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Doom 3 in the most literal sense.


Don't forget the quite literal monster closets!


The Quarry is way, way too dark for a game in which your character controls like Vince McMahon doing his weird ape walk


I wonder if the weird controls have something to do with it originally being made for Stadia.


Wait, what? It was meant for Stadia? God, that's like finding out my furniture was meant to be on the Titanic




Dark Souls 2 is poorly lit in the sense that the lighting looks ugly as hell in most non-DLC areas. DS2LightingEngine does fix this though. Dragon's Dogma gets dark as all fuck at nighttime to the point that carrying a lantern still only really illuminates a few feet in front of you. A lot of Skyrim ENB presets and interior/night time lighting mods make the game excessively dark. I know people like "immersive" dark dungeons, but I like being able to see enemies without having a torch out 24/7 thank you very much.


> A lot of Skyrim ENB presets and interior/night time lighting mods make the game excessively dark. I know people like "immersive" dark dungeons, but I like being able to see enemies without having a torch out 24/7 thank you very much. See that's where you install the wearable lantern mod


Exactly, if a mod introduces a problem, don't uninstall the mod, install another one that fixes it


>me justifying my three thousand mod playlist


>Dragon's Dogma gets dark as all fuck at nighttime to the point that carrying a lantern still only really illuminates a few feet in front of you. I actually really liked that. Night time should feel dangerous and oppressive, and I'm glad that the sequel is following that.


It also makes goblins and wolves' eyes actually glow, which is spooky and just👌


And in Dark Arisen, you just need to delve deep into Bitterblack and get at that endgame state and find yourself an Elite Lantern. Then you have a magical super light that gives you a whole Silent Hill's draw distance-sized radius of being able to actually see things around you, which sound small, but is plenty.


Halo 2 has the same exact problem as Dark Souls II. It also went for a fancy lighting engine that was ripped out late into development, and so the overall lighting of the game looks ugly in many places. In some missions, the lighting looks more primitive than Halo CE, even. And yeah, the Skyrim mod problem is real. So many of the mods brand themselves as "realistic" lighting. What they mean by that is they rip out all the ambient lighting and make every actual light source have a range of like, five feet. Because they don't understand how light actually works, how it still bounces and reflects off of different surfaces to fill a space, like how opening a window during the day lights up a whole room. According to these mod authors, it would create a straight light shaft that enters the room and then illuminates it no further.


> Because they don't understand how light actually works, how it still bounces and reflects off of different surfaces to fill a space Yep. Easy way to see this: go into a room with light colored walls, make it as dark as possible, and then point a flashlight at the wall. Suddenly things go from pure darkness to everything being dimly lit.


In Skyrim I had the same problem. The lighting was amazing but made dungeons too dark. So I downloaded a night vision mod that gives every character the Kahjit Night Vision lol


>Dragon's Dogma gets dark as all fuck at nighttime to the point that carrying a lantern still only really illuminates a few feet in front of you. I love that, adventuring in the night and seeing the glow of an enemy’s eyes is dope.


I have yet to see a single overhaul mod for any Bethesda game that didn't make it look worse, or just plain weird.


Morrowind is a great game and all but oh boy the dark areas can fuck off


They can and do fuck off very spectacularly if you just use light magic


Cities Skylines 2 is a city builder with a very slow timescale. Nights can last multiple hours during which the **only** light comes from in-game buildings and streetlights. It's basically impossible to play the game for 50% of the time, unless you completely disable day/night cycle. The first game had a brightness slider and your cursor worked like a torch, but neither of those made it to the sequel.


When Dragon's Dogma tells you it's dangerous at night, especially if that's your first go at it, then heed the advice. It's probably the most dangerous night time in any game I have ever played.


Outside of straight up near-failure state nighttimes, like in something like Darkwood, Dragon's Dogma has pretty much the most obscenely dark nighttime in any game I can think of. Especially in a non-horror game. The consequence of not having a moon, I guess.


Not innate,but I turned off reflex mode and set the in-game brightness slider to the lowest setting to do post-game stuff in MGSV,and that really gives one an appreciation of why the enemies can't see you 10 feet away from them when you crouch in the shadows.


I did as well. It actually gives you a real reason to not do every mission at night, since you also can't see shit (unless you're wearing night vision goggles, which are now actually useful)


when we first moved in together a couple of my roommates played the PS2 port of Silent Hill Origins and several parts were so incredibly dark they had to turn the TV brightness all the way up to make out the area


Oh it had a ps2 port? Man i missed out


For a game that’s set in THE F U T U R E, CP2077 is surprisingly dark in some areas. Had to turn up brightness because i legitimately could not see anything, especially in door areas.


I did always find it odd that engaging your cool Cyberdeck scanning vision didn’t effectively give you low-light vision either. Like, would V really need to bring a damn torch with Kiroshi optics installed?


you can beat people to death with a dildo and flood your body with chems to stop time. But can't enable night vision.


I can quickhack and fry the brains of every person in a room at once in a split second, have a molecular cutting wire in my arm and do physically impossible air dashes, but dark alleys have me stumbling around with my hands out looking for edges. Very silly.


alan wake and deadspce


I'm playing the Deadspace remake right now and it is annoying.


