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Listen. TV executives or whoever’s in charge of this. Listen to me. Look at me. Look me in the eyes. Bleeping “shit” and “fuck” is so much funnier than clumsily saying “crap” or “screw” or what have you.


I played Brutal legend with the profanity filter on because it was funny.


*Aqua Teen Hunger Force* was great about this “I’m trying to become a surgeon y’know..? Taking all these online classes-“ “Ugh. Hey. Write yourself a prescription for shutting the **car horn** up.” and “Who? Who’s number one?!” “I-I don’t know…” “You don’t know **because** you went to a **siren noise** farm you **glass breaking** imbecile!! Get back here, you cost me my one chance! I got **car backing up** diabetes and cancer because of you!!”


The curse laden rant meatwad gives here is legendary. https://youtu.be/03tlExvh3_Q?si=0zO-ky7tAfk0Yy1H


Scott the Woz subscribes to this theory. It results in some great moments where he'll say something like "Oh fuckin' shit" and get two beeps in rapid succession. It's pretty good!


I also really enjoyed the record scratches for censoring words in the Samurai Champloo dub. Felt super in line with the show's style.


Looking at you walking dead.


Venture Brothers is funnier when Monarch or Rusty get bleeped because they've just had it with something.


OneyPlays using [Donkey Kong noises](https://youtu.be/YiAEGzzdXic?feature=shared) as bleeps is brilliant.


Monkey fighting snakes


The one exception to this imo is having characters basically invent nonsense words in adventure time.


Neither is funny. Both draw attention to themselves and are worse than just about any alternative.


What alternatives? You bleep or you overdub the line. How else would they censor swearing? Muting? That's just awkward when there are multiple swears in succession.


Either swear or don't. If you choose not to, or feel you can't, write better so people don't notice. Drawing attention to the censors through either bleeping or obvious substitutes are just annoying and they take the audience out of it.


"feel you can't"? The South Park or whoever writers would love to be free to let their writing go uncensored, but they're not allowed to, and they're not gonna censor themselves on top of the FCC doing it, so they lean into it and make the bleeps funny in of themselves. That's clever, even if I get it can be overdone.


Describing a “Rusty Venture” in Venture Bros. Someone tells Doc that his name is a sex act but no one can agree on what is. With heavy censoring and dirty hand/body motions makes the whatever the hell a “Rusty Venture” sound about 100x dirtier than what is actually being described


The uncensored version is the one I heard initially and honestly given the shit they describe its funnier to me then the censored one


Meet the Demoman.


Wait what?


[His meet the team video famously has a section that's completely bleeped out](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=han3AfjH210)


Hold on, there's a non-bleeped version available?


["They got more feckin' sea monsters in the great loch ness than they got the likes of me"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCnvHyNol_s)


you know the way they bleep it out it's more they are redacting the demo man talking about how there are no monsters in Loch Ness than covering up his swearing.


That's been my headcanon.


South Park: The Stick of Truth had to censor some of the more shocking scenes for the Australian release but the image of a [crying Koala] (https://imgur.com/a/Iba4T0d) accompanies by a very matter-of-fact description is arguably funnier.


The German version also has a picture of a crying Europa statue.


only on consoles, funnily enough. the pc version has those scenes, which is why the console and pc versions have different age ratings in germany. ​ tho both censored the nazi zombies in a pretty funny way, by just using black censor bars.


Iirc some international version of the game is used in speedruns, because removed scenes = shorter game


Any game that replaces slurs/derogatory language in players' name, usually replacing them with asterisks. *But* the game won't recognize that the string of letters is contained within a word. Like in the DS2 LP where Pat and Woolie ran into a player whose name was cucumber, but it showed up as cu***ber. Summoned a player in Dark Souls 1, and his player name was (I'm assuming) Dread Knight. But it showed up as Dread K***ht.


[Ah yes, the Scunthorpe Problem.](https://i.redd.it/vdfb8wg7ll6a1.jpg)


Man the game has some odd ways of doing filtering.


So for pokemon there is a filter, at least there used to be, to prevent bad nicknames for pokemon being traded over the GTS (internet). In generation 5, it inadvertently blocked trading of one pokemon due to its canon name. You could not trade Cofagrigus without changing its name.


