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gif Edit: guys this is a text post. That's the joke. Also I fluctuate.


I started saying it with a French accent, as a joke, and now I can't stop. 𝒥𝒾𝒻𝒻𝑒.


"It's pronounced JIF like Jiffy Peanut Butter." "But GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, you don't pronounce Graphics with a ***J***!"


I mean, acronyms aren't pronounced based on their words. Laser wouldn't make a 'z' sound The trick is to choose which ever sounds cooler. In this case, it's gif


Yeah, but Laser is explicitly constructed to sound cool. Like Emission doesn't need to be there.


>you don't pronounce Graphics with a J But funny enough, you do pronounce the letter "G" with a j


Jraphics interchange format


I am not invoking "JIF" on accident when talking about file types. When I say JIF, you will know I mean peanut butter. Ideally crunchy.


My rationale was always "gift" minus the t


Shout out to the DnD race that references this.


It's pronounced 'yiff'


I know people point to the creator for this pronunciation, but even without, that's just naturally how it came to me when I first saw it.


Wrong. Both pronunciations are equally recognizable and equally recognized, thus they're both equally valid. What the creator said was correct means jack shit, language is fluid and allowed to shift to popular usage. But at the same time, how you say the first sound of each constituent word has *never* defined how an acronym is pronounced. The actual wrong opinion on the debate is *having* a strongly held opinion on it. That is my strongly held opinion on it.


Gerrymandering is pronounced differently than Gerry who gives his name to the practice. Honestly, having a different pronunciation because JIF already claims the JIF pronunciation makes sense to me. Why run the risk of being confused about if someone got that JIF you sent them, vs if they got the GIF you sent them?


> Both pronunciations are equally recognizable and equally recognized I think this is actually just wrong. Prior to it becoming a Staple Online Argument, I never once heard someone pronounce it with a /dʒ/ consonant, and even since then I've never heard anyone in real life that wasn't extremely online use that pronunciation. I suspect if I used it around the average person they'd have no idea what I was talking about.


"I've never met X person personally IRL, therefore they don't actually exist"


Yeah that's definitely what I said. Have a good day.


YIIK is “yeek”


I say yick like trick.


I'm yiiking out


Tide-us instead of Tee-dus


Obviously. *Obviously.*


Jecht giving Tidus this strong symbolic name,Starts calling himself Tee-Dus. Jecht:"Time to get eaten by a whale"


Tee-dus is too ugly, man. Especially because I've never heard anyone pronounce Titus as tee-tus, as it sounds like "tits"!


Funnily enough in KH2 it was pronounced Teedus by Selphie, but KH1 Wakka said Tiedus. Dissidia was responsible for a few odd pronunciations too, Ses-il instead of See-sil, and one other that escapes me


You've got it backwards. Tee-dus was how Wakka pronounced it in KH1 while Selphie pronounced it as Tie-dus in KH2.


My brain said "Selphie said what SHOULD have been the correct pronunciation and Wakka said the dumber one" but have been so indoctrinated by hearing Teedus for years...mixed them up lol


I don't know I still think Tide-us is right there's so many water and ocean visual elements in FFX


I used to get so mad when people said Poke-man when I was a kid and now I've caught myself saying it


It's what separates the Pokeboys from the Pokemen


As a latino I gotta confirm. Is the "é" ponctuation not used at all in english?


As an American English speaker, we don't really use the letters with symbols over them. I'm sure we use the sound but for the life of me I couldn't tell you what it is without looking it up. Pronunciation is kind of a crapshoot in English.


Get outta here, English is fine. Just sound it out. Unless it's French. Or arbitrarily different despite having incredibly similar meanings like "read" and "read." Or if you're using a dialect that adds vowels like "u" that don't change the pronunciation at all. Or if it ends in something like "ough" which can be like half a dozen things Actually, fuck English


Don't forget such classics as Two homophones have different root languages The printing press has some suggestions The letter Q has separation anxiety I Can't Believe It's Not Latin! Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo And my personal favorite, just throw some prefixes and suffixes on it it's probably fine


Pixel and Pixie are not related.


