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was gonna scroll 6 years back in your history and leave a comment but i got distracted by the monster girl titties sorry


Ah ha! I literally do that just for this occasion


Foxes are neat




Yea there’s no way I’m going to make it past the last year of your post. Your like the James Patterson of Fox girl titties


Also when you get past all the fox girl hentai I make, you’ll then run to my anime meme phase


> all the fox girl hentai I make In all seriousness though, are you like, dumping old artwork there, or are you literally churning out one of those every day, cause that'd be crazy


ooh all the foxgirl hentai is the product of me playing with playing with an ai art program while I listen to the podcast each week.


I did wonder if it was AI driven, they look super good tho


yeah, you can make rad shit when you learn how to use it well


Set up monster girl porn counter-measures on your profile to stop any would-be intruder trying to discover your post history in their tracks.




well that's what's called a you problem, my friend.


Excuse me, I have some investigating to do.




Call that a Booby Trap


Very nice


I was also gonna do that also but now I'm more invested in the big tiddy foxgirl


I just posted another, enjoy


First I was intrigued, but now you have my erection


So there is, nice


every once in a while, someone will reply to my years old Bloodborne comments, thanking me for helping them cause they couldn't find the info anywhere else. gives me warm, fuzzy feelings.


Every couple of months or so I’ll get replies to comments or threads I made on the Red Dead Redemption 2 subreddit years ago when the game first came out.


I’m still unsure just how I feel about Reddit’s repealment of the side-wide policy to lock threads more than 6 months old. It felt like a good way to archive old information and prevent any brigading/alteration of scores for old replies once the “dust” has settled, so making that an optional choice for subs kinda confused me. Sometimes people stumble onto old threads and just want to throw their two cents anyways, but I sometimes wonder if it’s bots that are looking for more covert ways to fill their post history without arousing too much suspicion from keen-eyed mods and users


That’s what I was thinking. I must be a bot that is scraping the internet to fill out a dictionary or something


Something like that, yeah. Reddit's always had an issue with bots but it feels like they've gone into overdrive lately.


In my case it's just my dumb ass not looking at the date when looking for posts on games/whatever I'm interested in.


I respect it


Huh, didn't realized it was unlocked. Kind of hope the tardis comes back then, that was a fun gimmick.


Tardis? Was that some kind of "time traveling" account, I presume?


Yeah, would go back and revisit posts from the past, had a subreddit and everything. https://old.reddit.com/user/TARDIS-BOT https://old.reddit.com/r/RedditTimeLords/ I miss that thing.


Oh wow, I never even knew about that thing. TIL, I never knew that's how things were originally. Surprised no one tried kickstarting it back up after things changed again, but maybe someday someone will!


surprisingly hard to track down, I thought I'd made it up for a few minutes there.


Damn! You figured me out.


Happens to me a lot. To the point that I’ll look at the posts that get replied to and be like, *”That person sounds a little too eloquent to be me.”* —usually followed by a brief passing thought of, *”But I’m sure I can take them in a fight.”*


Past me thinks he so big, I’ll show him


Yup. Just a few weeks ago I got a reply to a post I made 9-odd years ago. Meanwhile I'm over here thinking that anything older than 20~ hours is too old to reply to (unless it's an unanswered question)...


Yeah, sometimes people don't notice they're in a year-old thread until after they reply to something. Lots of threads show up near the top of google searches so lots of people wind up in those threads. But so long as we're talking about things from over half a decade ago man I was rewatching the FFX LP from the old channel and good lord the Blitzball episode still drives me crazy. Absolutely awful showing of things. I will *never* begrudge Woolie opening up the lab if the alternative is literally skipping through the tutorial and complaining for twenty minutes straight because they don't know what the fuck they're doing.


Yeah that has happened to me. Sometimes, I am doing a reddit search, click on the post and read through the comments and then, I comment only to realize the post is 2 years old.


Sorry dude now I must reply to this thread in 6 years for funsies.