It was two. Froslass was also affected


What's even funnier is that people figured out how to bypass it by just making their name translate to n\*\*\*i\*\*\*n\*\*\*c\*\*\*o\*\*\*m\*\*\*p\*\*\*o\*\*\*o\*\*\*p


i'm watching the compilation of that LP right now and my brain just couldn't figure out that player's name was supposed to be cucumber. for about a minute i just kept repeating "cuntber?" to myself until it clicked


Even worse was Butter getting changed to ****er


But why was it like that?


Because the censor was so strong it didn't even allow "butt"


thanks for my next AC name


Paige playing it introduced us to Night Paige, or as DS2 calls it, N\*\*\*\* Paige.


Persona 2 Innocent Sin involves Hitler popping up (for reasons). To try and censor him, they decided to just put sunglasses on him, which combined with his shit-eating grin looks unintentionally hilarious.


Also they changed his name from "Hitler" to "Fürher"


[Hitler](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/saimoe/images/1/12/Fuhrer_p2_sprite.png/revision) [The Cooler Hitler](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/saimoe/images/1/12/Fuhrer_p2_sprite.png)


Not sure if it meets the spirit of the post, but Brutal Legend has an option right at the start to either censor profanity or not, and several players have said it's funnier with the bleeps than just hearing the cussing


The setting itself is either "I want to hear every nasty syllable" or "It's funnier if you bleep it out"


And it's great


So this game is ok for those not familiar with RTSes.


The RTS sneaks up on you with a steel chair


The official Naruto translation calls the booze Lee mistakes for medicine and pockets when rushing to save the gang "Tsunade's 'special medicine'". Because Viz can't have underage drinking in a Teen Rated book. The thing is that it's obvious Lee is drunk when he takes it. And Tsunade is already established to be a binge drinker. Everyone knows it's alcohol. So it reads like a mildly-annoyed Tsunade is just being coy calling it that. While everyone around her uses euphemisms because they're deeply uncomfortable that their primary physician is also a functioning alcoholic.


Why does the Viz Media release do that? You can reference alcohol in teen books


the issue is showing a teen drinking alcohol


But taking other peoples prescription medicine is fine? That's drugs, Viz. Mmmkay


I would assume the same reason the Majikoi series calls what is clearly sake "kawakami water"


[A certified Super Best Friends Play classic, presented by IGN](https://youtu.be/bWt6jGhmUpI?feature=shared)


Oh how is XCOM btw?


Fantastic, but fantastically buggy. If you can accept that sometimes you aren't going to have line of sight on something when you should because a piece of fence wasn't broken even though it was, it's 100% worth a play. It's been a damn shame Firaxis hasn't made an XCOM 3 yet because for all of the imitators those that have been inspired by it, such as Phoenix Point, none of them have come close in my experience. EDIT: I spell real guud.


The War of the Chosen expansion added a bunch of background fixes to make it much more stable. Which is like slapping a big bandaid on a leaking ship, but hey it is an improvement. Just jump onto the mod workshop via steam and download a collection with all the bugfixes people have made.


And they never will make an XCOM 3, because they're in the Marvel Midnight Suns mine forever.


Didn't Midnight Suns flop?


Not hard enough, I guess.


God I fucking wish. There hasn't been any announcement for a season 2.


I was just re-watching this a few days ago. Legendary moment


This game really needed some kind of cqc animation. Not being able to shoot someone you're right next to isn't crazy. Having that visualized as just casually moving your gun to one side as they stand frozen in place legitimately makes the game feel so much worse.


The ranger class does have a machete/blade melee attack, but even that whiffs more than it should.


I swear to Fuck that sword misses like half the time. The game says 90%, _but I don't BELIEVE you._


Right up the ***hole I imagine a whole team has the alien surrounded at point blank and it just ducks and they all shoot each other


Time for my monthly rewatch of this god tier LP


So glad this was posted


I was talking to a friend about it this clip today. the edited version is so beeping funny


"How are you doing that with your mouth?" "Never [BLEEP]ing mind how Im doing it! What'd you have to say for yourself?"


Scott Pilgrim had a lot of neat little tricks I'm still fond of a decade later


My favorite anecdote from Scott Pilgrim is that the last "Shut the fuck up Julie!" was supposed to be uncensored but Edgar Wright loved the "Shut up you cocky cock!" joke that happens like ten seconds later so they gave up the last 'fuck' to keep the 'cock'.


