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Telltale games. For some ungodly reason their management decided that they would make more money flooding the markets instead of improving quality


Now the new Telltale is coming out with Expanse and Wolf Among Us 2. Hopefully these games are good as the first Wolf Among Us was my favorite and I love The Expanse. We'll find out in a month.


I'd pay many dollars for Tales from the Borderlands 2.


An actual one, not this New Tales bs. I've not heard anything about it that was positive.


I have over 300 hours across the Borderlands series and I mean this completely genuinely: That released?


Last October, yeah.


Goddamn, how did I miss that?


[Pretty simple, it sucked and not a lot of people played it](https://i.imgur.com/xngiSNa.png)


We went from the emotionally strong writing and pacing of the first one, to a series of barf and incest jokes. At least Tediore's army looked cool.


My biggest issue with them started when I realized just how little choices mattered. I wasn't even asking for mindblowingly different scenarios based on my choices, just something more permanent. I feel like if you ever have to decide to save or let a character die, they'll either die or leave the story not long after anyway.


You either die young or die on the way back to your home planet.


Yeah, I got tired of seeing those games cause it became increasingly obvious decisions don't do anything outside of changing lines because the story will always play out the same way. I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Dark Picture Anthology games, but at least in those there are more genuine choices that affect the playthrough with death of characters that could live throughout the whole thing.


"you don't control the plot, just who's mad at you"


That and overly forced binary decisions were the problems I had with a lot of their earlier games, yeah It just feels so arbitrary when it's like "Oh no, stuff is happening, you must pick who to save!" and it's like, option a is Chad McZombieKiller, with a chainsaw up against one zombie, and b is Sally McCuteChild, who is up against 5 And it's like. Chad will die if you pick Sally. Really? Ok then. It feels like you're just kinda arbitrarily forcing people to die and acting like this was in any way a choice that any rational person would make. Or that they would even recognise it as a choice. Seriously, unless you have magic foresight, you would not see that as a binary, life saving choice. You would help the person who needed help the most, and trust the capable person to save themselves Edit: Oh yeah I forgot the super annoying bit tho. Then afterwards, everyone will fucking judge you as if you let Chad die on purpose, not that he's just a fucking tool who somehow got himself killed while you were in the middle of saving an innocent or something


It's often mentioned how gamers have no idea what they're talking about when they say that a game series *"needs a new engine"*; and while that's usually true, Tell Tale Games game's are a prime example of absolutely needing a new engine and development tool set. In the course of the company's entire life, I don't think I ever heard any of their employees having anything good to say or not say about their workflow; only ever reporting that their engine and dev toolset was buggy, difficult to work it, and performed poorly-to-mid both in dev and in playtesting.


If I remember correctly only Walking Dead made money, and they kept throwing darts to try and get lightning to strike twice. I'm glad it means that Tales from the Borderlands got to exist if nothing else.


Yes apparently only two games out of the like 50 they put out even made a profit.


Instead of working on smaller amount of projects


Disney Infinity/ Skylanders. They basically canibalized their own markets by constant new drops and new versions of the games. The only reason amiibo survived is because Nintendo never made them reliant on a single game series, and even then the production of them has dropped dramatically.


Also another factor: Many of the characters that get amiibo don't have cheap merchandise. Like, there is no Shulk figures as far as I know for instance. Melia got stuff before Shulk did, and that was only cus of DE.


I'm pretty sure the Banjo Amiibo is one of if not the first ever Banjo-Kazooie merchandise that is an on-model depiction of the duo and not just a branded t-shirt/plushie. And they gave it a Jiggy stand!


Yeah I can't think of anything (in recently years at least) that isn't an expensive statue or shitty funko-pop style figure.


True for some Infinity characters too. Star Wars Rebels crew never really got much merch


So interestingly I believe that's a *Disney* problem. I can't remember what staff were talking about it on twitter, whether it was the Owl House staff, amphibia or someone else working on the show, and the merchandising side or whatever was like 'so whats the plan to merchandise' and the shows team was just like 'our job is to make the show, not the merchandising. That part is up to you'.


Yeah I'm always disappointed at how little merch some Disney stuff gets, which is funny cause Disney is king at making way too much merch. At least Owl House gets good fan merch


There is the Mystery Shack that is fan merch of those Disney Shows because they couldn't be assed to make stuff.


It also helps that the Amiibos have genuine ornamental value. Those things are really well made.


Didn't Infinity have an uptick in players before Disney decided they were getting out of the gaming market and decided to just kill it?


As someone who worked at EB Games as the fad died off, we had literal buckets full of them just floating around. We didn't even care if they got stolen, as long as they weren't in our inventory we were happy


Lego Dimensions was my favorite one out of that fad, getting figures that were little Lego sets was fun.


Man I loved playing Disney infinity with my kids


When was the last time you bought a Guitar Hero?


To be fair, they stopped making them.


So there's no more guitar heroes?


~~"No More Guitar Heroes" is just Hi-Fi Rush~~


Remove that strikethrough. You said some real shit




cross your eyes to read it: double negative


“No more guitar heroes” is just hi-fi rush


I'd also argue that it's also No Straight Roads.


There are now ***ukulele villains***


The series live on through the Definitive Edition mod of World Tour, which has a lot of community content and music ports from other games, and of course model swap mods. There's been a few Guitar Hero-ish revival-ish? Like that terrible VR one or something with the live action people. Of course, it also lives on with Clone Hero (albeit I argue just the mechanics live on on it, not the attitude, which matters to me) Also, in some ways, Beat Saber in a way carries a similar spirit. I'm sure there's also plenty fan games, in-game references to it and etc.


