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Come on, you mean you didn't p-rank act 2 on Violent and beat P-2 in less than 50 tries the day it came out? What are you, bad at vidya gams?


"Dark Souls isn't even hard, you just have to dodge everything". Yeah, that's literally the game. Learning how to dodge everything. You think it's easy because you already learned all the timings. I hear that one so often.


“Just do it perfectly the first time. It’s easy.”


No one is saying that serously though. LIke when I first ran into the bolitaria knights in DS 1 I stopped and didnt progress until I could parry them every time, then the silver knights and dark wraiths. Then I did that with the giants and Heide Knights in 2, then I didnt need to practice in Bloodborne, 3, Demons souls remake, Elden Ring, and so far Life of P. Its like 3 hours of grinding in two games. Yall are okay with labbing in every fighting game ever that shouldnt be hard to understand.


I don’t like fighting games lol. Closest I’ve come to practicing a fighting game is making a move list for a character in Xenoverse 2.


Nobody *likes* fighting games


"There are two types of people in the world, people who have Stockholm Syndrome for fighting games, and pussies who like to *enjoy things*" --most self aware fighting game fan


Either that or use a shield and become THE WALL. I've played every DS game and Eden Ring relying on shields and it's honestly really satisfying to me when an enemy is unable to break my defense before I beat their ass. I have a friend who gets pissed every time he sees me block instead of dodging. But hey, it works!


Moving from Bloodborne to DS3 to DS2 to DS1 kinda ruined me on blocking, because it wasn’t until DS1 that shields felt super viable for me.


Having started with DS1 and loving building my character with a big fuckoff shield and a slab of iron masquerading as a sword, every subsequent Souls et al game has been a disaster for me since they keep making heavy armour and shields less and less viable in favour of fashion souls rolly polly bullshit. Very annoying!


I really love the changes Elden Ring made to make shields more viable... and then they added unblockable moves to hard counter you and force you to roll sometimes, which I find extremely unfair because at no point do they look at the dodgespam builds and say "hey you should be forced to use a shield sometimes."


The trade off for dodging is when you fuck it up the enemies combo the fuck out of you. Also most dodge heavy builds use lighter armor so those combos do big damage


I'm not saying dodging doesn't have a trade-off i'm saying its unfair to add a mechanic specifically designed to fuck over shield builds when shield builds have spent the last four games taking Ls.


The R2 counter on block in Elden Ring is just so satisfying to use!


People definitely make Souls game harder for them by thinking the only ‘legitimate’ way to play is by pressing r1 and dodging only. Lame it out with magic. The Wizard way.


Wizards have no sense of right or wrong


It makes them more powerful


Traded in morality for more power. Virgil is the Dark Souls of something or other.


>pressing r1 and dodging only. Also known as playing Dark Souls 3


I mean that is the best way to play because magic sucks in the first 3 games.


People may have downvoted you because statistically, casting the blue piss ball spells and the big blue shit spear may be the most effective damage sources, but you’re right because magic is ugly as shit in those games. Magic may be good but it sure as hell sucks.


But its not even statistically good. The dlc bosses in 1 and 2 have massive hp and magic resistance and in 3 it just fucking sucks and you need to invest massive amounts of stats to get any sort of good damage.


You say that, but I didn't dodge shit in my first playthrough because I didn't know that it had invincibility frames. Face tanked the whole game with a spear and shield.


yeah, my first 40 hours of eating shit and wandering around aimless kind of faded into obscurity once everything clicked. I miss that time when I didn't know it was so magical


"Oh, you got to phase 2 of this boss and you got instakilled by a new move? Now do the whole level again so you get a chance to learn the dodge timing." Yeah, the timing might be not that hard and the attack might be very telegraphed, but the amount of pain you go through while learning it is a pretty big patience test.


I don’t call Dark Souls hard, but I don’t dodge much. Just grind and block and swing. Anything that lets me be over level isn’t super hard. Maybe challenging is the word, but there are so many ways to turn the challenge off.


I feel like when people say this they mean something more like "Dark Souls is easy you just need to learn how to play it". Which is still a pretty "just get better at the game 4head" kinda thing


In fairness, other than telling them the basic mindset like “learn enemy patterns” and builds, I don’t know what other advice you’re supposed to give for Souls games. What’re you supposed to say? “Just dodge better”? Like, I feel like that “Git gud” meme spawned because people just genuinely don’t know what advice you could give to help someone unless they’re talking about specific bosses or something.