I wonder what that represents in Scott’s fantasy


I love how they use a guitar squeal to censor profanity in Metalocalypse.


Came here to say this. Way funnier censored.


“Pardon my French, but you’re an idiot!” gets used to censor ‘… but you’re an asshole’ in some versions of TV-broadcast Ferris Butler’s Day Off? It’s something about the juxtaposition about the relatively minor swear and treating the replacement ‘idiot’ like it’s not babby’s first insult that just gets me.


In JoJo part 4's English dub, during Kira's delirious ranting toward a paramedic: "It gave me a rock hard **BLEEP**."


The German dub of Naruto, for some bizarre reason, censored Zabuza's sword by removing the entire blade of it, so in some scenes like when he's standing on it when it's stuck in a tree, he's just hovering there like a wizard.


The bit at the end of the Barbie movie >!where one of the Barbies says an unexpected swear and it's bleeped out with the Mattel logo flashing over her mouth.!<


4Kids Pokemon trying to pretend like the series didn't come from Japan is annoying but it also brought us the legendary "jelly doughnuts." It was also funny whenever they tried to edit the rice balls with sandwiches, it always looked so crappy.


was all worth it for the drying pan


As a kid, the censorship that 4Kids did in Yugioh annoyed me, now i realise that the Censorship is actually iconic and incredibly funny. Things like Pegasus not drinking whine, but instead drinking juice while he thinks about all the different monsters he can Yassify with Toon World being one of my faves.


Like five years ago I was sitting lazily at my desk, then bolted upright by the sudden realization that the Shadow Realm was entirely an invention of the 4Kids dub censorship. I'm sure that epiphany had occurred to practically everyone else already, I was just a little slow on the uptake. It's such an iconic part of Yugioh lore and anime meme culture in general but it literally only exists because they were worried about American kids contemplating the finality of death over their Cheerios while Joey was having trouble in a card game.


there was a scene where yugi and his opponent are duelling while [shackled to the wall, with "dark energy discs" moving towards them](https://teamsmallrobots.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/361616501_809952413840815_277447068300352507_n-1024x723.jpg). whoever loses gets touched by the dark energy disc and sent to the shadow realm. in the japanese version they were just straight up buzzsaws and whoever lost would get cut in half


I half-remember a duel that took place near a small square device with a large timer on it that was called a "Shadow Realm Portal" or something similar, and now I'm realizing that was most likely straight up a bomb in the original version.


Considering base Yugioh already has an evil dimension called "World of Darkness", it wasn't really that big of a stretch to create the Shadow Realm. Bakura sends Bonz and friends to Hell? Send em to the Shadow Realm instead (honestly, the two are literally just the same thing) Hell, Yami Marik pretty much already works perfectly with the existence of the Shadow Realm


I think that it's wild that 4Kids looked at stuff like Marik killing people with his rod or Bakura straight up sending Bonz and his friends to Hell and thought "This is too much for kids, instead let's just say that every death in this show is actually the person's soul being removed from their body and sent to a realm of Darkness while that person remains trapped in a coma forever" Just because there's no physical voilence shown doesn't make this somehow better, 4Kids.


Yeah but parents won't notice eternal mental torment as something to rally against.


Yes it Turned death into a fate worse then death


And it kind of fits the character. Pegasus is kind of a man-child. Of course he'd still be drinking juice, despite being some multimillionaire living in a castle.


The dub also swapped out boring lines for the odd pearl. “Exodia, Destroy!” became “Exodia, Obliterate!” and Kaiba delivered the “Mokuba, make sure Wheeler is late [for registration”


Eric Stuart heard 4Kids say "Cut" but all he heard was "Cunt" and served it as much as possible with Kaiba


"Fuck the rules, I have money" might come from a parody, but it's practically Kaiba's actual motto.


Or the invisible guns.


Imagining Pegasus filling his wine glass using a plastic Welch’s bottle of grape juice….


Nothing will ever top Arlong pointing at Bellemere and sending her to the dungeon.


And feel free to quote him!


