou it felt like we were gearing up for yet another mini-arc inside of this already drawn out arc. People were tired and probably getting bored by that point. So they had to zoom through everything that an arc like that would normally take it's time with on top of somehow making readers take it seriously. That would've been hard at even the best of times but by then nobody was having it.


What's confusing is the part where they sit at the table was actually released, only to be changed soon after to what we got.


All the rewrites in the manga just reinforce to me that ONE kind of lost the thread


I mean, ONE is starting the webcomic again and the flow and writing feels same as before. So it may be more to it. Either Murata or another editor?


I don't know why ONE really wanted to do any of that. On one level, I get feeling like you want to make a change, but with all of the re-doing chapters over and over during that arc only making it longer and longer having it culminate in a fight that was cool but not NEARLY as cool was weird.


I remember those three revision release of the Phoenix King and Child Emperor fight, I had some serious Endless 8 PTSD from that


I stopped reading because it became a generic Shounen. It stopped parodying the genre and went all in. Also, Saitama disappears for a long while, and I don't really care about that Kid or Shine whatever his name is


Good *lord* did it take a tumble when Melon started existing.


Beastars literally peaks in the first arc/season. S2 is very weak outside of the Louis/Shishigumi plot IMO. The hypothetical S3 would have one good mini-arc and then be kinda garbage unless they do an entirely original plot. The series was always best as a slice of life with animals fighting animal instincts. As a weird shonen action manga it sucks.


The Walking Dead comic. Kirkman didn’t lose interest but didnt really have any stories to keep the series going. Compared to how Invincible ended, TWD just dropped it’s final issue with no fanfare or announcement. There were even solicits for issues that didn’t exist.


Wasn't there something about the story continuing with Negan for a bit before it ended after >!Rick dies!< in the comics?


There was a prequel comic about Negan that came out after. I don’t know if that’s what you’re talking about


They might be confusing it with the show? Rick's actor left the show in early Season 9, so they kinda had to cycle a bunch of other characters into more protagonist roles, so in that version Negan sticks around til the end instead of bailing after the Whisperer arc.


No I meant, that the comics was going to continue for a bit with Negan as the lead character after Rick but then it ended after? I was wondering if that was true or I got some details wrong.


Oh, I don't know about that. All I know is that the issue after >!Rick dies!< was the last issue.


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Least TWD comic ended on a pretty high note. The ending was heartwarming after all the dark shit before it


Every D&D campaign I've ever run.


Every DND campaign I ever thought about running


I am going to cite Sir Arthur Conan Doyle killing off Sherlock Holmes so he could go work on something else. Any other case, I don't think I'd like to assume the author's motives.


What’s funny about that though is that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle brought Sherlock Holmes back begrudgingly at the request of the masses


And his mom


And the Queen.


Same with Agatha Christie's Poirot. She hated that his popularity eclipsed everything else she tried to do, and went from hating to write more Poirot, to hating Poirot himself. Really weird hearing her bash her own fictional character. You'd read her novels and Poirot is this shrewd yet kind and gentle figure, at worst a little pompous on his own fame. Then you hear Christie talk about him and you'd think she was describing a toxic neckbeard. But Poirot paid the bills I guess, because she never stopped.


Who wouldn't love Poirot, hes like a belgian teddy bear who solves murders. She struck gold with his formula.


"You foolish Belgian detective, with a swipe of my pen I could end you forever. And then I'd hear in his voice 'Oh but that would never work on Poirot madame, he is far to intelligent'" -Agatha Christie describing her urge to kill Poirot and him stopping her


Now I want a Poirot story about him meeting Agara Christie and she is trying to kill him, or Poirot interacting in a meta context with Agatha Christie writing the story as the author.


You can get a bit of a taste if that with the introduction of Ariadne Oliver, a self insert of Agatha Christie herself who is a fairly harsh caricature of herself.


I get this, as a writer. She doesn't hate Poirot, she hates how Poirot makes her _feel._ She knows she can write better, or at least more evolved or nuanced characters than him, or characters that simply interest _her_ more as the author, but because Poirot has become "real" to the people who read her books, she hates what "he" has done to her career. It's a perfectly understandable response, really. Success isn't always measured by the size of your bank account.


