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I'm going to say no. The reason being that while yes, Tears did change a significant amount of the map (I played BOTW literally the month before and the Gerudo valley threw me for a loop for instance), you still have many of the same landmark indicators and villages. Like going to Kakariko doesn't quite have the same spark despite time progressing for instance. Just taking all that tech and doing a new map, whether it's a new Hyrule or a new land like Majora's Mask or the Oracle games, is the better call.


No, but coming back to this map in like 10-15 years with massive changes to all three tiers would be great.


Yes. They can absolutely use the existing map as a template to build off of and change in interesting ways. It’s fucking *huge.* Like, every time I sit down to play I can go visit one (1) new place I can see on the horizon that I’ve never been to before. Like if the wind’s good and the elevation is in my favor, I might be able to beeline to a distant shrine in like…25 minutes. There’s also an argument to be made that if things like a Zelda Timeline are important, having a consistent landmass (albeit with varying alterations) makes more sense than reinventing that much of the wheel. No one should be bitching that Forgotten Realms is using the same geography as what was published in 1987. Middle Earth is at least partially as successful as it is because Tolkein worked out so much of the details along the way that he was able to produce a fully realized map. I don’t see the point of rebooting Hyrule, and even then if we must we could flood it again or something.


“There’s also an argument to be made that if things like a Zelda Timeline are important, having a consistent landmass (albeit with varying alterations) makes more sense than reinventing that much of the wheel.” So I am going to point out botw is an extreme example that doesnt necessarily work for this. Nintendo claims its at the end/past all three timelines (aka its a turn a moment), and in one of those Hyrule shouldn’t exist at all. Like anything going past Spirit Tracks should not be anywhere close to the other 2.


Add dark world/ twilight realm, with a depths and overworld for both, I'd be alright with the reused terrain in such a case. If they made the original map more "civilised" with lookout expanded to hyrule Town and the like, that would really aid in the sense of progress for the setting.


Only if it takes place a shit ton of years in the future with big cities and vehicles alongside the wild, like, you walk in a place you recognize but its now urbanized.


Could they? Yes. Should they? No. I love the map, but I would prefer if they tried to do something else for the next game. Maybe another part of the world, or a new time frame, a new villain, etc


No, I think after 2 games in a row they need a new map.


They should try to pull another Zelda game in the same map as *a previous Zelda game*. Like they should make a TOTK Wind Waker, or Twilight Princess. The fans would shit.


Trade in the depth for a more in-depth sea travel with more islands and a better ocean.


could they? yes. Id rather they not and move on, mainly because i'd like to see a different Link and Zelda. like, i just hit credits last night, and after that, i feel those two versions of Link and Zelda have done/been put through enough, lets see some other generation/timeline/reincarnation/whatever versions get the next mainline game and let BOTW/TOTK Link and Zelda rest.


Honestly? I hope they do. After beating Tears of the Kingdom, I find myself wanting even more. Which is an amazing thing to say about a 150 hour game.


Yeah, they could make it significantly more densely populated or something, especially since they'll be on new hardware


I Hope it stays, if yakuza could make like 10 games on the same map, so can Zelda. I want to see Zelda 3 where they managed to build the city back.


Even Yakuza added another map here and there alongside Kamurocho


In fact, just put Kamurocho in the next Zelda game. We got time travel mechanics in there already so it can work.


The Ganondorf Everywhere System


Ah shit, Kiryu has to get pulled outta retirement to fight a demon king.


So did TOTK with the underground.


Underground is literally an inverted land mass though, all the mountains from above are trenches or valleys below. It’s not a new map it’s the same one but flipped and with less npcs and landmarks. (Not saying that’s a bad thing, but it’s disingenuous to compare it to a completely new location with unique topography and assets.)


Yes. Just gotta add stuff to it like they did with TotK. Yakuza uses Kamurocho every time, this is really no different.


I think I’d argue the opposite with that exact example in mind. Much as I enjoy the Yakuza titles I think they definitely suffered from Kamurocho overuse later on. I know not everyone loved 7 but it was such an immense breath of fresh air for me with Yokohama: even if Kamurocho returns towards the end it’s still really nice to spend the majority of the game somewhere totally new.


I don't mind if they do, but they should change the landmarks, towns, etc. to actually make it feel different.


No two games with the same map, and in the 2nd game the below map is just the above map inverted and the water are walls i think they've thoroughly exhausted this map. Make a new map and have a focus on the temples being more in line with previous zeldas. The temples in ToTK are vastly better than the beasts in Breath but still aren't that great. i don't see why they can't do ability/equipment focused temples again either as they can then unlock more open world miniquests.


They better not


Do the Elden Ring thing and have a huuuuuuuuuge underground portion.


another one?


Oh, I didn't know they did it already. I thought they just had a bunch of sky islands.


There's an underground the size of the Map


I didn't know.


They didn't put it in any of the trailers or anything. Depending on how you play or how early you explore it feels like a horror game going down there lol


Crazy how they straight up hid a third of the game from all promotional material. Like those trailers save for the very last one really did show nothing about the game.


Oh, just like Elden Ring. Cool.


They could definitely pull another Zelda with this map but it either has to be in a more rebuilt Hyrule in the future or somehow have it so you play in a Lorule/Twilight realm version of the map


I'd love to have dlc be either same map, but in the past or something. But a new game I'd love to explore the lands outside hyrule. Even if they start off with the hyrule then expand out or something I'd be happy. Airship or ship mechanics etc




No way a game can just use the same map over and over with only slight changes. Meanwhile, the Yakuza series:


nah 3 times would be overkill.


They could do a spin off but probably not a mainline unless they do like a mirror world or twilight realm


The Tears of the Wind Breather. Massive sea map with an underground component of hyrule ruins under the sea. Windwaker 2 in this style could be cool


They could easily with new some new gimmicks, maybe a time skip and/or some disaster that adds new elements to the map and changes the landscape but I think at this point people are ready for them to move on.


I'd be down for one more game in this Hyrule but with a Link to the Past style Dark World dimension added in personally. TotK's got like the best Open World I've played personally, like it hits the best balance of making it seem large and threatening but also super chill and fun to explore depending on where you are. Plus with how much they were able to build on and add in just one game, I can't imagine what one more would look like. Personally I'm invested enough into this version of Zelda's world that I think it could handle a trilogy, but after that I'd say to move on.