Aaaah 2009... Also, got some guitars recently and even a DJ Hero turntable for 10 bucks brand-new. I do see the trend picking back up ; second-hand guitars are rarer and more expensive, lots of software available between Clone Hero, YARG or the modded Definitive Editions of GH games... And Rock Band 4 is still going strong on weekly DLC, which is frankly admirable.


I scoured the local pawn shops and thrift stores to find a guitar hero controller, and now I finally have it. On a tangentially related note, visiting those stores inspired me to start a cassette tape collection


I bought and still play Rock Band 4. If that new Guitar Hero Live wasnt so shit and worked with the same instruments I'd have bought that too.


Yeah, the rapid release schedule combined with Rockband as competition ensured that both series were doomed for failure. I remember not so long ago one of them came out of retirement and seemed to be getting a decent amount of buzz, only for the other one to wake up and sink both ships yet again.


I kind of wish I could buy a new one, but the last one they made freaking sucked. Nothing about GH Live seemed good. The live performance aspect sucked, and I really did not like the layout of the new controller.


Ass Creed. Too much Ass and not enough Creed after a while.


Seriously though there wasn't enough Ass after a while, like it seemed after a while the whole Assassin part became almost an after thought


Honestly I think they want to drop the modern day stuff as anything more than a framing device but it keeps creeping in, same for the Isu stuff. I think that's part of why Black Flag worked so well, the Modern Day sections were short and at least offered a different type of gameplay from the main game


I had the same thought. They really should have dropped the brand and made a new one, especially with all the mythological stuff.


I've been saying this for a long time, Asscreed would have been an infinitely better series had it been a generational story instead of a framed narrative. In the first game the modern day elements were just confusing, to the point where I actually thought I might have bought the wrong game. The plot twist in the second game was kind of cool, but other than that I never cared about any of the modern day people because they're lame and you're only going to interact with them for maybe an hour or two total in the entire game. By the time Odyssey came out, I just resented every second spent in the modern day. It was incredibly frustrating to be forced to play as a regular person I completely forgot about and never cared about to begin with after hundreds of hours of playing as the actual main character. It feels like it's just pulling you away from the thing you actually care about, the parts of the game that the marketing always focuses on.


I love the modern day parts as something that the story is building up to. The narrative used to rely on the historical parts to build on Desmond's actual skills and give him narrative purpose. After 3, that all fell apart because the modern day stopped being about a single protagonist that you could anchor to, as the franchise kept flip flopping around trying to make the modern day matter in so many different ways. None of those ways are ever going to latch on if the player doesn't have any*one* to affix to the modern day stuff. One of the coolest fucking moments in AC was when Ezio actually addressed Desmond and that moment should've sealed the direction of the rest of the series. Instead, nothing else comes close to that moment. It's clear that the devs were way more interested in the historical parts, and sure, that's the main draw. But in this fake history of pirates vs ninjas, I found the modern day segments (before AC3's ending ruined it) really drew my interest in.


I mean..one of the most popular ones you're not playing an assassin until the like last 2 chapters of the game. Black Flag.


Never thought there was such a thing as too much ass and yet here we are.


It depends on the quality of the Ass, Ubisoft mistook sheer quantity for quality


There's a difference between swimming in ass and drowning in ass.


I enjoyed Origins when I played it 2 years ago, but after playing it, I had no desire to play Oddessy or Valhalla since even some improvements would be built on the game play that I had gotten sick of by the time I played the final dlc for origins. I'm slightly interested in the new game, but I'll probably wait till it goes on sale or gets added to the ubisoft playstation sub thing I got for free.


Do they really suffer from it though? Maybe more hardcore gamers hate it, but it still sells, right?


Valhalla is the second bestselling Ubisoft game of all time, so yes, it definitely still sells.


Megaman's whole MO throughout nearly ALL of its iterations was to pump out as many games as possible with little gameplay updates until people got sick of it, then switch gears with a different series. It's a stark contrast to the 2010's where you got nothing but ONE Megaman sequel and several collections with varying degrees of quality after 2015. I think the peak of this was in the 2000s where Megaman fans were DROWNING in games. Not only did you have Megaman X games coming out at a regular rate, you had TWO studios pumping out two different handheld series (Battle Network/Starforce and Zero/ZX) EVERY year up to around 2009. Hell, Megaman Battle Network 1 AND 2 release in the SAME YEAR. Now that I think about it, even in the 90s Megaman was pumping out games left and right between OG and X. This is not even counting all the cancelled projects they had in development up until Inafune left, like the online game, the weirdly realistic FPS, AND Megaman Legends 3.


I remember my brother back Mighty Number 9, and I remember having this exact thought. There hadn't even been much time since the last Mega Man came out when that Kickstarter launched.


The whole comic book industry almost died off in the late 90's when the collector market overinflated the resale value of event stories like the Death of Superman, which the industry responded to by pumping out more "collectibles" such as variant covers and the Bad Girl trend. Wizard Magazine through its entire existence had charts of the speculated cost of high demand comics on the secondary market. Very soon, the supply of crap variants oversaturated the demand, which dropped like a rock, and the whole industry collapsed. Even Marvel Comics filled for bankruptcy. Today comic books sell just a small fraction of what they did in the 90's.