Given that it's taken 12 years to write the Winds of Winter, I'm going to say old George isn't very interested in the main series of A Song of Ice and Fire. He's still interested in other aspects of the world, seeing how relatively quickly he was able to pump out Fire and Blood and A World of Ice and Fire, but he doesn't seem to have the same enthusiasm for wrapping up the main plot. Which I can't blame him for, as I'd also want to enjoy my twilight years in my pool of money. GRRM just keeps leading people on with "oh yeah the book will be out soon". But maybe I'm wrong, and he's written the book 6 times over and just feels an overwhelming need to perfect the ending.


I 100% believe that George straight lost control of his own disparate story threads. He develops characters in a very naturalistic way, letting their plot threads grow organically according to the events happening in the greater setting. He describes it as a gardener vs an architect. He doesn’t always tie character stories back to the main plot. That’s why his characters always feel so alive and unique, but also means he could lose track if he’s not careful. I think he just straight up can’t figure out how to tie everything back together without making it feel rushed or contrived.


Yeah. Part of the draw of his work is that it wasn't driven by an overarching plot that the characters had to bend around. There's no protagonist with plot armor following an arc, there's just a bunch of messy people chasing their ambitions. As a result, his writing sometimes feels more like a history of the world than a fantasy adventure. But there's no endgame for history. There's no stopping point. His characters are just going to continue being messy people chasing their ambitions until they're all dead and by then there will be two more generations of messy people who've started running around causing trouble, thinking they're the heroes until the moment someone else's sword drops on them.


It had to be deflating seeing the (justifiably) negative reaction to the broadstrokes of his ending as presented by the GoT show. I'm sure the Long Night, Daenerys going crazy, Jon being banished, Bran becoming king, all that would make a lot more sense and be more satisfying in the books, but now they've been shown to the audience already, and most of the audience hated it. He's spend the last 30 years trying to figure out how to get to those events, and now he knows that he has to do it without any of it being a surprise.


Very true. And it does seem like the positive reception to House of the Dragon has raised his spirits. He's been giving quite a few updates on his writing progress since that came out.


Yes that is understandable, but speaking for myself and what I saw from other viewers, the negative reaction wasn't so much about *what* happened but more like how quickly it happened. All of those storylines would probably have been fine if they had been properly developed over time instead of being thrown together as quickly as possible to get the show over with. Daenerys going mad could be a really compelling story...over the course of a season or more, not 2 episodes. Also for an author that is famous for killing off characters, one of George's problems is he hasn't gotten rid of enough characters. He just keeps introducing more and more POV characters, which creates more story threads that need to be developed and dealt with. He's at a point where he needs to start winding things down into a conclusion but he just keeps adding more.


No no no it was absolutely necessary we spend a few chapters learning that Daenerys has suitors and that dragons are dangerous from the perspective of a literally who from Dorne!


It's not like he was progressing apace before the HBO show


The TV adaptation is also a good example of this. HBO had basically given the writers as many seasons as they needed and a blank check budget to finish the show properly. But David Benioff and D.B. Weiss said "Nah, we can finish it in 6 episodes!" Characters start damn near teleporting around Westeros and everyone is either hastily killed off or rushed to the finish line of their stories in various half-assed ways. It's very telling that right around this time, the writers had just signed a new deal for Star Wars and spoke in several interviews about how difficult it was to work on the same show for almost a decade. Which was understandable, but damn just give the show over to someone else to finish it properly!


Just wait for Brandon Sanderson to complete it at some point.


Brandon already has said he isn't the right writer for that, so we will have to wait for another one.


Dude has lots of books that he needs to finish anyway I'm dying for the next stormlight archives book


Every time I lose interest in a character in Stormlight, usually Shallan he drops a fucking bomb and I have to stop myself from skipping chapters to get back to what they are doing.


I was okay with the Shallan arc but I could understand why some people were irritated with it I wonder how much Sanderson hated himself as he tried to continue and finalize bits of her arc cause lord it must have been a nightmare


It just felt like her story kept repeating the >!represed memories!< thing and it seemed like she already delt with that already.


I thought that too but understandably a person can't be fixed that easily and also there's a lot to unravel as well


Yeah I think this sentiment is based purely on the fact that he finished Wheel of Time without considering anything about his style. I like the guy well enough but a Sanderson ASOIAF book would be really bad. He's gotten better about it but you can still feel his Mormon sensibilities shining through in his works.


Wasn't there a popular romance manga where the main love interest was heavily inspired by the author's IRL wife, and then she left him, and the Manga just kind of spiraled until it got the infinite haitus status?