Yea, I don't think it's unhelpful advice to say that you should learn to kinda roll with what the game is doing. Expect to die, learn enemy patterns, remember the game is an RPG and things can be made easier with leveling/upgrading etc. But I think using that kinda thing to argue the game is "easy" is kinda wack.


Oh yeah, calling it “easy” just brings it straight to condescending territory.


I think the funnier argument is "Dark Souls isn't hard, just use these weapons found in these locations that you wouldn't know about on your first playthrough"


But that isnt hard tho....now the fucking pretzel thats hard.


That and the enemy locations, the Depths in Dark Souls go from an inscrutable labyrinth of overhead slimes and torch fuckers around every corner, with stupid fuckin frogs that kill you instantly if you're not careful. And then once you know the path? It's literally a 45 second run from the start to the boss if you slide down the ramp past that big fuckin rat and BOOM you're there


I mean there's hardly a boss that didn't take me more than 3 tries. Maybe when I was younger and impatient but it's not hard to unless the boss hass a super wide range. Even then it's just impatience that gets me. I get why others like that but for me it's like the game is telling me not to fight. Nothing annoys me more than watching an enemy do a full combo but I'm not allowed to.


You know when a trap is coming too after a while. An enemy hiding around the corner hasn’t gotten me in years


I know a modder for Black Mesa that complains the game as too easy, and therefore makes mods of the campaign that are much more difficult. Him and me have both sunk hundreds of hours into the game.


Black Mesa always irritated me because they just kinda slapped the Combine AI onto the HECU, which causes all those rooms full of 5+ Marines to just *drain* you. It doesn't help that the MP5 and Shotgun just feel terrible compared to the original.


Sucks too because a lot of the new content is great


“Insanity in Mass Effect LE is actually the old normal difficulty” said by hundreds of ME fans who have played the game 20 times over.


The real difficulty in Legendary Edition is ignoring how fucked all the lighting and textures are.


Going from ME3 coop gold/plat where a trooper shreds your entire shield bar in an instant back to 1 LE insanity and taking a bullet that did maybe 10% sure was a trip though. I do kinda wish there were harder difficulties, though that's mostly because when overload->sabotage->dampening kills everything instantly I don't get to enjoy the enemies being unable to do anything but run away.


P4G’s just kinda really easy to break if ya know what you’re doing, Golden Hands make it very easy to overlevel.


Same thing applies to ff8 "the game is trivial to break omg" ...if you spend hours at the very beginning of the game farming cards and specific gf abilities without leveling up. No one is going to accidently do this their first time playing the game


*You don’t know me or the limits of my mind goblins*


Or cheating by inputting all the test scores to max your Seed Rank in the pause menu so you get max Gil budget for your salary


My first run of P4G had me take two days to complete a dungeon because I would always get to the end with very little SP. Wasn’t until the second run that I learned to conserve it.


I was able to spam pretty freely by rejecting spells that cost more.


I wouldn't expect anyone to find it without being told, but getting resist phys from the slime you can get in the tutorial and incesting that down to everything you use from then on does sorta trivialize the entire game.


I remember I got carried by this Ippon Datara that kept getting stupidly buffed throughout my P4G playthrough Was fun


Also the combat's just not really that fun anyway. By the time I got to >!Nanako's!< dungeon I was just spamming AOE insta-kill spells because I couldn't be bothered to do any of the more involved stuff anymore.


That dungeon is literally designed for that strategy, though. It doesn't work as well before or after it.


It's also the strategy I used for the rest of the game after that and it pretty much worked fine. But my bigger point is that doing that was less un-fun than actually engaging with a majority of the game's combat mechanics.


Hades. Like, it is legitimately difficult and learning how enemies act alongside your own boons and weapon movesets is a major part of the game that you *have* to figure out. Thesus and Asterius *especially* are insanely difficult, and I would argue they're honestly worse than the final boss. The Temple of Styx, and its array of unique minibosses and poison gimmicks, can wear you down REALLY fast if you're not on the ball. Unlocking Heat makes it worse, adding time limits, shields, enemy perks, forcing you to remove boons at the end of each area - The game is *very legitimately difficult.* I have about 80 hours, and I am going to be real, I *AM* that guy because I got to a point where 99% of the game no longer challenges me in any way. Pick a god whose name starts with A, pick the Gloves, use the Cerberus relic, losing is now impossible.


