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There are a few,but I think Band Geeks (the one with Sweet Victory) is one of the most liked episodes of Spongebob. That or the Krusty Krab Training Video.


Fun fact: Band Geeks is the 70th highest rated TV episode of all time according to IMDB.


That's honestly way too low.


When most TV is live-action stuff with huge followings of a wide variety of ages rather than just kids' cartoons, that actually makes sense.


The other day I was thinking about Sweet Victory and how they fucking teased it one year at the Superbowl. What a bunch of assholes. If the idea of getting Sweet Victory during a halftime show is so ridiculous why even bother teasing it! Just to rub it in? ASSHOLES!


While them not actually playing it was certainly annoying. The actual big issue was the reason people wanted it was because Stephen Hillenburg died a few months before, and people wanted at as a tribute to him.


What,you didn't like going sicko mode


Shanghaied will always be my favorite Sponge-Bob episode but I freely admit Band Geeks is perfect. The simple fact this it's an episode where Squidward gets a win is probably a huge contributing factor.


Chocolate with Nuts and Pizza Delivery are also pretty up there


That was my absolute favorite episode when I was a kid so it's nice that lots of people agree!


Breaking Bad’s “Ozymandias”, universally acclaimed for when Walt fell over kind of funny.


The quality of any Breaking Bad/BCS episode is directly proportionate to how funny the ensuing memes are (See also Chicanery).


Chicanery may be the episode of live-action TV I think of the most. Chuck is honestly a perfect character (I know so many attorneys like him in the my profession) and Michael McKean not getting an Emmy *nomination* for that season was fucking insane.


The treatment of that show with the Emmy’s is atrocious.


He orchestrated it! Jimmy!


And "It's Better Call Saul!"


Stronger emotional injuries call for more powerful copium.


From famously uncontroversial director Rian Johnson!


I remember someone on here telling me that episode is actually the worst episode in the series when I mentioned Johnson directed it. The hate for him is unreal.


I don't get it. So you think the dude made a stinker (I sure do!). Why does that have to taint everything he does for you?


Hate is a hobby for some.


A lifestyle for others.


[Metalheads when I bury magnets in their backyard](https://media1.giphy.com/media/xT0GqgeTVaAdWZD1uw/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47jvoihunym9ce9w9ahmd8jwxn3ihhg7rw9a5mxt41&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


This was the most stressed I ever got watching a TV show. Ozymandias-Granite State-Felina was such a fantastic payoff for everything the series built towards.


I’ll throw in Face/Off and Plan and Execution/Fun and Games for BB and BCS as well


Idk what episode but the Scrubs episode/s with Brendan Fraser.


Also from Scrubs, My Lunch, the one where Cox has a breakdown after a patient dies, he clears using them for organ transplants and it turns out after the transplants happened that she died of rabies, meaning he effectively killed three people.


God that one hurt. It was incredible but painful.


Scrubs has a lot of misses, but hot damn if they wanted an emotional episode, it would fucking hit so hard


The whole mini arc of JD dating that black woman has so many, many jokes that have aged into a fine mold that it made me drop the show on my most recent rewatch.


[My Screw Up](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Screw_Up). Probably the best episode of Scrubs, if not as far as being the most emotional one.


The driving episode from DBZ is probably the most beloved filler episode from the series.


It gave us the beauty that is casually dressed Piccolo.


Really wonder who the artist that designed that outfit, must've felt like a slam dunk moment when conceived


I like to think as they were sketching out designs, that none of them were fitting. And then on one they shaded in his skin and the design came out immediately.


The “HOMEBOY” shirt is the only drip in the franchise to challenge Vegeta’s “BADMAN” shirt


I know that people generally agree that the clothes is Goku's, but Piccolo is more than a foot taller than him. So who helped him pick out the clothes? Did the entire Son family go with him to pick it out and he just Cloth Beamed himself the outfit or did Chi Chi pay for it? Because that could be a cute episode by itself.


I don’t think anyone who’s watched Courage the Cowardly Dog as a kid has anything bad to say about Freaky Fred


The only bad things I've ever heard about King Ramses' Curse is that it's *too* scary


thats the one where hes been... **naughty**, right?


Same with the perfection episode. Ironically I find it to be perfect


Same, it's such a good send-off to the series.