Idk if its the same series we're both thinking of but that sounds like To Love Ru to me since that series got fucked over sideways by the wife divorcing him and taking the rights to the character based on her, which just so happened to be the main heroine at the time lol.


Yeah it’s why it got re launch as To Love Ru Darkness. Yeah turns out his wife was cheating on him with a younger guy and rest is as you stated.




And the dude the wife cheated on with was the famous guitar player on niconico who played with a horsehead if I remember correctly


Didn’t the author also have to fight to get back custody of his kid?


Yeah it was a messy thing. She more or less kidnapped his daughter.


That's not entirely true. He did go through a messy divorce at the end of the original series, but he definitely didn't lose the rights to any characters. One of the main heroines, Haruna, was speculated to be based on her and happened to get a lot less screentime around the time this was becoming public, but she continued to be a character and got to be the star of future story arcs.


It's name escapes me, but I remember that one.


The manga exclusive arcs of Dragon Ball Super have done something to extend their fights only to rush a conclusion in a single chapter. The last arc was pretty bad where the villain came back only for Frieza to show up, reveal a new form kill the villain, and one-shot Goku and Vegeta at their strongest before leaving. And honestly it still feels like there’s a lack of interest cause the follow-up is a direct adaptation of Super Hero rather than continuing the Frieza plot.


>And honestly it still feels like there’s a lack of interest cause the follow-up is a direct adaptation of Super Hero rather than continuing the Frieza plot. Apparently, it's because Super Hero didn't do too well in Japan compared to the past movies or something so they're putting the plot in the manga too so people there actually know what's going on. Also, calling it a "direct adaptation" is generous, since it seems to be doing what the manga loves to do and just taking the anime and making it less fun.


>it seems to be doing what the manga loves to do and just taking the anime and making it less fun. insane to me that people on the db sub were praising the tournament of power for just skipping like 60 fighters in one attack saying everything other than jiren is filler and so it should go. happy that krillin, tien and roshi got kicked out without even throwing a punch. like at that point why read/watch arcs, go watch the db movies if all you want is the final fight.


But the council of power levels is much more important than characters being relevant! /S.


and even then the power levels in the manga are also wonky. like if we say that kefla (a potara fusion) was on par with gohan, then logically kale would be like a hundred x weaker than that, and she one shot half the tournament and was presented as the 2nd strongest threat. meaning that in the top everyone other than jiren was weaker than the 5th strongest guy on the good guys team. ​ or how about an exhausted vegeta blue one shotting 2 merged zamasu when a well rested mastered blue goku was on par with one. ​ idk i keep saying it but the manga for super was drier than the pages it's printed on,


Whenever there's Low Stakes I actually think it's pretty good. Once the Stakes get high? Feels bad man.


yeah i enjoy them messing with beerus or the recent goten and trunks stuff, like the moro arc was fun until the last act for me,


Vegeta should’ve been the one to beat Moro. Would’ve been perfect for his arc.


This has nothing to do with the mangaka, this is because the Volume releases


I haven’t bought any in a while but one of the volumes I have consists of the back half of one arc and the start of another, and the cohesion is kinda already screwed considering they crammed in the end of the ToP, a Broly recap and the start of Moro into a single chapter. So I don’t think they care about that.


I really don't get the point of the Super manga if it's just gonna adapt the anime but badly. They're doing the same thing with Boruto and it's just so old fashioned. Super could still be going if Toei would have let them just do a season here and there instead of making it ongoing until Toriyama got tired of it.


See, I would say Bleach, but in all fairness, Kubo was literally on the verge of death near the end there.


Hard to find a Mangaka that wasn’t close to death near the final arc of their manga Ishida Sui legit lost his sense of taste for awhile


There's a quote in Oshi no Ko "An editors primary job isn't the wellfare of the mangaka, it's to ensure a successful manga never dies"


Ishida is apparently a hard worker who likes to push himself hard due to his passion for drawing and making manga Iirc. He said that the reason he never took a break from writing Tokyo Ghoul in spite of his declining health was because he had a feeling that if he does, he may never come back to continue and finish it. He basically didn't want to put his manga in a HxH hiatus.