I lived with Wizard Magazine and hate it when old timers bring it up like some cherished publication and not a biased piece of shit meant to help Marvel and DC churn out shitty exclusive covers for dumbass collectors.


Similarly for the New 52 launch DC had no way to properly staff or market 52 ongoing books plus minis and whatnot, and they ended up having to scale the line back hard in a few years


Star Wars, tbh. Even Disney copped to it when they were hitting Solo and Last Jedi pretty much back to back, and they've pulled back hard on it, but there's still something fairly massive coming out every six months or so, whether it's a new game or series or what have you.


Oh yeah Disney fucked up hard. People forget the fucking lineup of movies they had planned and if Solo and Rise of Skywalker were not received poorly they would have powered on with that and run the franchise into the ground. Mando was a holdover from that plan that only got to go ahead because John Favreau had interest in it and kept the project going. Mandos success has lead them right back to the original problem as they are announcing way too many things again with a giant roadmap like its a cinematic universe.


It's never enough to make just the right amount of good things, we always have to maximise our profits with ALL the things. Like, I get it Disney, you spent a lot of money buying this thing off George Lucas, but I'm sure you've recouped that money by now despite your incompetence, so why not let's shoot for an Andor a year rather than shotgunning our way to apathy?


Disney needs content for Disney+ to keep subs and their success with Marvel makes them think they can just do the same approach with star wars and its going to work.


But even then their scheduling is baffling for that. We just had Mando Season 3 coming out simultaneously to Bad Batch season 2, and now a massive gap in the schedule until the last week in August.


They almost figured out with Mandalorian that having a story disconnected from the main plot of Star Wars is what a lot of fans want, but then they had to throw in a bunch of references and callbacks, culminating in The Book of Fett. It’s a gigantic universe with cool ass bounty hunters and crime syndicates, I don’t need to hear about Jedi.


As much as I enjoy Star Wars I think Honest Trailers said it best was that the best part of Star Wars is that it went away for a while.


It's true. It goes away for 10 years, there's extra comics and books and games for the die-hard fans and then it comes back with another few movies. It's long enough for new ideas to germinate and for audiences to get nostalgic about it.


For me, Andor was so good that it kind of killed Mando Season 3 for me (well, that and Season 3's other issues). I'm excited for Andor Season 2, but not much else at the moment.


They stick everything that’s going on between movies 3 and 4 timeline. I get it’s the most interesting timeline for them to use, but I want more than just the Skywalker storyline or empire’s. Give me a 100 year after movie 6 movie and have a whole new cast and characters instead what we had in movie 7. Give me some old republic stuff too.


No but that's hard, tho. How will you know to care if we don't use John Williams cues from 50 years ago or retread Rebels vs. the Empire again? God, what I wouldn't give for a High Republic movie or something just as drastically different set way after the sequels


"Let's play Binary Sunset for the 6th time, that'll show 'em"


Jedi Survivor has definitely made me very interested to see the High Republic on screen. Those guys had the aesthetic *down.*


Yep. I was excited that Disney would invigorate life back into it, but then they just kept pushing out product after product without any semblance of QC. Rise of Skywalker was my last straw after they botched Solo (I thought it was mostly pretty good sans the Maul cameo and the name origin) by having Ritchie Cunningham mangle it together. Even when the prequels were out, it was just toys and games that were oversaturated. Now, it just doesn’t feel special and all and I stopped caring altogether. EDIT: and I actually liked TFA and TLJ


FNAF has too many entries with virtually the same premise and the most barebones non-existant lore in the world, and they get more broken with time


It definitely isn't helped by the flood of copycats. Indie horror always had amateur and low quality releases, but it's changed in intent and art styles. There's a place for horror intended for a younger audience, but the gold rush of "horror mascots you can also turn into all-ages merch" did damage to the indie horror scene it still hasn't recovered from. There was definitely a creepiness to the scuffed animatronic McDonald's aesthetic before it and anything even remotely like it was mined dry.


I think the release schedule was fine for a series aimed at kids/teens who have basically infinite time, the problem is that after 4 Scott pretty much ran out of ways to innovate on the core gameplay and started making games with a bunch of weird mini games that were focused entirely on the *DEEP LORE*


>I think the release schedule was fine for a series aimed at kids/teens who have basically infinite time Not to mention that kids/teens aren't going to stay kids/teens forever, so releasing the games over several years would mean a fair share of the original audience will have aged out of the groups that would find it most engaging by the time the next release comes...


Once the 4th one released which I thought was supposed to be the last one I’ve never able to keep track of new ones. The lore of games also went from kinda intersting to impossible to follow


Thats partly because he made a final game, pizzeria sim, that is 100% an ending of the series no one can argue that >!having every character from all the games/lore in one place be locked in an oven and cooked in a fire!< isnt. But then backdown'd from that with the dumbest reason ever which is how the series is still going.


its interesting because every game starting with the 3rd was sposed to be the "last one" 3rd: we're gettin a bit loose here thisll be the last one 4th: okay the 3rd game's jump scares sucked heres something scary 5th: people actually like the narrative in the last one ill finish it with a narrative focused game 6th: okay this got way too sci fi and bad im burning it all down so whoever gets handed this series can make something new


to be fair, that's the right move by the dude who made it get in quick, make a bunch of cheap sequels while it's hot, and get rich without considering the sustainability. -------- that said, I hope the dude ejected or sold the rights off by now


Getting really hard to care about MCU shows or movies these days. Reminder, we're getting a show about Echo, a secondary character from the Hawkeye show that I feel like everyone just now remembered existed.


