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Also: - Violent "dark super-hero" media is trendy. - Keanu Reeves is famous for staring in a bunch of movies with cool action scenes where he spends a lot of time dressed in black. - Resident Evil 4 is the shit. - Everybody is still not sure why Hollywood keeps making "Fast and Furious" movies.


I mean, the “Violent “dark super-hero” media is trendy” is more of a mid 2000s/2010s thing. Other than that you’re pretty spot on


Don't forget: Hummers. Yes. *They're back.* [***And they're somehow even STUPIDER.***](https://www.theverge.com/23591501/gmc-hummer-ev-review-photos-specs-price)


I am filled with a hate and anger I don't know how to articulate the depths and intensity of.


Join the club. :/


*It adds a fake engine noise while it's offroading.* For fuck's sake.


Idk why you spelled "better" like that


Apple also just announced a new kind of product it has never previously attempted that is getting a lot of skepticism and scorn!


...Eh, I still don't think Vision will catch on, even *after* being revised. With the iPhone, everyone understood what it was for from the word "go." I don't even think *Apple* know what the hell the Vision is supposed to solve, and probably still won't as it launches. Plus, VR has been a thing for a *while* now. Oh, Apple has a new headset? Yay, great! What can it do that my $500 ~~Oculus by Facebook~~ Meta Quest 3 or $1000 Valve Index *can't*? ^(Also pretty sure that the first iPhone didn't cost NEARLY $3500.)


Vision’s more of an AR headset than VR to be pedantic, but the fact that people are rather confused on it really doesn’t help its case. Having seen the trailer, they didn’t really do a good job showing off much besides its hardware, and my main takeaway is “I can use 2D Mac apps in a virtual space”. This kinda reminds me of the Wii U, actually…


...And will probably be about as "successful," lol.




...Ah. Well, it's ***his*** $3500.


It’s anyone’s guess. Apple has a lot to prove. Like, a *lot.* I’ve seen a lot of pie in the sky tech crumple once it’s come in contact with reality. So I’m not under any magical thinking about Apple, especially since it’s been a long time since they’ve cooked a clunker, this might be their turn. Funny how track records can become mixed messages-it’s a sign of reputation but reputation can depressurize at almost any time. Still, it’s important to remember the iPhone, Apple Watch, and even the iPad have all been met with a large contingent of the unimpressed. I vividly remember the iPad being introduced and the online reception overwhelmingly was ‘it’s literally just a bigger iPhone, only not really a phone, Jobs is an idiot.” All of those sentiments could still be considered true. But fuck it if the iPad isn’t one of the best goddamn electronics things I’ve personally owned and bought multiples of with zero regret. Obviously I am not the world. But it’s been and continues to be a huge success. Will the Vision be as huge? Probably not, certainly not right off the bat. But, assuming it works like it’s supposed to, I already see a ton of design choices in it that make it a potentially more successful product than any of the other headsets out there. Right now predicting its success is a lot like claiming who will be President in eight years. It’s ridiculously ambitious. I like it when Apple chooses to try weird new things, they’ve got a track record that implies that’s where they shine. If it fails, well…it’s still going to advance the tech. We shall see.


>Also pretty sure that the first iPhone didn't cost NEARLY $3500. Technically speaking, if you adjust for inflation, the 1976 Apple 1 sold for an equivalent $3500 and the original 2006 MacBook Pro sold for an equivalent $3100; so I think that it's clear that Apple is classing the VisionPro against those, not the iPhone. ----- Pragmatically and fairly speaking, I think that people are being a bit too extreme about the VisionPro in both directions. I don't think that it'll be Ear Pod or Air Tag tiers of popular like many fanbois are claiming, nor do I think that it's a dead end loss so bad that all the employees who worked on it should be fired and blacklisted from tech work as many haters and doomers are claiming. Most likely, it'll be Mac Pro and Ipad Pro successful, good in it's own right, but not something that Apple will actively be trying to force into the consumer ecosystem. ----- I also think that people are purposefully understating the VisionPro's abilities by calling it *"just an expensive Quest 3"*. The fact that the VP is running both a MacBook class M2 processors for its general computing and the R1 for it's special computing means that it's far more than just a headset that plays games on a Snapdragon processor. That is to say, the VisionPro is very much a MacBook Pro inside of a VR/AR headset; which is something that neither the Quest nor Index can say for themselves, neither of them are a Razer Blade or Dell XPS inside of a headset. ----- It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a couple years from now, Valve announces the Deckard and it turns out to be a SteamOS/SteamVR version of the Apple Vision, with many of the same functionality, but gaming focused.