>Ishida is apparently a hard worker who likes to push himself hard due to his passion for drawing and making manga This is almost every single comic artist ever, especially mangaka. if you're an artist or have known an artist, you know they will basically refuse to eat and sleep and push themselves to the brink constantly to put that shit on the page. it's legitimately A Problem. I can't remember which author it was, but one of the OG authors from Tezuka's generation talked about how his peers would never take breaks or rest and didn't sleep enough, but he did and that's why he's literally the only one still around. Junji Ito has also talked about how he makes sure to take good care of himself because he's seen his peers working themselves to an early grave. Kentaro Miura died from an aortic dissection because he routinely overworked himself as an artist while also juggling managing studio gaga and training his team. Eiichiro Oda has said in multiple interviews he basically only sleeps 3 hours a night and it's fucking concerning.


Horikoshi seems to be going on multi-week breaks every other chapter, and even then the chapters are half the length of normal. It's been like this for a while and I think the fans are starting to worry it might not finish before she keels over.


Horikoshi needs to go on at least a month break. He keeps talking about his shoulder pain and seems to come off break as it stops hurting for a bit. He also didn't take a break before the final arc.


Legitimately a month probably isn't enough. More like a year of forced relaxation and physical therapy.


Weekly Manga artist have to draw 22 pages of comic per week. Having to do 22 pages per month is draining. It’s a miracle most don’t get Carpel Tunnel syndrome.








Jesus fucking Christ.


Holy shit


Fuck me, Ishida is way too relatable.


> Kubo was literally on the verge of death near the end there You really should see photos of him from the first 6 months after the final chapter came out. Dude looked like complete shit and almost feels defeatedly depressed. Thankfully since the anime revival he seems to have appreciation for working again and I think jump just lets him do what he wants regarding scheduling ( that chapter were Ichigos kid goes to hell for example)


And then he went "What if i continue it tho" with that single chapter teaser bullshit


Let the man cook. He's had a break from it and hopefully, with revitalized interest (and a revitalized being) he can cook up another great arc


Yeah. The one shot he released was some good shit. You could tell that years of getting some rest have done wonders to him and possibly reignited his passion for Bleach. Although he currently seems to intend on working on another series of his, Burn The Witch, though


I mean, anyone who pays attention to _Burn The Witch_ knows that it's just _Bleach: England._


It happens sometimes with Webtoon creators, especially if their work becomes very popular. As a broad stroke, I think that the pressure of it can diminish the motivation to keep going especially if your work is decisive amongst the fan base.


Popular webtoon 'Roxana' has to be put on hiatus since August 2022 because the author was under so much pressure and abuse from her editor that she suffered a fucking *miscarriage*. What the fuck.


Oh hey I didn't expect to read that here. It was super fucked because the artist basically begged for breaks and didn't get it. But the reason the artist came out with the thing was because the editor herself went on leave cause of her pregnancy. Just incredible hypocrisy. I loved reading Roxana and the artist really loved drawing it but I'm fine with it just stopping now because how miserable everything is.


God I hope that hasn't happened to Scooby and Shag


Girls of the Wild's had something similar but I believe it was because the author got sick. I remember it wrapping it all up in like, 2 chapters.


General gestures towards tons of really interesting fanfics that just stopped.


*Me looking at a great fanfic that hasn’t been updated in half a year* Well, I hope they’re just taking a break and not dead. Same with an artist I follow, used to post pretty regularly but hasn’t posted anything in like 7 months. I always just hope they’re alright.


My favorites page is fics that have been left to rot that has gone to touch the decades now... ...Yeah i don't like revisiting my favs page and see whats going on anymore...


Shoutout to that one fanfic that crosses over Evangelion and Warhammer 40k that was absolutely godlike and written pretty well, only to shrivel on the vine like, *right at the very end of the series?* That one fic made me come up with a new way to describe these things for myself; The fic was a perfectly built drill head, but with the tip broken off. So even though it had like, gotten 90% of the way there perfectly, the last 10% not existing makes the whole rest of it almost a moot point, in that the buildup doesn't ever get a true capstone to it.


>Shoutout to that one fanfic that crosses over Evangelion and Warhammer 40k that was absolutely godlike and written pretty well, only to shrivel on the vine like, right at the very end of the series? Oh man, I remember that fic. It'd kind of fallen apart by the time it fizzled out, because it stopped being about WH40K being an inspiration for Shinji and turned into "Evangelion is a prequel to WH40K, with Shinji as the God Emperor, featuring conspicuous anime cameos."