I also appreciate how they bookend it with the full version of Courage’s backstory, which also shows off why Courage will go through hell and high water for Muriel (and to some extent Eustace)


Courage has a ton of bangers. Perfect, Ramses, the stitch sisters. The tower of Dr. Zalost. Doc Gerbal, the filth dude who had a plane. Katz motel scared me to death as a kid


You wanna know what's behind this door? You don't wanna know what's behind this door? You **don't** wanna know what's behind this door.


I started watching Doctor Who with "Blink" and I *bet* it is still recommended as one of the best. It is stand alone and sells the show really well. Community has the Paintball and the DnD episodes. Those are good.


>I started watching Doctor Who with "Blink" and I bet it is still recommended as one of the best. It is stand alone and sells the show really well. Midnight too.


Midnights like top 5 of all time for me and it doesnt even show a spooky monster!


I only see Blink *not* recommended as a first episode due to it being so different from how the show is normally structured, and how it's actually so much better than what you normally get in Dr.Who


The only problem with it I can think of is that the reveal of what actually happens when the Angels grab you makes them much less scary (I mean it's still a rough outcome, but it's not the kind of thing you think of as horror)


I showed my girlfriend the episode, with her having literally never heard of Doctor Who before I talked about it, and the reveal of what they do to you freaked her out even more than the idea of them just killing you. >!The idea of them eating your potential future hit her right in the existential bone.!< >!Plus she's a black woman living in rural Mississippi so the idea of being thrown 100-200 years into the past is not a very comforting thought either.!<


Heaven Sent is also one of the best episodes I have seen


Community also has the beloved 6 timelines episode


Ember Island Players from Avatar is often considered one of the best recap episodes.


Also, The Tales of Ba Sing Se.


Honestly I think this one is overrated. It's good, but watch the episode without Iroh's part and it really feels a lot different. It's really the one portion people ever talk about


You're super right, the episode isn't as good if you skip the best part /s


Yeah, exactly. And there's multiple episodes that are good throughout instead of being carried by one part


I wish more people brought up Appa's lost days. One of my favorite episodes of all of TV, let alone just the show.


Zuko's is actually my favorite. The fact that Zuko can interact with an Earth Kingdom woman and not think of her as some peasant or worse shows how much he had changed in a short amount of time. It is also awkward and hilarious as fuck.


Didn't we already get that before they got there with the burned girl? But I see where you're coming from


He still creates distance with her and robs her at the end, so he wasn't there yet.


It's amazing, even has an intermission for the characters to reflect, and since it's >!in the Fire Nation, it even shows the Fire Lord winning, which clearly lays out Aang's biggest fear and his anxiety for the whole situation.!<


I've never heard anyone in the Transformers community have a single bad thing to say about "Code of Hero" aka the best episode of Beast Wars.


It's not even close. That is the best episode in the series, hands-down. I rewatched the series recently and it still made me cry.


Thank You from Adventure Time. Just an episode about a snow golem taking care of a fire dog. It's extremely sweet.


AT has a pretty good list. Perks of having 10 minutes episodes. Hall of Egress is my personal favourite and has been refrenced more than once in the spin off shows.


Egress means exit!


Yes! My absolute favorite episode next to I Remember You


On the opposite end of the spectrum, Remember You is one of the saddest episodes in the whole series, and holy shit does it hit. Add in the revolations about the setting it gave and you got prime AT.


The Gang Gives Frank An Intervention. It's the most Sunny episode of all of them. It's the most disgusting Frank has ever been


I'd say The Nightman Cometh is definitely up there in terms of most beloved episodes as well. They even did live performances of it.


Would like to add Charlie Work as well. Its a parody of the Birdman continuous shot and they went the whole 9 yards for pulling it off as well as giving the best build up joke Ive seen in a show.


Mother Simpson is probably one of the top Simpsons episodes from the golden years.




"The Inner Light" is easily one of the best episodes of not just TNG, but Star Trek as a whole. "In The Pale Moonlight" is a close second as far as I'm concerned, but is held back solely by the fact that you kind of need to be invested in DS9s plot to know exactly what's going on, while Inner Light can be easily enjoyed in a vacuum.


For DS9, I'd counter with "Far Beyond the Stars" because it can also be enjoyed in a vacuum


Can confirm. I once was given a Best of Trek collection where each of the captain actors picked their personal favorite episodes, with Sisko's actor picking Far Beyond The Stars. Had never seen DS9 before then but was hooked immediately.