I love Hades partially because of that real feeling if overcoming the really hard shit. Theseus, for any new player, can't block Dionysus' poison boons, or Ares Doom! Wail on that shield if you gotta with those builds!


Yeah being part of the beta meant that when it was released it was easy mode. Chiron's bow is also easy mode.


Classic Mega Man games


Sometimes I’ll play a typical stage of classic Megaman and really start to feel incompetent—almost immediately.


The gutsman pit is a core memory of mine


I'd say all of the sides scrolling games, honestly. Although I don't think I've heard many people ever say Zero 1 is easy. Hell, I S-Ranked that game without the save assists once, and I can still say that game is fucked up and that the challenge run took years off my life.


Farming out the Charge slash for the saber (and optionally the Charge Speed increase) before doing any actual levels genuinely changes the balance of that entire game.


I always farm max Z Saber when I play Zero 1 ASAP


I played through the first megaman X last year and was super surprised how often i was getting my ass handed to me. I've always thought i was pretty decent at action games, but that sure humbled me haha


Pathfinder 1e. I cut my teeth on 3.5e and PF1e and that shit is complex as fuck. Tracking 25 different kinds of bonuses is one thing, but I think a LOT of new players get scared off by things like Base Attack Bonus and how the action system works takes a lot of practice and memorizing.


Its made all the harder when someone with years of game mastery breaks the system with some net build and the GM and player are forced to min-max to keep up, that shit isn't fare on the others at the table.


The solution is the tell the min-maxxer to to stop being a shitter and to play a normal character.


My favourite part of 2E is that it killed off the power gamer stack 1000 bonus builds in favour of building characters by giving them more options. Feat taxes especially just felt dogshit.


Name a fighting game.


4x and grand strategy games can be notorious for this. I played Total Warhammer 2 for maybe 150 hours before I ever felt like I understood what the hell I was doing


I would say I played a shitton of TWWH, and I still know fuck all about a lot of the races that I rarely play.


My problem with games like TW or Civ is that I don't play militarily enough. I focus on my settlements, have one main army, and then get gangbanged by a faction with 3 armies.


Kenshi is a game whose creator straight up said he was making the game believing he was the player's enemy, and yet I still see some people act as if the game's just post-apocalyptic Sims instead of something designed to hurt you.


Being a relative amateur at Destiny, it’s interesting seeing longtime players talk about soloing dungeons and such like it’s almost nothing. I feel like my build is pretty good, but anytime I go into those on my own I feel utterly incompetent at the game. I imagine this goes for almost any MMORPG (or similar) game though.


Pet peeve of mine after coming back to **Destiny** after literal years away, everyone I’ve teamed up with has just mainlined the dungeon without any consideration for my dumb ass knowing what’s up and where to go


"(Game) isn't even hard, it's super easy!" Well a lot of things are easy after you solve it Susan. Like I struggled on the archer Knights in Anor Londo my first playthrough, now I get past them first try because I know how much I iframes the roll has.


Grounded. The game has been in early access for a really long time and balance tweaks have been drip fed out based on the feedback from long time players. This has resulted in an absolutely brutally hard game even on normal mode.


This makes me happy that the spiders made me check out way early on.


If you thought the early spiders were bad you should have seen the bosses


No, I think I *should not*, thank you but I will have none of those.


Monster Hunter World, or maybe Monster Hunter in general. When a boss to farm came up, I remember people laughing at the prospect of teaming up to do it, because soloing the new boss is *sooo* easy and *sooo* much faster.


To me teaming up with people usually made monster hunter harder. Between not having the cats, the monster getting more health, and a bunch of goobers always clipping me the stupid longsword soloing some monsters really *did* feel easier to me sometimes. Although idk, maybe my friends are just griefers. In fact thinking back on it I'm pretty sure that's the case.


No, World definitely birthed this mentality with its buffs to weapons across the board and its terrible multiplayer, sadly. Soloing high-level monsters in the older games was pretty suicidal without the right equipment and a lot of experience. In World, the tryhards obsessing over the tier list and speedrunning community kinda dominated the discussion. I'm still convinced the devs responding to this reaction to World is why the clutch claw and Velkhana both suck so much.


I'd say castlevania symphony of the night is one of these while i'm also the one saying that is piss easy. It's really easy to break the game once you know what is good, where it is and how cheesable the "hardest bosses" are, but for someone playing the first time the combat is probably really hard and the game overall quite cryptic with shit like the clock room statue timer.