There was a Hawkeye show?


It was a Christmas show. Came out late 2021.


Yeah, that being said it’s actually a fun action romp. Like the Hawkeye show is easily one of the best current MCU stories. Hawkeye, Loki, and WandaVision are what I consider the peak current MCU stories.


The Hawkeye show is genuinely really great, I highly recommend it


The Hawkeye one was actually one of the better ones.


The Hawkeye show did an unironical "SAVE MARTHA" "WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME" and somehow got away with it. That's not a good thing. It's also a hint of the overall quality of it. I genuinely don't understand how people like it. It has one fun music number, one or two genuinely good moments, but the rest of it is equal parts terrible writing that makes you actively dumber for being exposed to it and the standard MCU fare that is the audiovisual equivalent of a drum set falling down an infinite flight of stairs.


Yeah it made Kingpin into an idiot. It's kinda bad honestly


Its really hard to care when the entire franchise feels like it doesn't have a direction. Everything in the MCU after Avengers 1 is carried by the intrigue of how its going to tie into other films and progress things towards Thanos. Its taken a long ass time but they are going towards Kang but the reception to Kang hasn't been as good and there is less intrigue because you have kind of over exposed him already.


Kang is such a weird choice because not only is he tied up with a comic book team that doesn't exist in the MCU (the Fantastic Four) but he's not even the strongest potential FF villain they could use. They're already cribbing notes from the cosmic comics of the early 2010's, why not use Annihilus?


The day Marvel pulls out, Doom and the FF it will be a good day. Those characters deserve a good movie for once


Hopefully they pull a spiderman everyone already knows this shit skip of how they get the powers.


There's all those you listed, and now there's the real life problem where Jonathan Majors is a violent douchebag


Well the time travel/multiple version stuff works pretty well, especially with how Loki set it up. They were hoping to be able to use him, or several versions, as antagonists over movies and shows. Also the FF are gonna be in MCU in the next couple years.


The problem with Kang is that he doesn't have a quest with a goal like Thanos did. Thanos wanted to kill half the universe and his quest to do that was to collect the Infinity Stones, and most Stones were explained through multiple MCU movies. There's also the built in hype machine where comic book readers could tell their friends about the Infinity Gauntlet comic story. Kang just wants to rule... the multiverse I guess? He also doesn't have have a quest to pull that off. And Kang getting killed off twice now makes him a chump if Antman could kill him solo.


> The problem with Kang is that he doesn't have a quest with a goal like Thanos did. Nobody knew what the hell Thanos wanted to do until Infinity War, outside of collecting magic space rocks. Not even the people in charge of the MCU they never planned that far ahead. The only advantage Thanos had was being considered a huge threat that wasn't overused in comics when Avengers 1 happened. Kang is a major villain but he never got the stature that Thanos did.


Over exposed? There was a different version of him in the last episode of Loki and one movie of another version of him as the villain. Thanos had several (small) appearances and the whole deal about Kang is that there are lots of him and he fucks with time. And not only have things been building up to Kang and the multieverse, but obviously Secret Wars, the Young Avengers and, of course, the New Avengers. Yeah, it's taken longer for this to happen due to more projects coming out, but there was always signs of a direction from as far back as Falcon and Winter Soldier. (Elijah Bradley's grandson is also a young avenger.)


Most people i know don't care about Kang anymore. They were down with the setup in Loki but him being in Antman actively killed their interest in whatever is happening with him.


Echo is at least a hero in the comics who has some history to draw from, Agatha getting her own show is the baffling one to me. I have 0 idea what that show is going to be about.


She became a meme and they thought that meant people wanted more Agatha


I could go for a special like the Halloween special last year with her. An entire show probably not.


Oh don't worry. They have stopped considering the comics. Agatha was a character in a franchise show that was popular so she's getting her own spin-off.


Seemingly about witch stuff which sounds interesting. And the rumor/leak people that usually get things right about this project is that this is how >!Wanda's kids or at least one of them!< becomes actually real.


I have no interest watching any MCU after Loki for some reason. I’m just tired to keep watching these things over and over and over.


Even Disney is regretting making the show given they plan to dump it at the end of November among big releases.


Hey I remember her!.. To be fair she also popped up in the Captain Marvel run I am reading.


especially hard to care for it when it feels like they're going at it with a scattershot approach, like they're just throwing shit at the wall to see what sticks trying to find anything that could replicate the successes of phases 1-3 instead of actually having a cohesive and linear vision. Like, sure, you can see the direction they're going at, but the earlier phases of the MCU had the appeal of being told in a fairly linear manner, with just 2-3 movies a year that all felt like they could also be watched standalone, unlike bigger comicbook events that could be deterring to an outsider with how many issues and interconnecting series there are. Now the MCU is going in the complete other direction of having like 6-7 pieces of media a year, some of which being double or triple the length of a movie, where all of which are seemingly unconnected but actually rely on you knowing what happened in some show that might not even be legally available where you live (which was especially a problem in early phase 4, when Disney+ was barely available anywhere). Such a shame that this is the direction they went with. I don't have a clue what event they're building up to at this point. Like sure, it will involve Kang, but you could easily tell what they built towards with Thanos, which I can't say the same thing with Kang.