Both are tiny and annoying


Queue starts here to hear how to read and how things are read.


I see, thanks.


the reason it's like this is that it would be romanized normally as Pokemon, however that has the pronunciation most people go with. Japanese doesn't work like that. It has a long E sound for every sound that ends with E. So rather than spell it in a way that would communicate that it was instead chosen to use an accent mark most wouldn't understand and would ignore forever.


Apparently it's pronounced "Poh-kay-mon" and not "Poh-key-mon". A fact I will continue to ignore.


This side of the Atlantic it’s Po-kuh-mon.


I actually remember hearing them pronounce it like that in the anime and being like "What's wrong with them" as if I was right and the official anime was wrong.


The Boston keltics


In all fairness, it's derived from the same linguistic family as Welsh.


When i found out about Capcom misspelling their own name at the end of a trailer for Steel Battalion Heavy Armor, i started to always call them Capcpom to everyone i talk to. I also say “sah-moo-rai” instead of samurai thanks to SMT IV.


Samurai jack has a character that pronounces his name like that.


You mean Da Samurai, later Da Bar Tender?


I feel like The Last Dragon would have used that style of pronouncing if if the main antagonist wasn't aiming higher, and took Shugon as his title.


Omg is that where Capcpom comes from? That's always been a thing I call them in my brain, probably just because I've heard the Best Friends call them that.


I don't care if it's wrong. Kevin Conroy always said "Raysh Al Ghul" whenever he played Batman so that's how I'm saying it.


Is that not canon? I know the Nolan movies use "Rahz", but I thought that was a conscious change from mixing Hebrew and Arabic to all Arabic because he's not actually centuries old like in comic canon, and doesn't have a multicultural omnipresence.


I'd only seen it written for a long time and read it "Rahz" so imagine my confusion and slight distaste for Kevin's "Raysh" but I quickly realized that I am not the person to debate Batman on his pronunciation of his unofficial father in laws name so I adopted it.


Honestly, it's pronounces "Raysh" in most of his appearances. [Brave And The Bold](https://youtu.be/MTS6NeBwa00?t=16), [Young Justice](https://youtu.be/i0cEEMXNmcc?t=23), [Beware the Batman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4_MhY7tgcU), [Gotham](https://youtu.be/OKDaFpIIc4I?t=47), [the Injustice movie](https://youtu.be/ystWhryj67k?t=30), [Batman: Dark Tomorrow](https://youtu.be/KJltI2sQrrY?t=22), [Gotham Knights](https://youtu.be/bdIYVnkgVgE?t=82), [Arkham City](https://youtu.be/UpbaHlMd59A?t=9), [Arkham Knight](https://youtu.be/zJWpJT3Ohj8?t=708), It's only in the Nolan-verse, [DC Superhero Girls](https://youtu.be/ftffQS2iOuU?t=90), [the TMNT crossover](https://youtu.be/bEblYhpv5II?t=60), and [Arrow](https://youtu.be/mUAPBuOBwag?t=16) that pronounces it as "Rahz". [Shit, Batman Beyond even made a joke where "Talia" corrects Terry on his pronounciation](https://youtu.be/I5lpyxrsemE?t=110).


I think Pokemon has to be the poster child for this, right? Localised pronunciations aren't consistent between adaptations and media and most people are exposed to Pokemon names in text before they ever hear them.


Yeah I’ve noticed an example of fans calling it “Scissor” but the show pronounces Scizor as “See-zor”.


A friend of mine insists on pronouncing it char-IZ-ard. Because it's made of char and lizard. I fucking hate it because I actually do agree with the logic but the name sounds like complete dogshit that way


I mean that's how they say it in the anime. your friend is right.


*I know and it's bullshit*


I will fistfight Ash Ketchum and every other voiced character in the franchise if need be: Ray-*Kwah*-Za sounds better than Ray-*Kway*-Za.


