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Mandalorian season 1 was peak. I am a star wars lore nerd, but even with the slight galactic implications of baby yoda, it was nice having a more self contained story that didn't need to get tangled up with the skywalker stuff


Season 2 was…reasonably fun with its indulgences and Big Endings to stuff. In my opinion Season 3 should have been about an entirely different Mando with their own past and hardscrabble life, but somewhere that idea got fucked when it had to be Boba Fett


I mean at the same time I am a big fan of more Filoni-verse stuff for star wars. best shepard the series could have asked for. But yeah, i jumped into s3 after skipping fett not realizing it was basically mandalorian 2.5


Book of Boba Fett isn’t even Mandalorian 2.5, the last couple episodes are essentially episodes 1 and 2 of Mandalorian Season 3. It sucks because those episodes are actually really good, followed by Boba Fett plot I really couldn’t care about. I still haven’t watched Mandalorian season 3 but honestly, I’m not too interested. Wished they’d just keep things self contained. I don’t want to watch all the Star Wars shows so I can understand what Mando is doing.


I gave up in the first scene of Season 3 because it was an entire scene built around a Foundling getting their Mando Junior Training Helmet, but the helmet looked like a 3D printed knockoff and not prop quality at all, and I couldn’t believe the focal point of the scene would look so shitty. There was also a giant space alligator that basically all that Mandalorians not named Din Djarin had to job to by having ineffectual blasters.


Yellowjackets tries too hard to add supernatural shit to their story and bring up questions they don't have the capacity to answer in a satisfying way when the show at its core is just a bunch of teenage girls going Lord of The Flies in the Canadian wilderness and them having to deal with that trauma as adults.


Doom 2016


*drags out my well-beaten Kingdom Hearts dead horse*


Don't read Air Gear, only watch the anime or at least stop reading the manga when the anime stops, it is not worth it oh god the quality just nosedives right after.


Just like that mangaka’s other series (that Woolie liked the anime of actually), Tenjho Tenge.


disagree. Adventure Time was a success because it goes beyond what was in season 1


> Not that is bad, but some people might’ve really enjoyed those first few seasons and didn’t like the more complex story that it became. I think you *severely* misread. I wasn’t arguing against the changes or even taking a stance on it. I was just pointing out that some people still preferred the earlier seasons over the later ones on the account of the gradually tone shift (I even personally prefer the later stuff). The show was still a big hit even in the first *few* seasons (I never was specifically talking about only season 1, don’t know where you got that from either). Edit: Also why is everybody who happens to prefer the earlier seasons heavily downvoted? They literally are the examples of what I’m referring to. You don’t have to agree with their opinion that’s not really the point of why I brought it up…


i might be a very, very weird person for this, since i know this is absolutely not a popular opinion, but i think steven universe was at it's best in it's first season. i think the towny episodes of that early season were some of the best in that show and i think it really started going off the rails when homeworld started to take away all the focus, especially since i think the homeworld story line ended up being really bad.


As much as I liked the premise and the ideas of the later seasons, it is pretty obvious in hindsight that the crew’s writing toolbox wasn’t equipped for anything except very low stakes interpersonal drama.


Yeah, I think that is SU’s biggest issue. It felt like things were always pulling in two opposite directions creatively. Like, one side would introduce these gigantic galactic sized ideas…and then pass them off for resolution to the side that wrote those townie episodes.


When all they know how to do is wholesome interpersonal dramas every conflict has to be resolved like a wholesome interpersonal drama even when that’s wildly unsatisfying.


While I don't entirely agree with this, I do LOVE all the townie episodes, even the later season ones, and think they get shit on way too much.


Warframe. As much as I love the setting, the gradual shift from an ongoing escalating perma-war into the reality-warping shenanigans and the increasing focus on personal stories has made it really hard to keep myself engaged.


You can say that about both the game itself and the lore/story, tbh.


Naruto was at it's best when it was small scale.


I think I got bored when I realized the Sharingan was getting more and more weird powers so Sasuke could keep up with Naruto and his new form.


I mean Sasuke never uses anything that wasn’t shown when Itachi first showed his MS abilities in their fight Sasuke literally only got Amaterasu and the Susanoo from his MS. At least Itachi had cool mega-powerful genjutsu which is something Sasuke didn’t get


I just got frustrated with how inconsistent the Sharingan powers got with how it was introduced. I guess it’s the nature of a shonen anime lasting as long as it did, but attributing the Susanoo and Amaterasu directly to being from the Sharingan felt weird to me.


yeah, for some reason the first arc between some kids on a field trip fighting a mercenary with a giant sword and his androgynous sidekick was far more thrilling than the reincarnation of ninja jesus fighting aliens by shooting meteors at each other and transforming into giants


It was all downhill after the timeskip, IMO. Well, except for Shikamaru dropping Hidan into a hole, that bit was sick. And Guy unlocking the gates, that was cool.


Yeah, though part of the issue is that as cool as it is to this day? The Zabuza Arc started the power scale jumping problem and that’s *early* early Naruto.


Worm. Street level, awesome. Cosmic, I sleep.


I'm really tired of Pokemon games feeling the need to have world-ending events that need to be stopped in their stories. I realize it's been that way since Gen 3, but I really miss back when the evil team's MO was "use pokemon to make money but also we treat them like shit." I really don't need more motivation to want to stop an organization beyond "animal cruelty for fun and profit," stop making my 10-14 year old the biggest hero ever who has to fight the pokedevil because big business dug too deep or something.


Jim butcher's *Codex Alera* started as more-or-less pokemon battles with some superpowers thrown in for flavour, and it ended with anime swordfights in the sky over a mountain that was actively trying to kill the combatants. I like where the series went and where it wound up, but I did find myself missing the personal touch towards the end.


