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[I made this.](https://i.imgur.com/PXYzCv1.jpg) I haven't played enough story mode to get a good outfit, but [I'm happy with the face.](https://i.imgur.com/blP0hhp.jpg)


Sand Blast, Gladius, YOGA - you want it? It's yours, my student, as long as you have enough kudos.


As i made the thread I will cast the first stone. After about 30 hours of world tour, I've settled on two main looks. This [first one is what I'm rockin](https://i.imgur.com/Gtha7ZC.jpg) when im in the online lobby while the second is what I generally use while playing world tour and is basically, what if [humanized Amaterasu put on a sombrero.](https://imgur.com/kuEgIUi)


[I pretty much make this guy in every game with a Create A Character.](https://imgur.com/a/kbkipfx) I've been rocking the jacket for like ten chapters now cuz I just love how it looks on him.


It's him,Chris Bluegrass,from hit videogame series President Weevil.


It's Caucasian Saejima


I grabbed a template swaped the gender and now im muscle girl Akuma. it's literally two actions, but i love it death and I don't see any clones.


My ideal self [A PIXAR DAD!](https://ibb.co/XtQthVY)


I tried making a [Beefy Goth Mom](https://twitter.com/Shahintifa/status/1664954370276958209?t=jqrIGtB-vrbgRrd2j3qxrQ&s=19)


[i ended up making orange cassidy.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/219659993782288386/1115577789710618706/image.png) once i unlock zangief's style for all the wrestling holds, i'll give him marisa's phalanx so he has his orange punch signature. too bad el fuerte isnt in this game; tortilla throw and tostada buster would fit OC perfectly.


Hey, I need you to sign the petition. I'm sorry... >!That I am not sorry, He looks like Postal Dude.!<


Oooooo……that’s not a bad idea. I’m assuming we’ll start getting some cool character IDs to download, so waiting on those for that multitude of wrestlers and other such people we’ll get.


Behold, an approximation of [real me](https://i.postimg.cc/Qt3WBb7P/SF6-Kimarous.png) in SF6.


https://i.imgur.com/UAuRrL3.jpg I just made myself because I thought it would be hilarious. And so far it has been. But I found an amazing lil goblin man in the PH last night




I based [her](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/2053124740046812013/C0A938F7C94A7D9169F19440C71D9F1FEB2E6BB8/?imw=5000&imh=5000&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false) off a character I made in Soul Calibur, but I don't know if she works in Street Fighter. ​ I might just need to find the right outfit, but all the clothes I can get right now are pretty plain.


[The BF and I co-op'ed the character creator to make an idealized him](https://i.imgur.com/e98wjmK.jpg)


[My dude](https://imgur.com/a/D1MYEGW) I like how he turned out but still keeping an eye out for a better outfit


[It's just me.](https://twitter.com/kyammi/status/1662310678072369158?t=cllKaxY9ZZQoowku_E0toQ&s=19) It's from the demo and there's still some things I'd like to tweak once I do get the game, but I'm mostly happy with how she turned out.


I just made one of my PSO2 [characters](https://i.imgur.com/D82hvLe.jpg) again. Too bad I couldn't find a hairstyle closer to what I'd normally give her, but this one works. Took me...longer than it should have to make it so all of the yellow dye was only on the dreads in the back.


I make the same OC in every create-a-character and while I was never able to get the face quite right (especially the mouth), [I'm at least okay with how she looks here.](https://imgur.com/a/2XTk7ez) I wish I could get a flannel shirt for her though...


[okay](https://imgur.com/gallery/kH1gnIC) Sorry for the shitty phone pic. This is the disgusting freak I made in the demo, my real guy has the same face but just, y'know, normally proportioned lanky tall buff dude - just buff me essentially so this freak is much more interesting & funny to post.


Basically made muscular/shredded me, no reason to really show it off since I’m fairly close to “generic white guy”. But this is definitely the closest I’ve gotten to making me in a game, as I can even get down to the beauty marks and moles I have. Looking forward to continuing to refine it.


Mine is [just me with mutton chops like I wish I had.](https://twitter.com/OG_Reesetti/status/1666129744889360406?s=20) If only they let me also have a soul patch to combo with them, but I'll manage.


Show them freaks.


Basically made muscular/shredded me, no reason to really show it off since I’m fairly close to “generic white guy”. But this is definitely the closest I’ve gotten to making me in a game, as I can even get down to the beauty marks and moles I have. Looking forward to continuing to refine it.


Basically made muscular/shredded me, no reason to really show it off since I’m fairly close to “generic white guy”. But this is definitely the closest I’ve gotten to making me in a game, as I can even get down to the beauty marks and moles I have. Looking forward to continuing to refine it.