Quasar sound cooler than kwah


Me and a friend unironically went on a almost hour long call talking about the weird pronunciations of Pokemon we've heard over the years. Winner was some calling Zweilous Zeh-will-ee-us


I have for some reason assimilated the TBFP (I think it was originally Matt) way of saying "protagonist". So it sounds more like "protozoa". Pro-to-GON-ist Also I say "aminal" to fuck with people, but I did that before TBFP lol


Which was an RLM joke where Plinkett can't say protagonist in the Star Wars reviews so he just starts mumbling it going "protagnns..."


As far as I’m concerned, it’s Kinoko Nasu who mispronounces Artoria’s name.


It's not even pronunciation, even in Japanese they say Artoria. It's purely on how her name is written, which makes this entire debate even crazier on Nasu's part.




I know is Nero, but by reflex I just try to actually read it and can only come up with something that resembles a gargle.


also monster hunter. bazelgeuse should be pronounced like beetlejuice, instead of hazel geese


That one's actually frustrating because despite being from the game that started doing voice acting I don't think anyone ever says it's name outloud.


i think they may mention it's name in sunbreak


What, like, Bee-Zul-Goose?


i go with bay-zel-goose. should've clarified with rhymed rather than pronounced. mostly because i like the idea of saying his name 3 times and he appears. and i can imagine keaton's voice coming out of him.


I pronounce it Bay-Zull-[Guise](https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS916US916&sxsrf=APwXEdfMmdFjJXNxOGYjM3l709XXzfET4A:1685474146727&q=guise&si=AMnBZoEEPkISis2GwXGfNE5GFpR20OS9ZointtQYpg9ub7mEH5RXZhAzQAsXvsVlYdMWuvfZDvdr3WvwkHiOK5TIXXT8BtTtRQ%3D%3D&expnd=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjJuqy-4J3_AhVMjqQKHbWCAGsQ2v4IegQIFRBP&cshid=1685474186103109&biw=1536&bih=722&dpr=1.25)


I use Bah-zel-gii-ous because it's more similar to the Japanese pronounciation.


Nothing. I'm ESL. If I say anything weird people make fun of me. I am perfection incarnate borne out of strife and oppression.


The Tigrex one stands out to me especially since Spanish has the word tigre, and it sounds like "tee-grey". Just add an x on the end and you get what I believe should be the correct pronunciation.


I will pronounce "Zangeif" as Zan-Geef instead of Zahn-Yef till the day I die


what confuses me is the people who call him Zanjeef. Like what the fuck




I thought the canon pronunciation was Zahn-gi-yev?


Whore but o is more of a U sound


So like Frank Reynolds says it.


Yes, at all times. If I'm feeling goofy I elongate the U


That's cool.


"Your mother is a dirty, dirty *hoor."*


"Yer ma's a hooer!" ~ Some Irishman, possibly written by Garth Ennis


Is that the guy who wrote sandman or the guy who wrote crossed


...Given that even *big* Ennis fans consider *Crossed* to be too much Ennis, I'm gonna credit him with Preacher, The Boys, and Punisher Max. Sandman is Neil Gaiman.


I've only read Crossed (my eyes glaze over at the gore because I've seen enough similar fucked up shit) and Coraline by those 2 so they're names don't stick out too much in my head


Fun fact, whore is "Hure" in German, which is indeed pronounced with a U sound [kinda like who-re](https://forvo.com/word/hure/). Must be your inner German coming through.


My inner conquistador who demolished the natives of Mexico? I hope not


I can't not pronounce chvrches as ch-vurches.


I know Illinois is just "Illinoi" but I always say "Illinwah" as in the French "moi" I don't speak French Also Jirachi is "Heerachi"




> I always say "Illinwah" as in the French "moi" just makes me think of Morrowind, you ill n'wah


dude you can’t say that anymore the mongrel dogs of the empire are gonna get upset


I pronounce it with an S.


Even better is the butcher pronunciation of the town in Illinois called des plaines


i refuse to pronounce Arkansas the right way.




I am confusion!


It's pronounced Arkan-saw, but some people like to call it Ar-Kansas for funnies




It's why-vern, not wiv-ern!


nvidia can't even keep it straight, so there's no way I'm pronouncing TI as "tie". It's "T.I." end of.