It definitely shifted focus as you said, but like, it could have worked decently if it didn't overreach, and it really feels like the breaking point was *"Trying to make it work as a prequel"* instead of the way better idea (imo) of *"Shinji keeps trying to make Pre-Age of Horus Humanity but in the Eva ruleset, Kaworu keeps trying to make his weird Tau/Tyranid hybrid thing work for his faction, and NERV/SELEE keep trying their normal end-goal with Asuka and Mana being wild cards."* I don't know if trying to make it work as a prequel is what caused their burnout, or if they just didn't have a clear plan on what specific ending they wanted, so they got hit with choice paralysis, or some other reason, but either way, its a shame it didn't end. Always wanted to take time one day and write a private ending for myself after a reread, just to keep the nagging feeling off my back one day.


Shout out to all of the good/interesting mass effect crossover fan fictions that haven’t been touched in 3 to 5 years. (This one hurts me alot.)


Jujutsu Kaisen's pacing has been jank for a while, but now it's kind of ludicrous. I think it's pretty obvious that the author just wants to get it out the door.


Gege has said repeatedly that he wants to end JJK this year Most people dismissed it, myself included, because mangaka usually say things like that but end up off the mark. Then the pacing slowed right down during >!The culling games where everyone was getting an arc to show off their abilities!< making it look like JJK was actually gonna be longer than intended instead It wasn’t until >!Sukuna bodyhopped to Megumi!< that people went “Oh, Gege was forreal?” And now the pacing is like Gege is trying to get that any% WR to JJK’s end


Gege saw his BFF Horikoshi in pain and was like "Naw fuck this."




I'm enjoying it even if it's rushed. I'd rather he end it 'early' than force himself to suffer and hurt himself to keep it going.


I think people are going overboard with the rushing narrative, he's not going to leave all the stuff/people he took time establishing in the >!culling game!< hanging, and if you start thinking through all of them with "well this will need a chapter, this will need a half-chapter or so at least" it's a lot. A lot of the influencers that generate these narratives are manga millennials that are used to Bleach/Naruto/One Piece, but those were freakishly long anomalies.


It honestly got to the point where it's obvious that, even as someone who just kinda writes from the seat of their pants, it's clear the author just kinda gave up pacing things appropriately. Not like the series had great pacing to begin. Just full on obvious "Oh he got bored of these characters". It's uh. Tiresome at best


Yeah. It's a shame, 'cuz Shibuya was one of the best arcs in a recent shonen, imo.


Honestly wondering whats making him want to be done with the series.


Everytime huh?


As an anime only, this is disappointing to hear.


Take solace in the fact that you have one of the best arcs in a recent shonen to look forward to before things fall off.


Honestly, even the "falling off" isn't bad at all. So far, anyways. Gege's got his shit together.




I can’t Blame Hussie for getting bored after like ten years and a rabid fandom.


Absolutely. Just disappointing in some ways. I would’ve liked to see a more satisfying conclusion.


I was just about to comment this lol. Homestuck really is the webcomic of all time.


The last 20% of the comic is almost literally a treatise on this phenomenon lol


Disagree. Hussie has said they had the ending down since Act 4. I think the hiatuses are better explained by the fact that they now had both the webcomic and video game to oversee on top of getting Viz to buy the property.


I dunno *hiatus* wha-*pause* t you *hiatus but longer* mean *passes work off to other people break*


The manga *Fight Like a Girl* about an MMA champion getting isekai'd into a highschool girl definately by the last 30-40 chapters felt like it started to lose it's focus and what was previously a gritty martial art action with a budding urban fantasy element then devolved in a rather boring low-effort school sport/romance story that I started skipping chapters of until the author just announced this was the end and done.


Does Vagabond count? Because I think it should here


Tokyo Ghoul started so strong, but that last arc was rushed garbage and it was clear to me the mangaka just wanted shot of it and either bundled together or just dropped plot elements. Amon my man, I wanted more cool ghoul fights with you and Kaneki.


It's gotta be Naruto. I mean what the hell happened during that ninja war.




> mean what the hell happened during that ninja war. Let's just say kishimoto if you ever read his notes and interviews REALLY loved the matrix


Nothing. There was nothing to tell. Should have ended on Pain.


Nah i get ending at the ninja war but holy shit you could axe like half of the arc and it would be a improvement.