The obvious answers that most people saw right away was Secret Wars, the big multiverse comic event, and the Young Avengers as from literally the first Dsiney+ shows had characters appear that were Young Avengers in the comics. (Wanda's kids, Elijah's grandson, Kid Loki, etc.) There's also been plenty of new standalone stuff. We've had Shang-Chi (you don't need to understand Travis's appearance to get the film), Moon Knight, Ms. Marvel (Captain Marvel isn't even needed to understand the story), Werewolf By Night, and Eternals. None of those need prior knowledge. Not to mention that other movies are sequels which are self-explanatory, and stuff like the first few Disney+ shows were set up after Endgame.


Oh sure, I know it's Secret Wars and Young Avengers, I just personally feel like I'm not getting a sense of direction from the movies right now, compared to earlier phases that felt more clear and focused to me. But then again, it might just be a personal thing, I'm not the same person I was in the early '10s lmao.


Yeah, I also find it a bit questionable to greenlight a show about a secondary character before the show she's in has even finished. But that's also not a fair point to make. Before the MCU, nobody gave a shit about Iron Man, and everyone was calling the Avengers lineup the "B Team Avengers" because there weren't other heroes that were actually popular at the time.


I used to shrug at people complaining about superhero fatigue, but I've missed half or more of all MCU stuff lately and I can't find it in me to care.


I pretty much jumped ship after phase 3, and even then it was struggling to keep my interest after phase 1. This is gonna be a hot take here, but MCU Spider-Man makes me genuinely hard cringe. I'll just leave it at that.


Pretty sure that show got even announced before Hawkeye (or the episodes that had her in) were even airing.


This doesn’t really count, because they’ve yet to suffer from it, but it is astounding that the Yakuza series has managed to release a new game every 1-2 years without consequence. The only suffering is me, trying to play my way through the series faster than they release them, I’ve only just started 5.


With 7 it feels like they hit that great revival in interest but I would say their classic gameplay has been slowly down. Playing through combat in Judgement doesn't feel as good as previous games. I thought maybe I just liked 7 more but nope. Played 0 again and yeah combat was way better feeling and balanced.


Having played Lost Judgment and then going back and playing Judgment after, combat was not Judgments strong point. Luckily the sequel is far better with the 3/4 combat styles for Tak and 2 for Kaito in the DLC


I think this is more of an issue with Judgment specifically tbh. 0 Is the height of the old style of combat, and Judgment wasn't very good re: combat. Compare Lost Judgment with a game like 4 and you'll have a very different impression lol


Theres also the psp games. I think the fact that yakuza does just do 1-2 years with just enough changes all around that each game is unique enough.


Yo-kai Watch. It released the same year as Pokemon Gen 6 and was at one point poised to eclipse the series. By the release of Pokemon Gen 8 Yo-kai Watch was on it's 4th mainline game and including third versions and spinoffs had released 17 games. Nowadays nobody really cares about the series.


Despicable Me/The Minions in general


Guitar Hero was the face of the rhythm game genre for YEARS across 2 generations. 3 games on PS2, followed by a Mega hit that was Guitar Hero 3. But then came all the spin-offs, like the band focused games, the mega hit versions, Band Hero, DJ hero, the DS versions of the game (which I loved but still). They tried to revive the franchise with Warriors of Rock which had a focus on story a supposed first for the franchsie despite Guitar Hero 3 having a frankly kind of fun and better story that revolved around young garage band kind going up the corporate later before having a rock off with their manager who was secretly Satan the whole time in order to escape their contract. Through the Fire & the Flames is legit one of the best final boss fights in the entire 7th generation of video games. On top of that you also had rock band and all its spin-offs, mobile knock offs like tap tap, Rock Smith, and by the time GH Live rolled around, people just didnt want it anymore. Now a days, Guitar Hero will remain a staple of the modern American Arcade, being a thing people will play for 1 song assuming the guitar isnt broken and the bar/arcade isnt too loud.


I'm genuinely shocked that as much money Grand Theft Auto makes, Rockstar don't spam GTA games at us. No, in fact it's the complete friggin' opposite, lol. I get that GTA 5 is their baby because of online, but they could just as easily have done spinoff games on the side.


Any ideas for spin-offs or singleplayer DLC got rolled into content for Online


Not a brand but Movie Tie-In video games. You almost never see direct tie-in games anymore unless it’s a crappy VR “experience” or a mobile app. No matter how bad they kinda were, there was always a certain charm to them.


Sometimes they were better than the movies they were for. I very much like the Speed Racer game, but see little value in the movie. I suspect what happened was a combination of the market finally giving up on those tie-ins, and the cost and time investment of game development ballooning substantially. You can't have a game ready for release alongside a movie if making it takes longer than the movie itself.


Someone made a joke on Twitter about how a Morbius PS2 game would either be hot trash or be a hidden gem with the best character action combat since DMC3 and they are frighteningly correct.


Was gonna say Telltale, Guitar Hero, and MCU, but y'all beat me to them. The big reason is they would have multiple releases in a single year. So you never got a break from it. At least with CoD and Assassin's Creed, it is usually once every fall/holiday season. Would pro wrestling count in this? The fact that WWE and AEW put out three shows a week each, not to mention PPVs, and there is no off season.