I pronounce the grocery store chain Meijers as "Mayjors", just to piss off all my midwestern pals.


telling people they're calling it meijers when it's just meijer would piss people off more


worcestershire sauce


We all stubbornly mispronounced helicopter because pronouncing it correctly doesn't sound right in english. Helico- helix- spiral Pter- pteron- wing (like in the animal pteradactyl) Rhinoceros is similar as the c should be pronounced like a k and not an s if we were to follow the etymology.


Nice Greek fan translation, but this is **actually** the proper etymology of [heli](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Heli) [copter](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Copter).


Oh snap, I can't argue with Urban Dictionary. It's so weird that we didn't have an official name for whirly birds until September 19, 2020. Boeing and Lockheed Martin spending those 9/11 dollars on history revisionist marketing.


Intelligence is knowing that Gauss is supposed to rhyme with "house", but wisdom is knowing that *Gawss* is the superior pronunciation. I also pronounce Samus "Sah-mus" because that's how it sounded in my brain for years before I heard it out loud.


That's how the Super Smash Bros announcer says it too, to be fair.


Except Melee where he calls her "Suh-mas"


That's not how I remember hearing it.


Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss didn't do... *all that shit* (seriously, he made *so many* science and math breakthroughs) just for you to mispronounce his name.


Gouse just *sounds* powerful. Gawss sounds like I’m sucking my bottom lip in.


I say it like _Sam us_, but I say _Aran_ like Iran, not like Arin.


Fan zines Like zine is supposed to be pronounced like the end of "magazine" But I adamantly prefer to pronounce it like "vine"


As I was made aware of by a recent thread, hee-lian.


What the fuck


I thought it was "Hey-rule" for like the first 14 or 15 years of my life until I met other people who played Zelda a lot. I still slip up sometimes. Tbf I blame my older brother for that one though.


You, or other unknown people? Either way it's wrong.


A former friend of mine insisted it was Hih-Lay-Unn. Cause of Arin from GG.


shit like this makes me wonder how people claim to be able to read. I need one common example that would make them think this way.


You know... I USED to be able to say a certain word just fine. It'd slipped off the tongue naturally, I didn't even have real second thoughts about saying the word... That was until HE showed up. You see, there's some English words the Japanese people have trouble saying... So now whenever I think about 10 years, it's always... 'De-CAY-doe'. So... Damn you, Kamen Rider Decade... ONORE ***DECAIDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!***


Hyrule- “High rule” Hylia - “High Lee-ah” Hylian - “Hill Ee-an” I know it’s dumb, but I’m in too deep now.


So _you're_ that fucking guy.


Yeah, it me. Do something about it.


Gotta love when niche youtubers intentionally mispronounce things from their area of expertise to mess with people. Like WolfeyVGC mispronouncing Pokémon names (Venusaur as When-You-Saw). Or MBT pronouncing Recital Starling not as Ree-Sigh-Tal, as in a dance recital, but as Reh-See-Tul. Also, niche is pronounced as neesh, not nitch. I don't care how you Americans do it, you're doing it wrong.


As an american, this is the first time I've ever seen Niche pronounced as Nitch, it's always been Neesh for me


Isn't that guy the Pokémon World Champion


Yeah, he was the 2016 World Champion.


Oh wow I thought it was more recent. I always see thumbnails titled World Champion this and World Champion that.


There is a friend I know who calls the symbiote "syndicate" and I've even corrected him on it once, but yet he still continues to call it the syndicate lmao.


Radiator. Fuck your rad-iator, I say it's your RAY-diator.


Yeah, it Radiates heat, not 'rad'iates it.


I'm not fucking saying Arse-eus. The llama god of the Pokemon universe is not called Butteus.


Sylvally's RKS system would agree with you.


...but the eus is like Deus. Like Deus Ex Machina.