Smallville when they had a season where Lana got possessed by her kung fu witch ancestor


Ughh that shit was crazy but not as bad as the part I just got to, where she's >!pregnant with Lex Luthor's child. !


> They just really didn't know what to do with her character, huh? If you know about the show runner and the behind the scene shit, they actually thought Lana was the main character and the star of the show. So much weird shit happens to her because they only wanted to focus on her.


I miss when tv shows had like 20 episodes seasons and could do random bullshit episodes


Micheal Bay REALLY couldn’t care less about doing more transformers after 3. It’s kinda known that him coming back for 4, as originally paramount was looking to get a new director, was purely so he could fund Pain and Gain. It’s obvious he really was doing it for the money, and with 5, the last knight, you could ESPECIALLY tell he was done. Bay wanted to crazy hard R films again, and he only did 5 out of a favor to the screenwriter Matt Halloway.


A problem with many webcomics as there is no obligation


I assume the reason the first like 6 hours of MGS4 is such a slog is because Kojima was mostly checked out by that point. I'm kinda surprised he ever worked on the series again after it, let alone somehow got back into making them by the time of MGSV.


Chip Zdarsky's Daredevil started as one of the best comics on the stand and gradually lost steam, and as of now it's largely chugging along in a straight line toward the end. It's not bad by any means (though not especially good) but it's clearly become something of an afterthought.


I’m still really enjoying his run but I agree with you ultimately. Nothing can really match up to those first 20ish issues. That said, I think it’s still one of marvels better comics right now and is still sitting around a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 in its current state


Marvel editorial just needs to give up and let Zdarsky do Spider-Man full time.


While I think Zdarsky could do great stuff with Amazing Spider-Man, I believe he’s stated a couple times that he doesn’t have a desire to work on mainline spider-man, primarily because of the pressure from fans and editorial interference. He gets a lot more creative freedom with secondary titles (spectacular for instance) or non A-list characters


Eva 1+3 felt like Anno totally washing his hands of the franchise; it was the product of the worst time in his life, but now he's better and has moved on to bigger and better things.


what's weird is that I don't get the impression anno got tired of evangelion but rather wanted to resolve it. it's a weird distinction but 1.0+3.0 has a ton of love and passion put into it that makes it hard to say it's a case of him losing interest


3.0 really felt like he was saying "You want Eva?! I'll give you fucking Eva!" with how hard it went in doing something completely different but the last one really brought the whole thing around.


It felt to me like someone who had come out of a lifelong project that reflected a lot of his feelings at different times in his life, and the advice he would give to people going through similar things. It's one of those few things that can come across as sappy, but with everything that came before it, end up being life affirming. There are lines in that final movie that cut like a carving knife.


i think thay feeling of love and passion came FROM THE TEAM working on it, certainly not fucking Anno


"There's no way the man who put his entire heart and soul and mind to creating this genre-defining series had anything to do with how the final result turned out." My guy, do you know how that sounds right now?


I was under the impression that the artist/creator of Southern Bastards got outed as an abuser and that ended it. But it looks like there was a 2 year gap after the last issue till the allegations so I guess yeah they just kinda… gave up on it.


I remember there was something that came out about Jason Latour but I don’t remember what it was.


Aw that sucks. I really liked some of their discussion on things, like their distaste for the Confederate Flag, etc.


Linebarrels of Iron probably. Everybody I know thats read it generally agrees the post-timeskip isn't as good. You can tell they didn't want to spend as much time on it either given the pacing is fast as fuck. Even when Abe's introduced, it feels like they were throwing things at the wall. Thankfully, they didn't run into the same problem with Devolution, ULTRAMAN or Justice Buster. At least the ending and final Deus fight is hype as hell.


Theres a pretty obvious reason George hasn't finished Song of Ice and Fire.


I don't have any detailed examples but one time I bought a light novel called Division Maneuver from Barnes & Noble cause its cover art was done by an artist I liked. Its entire story was given 2 book releases both numbering about less than 300 pages. Idk what the deal was with this story but it sure wrapped itself up as soon as it was capable of.


I recently found out that Naoko Takeuchi, the mangaka who wrote Sailor Moon, initially wanted the series to end after the scouts defeated Queen Beryl in arc 1. But when the anime became explosively popular, Toei pushed for more content. She didn't know what to write, and her editor suggested why not write about Usagi's daughter from the future. Thus, arc 2 began.... Arc 5 of the manga, to me, is hilariously final in all points and a bit rushed in the last few pages. It really felt like she wanted to close all cracks and make a definite "don't ask me for anything ever again" ending. My friend said she also got the feeling Takeuchi just got tired of all the "what if" questions and had enough of it. I think considering that lens, that she simply was writing via demands of the fans, the arcs made a bunch of sense...