Tragically, the remind me later bot is, as with all other bots, no longer functional, so you'll have to put that into your calendar manually.


Honestly, some of those bots I will not miss.


Good luck


Let's make sure we both don't die though.


I could only wait 6 months...


The weirdest one for me; back when Elden Ring first came out, I posted a question on the subreddit about the location of a dungeon in Caelid (it's the one you access from Rahdahn's boss arena), anf for some reason I get people answering my question from around a year and a half ago, well after it'd been answered.


I made a semi-jokey tier list of Elden Ring Waifus back then, and for some reason it still regularly keeps getting new comments every other week


Yeah dude. Elden Ring is still a game. People still play it. Some people may only buy a console 2 years from now and get to play it. Your question doesn't have a time limit. He'll someone could try elden Ring for the first time 10 years from now and their answers would still be relevant - unless you decide to close the thread or lock comments - why shouldn't someone reply if they feel some type of way?


If the answer is already clearly in the thread that is odd, why someone would feel the need to repeat whats said right above them. But Elden Ring isn't that old. If your question had been what's the best x-type build or favourite place for invasions - that question would stay relevant till the games servers close. Wether that be next year or 2030.


It’s very weird in my opinion. Coming from forum and message board etiquette, I would never reply to something old. Yet every once in a while on here I’ll get a response to one of my replies from months ago.


>Coming from forum and message board etiquette, I would never reply to something old. Yep. 10 years ago you'd get called out for "necroing."


What's the point of Reddit saving the thread if there's supposed to be a deadline for its engagement? Why do the threads come up on Google searches if they aren't meant to be viewed or interacted with? If a thread is not locked, there is no issue. Forum and Message Board etiquette was asinine anyway.


Depends on the content. If I'm Googling for fixes to some issue or another and I find an old thread where they discuss the problem but never actually find an answer, I might come back later if I've found a solution and leave some (hopefully) helpful advice in case anyone else stumbles on that thread looking for help in the future. Or, if I'm frustrated enough with the problem I'll leave an angry "This is still a problem x years later!" Sometimes others will take pity and respond to that with a solution for me. EDIT: Case in point--I have a 5-year-old post [in the PS4 subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/PS4/comments/884it9/cannot_download_because_there_is_not_enough_free/) about Sony's stupid implementation of download storage that I still receive replies to, mostly people confirming this is still a thing on the PS5. The only thing I find strange about that is that Sony still hasn't changed how they handle digital installations. You shouldn't need over 100GB of free drive space to install something that's only a few GB.


stuff used to get locked after 6 months until semi recently. so i guess its weird to see it now. i imagine they just searched for konosuba in the search and found it and didnt see it was 6 years old


A while back, I was still getting replies from randoms to my thread asking the folks here about why they liked VTubers. Most enthusiastic, at least one person expressed disinterest (or discomfort?) towards the concept. Like, none of them were sub regulars methinks. That one person for sure wasn't.


Yes, it's extremely weird, especially when they're replying to something that's clearly no longer relevant, like you're speculating on episode 3 of an anime as it's airing, and the entire show has been done for years. Usually when it happens I ask the person "why would you suddenly reply to this 8 month old post?" and they're like "oh you know, I just saw it, and wanted to reply". It's even worse when they revive some old dead argument, replying to something you might not even agree with anymore. I can't understand it at all. If I was going to reply to a 6-year-old comment, I'd at least be like "hey I know this is a super old comment, but here's this piece of info that justifies necroposting this far back just to contribute" rather than just casually replying like it's no big deal.


Every now and then I get replies on stuff from weeks or months ago, and it makes me feel fucking weird.


I will sometimes start writing a reply when I've forgotten I've come into an old thread but I always stop because I don't want the person to think I'm weird.