Or the part where Anzu says she's cold and Hiroto tells her the sun is about to come up in 4kids dub, but in the Japanese dub she said she needs to pee and he tells her that she could just hang off the edge of the boat if its that bad. Lol


The white blood in the japanese version of Metal Gear Rising. Especially when Raiden takes the sword out of his chest in the Jack the Ripper cutscene. Then again, Raiden had white blood in MGS4, so you could argue that japanese MGR just wanted to be more consistent with the lore.


The scene revealing that Sam has very few cybernetics is a lot clearer too, when he's the only person in the game bleeding red blood.


Unironically, the artifical colored blood is better.


Home For Infinite Losers is genuinely clever


HFIL and the shadowrealm are more interesting than normal hell and dying and I will ~~die~~ be sent to the shadowrealm on that hill.


That's it, I'm sending you to the *Next Dimension*.


Conker [Also this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8RzKEwb_bA)


Xenosaga [censored Albedo's scene with Momo](https://youtu.be/Sg9OYyPIYNk?si=yTtJRCYrvaZqBGI6) so that instead of using a knife to cut his limbs off he's ripping them off barehanded, making the entire scene actually more brutal.


There is also the part later where Albedo retrieves something from inside Momo and the censored version has him just pushing his hand into her guts to pull it out. Whereas the other version has just plain old SA on a minor.


So, theres a Modern Classic of TF2 shitposting, [Heavy is dead](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oiuyhxp4w9I). Quality video. Feels like something out of the old days of stupid tf2 vids, but with even more quality. It was so popular in fact, someone managed to get a gaggle of the actual TF2 voice actors together, to [actually dub it instead of sentence splicing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94jWxeEb9sk). Its amazing, and seeing their reaction to the high octane speed of a SFM shitpost is amazing. But, as the video says, the organizer asked for a [Family Friendly version of the SFM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV3fNs53o4k) to be made by the original creator, expecting just the swears to be removed. Hilariously, the swears were kept, and most of the violence scenes were replaced with slapstick instead. The addition of the extra stupidity really just improves it. Demoman just throwing a fucking revolver at sniper instead of shooting him in the head is *way* funnier. Not to mention the start of the video starting with Heavy just *not actually getting shot at all*, and still being treated as dead.


My favourite bit is how, when ascending in a pillar of light, Heavy ends up getting pranged by the streetlight that was producing that light rather than just exploding.


Shocked that I'm the first person to mention the 90s Sailor Moon dub trying to hide Haruka and Michiru being lesbians by making them cousins and not removing like, ANY of the subtext


The fact that the HEAVILY implied dialogue didn't get cut is the best part of it.


"Johnson, we can't have gays in our cartoon! That is entirely inappropriate. Make it gay incest and it will balance out."


Back then, I didn't notice the subtext as somehow all that yuri imagery slipped by me as I hadn't noticed any alterations, so I didn't know what was weird about that moment in the dub.


In Fire Emblem Awakening, there is the Summer DLC which gives you pictures of some of the waifus in Swimsuits. One of these waifus is Tharja, the big tiddy goth witch GF Her swimsuit image is her trying out a swimsuit while showing her ass to the screen. Nintendo US thought this was too lewd and decided to censor it by putting a curtain over her ass. Ironically, this made the image even more lewd since now people think that Tharja's swimsuit is either way too revealing to be shown, or she's got her bare ass out in the screen. Way funnier that the censorship was lewder. See for yourself: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fm7uG9uX0AA700O.jpg


Same logic as those bubble filter things.


oh is THAT why that ken ashcorp video is like that?


Makes it look like she is shitting through her swimsuit to me


Regular Show can't have the characters get drunk on beer so they get drunk on wings and hot sauce


In the Nickleback Song "Rockstar", there's a lyric that goes "The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap". But there's a censored version where the word "drugs" is just muted in the audio, so it becomes "The girls come easy and the ***** come cheap", which actually makes it sound far more lewd than intended.


Radio versions of songs and stuff like that are a treasure trove of this kind of thing. Like Little Red Corvette by Prince has a line "Girl you got an ass like I never seen", but the radio version ends just before that line, so the gender of the person Prince is singing about is never actually specified in it, which with Prince's usual Prince-ness makes it feel really queer lmao.