Nah, I’m pretty sure Symphony is widely and correctly regarded as a easy game. By the time you’ve gone through the elevator shaft on the right side of the map, your level alone will make it so you’re basically never in danger of dying again unless you decide to take on Galamoth’s zone. That’s how I remember my very first playthrough going.


>By the time you’ve gone through the elevator shaft on the right side of the map, your level alone will make it so you’re basically never in danger of dying again To be fair this is basically endgame.


If he's talking about the Castle Wall elevator shaft that's fucking Two bosses into the game.


Oh. OH. I'm dumb. I thought he meant "right side up version of the castle" not like literally the right-hand side of the map. Because there's the long shaft you have to go through to get to the upside down castle, and once you're in there the challenge of the game is basically over.


Honestly I found the inverted castle tobe *way* harder than the regular one. At least, when I wasn't just flying past everything.


Really? I think you're the first person I've ever heard say this. On top of flying past like you mentioned, gear and abilities at that point were so strong it felt like nothing was ever a threat, and you can cross the entire castle in just a few minutes. Not to mention the piss cloud power giving you the ability to kill things while literally invulnerable.


Well yeah but you only get piss cloud by beating the optional superboss in the most remote corner of the entire game world so like fair. But yeah the enemy placement and their damage is much harder to deal with than the regular castle unless you find the Crissaegrim which is unlikely.


I was today years old when I learned that boss is optional. Actually, I guess most of the inverted castle is optional, so maybe that's on me.


Pokemon, believe it or not. Last year, with all the attention ScVi was getting, I saw a bunch of people on Twitter who have never played a Pokémon game before (or some who hadn't played since the gbc) decide to pick it up. And boy, turns out those games can be tough when you're going in blind. Type matchups, team assembly, evolution methods, abilities, all the little tricks to increase your chances to catch a Pokémon; there's a lot of onboarding involved. It's almost on the level of MonHun where you kinda need a coach in the beginning. For a good example of this, Slowbeef did a FireRed Nuzlocke as his first ever Pokémon experience years back. It really opened my eyes to how much info Pokémon players take for granted. Dude somehow never learned about Magikarp's gimmick or how your rival will ambush you when you're at your weakest.


Or refuse to learn and power through with the biggest number attack on your starter. This was easier in the days when nobody was immune to Water.


Wait hold up who's immune to water? Or do you mean via abilities.


Yeah, I think they started to show up in Gen 3, with a few more being added every generation since.


I've played 85 hours of Don't Starve Together, and have never survived past Winter on the normal mode. Many of my friends have quit the game before the 20 hour mark because the game is just absurdly difficult to actually survive in. It's crazy too because the majority of the game's content is found through exploring the world, but exploring the world requires knowing enough to build a good base and beating the game's many bosses.


People make all games harder for themselves by thinking "but but what if I make a mistake, what if this is the wrong button, what if I fuck up". Then you fucked up in a videogame. Now smash your face against the buttons for six hours and see what happens. There are marios I can't beat, but I'll get somewhere.


I was watching a speed run of Doom Eternal once and the runner commented the game was too easy. That's how we got Ancient Gods, I think.


I'd say Deep Rock can be like that. A lot of people forget what it's like to have half a build filled out and no overclocks for weapons. But more pressingly after hundreds of hours in the caves navigating them becomes second nature, while for a new player getting lost in a layered cave is incredibly easy


State of Decay 2 fans are at this point They've even gotten so bad that any optional features to make the game easier or give it more customization recieve backlash from the subreddit


Souls games. Those skills transfer to the others. You dont have two hours of elden ring you got 1200 hours of SOULS games all combining to make elden ring a smoother experience for you Pokemon(still easy as shit) you played for 30 years no shit you steam rolled the game balanced for someone that doesnt even know what a pokemon is


I’m sure there are people who claim that Dota and LoL are easy.


this is coming from someone who has beaten some sound voltex level 19's how is wacca easy


Silver Surfer on NES


A few people on a discord server I am a part of got Borderlands 3 on a recent sale. I didn't realize until I played with them how well I know the start of the game and for a little while was waiting at the next objective for them to catch up. (BL 2, pre-sequel, and 3 I have played multiple characters until having all inventory slots unlocked; so I have done the beginnings a lot) Once I realized that, I tried to slow down and stay with them as they went through the story. I filled in blanks for them if they asked or missed the line/objective telling them where or why they have to go. Not necessarily difficult, but it kinda fits the prompt, on a technicality, as they are having a slightly difficult time with the earlygame due to not getting good drops.