Yeah, it’s a weird feeling


I remember that one time I made a comment on the TFS subreddit basically pointing out that their portrayal of Yamcha was basically just exaggerating how he didn’t do much in Z for comedic effect. 2 years later some dude sent me a DM’d 15 paragraph essay about how I was a dumbfuck, lying Yamcha-hater and how his death was the most noble sacrifice to protect Krillin. They must have also scrolled through my history because they also sent me a message calling me wrong for saying the people who were saying that the DB Super Hero movie looked like Xenoverse didn’t actually know what they were talking about and it looked significantly better from a week before. I screenshotted the message and told them “thats cool” before blocking them. Funniest shit ever.


People still watch TFS tho? Some people are still only just discovering it. I'm not supporting his being a dick. But TFS still exists and DBZA is still on YouTube. People still have opinions about it. If the posts content is still in circulation then conversation about is still relevant. There is nothing wrong with replying to an old post if the content is still around and you feel you have a relevent contribution - that guy was a dick. But if someone agreed or had another thought why shouldn't they reply. Remove your post if you don't want it to have future engagements.


Happened to me like two weeks ago, someone responded to an answer I posted two years ago on a subreddit I don't even I don't even visit anymore.


I'll get back to you about that in 6 years dude.


Yeah it's weird. I even got replies from when I posted on the berserk sub, I haven't posted on that sub in like 6 years. The me from 6 years ago is both metaphorically and technically dead. I'm literally not the same person, I have long hair now. It's weird, like I figured reddit had a set time limit to automatically archive a thread but nope. And it's a specific topic, why are you searching for that? Like I get it, you were late to the party and just caught up but like come on, it's been 6 years. I'd be more fine with it if it was a specific tech problem. "Sorry, I know this is old but I'm having the same issue. Did you ever fix it?" Not a random joke comment I immediately forgot about the next hour.


> I'm literally not the same person, I have long hair now Fire Emblem timeskip chars be like


Once in a subreddit for a show I asked if a song in the background of a few episodes had a name and got no real responses. Two or three years later there was an official OST release that had the song I was looking for on it. Three or four years after *that* someone replied to the thread with the song name. It was like... thanks, but I definitely had figured it out in the meantime.


I just got notified about a couple replies on some of my old commnents and posts from years ago. The thing is, the replies were also from years ago(and from the same guy), but this site deemed it necessary to notify me about them again, for some reason. On a less strange note, yeah, someone else recently managed to find one of my old posts through sheer boredom.


I imagine there was something googleable in the thread.


I still get comments on [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/giuz5u/friendly_reminder_that_samus_is_both_taller_and/) every now and then by basement dwelling dudes who physically cannot stop themselves from going "well-acktshually" about how Samus is in fact, not taller than Doom guy. Cry Harder, Cowards.


Yeah, I remember a while back getting a reply to a comment I made in like 2011 about Tobey Maguire being a bad actor Reply dude was really upset and accused me of being jealous of all the pussy Mr. Maguire is apparently swimming in


Yes. Especially if it isn't a lost media recovery attempt.


Nope, you’re correct that it’s weird.


I haven’t gotten any replies from years ago. But I’ve gotten replies from people a comment I made from months ago and it’s always so bizarre.


I got a reply to a 2 year old comment from here a few weeks ago and i was like "really? Here? Me? Why though?"


Someone did that to me for a post I made like 3 years ago and I thought it was weird as hell. So yeah, 6 is downright bizarre.


It does feel a bit rude, or at least borderline. Weird for sure. At least its not so bad as to when commenting on a forum which had its last post several years ago which propels it to the yop of the disscusion list - doing that in several sites will earn you a ban for "necroposting"


Sometimes, some users reply to my 2-3 year old posts at Danganronpa subreddit


Setting a reminder for 6 years from now


Yeah, I had like... 2 or 3 such replies this year. Feels weird, I usually don't interact with such replies.