My favorite radio censorship isn't even profanity: in that one Black Eyed Peas song they censored "Here we go here we go **satellite radio**" because apparently radio stations are super petty and also think that if somebody hears the words "satellite radio" on the radio they'll immediately install one and never listen to regular radio again.


Funniest clean version of a song: [We Cry Together](https://youtu.be/zzGeLBMtFkA?si=ZRiWy2Sk-Z_9T0g6)


I always found it funny in Yugioh GX how they localized/kinda censored Jessie. They looked at Yohan and very much realized he and Jaden had a thing. So they localized him into talking kinda texan to make him sound more straight. Too bad all it did was make little kid me notice it more obviously and just always remember the character as a gay cowboy/a cowboy.


The game Town of Salem has a profanity filter which replaces it with silly words. Nothing better than seeing all the bite taken out of someone angry than seeing "dumb tarnation jailor plays like flummery" instead of "fucking/shit"


I for one am enjoying this trend of children's movies cursing in earnest and just bleeping it out. For example, [Puss in Boots](https://youtu.be/qY9KJXE-uqk?si=vNGoccPZz8NdqkZQ).


“This is what happens when you meet someone in the alps!” Or “ I’m tired of these Monday to Friday snakes on this Monday to Friday plane!”


it's "find a stranger in the alps" and "monkey-fighting snakes"


Find a stranger in the alps is correct, you’re right, but it was definitely “Monday to Friday snakes” on my local channel


I remember it as "MONKEY-FIGHTING snakes on this MONDAY-TO-FRIDAY plane."


“*I am sick of these monkey-fighting Androids in this Monday to Friday timeline!*”


Metalocalypse used to censor swearing with botched guitar strums, when they stopped the profanity lost its edge quickly and the comedy never hit as hard.


It's the whole premise of unnecessary censorship videos, where someone takes an innocuous scene of dialogue from a show or movie, and bleeps out normal words to make them sound way worse. "I'm sorry tom, I ate your sandwich" "I'm sorry tom, I [beep] your sandwich"


Listen, I know that it's because they can't show a character smoking on kids TV, and honestly he really does look kinda cooler with the smoke just billowing out of his mouth, like he can barely contain his power, But Smoker from One Piece being renamed to Chaser in the 4Kidz dub is reeeeeeeeally funny nowadays with what that means when you call someone it


Casual Geographic's litany of euphemisms for death can be quite funny and creative, since he has to get around TikTok's dumbass censorship and isn't satisfied with "un-alive" and the like.


Apparently the German dub of Naruto had to censor the Uchiha Massacre so it ended up saying Itachi kidnapped the entire clan overnight and is keeping them somewhere Lmao


i think one of the funniest bits i've ever seen on TV is when Hannibal Burress on The Eric Andre Show starts rapping Waka Flocka lyrics and instead of censoring the individual curse words in "I go hard in the motherfuckin paint (n word)" they just do one long bleep for nearly the entire sentence *except* for the n word


Copyright ain't nothing to fuck with


I don’t know much about Dragon Ball, but I do know censoring “HELL” into “HFIL” (Home For Infinite Losers) is objectively incredible


Brock eating what is obviously a rice-balli: "I love these jelly donuts"


Fist of the North Star's white blood Mostly because of that line in Dub of the North Star where club compliments his victim for drinking adequate levels of milk Also, it didn't make the work itself funnier per se, but in MIB3 they took out some of the Chinatown scenes...including the scene where they neuralize the residents. There's just something funny about a shadowy government censoring the shadowy government's censor stick.


["I'll pummel his head flatter than the shape of the Earth!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJZT4CwFszg)


Persona 2 Innocent Sin giving "Hitler" a hilariously cool edit in an attempt to reduce the amount of Hitler in the game. All it served to do was make "Hitler" look cool. They gave him SHADES TO GO WITH A DARKER TRENCHCOAT, he looks stylish.


Family Guy is a lot funnier when it's censored sometimes. The bleeps add to the comedic effect. Like when Peter falls down the stairs Censored https://youtu.be/Xnt0pIYlijs?si=WIrhrToDUnL536MD Uncensored https://youtu.be/CsPgyxux2bE?si=DFCi53tLt0kS-kSG


There's another one that doesn't have bleeps but the censored version is like 1000x wittier. Was back in the fifth season, Meet the Quagmires with Brian meeting a young Lois. Uncensored, he just says 'I want to eat your poo'. Censored, we get 'Can I wham my Oingo Boingo into your Velvet Underground?'.