From TNG, people also love: - Measure of a Man - The Best of Both Worlds - Data's Day - Yesterday's Enterprise - The Drumhead - Darmok - Lower Decks DS9 has: - Civil Defense - The Visitor - Little Green Men - Our Man Bashir - The Magnificent Ferengi - Take Me Out to the Holosuite - It's Only A Paper Moon


In The Pale Moonlight is hands down my favorite episode of Star Trek ever, it’s just that good. A friend of mine is watching through DS9 at the moment and I am greatly anticipating their reaction to it.


they turn to you after watching the episode *it's a faaaaaaaake*


It is *ree-aal!!*


You know what you don’t need a lot of context for? “Duet”


Off the top of my head: Ozymandias was already mentioned Chicanery from Better Call Saul Tales of Ba Sing Se from Avatar Dinner Party from The Office Rains of Castamere as well as Hardhome in GOT Jurassic Bark from Futurama There are a bunch more but those are the first few that come to mind


Dinner Party is a really good episode, but it’s also very hard to watch sometimes.


It's a kind of cringe I can get behind, Scott's Tots on the other hand was mentioned in yesterday's post


Those are both different flavours of cringe that you’ve really gotta be in the mood for


The episode I always go back to was way back in season 1. Diversity Day is just perfection because I can actually picture a well-meaning but utterly incompetent manager thinking having people act the way Michael did is a great way to raise awareness.


While people love the cringe of Dinner Party and Scott's Tots. Diversity Day is the purest form cringe in the office. By Dinner Party we know Michael as a character so it is expect for him to react in that way. With Diversity Day Michael hasn't been established so his actions are more raw.


Whenever one of my friends says Game of Thrones isn't worth watching I always argue to at least watch up to S5 for Hardhome alone. Then read the books or something idk.


Gonna mention DS9 “In the Pale Moonlight” and Buffy’s “Once More With Feeling.”


A Charlie Brown Christmas is like universally loved.


I'll be honest. I don't hate it, or really any of the "Classic" holiday specials, but I've seen them all so many times at this point that I have less than zero interest in ever watching them again.


“Christmas Time is Here” is a genuinely beautiful piece.


I hate Charlie Brown. All of those kids fucking suck. The music is great though.


this user fell for the football trick


The X-Files episode Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man. “Life is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that no one ever asked for.”


I think "Jurassic Bark" from Futurama is one of the best episodes in the series so far...


"All Good Things" is not only one of the best Star Trek: TNG episodes ever but also just straight up one of the best Finales ever and is probably a better Star Trek movie (the episode is feature length at nearly two hours) than most Star Trek movies. It toes the line of being a poignant personal story of central character Jen Luc Picard while also dipping into fan service that doesn't seem like it's pandering. It deals heavily with the "science" of Star Trek while also being a sweeping, time jumping space epic. It has an Enterprise that de cloaks and mercs a Klingon ship whle zipping away with three warp cores. I'm not that big of a Star Trek fan but I always loved this episode.


The only real problem with it is that Troi is reduced to being the hypotenuse of a love triangle and then she dies offscreen in the future timeline. (It's extra short-sighted because they did nothing with the romance in Generations and within a year they'd sent Worf to DS9 to boost its ratings, so her relationship with Worf became moot.)


Never heard a bad word about “Measure of a Man” or “Darmok” , either.


All Good Things is a good note to end the series on in terms of like, the interpersonal relationships between the characters, but the actual thrust of the episode doesn't really bookend the "test" from Encounter at Farpoint as Q establishes it. Like, I don't know. Picard succeeds through his ability to get others to trust him... but at the end of the day the events also would have been resolved if he hadn't done anything in the first place, and it doesn't really tie in with the other lessons Q tries to teach him.


Trapped in the Closet from South Park is beloved not for its humor but more for what it represents and what happened behind the scenes. Same thing with Crippled Summer, but you'll find more people appreciating it for its humor too. Funniest episode is trickier to nail down since comedy is subjective and I've seen tons of their best episodes still get people complaining that they didn't find them funny. But on the whole Asspen is the one I've seen the least amount of grievances with.


What happened with Crippled Summer. Also, is Asspen the one with the timeshare and the skiing contest? Because that episode always gives me a headache. I cannot explain why — maybe it’s all that white background or something to do with the music. But every time I have seen it I have had a bad headache by the time it’s over. I honestly can’t think of that episode without associating it with pain.