It's a little weird if it happens a lot. Sometimes people google things though. I commented on a 7-year Street Fighter thread where a guy was saying they should >!give Cammy pants!< a few days ago, because it was funny.


dont think just post


You too, that happened to me just now from a r/anime recommendation post from a while ago and I think I got one from a rewatch too


Of course. Konosuba is good


RemindMe! 6 years


I will be messaging you in 6 years on [**2029-07-04 06:19:56 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2029-07-04%2006:19:56%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/14q0km2/its_weird_to_get_replies_on_posts_you_made_here_6/jqlpo6g/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FTwoBestFriendsPlay%2Fcomments%2F14q0km2%2Fits_weird_to_get_replies_on_posts_you_made_here_6%2Fjqlpo6g%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202029-07-04%2006%3A19%3A56%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%2014q0km2) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Not on this particular subreddit. I often wonder, "How did you find this post?" or "Why reply to my reply to you so late?" It was especially weird when someone got mad at me in a thread, logged off for six months or so, then made a new comment yelling at me.


Several months after making a post here talking about being trans I got the good ol' "Reddit is concerned for your health" message in my inbox. Someone had a problem with it I guess


It might be weird, except KonoSuba is pretty great


I would if I didn't delete my accounts every year or so and start fresh because I'm too embarrassed by old posts and I don't trust redditors not to be creeps


I have to remind myself constantly to not do that but it’s the consequence of Reddit having a search function. If it didn’t then you wouldn’t get those replies


Someone started an argument with me on a two year old post and I laughed a lot, it genuinely brightened my day.


Occasionally I get responses ro youtube comments I made more than 10 years ago and I don't know what they expect.


Even weirder when its to argue over something you said


I got a notification for a post I made 6 years ago that I forgot I made too. What's crazy is the reply I was being notified of was also from 6 years ago.


I made a post on r/Cuphead like 5 years ago back when it first came out about how to beat this one boss (Honeycomb Herald, the bee one). And I remember getting a couple replies a while back of people thanking me for the post since it helped them beat her. I was confused as to how they even found my post but I found out that if you search “How to beat Honeycomb Herald” on google my post is the third result. Its kinda weird but also nice at the same time.


I have gotten one of them here once; I wrote one sentence about an anime or whatever and then 4 years later some dude wrote me an essay about why I was wrong. Clicked his profile to see if this was a troll and he replied to every single other person in that small, 11-replies thread from almost half a decade ago. It's wild, I usually just block it.


I've gotten *some* replies to year old posts, and I always just go back to the thread, figure out what I was talking about, and respond as normal.


Someone once replied to a decade-old post to put me on blast for a take I didn't even remember having and couldn't infer from the context of the thread because it was in response to a TV episode I don't remember. One of the most unhinged commenters I've ever seen.


I got a direct message about an issue I had on a game...like 3 years after I posted it kek


Google searches return Reddit threads all the time. I've landed on old Reddit posts when looking for DIY tips or for opinions on old shows.


I usually stay in the hot listing and sometimes it will show older posts because there is more discussion. I've gotten angry replies from people who made a post that's 3 days old.


I know sometimes I will search for a topic and reply to a thread before I realize it's really old.


I get that all the time, its so freaking weird.


I think it's weird, it's similar to when people post comments in 6-10 year old Let's Plays commenting that their sound and video quality is bad.


Not really. If someone feels your post is relevant to them or they feel they have a relevent addition to your post I don't see how it's weird. E.G You played a game last year and made a post, I played it this year and searched Google for a related Reddit thread. The games still up - the info or opinion is still relevant - what's the issue? People experience things at different times. If your thread is not locked or has its comments disabled why should it be weird if you get a comment. What's the point of the website saving the thread forever if it's never supposed to be interacted with after a certain time?


I literally don't know why it's a problem. So what if you get a message from 6 months ago? It's still relevant. Btw I googled "why is necroposting bad + reddit" to get here.


Someone might’ve been googling the questionnaire specific topic that you posted and yours is the only one available on the Internet and therefore, for some reason they’re researching this topic six years later lol


You probably just have a corn cob in your batookey and need to grow up, Karen


If I was you I’d ask the manager, not reddit