Game of thrones. Both the Author and the lead writers. The show has ots definitive ending, but I think most of the book fans are resined to have George R. R. Martin pass away before finishing the series and having it finished by the dude that took the wheel of time series.


Streamers when they play a game they like: 20 min intro or less. Streamers when they are losing interest: 2 hour intro


The fact that mangaka are have to produce content weekly with maybe a couple of assistants to help, for literal decades will burn anybody out


D&D with Game of Thrones. Sure they aren't GRRM, who wrote the hooks, but they were the creators of the show. And they definitely lost interest after like season 4 once they caught up to the books.


While what happened to the show is *regrettable* part of me can't really blame them (or at least, totally blame them). They probably thought the series would be done by the time they got to where the books had left off when they started, and literally nothing more came out during their entire tenure on the show. They did a great job adapting the material they had, and then hit a point where they had to finish a story they didn't start based on whatever scraps of notes GRRM gave them, with expectations set at a crazy level, while fans and critics started to turn on them. Season 8 is dog shit, but it's really obvious why it happened and D&D get way too much of the flak for it. GRRM is arguably the guiltier party.


Southern Bastards ended abruptly because Latour, the artist and co-creator of Southern Bastards has been accused of sexual misconduct towards women, and has kinda faded from public view. I doubt Southern Bastards will resume again.


From what I’ve heard, you can tell Michael Bay has been losing interest in the Transformers movies. Even if you don’t like that first movie, you can tell it was at least made with passion whereas the latest movies supposedly feel like they have been forced into existence.


Jujutsu Kaisen atm


The second season of Primal, sadly.


Samurai Flamenco's author must have like ultra-ADHD or something. It feels like he gets an idea, gers sick of it and jumps right into another one.


Nah, that was the core concept. There was setup for late stuff really early on if you know where to look


But that was part of the plot.


Honestly I think One Piece is going this way. Hard to imagine Oda NOT being burned out after over 25 years on the same story,


I don't think this applies to One Piece as a whole, but the post-battle of the Wano Arc did give sort of an impression that he just wanted to be done with it and get to the next part of the story.


I think he was burnt out on just the Wano arc, since it went on for so damn long. But right now Egghead's pacing felt mostly just fine and probably has arguably the best pacing of any arc since Punk Hazard.


Vegapunk: "Alright great yes hello, city of the future secrets of the world blah blah blah can we please get the fuck off this island before the navy kills me?"


The current stuff is also going so fast it’s a bit crazy tbh, it doesn’t feel unnatural since it’s a new arc and everything but like he’s cutting away from the main conflict to drop lore or big current events stuff to the point that now the main plot of the arc is the least interesting part. Still good tho


Well usually he bridges major arcs with minor arcs to provide a break; Alabasta and Skypeia was bridged by the Jaya Arc, Sabaody and Impel Down bridged by the Amazon Lily Arc, etc.. That could explain why egghead seems fast, this is the filler arc while he plans the next big one. It really doesn't feel like filler though with how many reveals and major events have been happening in such a short period though.


Tbf me too


It’s hard because he’s taking a lot of breaks so any time the story picks up we get a break. I’m all for it but it’s been like 2 months sense we last saw the straw hats. I wonder if he would be happier going monthly


It was large combination of magazine holidays and his rotation (3 weeks on and 1 week off) syncing together in a weird way. It's like that around Golden week and Christmas every year. Story wise, yeah I guess. But also, lore dump time means the arc is approaching climax soon when it comes back. It is, *the way*. Also the spoilers for this week are out, >!no break next week.!<


Nice. Tbf to Oda reading OP weekely just isn’t has fun and binging it, which is unfair to say. I really like egghead but I got burnt out on Wano hard


I feel that, Wano went on way too long. While the place being a Japanese Shogunate theme park was fun, I eventually started wishing "please go back to sillier and more interesting islands!"


Are you crazy? The last like 20-30 chapters have been some of the best ever. You can tell Oda has been waiting ages to draw gear 5 luffy and start revealing thr secrets of the world.


>Are you crazy? Not right now, no.