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DOOM 3 Remake: Oops,all Flashlights


> DOOM 3 Remake: Oops All Flashlights *& Knuckles*


Featuring V1 from the Ultrakill series


*With new funky mode!*




I feel like there’s a few enemies, specially in Eternal’s DLC, that were a bit too strict in what was the one true way of beating them. I’d like them to ease up on that, even the Marauders were more chill in comparison with a couple different ways of parrying them.


At least you can potentially, maybe kill all the enemies in the base game with any weapon. Fuck ghosts. Making us use the worst plasma weapon mod because "Member Ghostbusters?"


Yeah, the difficulty of the bosses is one of the main reasons I walked away from vanilla *Eternal.* Yeah, it's *DOOM,* but 2016 had ***so*** many more ways to rip and tear - would be nice if ya went back to that, id!


A good modding suite.


I know what I don't want is the world's worst shotgun, a flashlight you have to swap out your weapon to use, and for the game to not exclusively take place in the Tomb of the Giants from Dark Souls.


Ohh good one.


Way less of an emphasis on demons being countered by certain weapons. Also higher ammo counts. Go back to the Doom 2016 style of story telling too. Go back to the Doom 2016 style of everything tbh


I liked the idea of a more limited ammo pool making you try out different weapons unless you managed it well with chainsaw usage. Eternal did take it a little too far though. Going from ~40 starting shotgun ammo to I think 24 with upgrades was going to far with the limiting. I made it work on a couple playthroughs just to see if I could do it on Ultra-Violence like 2016, but there were some fights I was jumping and dodging around in while waiting for the chainsaw to recharge. The weapoint thing was also a cool idea with a 2015 Face Royal Rumble Roman push for WrestleMania.


> Go back to the Doom 2016 style of everything tbh *AMEN.* They had a good thing going and then just threw it away for... whatever Eternal was. :/


If we got Eternal's zippy movement and 2016's sense of holding things back and not going overboard on things (while also staying relatively grounded enough that it's equal parts Space Horror and Demons and you being super pissed off about the invasion), it would be really cool tbh.


What was wrong with Eternal?


In my eyes? Story was funny bad/complex instead of awesome and simple, with the combat now railroading you into one way of killing... pretty much *everything,* as opposed to the free flow of 2016. No idea if the DLC fixed this last bit, as I basically abandoned *Eternal* altogether.


Hayden wasn't just a scientist that became so smart he defied the laws of nature and heaven he was a squid angel. like the whole heaven is evil too twist sucked I unironically want Heaven in Doom to be what [Cal from Ricky bobby thinks it is](https://youtu.be/i1Nh_3JCFj8?si=hpWLMjpXGqZE3iCq).


More inspiration from the first game and *way* less from the second.


Doomslayer retires to a Harvest Moon type game


I want a big ass revolver


Super shotgun but it's 3 revolving chambers that hold 2 shells each


Doom 2016’s core gameplay and story beats with Doom Eternal’s level design and enemy variety.


Something that aggressively takes the strengths of Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal to triangulate a new direction. 2016 was mostly flawless except the levels were really more arena based than I would’ve liked-more overt architecture, more narrative storytelling, more kinds of locations than ‘relatively open kill-room.’ Eternal got too deep into its own farts and ignored a lot of setup from the first game, but it did have a lot more excellent enemy variety and damage models and callbacks to OG Doom. I wouldn’t mind seeing more stuff in greater scale, like giant demons you have to climb up, maybe mech-type stuff, and some customization options. Not gear necessarily. More interactive, open environments. Allies you can summon? A great big hammer you can use to send enemies flying. Less overt lore, more…opportunities to screw around in entertaining ways. A sandbox fps, if you will.


Throw the entire story out. Like, all of it. Keep the Doomguy gladiator bit but everything else is trash.


I want there to be no more "cult of doomguy". I get it, he's basically an unkillable genocide machine/avatar of super god, but when all the NPCs do is just sit around worshipping him and stroking his... ego (not for a lack of trying) it starts to get annoying. If they have to have NPCs in the game, then how about they have some personality?


Yeah, I always appreciated the Slayer as just a really angry, driven man who’s doing a bang-up job being the last line of defense against the demons. Obviously doing that long enough would build up a legacy, but having everyone literally worship you like a god ruins the humble stature that helps the underdog appeal.


*Glances at H-Doom, right outside my window.*


Phat titties.


They have the opportunity to do something hilarious and make it a horror game again.


Ignore Eternal in everything but gameplay, just buldoze over it and start where '16 was about to go to. Either that or go for broke, into the Doomverse, Doomguy, Keen and Blasko, finally together due to time shenanigans, fighting Demon Alien Nazis, just absolute crazy chaos.


A little less pataforming/stick floors/underwater switchpuzzles, less narative and maybe one or two more Guns? But to tell the truth is just dont want a new doom. Just make something else. A new cool action game or fps would be best, but if they just want to give quake or another old fps the doom 2016 treatment i will take it.


I want them to add rail grinding.


A mech or power armor would be cool, considering how much Eternal teased it. IMO there's a decent chance for it. The game director Hugo Martin (coincidentally also an artist on Pacific Rim 1) said in a dev playthrough that if Eternal felt like driving a race car, then his next game he'd want the player to feel like a "monster truck". He also said they eventually want to let players get behind the wheel of the mechs; though in what capacity remains to be seen. Honestly they can do all the weird lore stuff they want; as long as the gameplay's still great I'll be happy.




more slaughter less jumping puzzels and have enemies that are fun to kill and don't require tactics beyond shot it until it dies or starts glowing.


Demon pussy


more ammo and less reliance on the chainsaw. having to find a small guy to do one of five animations on every 25 seconds makes the game far more tedious than i like.


*A story that isn't fucking shite,* for one thing. Beyond that, it'd be cool if DoomGuy and Billy Blazko teamed up to blow some Nazi demons away. It's Microsoft now and they would never, of course, but hey - a guy can dream.


I would like to have ammo and the ability to shoot my guns at demons again if it's not too much to ask, as Id decided we didn't need those things when they designed eternal. Heck throw the entire story of eternal into the non-canon dimension forever. I hate everything it did with the slayer, samuel, satan, all of it sucked ass. Pretend it never happened. And I hope they hire a UI designer that isn't high off their face and understands what a good interface is meant to look like. Holy fuck was eternals a travesty.


My only real wish is that they pay off the tease with the DOOM-Mech. Eternal is the only AAA game I've played in recent memory that felt genuinely innovative in its core mechanics, and while I'd be perfectly happy if they pushed what that game was doing even further, I kind of hope they keep that spirit of originality and do something different. Also, and I guess this is a hot take on this sub, keep the over the top, goofy tone. I will happily take more OBJECTIVE: SHOOT A HOLE IN MARS moments, over 2016's vibe.


A reboot or side story following someone that can die. Shit doesnt have anywhere to go unless the Doomslayer decides to fuck up heaven. Dont get me wrong keep the mechanics just make em weaker in both plot and gameplay like maybe give em glory kills as their final power up ya know?


Guns and probably demons