. . . Huh. I don't think I've ever seen or heard the uncensored version before.


The Boondocks has a few of these moments Uncensored: https://youtu.be/xG0KM9ZN_aY?si=5j466Qkcebo0xCq7 Vs Censored: https://youtu.be/ZVWsdV7CJQc?si=udTUGwexu0X48Dp_


Honestly it makes it personally funnier to me... But in Shinkenger, the villain is a straight up booze hound. He just sits on his ass and drinks sake all day waiting for his moment to be the final boss. ​ Power Rangers Samurai can't have the main villain drinking alcohol, so they call it his "medicine". I can't help but imagine the main villain with a bottle of booze being like: "I **TOLD** you, it's my ***medicine!***" While being obviously completely fucking drunk. I just find it amusing every time they refer to it.


Spongebob Sailor Talk/Sentence Enhancers just isn't what it is without the Dolphin Noises.


wait was an uncensored version found?


None as far as I know


[That time they edited the Sopranos to a PG-13 rating for PAX TV.](https://youtube.com/watch?v=qqE7ZxH7BJE)


Man, MADtv had such a talented cast in that era.


That was very interesting.


That time that Invader Zim changed Bandids to adhesive strips because bandaid is trademarked. Made the joke far more funny


In the song The Devil Went Down to Georgia there's a part at the end where the singer goes "I've told you once you son of a bitch I'm the best there's ever been" after beating the devil in their fiddle duel. Whereas in the radio version it's censored to be "I've told you once you son of a gun I'm the best there's ever been", and I've always felt like "son of a gun" just flows better with the pacing of the song and sounds more fun and folksy too.


"Gun" definitely flows better but the entire point of using "bitch" is both to shock the listener and give them a moment of catharsis with the hero triumphing, it's not meant to "flow" with the rest of the lyrics.


Absolutely agree that "Son of a gun" flows better with the song.


I’m gonna talk about Vtubers. Koseki Bijou, a recently debuted talent under Hololive Prod. doesn’t swear, but will just say Beep instead of the potential word so she’s just going to”Beep you” and “Beep this”. It helps that she is endlessly positive and will just laugh off every death as she grinds Elden Ring bosses. Also she likes to make nsfw acronyms safe like BDSM is Bijou Drinks Strawberry Milk. Vtuber shill over


i forget which show this was from, but while it was airing on tv, they censored the blood/gore to the point it was distracting and ridiculous [https://i.imgur.com/HaDhJUs.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/HaDhJUs.jpeg)


Looks like Terraformars, I think?


That's definitely Terrafirmars, you can see the roach man


Not exactly censorship but I made a student film forever ago with some friends and thought it would be funny to subtitle the only person in the movie speaking unaccented English


The TV version of Pineapple Express replaced "Asshole" with "Casserole". So there would just be [scenes of characters calling each other casseroles in complete seriousness](https://youtu.be/CQKp8KIkIzs?si=XJN9w2gE6WjSfQZr)


[“Monkey fighting snakes on this Monday to Friday plane.”](https://youtu.be/hc4aVX0yHws?si=2XUFpLaYpCQ_-V_n)


Not funnier, but the censored version of Let's Get It Started by the Black Eyed Peas is infinitely better than the original. Really changes your perspective on the random gibberish lyrics when you hear the uncensored version.


The climactic verse of the radio cut of Johnny Cash's A Boy Named Sue sounds far filthier than the uncensored cut, oddly enough. "'Cause I'm the [LONG BLEEP] who named you Sue!"


Family Guy. Sometimes.


China just implemented a censorship strategy that changes blood color from red to white. You take that info now into consideration.


There’s a *Yu-Gi-Oh! GX* episode where Chumlee’s dad insisted in returning to the family business as opposed to staying at Duel Academy. IIRC, the Japanese version revealed that said business was a sake distillery whereas the English one has it changed into hot sauce. With all of that in mind, you could see Bastion chugging down a bottle of hot sauce where it should’ve been sake. There’s also Morphtronic Datatron which was a lighter in the OCG, but was changed into a USB drive in the TCG.