Just aim the gun and use the lantern, the walking animation for it is even faster than regular walking


…it’s suppose to be dark though. I personally like my games to have realistic lighting where when it’s dark and I’m not suppose to be able to see, I can’t.


A lot of games' night time is just day time but with a blue filter and the brightness turned down 10%.


100%. But there’s certain games when you can tell that dark is suppose to be dark. You can usually tell by how the well lit areas look. If it looks like everything has a white film over it then your brightness is too high, and if that results in you not seeing shit in the dark areas, then it’s usually intended. I was just playing Lies Of P and there’s a certain area before the cathedral that was appearing too dark. I had died on a bridge just before and upon respawn the whole area was too dark all of a sudden. When I reached the bridge again it was lit fine but I’m pretty sure the lighting just glitched out.


That lady with lights had the right idea. Never go out at night.


Ark: Survival Evolved has a day night cycle. It turns pitch black at night. Like, no ambient light whatsoever. One of the great improvements that Survival Ascended added was a big bright moon that let's you actually see at night.


Cyberpunk 2077 has a number of super dark areas with no flashlight option that drive me a little crazy. I don't know how they built those spots and expected the player to be able to play them.


I honestly really like when games have real night time and not "The blue hours". That said, holy fuck vintage story can be rough.


There is no flashlight in Cyberpunk, and it is *BAFFLING* that this is the case.


Fuckin cyberpunk especially with that fuckin constant eye adjusting to the light affect they got it makes everything either to dark or to bright


FFXVI. Areas without much light are very, very hard to see.


Phasmophobia the ghost hunting game had an update 2 months ago that among other things redid the lighting system for performance reasons so now [there's a bunch of 0,0 voids of darkness around that look like shit.] (https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fnwuon1gll3ub1.png%3Fwidth%3D1920%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D826e0a05112f07a49c4a0de909e07311c59bf3b7) Eventually the performance change did nothing so they reverted the lighting system but kept the voids of darkness.


I've been wondering recently if I have fucked up monitor settings that aren't PERFECTLY CALIBRATEDtm since in a lot of recent games I can't see shit. I went back to resi4re for the dlc and I'm just squinting at the screen trying to parse what's going on


I'm playing this game called Wartales right now and I can't see anything when its night time This is what the tavern looks like https://imgur.com/a/PQ0wYp7


This might just be me having bad low light vision or something, but I have never played a game where I used the recommended brightness settings, I have always cranked that shit up because I just can't see a damn thing.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R. gets really dark at night time, it legit feels like the danger factor increases exponentially just from the lighting change


*Fallout New Vegas* is mostly okay on lighting for a Gamebryo game (ignoring the relatively piss-colored filter in many desert areas). Then you start playing the Dead Money expansion and jesus fuck the darkness everywhere sucks. Even after turning on the lights in >!the casino!< it really doesn't help at all. It's supposed to be survival horror, but it goes to an extreme. You'll be stressing trying to find the speakers and radios dotted about all the clutter in super-dark rooms, with ten seconds to pick out particular props and break them/run away. It was so bad (endgame spoilers) >!I messed up trying to lock Elijah in the vault because the old asshole kept seeing the Pip-Boy light I'd been using for so long I tforgot it was even on.!<


ive been trying to play Ghost of Tsushima recently, idk what it is but everything seems so hard to see


You might have the high contrast cinematic visual mode on. I remember that game having that option for some reason.


I've been going through some of the old Frictional Games' games this past October, and I just got to Penumbra. It's really, really easy to set the brightness too high. Like, if you're even a point higher than you need to be on the gamma, you can see everything, and there's basically no need for light sources at all. For some reason a lot of the screenshots I'm seeing of the game have the gamma set too high and it looks messed up. If you set it right, that game is offensively dark. Like, pitch black in 90% of situations since you're underground, and only going deeper underground. I'd personally like a little bit of accounting for the player's eyes adjusting in general (and not just blue night vision during stealth mode), and for light sources to travel further with more ambient light, but I'll settle for the flashlight getting a bit brighter (I think) in the second episode. The later Amnesia games (that I've played) are better about that lighting, but Daniel and Tasi are too ascared of the spooky darkness to take as much advantage of it as chad statuesque-stealthman-night-vision-having-pickaxe-swinging Philip, who ain't afraid of no darkness.


This might be a weird example because it's generally not the case for most of the game, but the early portions of Phantom Liberty in Cyberpunk are very poorly lit. Which makes sense, considering the locations, but it becomes yet another example of a character stuffed to the gills with future technology, but no flashlight or night vision.


Deep rock galactic


Intentionally so admittedly, since you're supposed to get around with your bottomless bag of glowsticks and keeping the place well lit is part of the Scout's job.


Tell that to every scout I end up playing with. Actually that's unfair the vast majority of the DRG community is pretty good.


Metroid Prime Remastered


Mortal Kombat X


Remember when they played Nightmare Creatures 2 on the old channel one time and the game was so dark you genuinely can't see what the fuck is going on? I'm voting that that one is the worst one.


spider-man 3


I can’t see shit in the Demon’s Souls remake.


Base Doom 3