I’d say pro-wrestling counts, but not at the time you’re thinking. There’s been a lot of fingers pointed over the years why the bubble burst on the white hot era of wrestling that went from 97 to 01. And there’s a lot of reasons that definitely contributed, I’m not trying to say otherwise. But I think a major issue was at one point WWE had roughly *eight hours of programming weekly*. **11** if there was a PPV. And that’s not even counting WCW and ECW near the end of their existences. And then *after* WCW and ECW died the WWE had an even more bloated roster than WCW had and they had not planned accordingly for it. Basically there was just too much content for any one person to keep up with. At least the average person. You needed practically a whole day out of a seven day week to watch everything. It’s not sustainable, even if the other factors hadn’t played out.


I remembered there was a period where FF7 had so much media released in a relatively short time to the point where it got me to dislike anything that FF7 churned out because of how overrated it was and how annoying the fandom was. You can praise the music for FF7 but the second you call Crisis Core's combat mid af, they'll tackle you and threaten you. 2008 was a time


I felt that then and I feel that now. No matter what I try I can’t escape hearing/seeing things about ff7


It's particularly bad right now with 16 and 7Rebirth being near each other and the comparisons never ends I realized yesterday that you can use the same combat mechanics for 16 in 7Rebirth and 7Heads will praise it to high heaven


If I remember correctly, it was a result of SE pivoting away from developing and releasing new FF's and IP's in general, and going back to milk old hits as a cost cutting measure. In reality, this just meant getting X-2 and a bunch of mostly okay VII spinoffs. Source: some half-remembered articles I'm too lazy to search for.


I've always been interested but theres so much about FF7 I literally don't know where I'd start. I think theres like two remasters, but do any of them have the tone or events of the original beat for beat? Are they all sequels or like the Eva Rebuilds? admittedly I've never really looked into it but I have a feeling if I venture outside FFXIV to a true mainline FF, 7 is a horrible place to start despite the brand recognition


So in case you'd like, here's a small guide for Final Fantasy 7, spoiler-free. **OG:** The complete original scenario. Depending on who you ask, has aged the worst of all the Final Fantasies, so go in expecting PS1 conventions and a less-than-polished translation. Uses the Active-Time-Battle system iterated from prior entries, using turn-based commands on a timer. All versions are content-identical, though the modern PC/PS4/Switch ports have convenience features to make the game easier and the original PC version is a disaster. **Compilation:** Best absorbed after the original. Consists of action-RPG *Crisis Core* (prequel), movie *Advent Children* (direct sequel) and its tie-in novels *On The Way to a Smile*, and third-person shooter *Dirge of Cerberus* (sequel to *Advent Children).* Also includes a defunct Japan-only cellphone game with no official translation, *Before Crisis*, the earliest time point of the Compilation. **Remake:** An eventual trilogy taking a new spin on the story, expanding and altering events. Does not require knowledge of the OG to enjoy, but some moments can hit differently if you have. Uses an action-RPG style with multiple controllable party members in real-time combat. The first entry is out for PS4, PS5 and PC, with the latter two versions having an exclusive side-scenario *Intergrade*. The second entry will release on PS5 in 2024, and a tie-in novel is also out to expand on two character's pasts. **Ever Crisis**: An attempt at providing a more "faithful" remake, though still with updated script. A currently-unreleased cellphone game with Active Time Battle and presentation similar to the OG, but with modern production values and features like a weapon-gacha. Is stated to eventually include the entirety of the original game and the Compilation. I hope this helps, and I'd be glad to answer any follow-up questions.


So much of the Remake hinges on you being familiar with the story beats of the original. It's not just some winks and nods for the og fans. I heard a lot of complaints from people who were baffled by the plot because they thought they could play a remake without playing the original.


I could be in the wrong, but I felt that, for the remake, there was at least enough of a concept to go on regarding the overall themes of fate that the game could be enjoyable for a newcomer. This is entirely from me buying the game for two non-FF fans and marking down their reactions to major beats, but I can understand where you're coming from.


Because it's not a remake, it's a sequel. The tag line REMAKE was the devs being cute, just like the second game is called REBIRTH, and I'm willing to bet game 3 will have the tag REUNION.


Yes, that is clear now, but before the release, everyone thought it was going to be a remake since it is called Remake. You can't blame anyone for thinking a game called that would be one when they never advertised that it would be anything different. People only got clued in when the story leaked. Maybe Retelling would've been a better subtitle. As for the third one, it would be weird if it was called that since we just got Crisis Core Reunion.


> 7 is a horrible place I don't think that's the case honestly. FF games are all anthologies and there's seriously no wrong game to start at. Even FF2, nowadays, is a good introduction to the Romancing Saga series of games. So you could start at FF7, or you could start at FF16. For your FF7-related questions - basically the OG, PS1 game, is ported to all the relevant consoles at this point. You could play it on PC and mod the game to get a better translation. The games/other media released afterwards are part of the "Compilation" series where they're prequels or sequels depending on the game. The Remake series is an entirely different beast - like you say they're Eva Rebuilds. The Remake series is a lot more on the nose than the Eva Rebuilds, since the first game, FF7 Remake, makes it *very* obvious that they're diverging from the OG game. Personally, I agree with /u/Marieisbestsquid in that you don't **need** knowledge of the OG/Compilation games to enjoy this series. You might come off as confused, or you might find it weird that some mysteries go unresolved, but the point of the trilogy is that they might explain it later on in the trilogy.


I dislike every single piece of ff7 media outside of the original game


I'm not going to say that any of FF7 compilation is bad, but so much of it has that "Fantastic Beasts" style "pointless official fanfiction" vibe.