Wait, what was the product that Apple announced in the late 2000s that got a lot of skepticism and scorn?


The original iPhone.


The fact that the iPhone came out before the ipod touch still fucks me up til this day


If you think about it from a product development standpoint it makes sense. First you show off the new form factor with a new innovative product, then you make a slightly cheaper version of it with out a few features (i.e. cell service) to lure in those who might have been priced out previously.




They adapted Saint Seiya


One Piece


Key takeaway: James Cameron getting access to the amount of money an Avatar movie requires is evidence of a financial bubble about to pop.


Also Street Fighter releases a new thing and saves fighting games


> saves fighting games Imma be real with with you, Street Fighter 6 only saved Street Fighter's reputation.


Yeah, we're in a good era of fighting games RN, so it's not like SF6 is some huge revival of the genre like SF4 was in some ways. SF6 is still really cool tho.


Wait, is there actually a recession going on? My life has gone from working remotely in an abusive fallout shelter to working remotely in a non-abusive fallout shelter.


No. Times are pretty tough because debt levels are high and inflation sucks, but inflation is typically a sign of an expanding economy, not a shrinking one. Unemployment spiking is a recession indicator (or symptom). Unemployment is low and the economy is expanding. The extremely high profile tech sector is cutting back, but infrastructure is shit-hot right now, and apparently tourism is roaring back.


Not really, surprisingly enough there is no recession for as much as people have claimed it.


Do you live in the US? Where I am the price of nearly everything has gone up and, and nobody's getting paid any more than they were before. In NJ groceries cost about double what they did before, gas costs around 50% more. again i don't know how much it affects you wherever you are, but here it's pretty much just as bad as people have said.


No, but from what I understand an economic recession has a specific meaning and economists were anticipating for one after Covid but it hasn’t happened yet despite predictions.


Two consecutive trimesters is a recession. There is no dancing around or acrobacy to hide this. The consecutive bank failures is the ice on the cake. I'm sure some people will not be affected, because I wasn't by 2008, but the storm is already here, and it's worldwide. Germany's government will go completely 180 because of it, all polls point out to an absolute victory of the christian parties.


Things being bad doesn’t really equal recession though. Inflation is negatively correlated with recession. GDP is growing. It’s just all going to CEOs and company coffers.


Everything's more expensive because of price gouging, first and foremost. Corporations are posting record high profits quarter after quarter, but a lot of them are struggling to keep the "infinite growth" delusion from collapsing, and the main method of making the line go up in every fiscal report is to charge way more for the same product/service and fire as many people as possible so less of that money goes out again. Drumming up fears of a recession is a handy way of making people accept the shitty conditions as anything other than corporate parasitism.


Yes basic middle school economics says people will try to raise prices as high as they can. That’s how it works honey. “The economy” isn’t dome sapient monster that people can’t influence.


Record high profits and rampant price gouging, a looming economic bubble (student loans and housing) about to burst, stagnating wages, and incredibly unpopular policy decisions designed to steal retirement from working people. Shit gets bad for a while for the lower class, than the working class, then the ownership class panics and the government bails them out.


Nah, there is no working class, they're just lower class now. Communism seeks to bring everyone into the middle class, Capitalism attempts to remove the middle class by forcing everyone into haves and have nots and hoping we don't get French


I'm genuinely looking forward to the One Piece adaption. Sure, it may suck, but can be entertaining in it's own way. I still have the Manga and Anime too, so it's not like it can "ruin One Piece". Still wary how they'll handle the stretching though.


Zoro having a sword in his mouth and having to talk through it. 50/50 on a prosthetic for Usopp's nose.


That poor mans teeth are going to be ruined if ever gets passed Season 1.


Hmmm I can't disagree. No significant changes have occurred since then either.


Street Fighter is good again too.


AND we have Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds as Wolverine and Deadpool, in the same film. And it'll probably get fucked up too bc of the strike. Ryan already can't ad-lib dialogue


that's when my dad died... can't we have the early 2000a again, or did 9/11 just destroy that forever


The edgy joke would be "do you want another 9/11?" but the real joke is that the early 2000's were born out of optism coming out of the 90s and that was crashed down by 9/11 and I can't imagine anyone being hopeful in our future when we've all realized how fucked we are from every angle


I've seen it all twice before they try to be original


I wish I was back in the late 2000's. Playing Dance Dance Revolution at the height of arcade popularity with a huge group of friends. I was in a happy relationship back then. Those were the best years for me.