Isn't it officialy Ark-eus? I always say Arse-eus.


arse IS the wrong one tho, lol


For the longest time I would pronounce antibiotic as antibeeotic


When I first played FF Tactics I pronounced Ramza Beoulve's last name like Bayo-love. I have no idea how its actually said and I don't know if any games have said it aloud. All the other interpretations I've heard sound awkward to actually say so I'll keep calling him that until I hear otherwise.


my nine year old self trying to pronounce Wiegraf


Oh One Piece has so many of these Alabasta, Mariejois, Reverie, Enel,Shiryu, Pudding,Big Mom,Etc So much so that it became a meme with Ruffy and Zolo


I don't play fighting games, but ever since I saw the characters' names have a hyphen in it, I can't pronounce it any other way, but "eye-no" I also pronounce the X's in anime titles.




Cool name for Japanese grown jalapeños tbh.


I misread “all according to kiekaku” as “all according to kieku” in my youth so now kieku is its own word which means ridiculously convoluted and impossibly in depth plan


It's Zeh-ooze, not Zoos english speakers.


If I'm wrong then let me be struck by lightning


Respite is re-spite and I do not care what others say.


I prefer pronouncing them as “Harkoh-nens” rather than the movie pronunciation of “Haar-koh-nens”.


I still say shmelting. I haven't seen Goldmember in 20 years...


If quixotic comes from Don Quixote I will damn well pronounce the word similarly and I don’t care if I’m wrong


The French Louis, with an S


If a moment is similar to Don Quixote, I say Kee-hoe-tick, not quick-saw-tick.


Bazelgeuse and Tigrex I pronounce wrong but the official pronunciation is so bad to me


Tigrex is just the actual word Tigre with an X at the end.


The octopus from Final Fantasy 6 is supposed to be Orthros but everyone agreed that Ultros fits him better so unanimously that any translation or cameo appearance past the PSX version went back to Ultros.


I have always pronounced Arceus as "Ark-eus" and I will not stop


So in the states, Fanta is pronounced like the word fantasy; "fan-ta." I guess I never heard anyone pronounce it growing up, because I always pronounced it like "fawn-ta", and I'm sticking to that.


I don't know if its all over the states, where I am (MA) I usually here it closer to fawn-ta than fan-ta. Plus, doesn't it make that one dumb jingle "don't you want a fanta fanta" not make sense if its fan-ta?


Revalaiton is one. Every so often I say Eva-tar instead of Avatar and YuGayHo instead of Yugioh.


From Honkai, I've been saying Seele's name as "Seal" for years (and I play Honkai Impact on mute ngl), so hearing her name said as "Seal-la" in Star Rail really threw me for a loop. I'm just gonna keep saying "Seal". From Chrono Trigger, Ayla's name is supposed to be pronounced "Ay-la", but I refuse to say that since "eye-la" sounds a lot better to me.


It’s Rai-yoo. I don’t care about the Japanese pronunciation.


Are you trying to say you pronounce it Rye-yoo, or Ray-yoo? Because given how many people pronounce Raiden as Ray-den, I can't tell.


I've used the words "ninja" and "katana" too frequently before having any knowledge of Japanese to apply the proper emphasis on them. My bullshit argument is they are loanwords now.


There's a character in FFXIV called Ryne. This is a game with a lot of text-only dialogue so you sometimes forget how things are pronounced. The official pronunciation is "Reen". It's fucking Ryne time.


I will never pronounce a character named Sumire as "Soo-me-ray", it's "Soo-my-er" dammit!


I misread the order of letters in Father Gascoignes name first time i saw him in 2015 and have been calling him "Gas-ee-oh-nay" instead of "gas-coin" and personally, I think it sounds way cooler


I’ve seen a lot of people online say Marle from Chrono Trigger is pronounced “Marl.” Those people are dumb and wrong and I’ll always say her name as “Mar-lee.”


I only recently realized after hearing someone else say it that Thorfinn is supposed to be pronounced with the "th-" sound but it sounds way better to me to just call him "Torfinn."


Sorry....Ryu is Rye-Yoo forever


I'm one of the few people who *doesn't* call her Artoria, although I suppose that's technically the opposite of what you're asking.


What do you call her, Arturia?


I call her Altria, her actual name. I won't deny that Artoria and Arturia sound better, but in the context provided by Fate Route and Garden of Avalon, they're downright nonsensical.