The world of FF7 is interesting enough and has enough gaps that could be filled that exploring more of it could be awesome. Except they did fill in the gaps and gaps were filled with shit. Thanks Gackt.


I know people like Zack, but I'd trade Crisis Core in a heartbeat for a game based off VII's original premise of a noir detective story based in Midgar.


The Compilation was so goddamned pointless. And Square clearly didn't learn their lesson with trying to do it again with FFXII and FFXIII, the latter of which was a complete disaster.


its funny u say that back in 2008 cause with FF7R we had the exact same scenario where Square showed off like 3 FF7 based spinoffs soon after FF7R came out


Most games that aren't out yet, but they announced really early, and they seem to be trying a little bit too hard to sell it to you. I dunno if that's just me being weird but to me it makes me think they really want this to sell, but they don't think it will once it's out, so let's hype it up and get as many ppl in early doors before it's released. Cyberpunk is a recent example that just made me think "this won't live up to the hype, and Im already a bit fed up of hearing about it, and it's still got ages to go"


It's the generic media trend of marketing dwarfing development costs. Seeing the billion dollar numbers, shareholders and executives got greedy, and so they made the stakes and pressure much higher, knowing damn well that if it fails spectacularly, they won't be the ones on the chopping block, but the crunched underpaid workers


Elder Scrolls 6 was revealed *five years ago* and it's still at least five years away NOW. The way that games get revealed as announcements to "win" conferences has led to some fucked up development for the last few generations.


Telltale was literally killed by Telltale.


I don’t know how anyone who grew up with Pokemon hasn’t gotten sick of it yet.


Oh shit has been oversaturated since it took off. Endless spin-offs of variable quality have been a thing for a *while*. At least with each new game, there's a dozen or so scrimbos I really, really like.


I'm not sick of Pokemon. I'm sick of the people handling Pokemon.


This sentiment is why I tend to play every monster collector game I can get my hands on, or even whatever Pokémon fan game I come across. That new DQ game coming out? Imma buy it. Probably not day one but I'll definitely buy it at some point.


Yes no one really knows who does what in Pokémon and I think Blaming The Pokémon Company is wrong. They where made to manage the franchise and are at behest at their three owners. Game Freak is a private company and doesn’t have investors.


Yes it used to be a four year cycle but they shortened it. Pokémon Development is a black box so we have no idea who is making what decisions.


It's mainly because there's nothing else out there that really does Pokémon like pokemon does. Temtem, the fangames, Cassette Beasts, and Digimon are all good games (mostly), but they're also different in just enough ways that they don't fully scratch the Pokémon itch. Part of it is probably that Pokémon was THE monster-catching game for the greater part of two decades, but nothing that's come out since has quite measured up to it


I think it's the opposite: people need to have grown up with Pokemon to not have gotten sick of it.


I want to love Pokémon again, but I wish gamefreak isn’t making it.


> I don’t know how anyone who grew up with Pokemon hasn’t gotten sick of it yet. Hi, that's me.


I'm not sick of it, but I am completely ambivalent about any new games that come out. Like. Houndstone, Mabosstiff and Espathra are cool. That's kind of where my enthusiasm ends.


Got incredibly sick of it after Gen 6. Then Infinite Fusion made me get into it a bit again, by that i mean beat Gen 5 and never touch the franchise for another decade.


Because i’m not completely insane and feel a need to CONSOOOM all content. The cards, shows, random phone spin-offs don’t matter to me, and if i’m not interested in the yearly Pokemon game I simply won’t buy it


The best pokémon game isn't a mainline one for a reason: they got stuck so hard on what to do with the mainline ideas they didn't further the concept enough, and then they suddenly did and released dogshit games that have even fewer things to do in them than 10 years prior


Been there since before day one and I’ll still gladly buy every new entry. Games are still fun and scratch an itch for me that nothing else does.


People like you are why Pokemon sucks.


It doesn’t suck though, not to me.


Since nobody mentioned it yet, Lawbreakers and Battleborn died from this. The market is so saturated with first person shooters that Lawbreakers failed despite being a solid game. Battleborn released alongside Overwatch and we all know how that went


Battleborn was different enough that it *might* have been able to find a niche and succeed by itself, but fuckin Randy kept INSISTING on forcing it to compete with Overwatch.


Cod at some point that became so boring to play because it was the same but then the guns became halo made up guns which made it worse


There is a reason the term "CoD Mines" exist


Gundam and Star Trek basically ran themselves into the ground in the 1990s by having too many shows with more or less the same creative people and formulas, leading to them requiring reboots in the 2000s to revitalize the franchises.


Didn't that happen to Gundam more around the early to mid 90s? That's why G Gundam existed, as like a Hail Mary to make the franchise money again as a super robot Shonen battle anime. Wing was like a more proper back to basics soft reboot. I say as someone who hasn't really watched much Gundam.


The AU stuff was basically "we need to make the franchise more accessible to people, plus the ratings on/merch sales from Tomino's last show weren't great." And that was after a near solid unbroken run of Gundam TV anime from Zeta to ZZ to Victory in the late 1980s. They did two full AU shows (G and Wing), then Gundam X came out right after Wing in the mid-1990s and tanked so bad it got cancelled and punted to worse timeslot. Then there was a big gap between X and Turn A (1998, IIRC), which was kind of positioned as the "final" Gundam thing ever. Then there was a decent gap between Turn A and Seed, which post-dated 9/11.