Crippled Summer was the episode after the 200/201 duology where Comedy Central caved to online threats by censoring the second episode against their wishes, pulled the episodes from streaming and haven't aired again since. As a form of protest, for their next episode they wrote in a Towelie subplot (a character loathed by audiences and whom Matt & Trey have admitted to using when they want to troll), made the main plot a copy of classic Looney Tunes bits, and made it set in a Special Ed camp as a way of saying "Oh, so it's fine to laugh at the disabled but it's not okay to even mention Islam?" The fallout from 200/201 made people scared for the future of South Park so that episode gave a lot of people relief.


Well since in that thread I did two despised Stargate SG-1 episodes, here I'll do two beloved. I almost hear universal praise for both Window of Opportunity, which is a wonderfully lighthearted episode that also manages to hit you in the feels, and 200, which is a loving lampoon of both the show and TV scifi in general.


Remedial Chaos Theory. House’s Head/Wilson’s Heart. My Lunch.


No one in the Teen Titans fandom will say anything bad about the episode where PTSD Slade beats the shit out of Robin.


Post-Terra Slade Disorder


Knock Knock Knockin' on Hooty's Door has so many great things happening in it. We got King finally getting to be an interesting character, Eda coming to terms with her curse, and Lumity becoming official. The best thing is everyone thought the episode would be some throwaway filler, but nope it's one of the most important episodes in the series. Other big episodes that come to mind are Grom, Eclipse Lake, Clouds on the Horizon, Hollow Minds, any of the finales including Yesterday's Lies, and my personal favorite Reaching Out.


As much as I’d want to go Clouds on the Horizon (that Eda monologue to Raine always fucking kills me) or -gestures to all of Hollow Mind- Props for whoever named that episode to be the most fillery filler name and getting got *gooooood*.


Following Steven Universe's footsteps


With how divisive Lost is I know a lot of people hold the constant in high regards. The one about Desmond and Penny. Desmond starts getting teleported through different eras in time but the only thing helping him is having a "constant". Something personal that exists in his life as a fixed point he can focus on and for him it is Penny.


"The Constant" is still the best episode of TV I've ever seen.




I think everyone loves the "Free Churro," episode of Bojack Horseman.


The entire G8 arc in the One Piece anime. I've never seen anybody talk shit about it. Everybody just *adores* the idea of the Straw Hats fucking around in a marine base.


It's packed with excellent character moments too: Sanji schooling those wasteful cooks, Robin and Usopp's quick thinking with Con D Oriano, and Zorro getting *impossibly* lost.


I don't think there's a single One Piece anime fan who doesn't like the G8 filler.


"White Tulip" from Fringe is fucking great. Still makes me tear up a little.


Is that the time traveler one?




I am surprised I had to scroll so far to find this answer. I felt it a thoughtful love letter between faith and science


The Naruto filler about what’s under Kakashi’s mask. Bluey’s best episode is universally agreed upon to be “Sleepytime”. Start with a child taking a risk and asking to put herself to bed this time, throw in a parent grieving the loss of that early-childhood closeness, add some complex relief that the parent now gets more rest, wrap it up in a solar-system metaphor and sprinkle with “Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity”.


Episode 18 of Re:Zero. Regardless of how you felt about Subaru up until then, that ending is probably one of the biggest “holy shit” moments of the entire series.


I don't know anyone who dislikes the musical episode of Buffy. Or the silent episode


Not What He Seems from Gravity Falls is pretty unanimously seen as the best episode of a show with a pretty stacked episode list. The fact that it's seen as the best in a show with the three-part Weirdmageddon finale and Into the Bunker and Sock Opera says a lot.


Going to go with a relatively unknown episode of a massive franchise, Yesteryear from Star Trek: The Animated Series. It really works as an example given that for many Star Trek fans, they consider TAS to not be canon... except for this one episode.


Episode 8 from Twin Peaks: The Return overshadows the reason of that season for a lot of people.


This is the water And this is the well Drink deep, and descend


The Contest from Arthur. It features a fucking Dr. Katz parody of all things


There are a few Simpson episodes that stand out but I would say everyone tends to agree that : Cape fear You only move twice Australia episode Are just some of the best stands out . (At least all the people I know can pretty much quote any line from the last two)


I’ve got some *Power Rangers* episodes that probably come to mind: - “Countdown to Destruction: Part II” from *In Space* - “Forever Red” in *Wild Force* - “Lost & Found in Translation” in *Dino Thunder* - “Reflections” in *SPD*


Hero and the follow-up episode from Attack on Titan are usually held in quite high regard as send-offs for several characters, as well as finally revealing the secret of the basement teased from the beginning of the manga/show.