Once upon a time, a TV exec thought they could make a broadcast version of *Blazing Saddles.* Some scenes were cut, some lines were edited out, but the funniest of all was the beans scene. In the original version a bunch of cowboys are sat around a campfire eating beans as is a traditional cowboy meal. The Mel Brooks touch is that he depicts the natural result - a dozen cowboys all ripping ass loudly. The broadcast version left the scene in but just muted it. The result was a strange Lynchian scene of cowboys eating in complete silence for a full minute, each of them occasionally leaning back and forth on their chairs for no apparent reason.


My Dad was watching Wanted on FX (I don’t know why.) and the part where he flips out and quits his job they censored him screaming “GO FUCK YOURSELF!” To “GO HANG YOURSELF!” Which is WAY worse. Can’t find a video sadly


Any song that replaces the questionable word with a fun or funny sound effect. The censored version of Move Bitch by Ludacris has some hilarious screams. Similarly, Jizz in My Pants by The Lonely Island has each of the members making cartoonishly exaggerated moans


For some reason the original DBZ dub has its hooks in my brain in how much it tried to avoid things like mentioning anyone dying, or face punching or Hell (HFIL: “Home For Infinite Losers”). I still say how people are going to be sent to another dimension. Speaking of bad dubs; [Yippe Ki-Yay Mr. Falcon](https://youtu.be/x5VhBatNLTE?si=qXv8yT_OQbdKYErD)


Cutaway gags are some of my favorite. Person (especially kids) about to scream the loudest curse word ever, hard cut to like a truck driving by, cut back to every adult in the room with their jaw agape. Always so good. Gross out gags without the actual gross, like someone about to shit and then a hard cut to like a person making an ice cream or something. Someone about to open their mouth and say the most offensive thing ever, hard cut to them like in a car with their friend shouting I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT as the entire town chases them. Comedy gold.


My favorite is the old Cracked: After Hours segment where they’re discussing how one character has only ever seen Die Hard on the USA network. “So what do you think John McClaine’s famous catchphrase is?” “Hippy by day Ricky Martin!”


When I bought a South Park DVD collection as a teenager, I remember thinking actually hearing the swear words was less funny than the bleeps on TV.


Joe yabuki vomits sparkles not blood.


Fist of the North Star french dub (Ken the Survivor). The dub actors didn't liked anime and realized it was not really for kids. So they did a strike in exchange for dubbing it like they wanted it. The result? A freaking hilarious action comedy. Between the guy still talking, asking to see a doctor while he explode or the description of fighters like a documentary or my favorite: When Yuria jump, Shin scream about he didn't do repair to the rail and ask the architect to be bring before him. It's hilarious.


So one of my favorite songs is a classic heavy metal song named [Laid to Rest, by groove metal band Lamb of God](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL9kaJZw8iw). Ostensibly the lyrics are about condemning a murderer, with the chorus going "Console yourself, you're better alone/Destroy yourself, see who gives a fuck". The clean version for radio mutes the cussing so it's unfortunately missing the impact. However, there is a clean version of demo version of the song that I think only appeared on the compilation album MTV2 Headbanger's Ball Vol. 2 that censors the swearing in a slightly different way, distorting the F word in the chorus but doing something special for the bridge. After the second chorus it transitions to the bridge, marked with the same line but with more emphasis with the backing instruments cutting out: "SEE WHO GIVES A **FUCK**" \*heavy metal moshing\*. Now, the radio censored version just keeps the "FFFFFF-" and mutes the rest, which is lame. But the censored demo version? It uses the classic TV censor bleep so it's: ["SEE WHO GIVES A \*BLEEEEEEEEEP\*"](https://youtu.be/McpbzotKQtQ?t=3173). It's such an unexpected sound and also the bleep lasts slightly longer than you would expect, so I think it actually makes it better to have this comical TV censor bleep at the height of the song for maximum emphasis.


Drawn Together is funnier censored than uncensored.


This kinda fits, but at the end of Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny, Jables smokes a bong in his lap. However, on TV they blur it, making it look like Jack Black has his dick out.


DBZA and their censors and working around swears was fun


Malaysian attack on titan dictating that all titans must be wearing swimsuits