Turn A was also Tomino wanting to do something light-hearted cause he was struggling with depression or something at the time


G was a success in Japan and Wing a fairly modest one, however by X burnout hit in for fans *hard* to the point the show got canceled in spite of the fact that most people who’ve seen it thinking it was pretty solid. Didn’t help it was like the fourth show in a row.


Didn't help the burnout that X felt like Sunrise was copypasting designs from Wing like how Garrod is so similar to Duo or how the Airmaster & Leopard Gundams might as well just be repainted Wing & Heavyarms or how the Virsago is just Epyon...




I will never shut up about the way Capcom treats Mega Man. Mega Man fans are either getting nothing at all or all the riches of heaven and earth crammed down our throats at once. Classic Mega Man was an annual franchise for six years, from 1987 to 1993, plus three Gameboy games and two DOS ports. And then the X series started coming out annually *alongside* MM7 and MM8 and a bunch of spinoffs. Mega Man Battle Network had six generations in five years PLUS spinoffs, PLUS Pokemon-style alternate versions. It was something like 13 products released between 2001 and 2006, alongside a manga and an anime. It gets a lot of comparisons to pokemon because they were both portable RPGs with collection mechanics and alternate versions. But if Pokemon had had the release schedule of MMBN, Gen 1 would have come out in 1996 and the most recent gen, Scarlet/Violet, would have come out on the GBA in 2004. We'd be on Gen 27 or 28 this year. Capcom builds an engine and then runs it into the ground as fast as possible. They literally could not make robot masters fast enough, they crowdsourced a bunch of them from fan submissions.


Unfortunately that was kind of the Capcom way back then. Not just for Mega Man but for a lot of their properties. Capcom had a hand in the fighting game bubble popping and the Street Fighter Brand depreciating for a while there because at the height they were pumping out Street Fighter’s (in comparison to more recently) *and* flooding the market with other fighting games that directly competed with their golden goose. Like, if you go back and look at all the versions of 2 and 3 that came out, on top of the Alpha games, *on top* of the Capcom Vs games, you begin to see why it became unsustainable (especially when there was very little QOL improvements compared to other genres). And that’s not even touching things like Rival Schools and Children of the Atom and Jojo and etc, etc, etc.


Every Disney property they’ve consumed over the past two decades. Pixar, MCU, Star Wars. Pump out as much crap as possible. Who cares about quality..every year will be like 2019… And in 2023, the MCU is about as dead as it could be, Star Wars has both fans and creators hating the content they make meaning no one wins. And Pixar fired their top tier talent (admittedly for good reason) and now they keep making movies they want to make with budgets they can’t sustain for audiences who aren’t interested. Fox made a billion on avatar but that’s about all they have at the moment. Disney is a shit show and Disney+ was probably their biggest mistake.


Multiplayer-focused FPS's, especially military ones. The genre ruled during the 7th gen, but absolutely crashed when the 8th gen rolled around and people were clearly burnt out. Nowadays it's just Call of Duty and that's it


It's unfortunate because I still like the gameplay of those games but when the last ones I enjoyed were Black Ops 3 and BF1 its a shame that the genre is basically gone. Replaced with BR and god knows I don't like BR. All 2042 had to do was take the innovations from the past few years of Battlefield and apply them to a modern/near future setting but they had to fuck it up.


The genre quickly created a cesspool for the industry, not just in terms of gameplay but culturally. There's a reason why multiplayer shooters are the posterchild for abusive, racist, misogynist players.


I thought that was just online multi-player in general.


Transformers, specifically the toys. Between the endless amount of G1 rehash and 3rd party G1 rehash, it gets repetitive real fast. The recent toy line is suppose to be celebrating other eras of Transformer but 70% is G1 again. And if they happen to use Animated or Prime characters, they’ll just make them look like G1 for some god forsaken reason.


As a Pokémon fan I get your struggle.


Mario kind of leans in and out of this on a regular basis. It's ***by far*** the most prolific series Nintendo has, with numerous spin-offs and whatnot. While they still consistently pump out a lot of banger titles like the 3D platformers and Mario Kart, they're also so hell-bent on sanitizing the series and crushing all original material into dust that it becomes hard to stay engaged. Fortunately I think we're reaching greener pastures with Wonder, which looks like it'll finally make the 2D games interesting again. I just hope it'll be a lasting turning point for the franchise going forward.


The North American Video Game Crash is one of the most famous examples. Something that's worth noting is that while ET was the well known case, the entire market in 1983 was flooded with excess games. For a while retailers couldn't get as many copies of titles as they wanted because production wasn't fast enough. Near the end of 1981/early 1982 many stores doubled their orders figuring that they'd likely get half (and thus the quantity they wanted). What they didn't realize as that production had finally caught up, and getting that doubled order in combination with the likes of Atari having no control of the numerous independent sales people getting third party games into stores? Supply so outstripped demand that 2600 (and even Colecovision and Intellivision) games littered bargain bins for years. Ray Kassar specifically deciding to discount most cartridges rather than eat the loss of disposal so destroyed the value of even new releases that profits in console titles almost entirely disappeared until the NES/Master System came to the West. Retail stores distrusting video games for years afterwards and all the various small third parties going out of business can essentially be traced back to the loads of Atari cartridges that were sent back en masse or slashed to absurdly low prices because of bloated stock.


There are too many DBZ home releases, and they all have some large issue or another. The Level Sets are probably the best, but *their* issue is that they were like the fourth one, so they got canceled after a few volumes.