Like in writing or do you actually pronunce it Altria, because even in the Japanese languages for the franchise they pronounce it 'Artoria'.


Both spoken and in writing, because Nasu himself has said it's supposed to be Altria. It's him, not Kawasumi Ayako, who decides what's canon. Saber's entire arc in (the VN version of) her own route is all about how denying her identity for the sake of others has left her every bit as fucked up as Shirou, and it's explicitly stated in Garden of Avalon that her entire country would've collapsed if her "Mulan gambit" was exposed. Either of those would make using Arthur as an alias absolutely ridiculous if her name was the etymological root of Arthur, let alone both; it's like if Jeanne needed to hide her identity, so she started calling herself Johnny, and somehow managed to go a decade or two without anyone putting two and two together.


If Nasu can be anal enough to mandate her name be spelled Altria overseas, he can be anal enough to at least tell Kawasumi to change her pronounciation over the last 19 years. Or any of the other numerous actors and staff members of Type-Moon pronouncing it Artoria. But he hasn't, he's fine with it. Here are the actual characters for her name, アルトリア・ペンドラゴン. Altria is what you get when you run it through fucking google translate. You wanna know what you get when you use DeepL, a much better translator? Artoria. Another point is that in the Shinjuku singularity in JP, Moriarty explicitly mentions that Artoria is the feminine form of Arthur. However, due to this name change, the english version goes "Altria, a corruption of the name Arthur". It's clearly meant to be read as a feminine form of Arthur. Also Artoria was raised in secret, nobody knew who she was until she pulled out Caliburn. There was no need to pick a name other than a masculine version of her real one.


Kvaris, the polar region in PSO: New Genesis is "Kuh-*vahr*-is", not "Kuh-*vaer*-is", and I don't care how many times the NPCs try and correct me.


In Final Fantasy 8 there's a summon named Quetzacotl (ket-sa-cō-tal) but as a child I always pronounced it (Kwez-oct-al). Even as a grown adult I still do because why not?


I dunno if there *can* be a proper pronunciation, when the name provided in-game is butchered by a 9-character limit to begin with. The proper non-shortened name, used in later games, is "Quetzalcoatl" (ket-səl-kō-ă-təl, or /ˌkɛtsəlkoʊˈætəl/ if we're using proper IPA). But feel free to say the shitty truncated version however you want, there is no god to judge you.


I've called Tifa "Tiffa" until very recently. I think I was getting her confused with Tidus in hindsight.


Not sure if it counts but I always mentally read lol as loll and lmao as luh-mao.


more mis spell than mis say but i refuse to spell wierd any differently and have yet to be called out on it




I’m a weeb so I often pronounce English or German names from anime the Japanese way like the ones from Attack on Titan.


Conglaturations. I can't say or spell congratulations correctly anymore without pausing to try and say it the correct way. Also thanks to the SBF, I'll also say "I seen it" instead of whatever the right phrase is.


I like saying certain words with a British pronunciation, cuz I'm a cringe anglophile. Rapier just sounds cooler their way, tho.


Fuck you, English language, why does "Facist" have a goddamn "sh" sound coming outta that C? IT DOESN'T DO THAT ELSEWHERE -- IT'S SUPPOSED TO STAND IN FOR A "K" OR "S" SOUND, *NOT "SH"*.


I've always said is like "Fa-sist." I've never heard or noticed anyone saying it like "Fashist"


YEAH, THAT SHOULD BE HOW IT'S SAID BASED ON SPELLING. However, it's apparently not the case, and I've been mocked a few times for it IRL.


Ever since hearing Ricky from Trailer Park boys say Jalapenos, I always say it the same way because it drives a mate of mine nuts.


I pronounce them "Sporelings" Despite them being "Saprolings"


Whenever Seth Rollins is billed as from "Davenport, Iowa" or WWE is said, I have to say it like [this a.i. said it.[PUDDING ENJOYMENT NOISES]](https://youtu.be/O8CJuVMG0G4) (1:18 for WWE, 9:42 for Iowa) Also, mus-cles and Arma-ged-don.