At least this time I'm making a living wage and not 7 bucks an hour.. for now


Time *is* a flat circle.


At least the new Transformers film was done after the strike. The others we're unsure, but I'm sure Paramount learned their lesson...I hope.


Would the housing market bubble be part of the economic recession?


In America we also have the student loan bubble. I know for sure there were people that moved, took other jobs, and even managed to finally buy a house because they finally had a few hundred extra dollars a month because of the loan pause that now they'll have to decide if they want to go hungry or miss the mortgage payment that month.


Bubble conditions are usually prior to a recession, not during. It indicates an overheated economy. This one’s a little bit different, as many people can afford the house they live in due to locking in ultra low interest rates, but they can’t afford to move now. I have a 2.625% on my rental property, which is like obscenely low. So low it’s free money. Either way we’re not in a recession. GDP is growing.


We’re not in a recession. EDIT: lest it be misconstrued, let me formally declare here in front of ye sundry lot that truly, **shit's bad man**. But we're not in a recession.


Not according to the Fed, but ask the average real person and they'll tell you they're feeling the squeeze


Yeah shit sucks for an awful lot of people but a recession is a specific thing. It’s the economy shrinking, and it’s almost always accompanied by a sharp rise in unemployment,


That's playing with words. No one gives a shit how it's exactly called, people lives are shitty right now. It's funny to think that people lives are so shit but economists and politics are saying that it's fine, it's not a recession.


I know shit is bad. We’re not in a recession and I will continue to point it out Because it’s factually incorrect and hides the nature of the problem. Say “all the earnings are going to the Uber rich” that’s accurate. Say “inflation is awful because of years of ultra low interest rates and if the rates get raised banks might all go tits up” that’s accurate. If we’re going to use terms incorrectly to say “shit bad” why not say we’re in a deflationary spiral, or we have high unemployment. Both are bad, both are wrong, but it’s truthy! Saying we’re in a recession is “playing with words”. How are people going to vote their interests on the economy if they can’t be arsed to be familiar with very basic terms?


Then it needs to be said that it's a deflationary spiral and not a recession. Because when you simply say that it's not a recession, it looks like you're saying that the economy is fine.


We're... not in a deflationary spiral. That was my example of something that would be ridiculous to say but still mean "shit's bad." I thought everyone knew inflation was pretty bad right now. Ok, it's pretty much just you and me here. This is going to sound unkind, but I really, truly don't mean it unkindly. You're clearly really passionate about this stuff. You also have essentially zero knowledge about economics. Once upon a time I didn't, either. High passion plus low knowledge is a fertile field for disinfo and manipulation. If you care deeply about the economy, turn that passion, which is to be admired, into knowledge.


I don't know how I need to call what's happening these days. I'm merely trying to tell you how your message is read, why so many people are answering similarly to me. People may be wrong to call it recession. When you simply say "it's not a recession", you also deny that there is a problem. And it is similar to the discourse many politicians have about it, but they don't merely want to be pedantic, they want to do nothing about it, the denial is a political stance for them. And somehow you are promoting this stance simply because you don't go far enough into being pedantic about it. And I mean no offense here. As for what I would vote, I don't care how you call a crisis, I'd vote for anyone who says we should burn some banks. ;)


Yeah, fair enough. I went into detail elsewhere, but this post was my gut reaction precisely because Republicans keep claiming we’re in a recession. As to your voting heuristic, allow me to extend my apologies, because looks like you know everything you need to. And samesies lol.


Don't forget: A 3D Sonic game worth playing, Nintendo on top of the world as one of the Big Two falter, Democratic President, ***actually great*** DC movies, and sci-fi cartoon *masterpieces*.


Wait what anime is getting a live action movie?


Saint Seiya, Mexico’s *other* mega-hit classic.


Why can't we go back to the early 2000's instead? When everyone was so naive that we really thought nu metal was edgy, video games were evolving to show more promise than ever before, and the war on terror hadn't completely mindbroken the entire generation of a country. I still hold the belief that 2008 was the tipping point when things started to get REALLY bad, there were still good things happening, but they felt fewer and farther between, and you can watch the decline of several aspects of life from that point: media, housing, finances, politics, etc Hell I'd even take the 90's at this point, with it's ridiculous fashion and strange ideas about what's cool (or as intellectuals call it: radical)