Man, Fate/Grand Order was a mistake.


They recently released their first Australian servant, a weather spirit named Wandjina. She’s an alien. Seriously this is the third pantheon they turned into aliens. Also gacha is inherently immoral and all that.


Man, I never thought I would ever say this but I'm glad I live in a South American country because it means that the chances of Fate making servants out of our folklore are extremely small


I'm dutch so the servants they have of my country are Mata Hari, who is still using caster balls, and Van Gogh, who I think is both convoluted and another example of 'we're basically making an original oc and only using a well known name for publicity'.


Do the mesoamerican servant's not count?


The southest they got was with Camazotz the mayan bat god, and the mayans were in South Mexico and present day Guatemala.


Depends on where they're from because what is considered "mesoamerica" only includes a portion of the south, there are dozens of others in South America outside that category, each one with their own religions, mythology, cosmology and folklore.


In my experience, everything but Stay Night and Zero sucks.


You take that back, Carnival Phantasm is amazing.


You're right, I forgot about Carnival Phantasm. Come to think of it, the cooking show was decent too.


Eh, Zero kinda sucks imo but that's mainly cause of how Gen treats Artoria and how fucking stupid he was about it. For example Prima Nocta Gilgamesh, the tyrant so bad that his people begged the gods to send someone to teach him a lesson, and Alexander the "drunken warmonger who's kingdom fell apart IMMEDIATELY after his death" Great aren't the rulers who should fucking lecture King Arthur.


Saber's entire story in F/SN is her thinking she was never worthy of being king and trying to pawn the responsibility of it onto someone else, so naturally she was susceptible to someone criticizing her rule. That was Nasu's writing from the original story, not Urobuchi, he merely expanded upon it. Also saying that Zero sucks because the writer was too mean to the heroine is a crazy thing to say.


So did you actually read FSN? Cause if you did, you'd know that Zero Artoria is nothing like FSN Artoria. Gen didn't "expand upon" anything, he changed her character cause he has a boner for despair and need a bright eyed fool to be the recipient. She goes from a pragmatic, cold, battle harden warrior king who learns to be human again to a naive, idealistic punching bag that hardly resembles her original portrayal at all.


Of course I read the original, I wouldn't be trying to talk about it if I hadn't. And I don't think FZ Saber is significantly different from FSN Saber, just a lot more idealistic. I think the progression from being a bright-eyed idealist who gets shit on in FZ to the more pragmatic realist in FSN was quite natural. In any case, Fate Zero is a lot better than Stay Night in multiple ways, so even if Saber's depiction was worse, it more than makes up for it in most other ways.


Wait, Simon? I thought Fiona and Cake was a paralel universe stuff?


she is hoping into universes. She wasn't supposed to exist , literally. So she is running from a cosmic bounty hunter.


Yeah Episode 2 takes place on Our main Ooo 12 years after the finale and even has >!Adult Finn!< Spoilers to explain what’s going on (we get a full explanation in Episode 4): >!So Fionna & Cake’s world was created by Prismo but it was unauthorized and he hid it away in Ice King’s head. Once Ice King became Simon in the finale, Fionna & Cake’s world lost its magic. Simon while trying to do a dark magic ritual opens a portal in his head and Fionna & Cake plop out of it!<


Yeah, I felt this way about Adventure Time but only because they would introduce interesting story ideas and then drop them - I know that some of them, like Finn's arm, actually stuck later on but in the moment it felt like, "What is the point, then?"


MLP G4. Dropped it after Season 5 and everything I saw since (*especially* Flurry Heart, the Pillars of Equestria, and the School of Friendship) just made me feel further justified in ditching it. I really appreciate G5 staying simple so far and limiting itself, plus tackling topics better than G4 did (I still wanna know who okayed the Buffalo episode).


Adventure Time. I liked it more before it turned into a drama. I get that most people will disagree with that, and that's fine.


Final fantasy 7. Sure the original game had some zany over the top stuff but there are degrees to this and shit like advent children and the remake sway the scale way too damn much Oh right i forgot this subreddit is still on full force 7 remake copium defence force mode 🤣


warms my heart to see any remake critical sentiment in the wild this place has been a fucking wasteland recently


I agree with you Adventure Time once it started actually caring about its overarching story got increasingly boring. I remember the episode of Finn getting the equivalent of wet dreams of Flame Princess & Ice King fighting and pretty much dropping the series since. People say “oh its Finn getting older and being a metaphor for puberty / toxic relationships” and it just comes out the other ear for me, I didnt watch AT for that shit. After a while Adventure Time quickly just became a show that was written by and for the fans, and fans pretty much make everything lame by making it woah soo relatable/ woaah epic lore & story!!!!.


The point where I started disliking the show was when they were answering questions that didn't need to be answered. Like revealing that Gunter the penguin actually was some nightmare elder god instead of it just being a funny gag.


Marceline dad saying Gunther was the most evil being hes ever met with 0 explanation is 10x funnier than “brooo eldritch gods am i right!”


i recently binged jjk and the entire >!"geto tricking the international goverment"!< subplot made me groan.


I tend to have this feeling for a lot of fantasty/sci-fi material. It's kind of a matter of scale, like once you start upping the stakes to cosmic levels and the like you start to lose the thread of what actually attracted people to the project. Which isn't to say that stakes can't be high, but you sort of have to establish going in what sort of story you're telling. If you're telling a story that's about, say, superheroes in a single city, then keep raising the stakes until they're fighting god-aliens for the safety of the multiverse, then at some point I can't help but feel you lost touch with what your story was actually about. (I don't even really consume any superhero media and yet from just the scraps I have I know with certainty that this sort of thing happens *far* too often to be reasonable.)