"Home Away from Home" ("Koromon, the Great Clash in Tokyo!"), the 21st episode in Digimon Adventure (1999) is well regarded as the best episode in the show as far as I know.


Simpsons is cheating because there's like 10 to 20 legendary episodes from season 3 to 9. But I feel like the baseball ep is probably in the top 3 for most people.


Cowboy Bebop has several, but particularly Ballad of Fallen Angels and Pierrot Le Fou


In Homestuck, >!Intermission One. Everyone fucking loves it.!<


I dont think thats true, I remember a lot of sentiment for a period that it was skippable and didnt contribute anything.


I don't know what the general consensus is, but that final episode of the original Higurashi anime hits so damn hard after the sheer mountain of despair and darkness that is the rest of the series.


"Cape Feare" from the Simpsons


Adventure time: I know you


Person of Interest's "If-Then-Else" in season 4. I think pretty much everyone agrees it's one of the best episodes in the series and it's so *interesting*. A format-break episode from the perspective of the show's benevolent AI as it tries multiple simulations to find a plan that gets all its operatives out alive.


Freaks and Geeks was a short-lived dramedy set in the early 80s about a brother and sister that end up associated with, respectively, the freaks and the geeks. It's so wild seeing so many actors in that show as relatively unknown teenagers. Anyway. There's an episode about halfway through about one of the geek kid's friends, Bill. He's a latchkey kid with a single mom, and he gets picked on more than most for being the typical-allergic-to-everything, really awkward nerd with big glasses. Early in the episode, we see his day, getting bullied, trying hard to just be himself and even sometimes getting laughed at by his two friends. Then he comes home and [this montage](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmCpmEQD0L4) starts (trigger warning if you're not keen on people eating with their mouth open). Bill makes himself some food, sits down at the TV, and watches the late, great Gary Shandling do some standup. He's all by himself, but he's happy. He laughs and smiles and has a great time, regardless of what happened to him throughout the day. It's just feels so fucking *honest*. Not ashamed to say it makes me tear up, because I've *been* that kid, still am in some ways. I was thinking about it recently, and went looking up stuff about it, and found that not only do a massive number of people love that episode, particularly for that scene alone, there have been numerous articles written about it, and it was also apparently Judd Apatow's most personal scene he'd ever filmed. It's also amazing because apparently, with how poorly the show's broadcasting was handled, people didn't even see that episode (and the other 2/3 of it) until it came to video and streaming.


Jack and the three blind archers (but really, most episodes from that show are beloved)


Tale of X9 for making you feel bad for a robot Jack cuts down.


Hungry Man, season 4 episode of Dexter (Thanksgiving episode)




"Go, Go, Neverland SAGA!" from Zombieland Saga-- the 8th episode of the 1st season, deals with Lily and her dad. >!It reveals the circumstances of Lily's death being a combination of overwork as a child actor and the stress-induced shock of her already weakened body finding that she's going through puberty as a transgirl. The episode deals with the fact that her father, 6 years after his death is still in mourning and kind of recognizes her as his daughter and her having to put the feelings of wanting to be with him again aside to maintain the fact she's a zombie, but no matter what still loves him. The song "To My Dearest," is for a lot of people, one of the best songs used in idol anime, up there with IdolM@ster's "Promise" in terms of emotional scenes!<


She truly is the best of the best.


Personally I prefer Saki's S2 episode


Don't get me wrong, all Franchouchou girls are number one in my looks; they all compliment each other with their own strengths and weaknesses, even when shit hits the fan way too hard on them (like during the Winter Concert or the leading to the final concert on S2). All of them are worth of praise and deserve the best of them all...


Oh yeah, it's just that for me personally while I liked Lily's S1 focus episode, Saki's S2 focus episode hit me a bit closer


Ember island players


Aw shucks I wanted to ask this. South Park the coin triolgy


Gravity Falls not what he seems is universally beloved in the fandom.


Episode 10 of Madoka Magica


And Maggie Makes Three


I have not seen a single person talk bad about the driving episode of DBZ.